Let Me Out

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by A H Alhaila


  “..ch th..”

  Copyright © 2019 “..ch th..”

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  1. Loose Ends

  2. The Start of a Journey

  3. The Banned Cases!

  4. Blood-Stained …

  5. The Search for a Safe Place …

  6. Revealing the Past

  7. A Disoriented Group

  8. The Deadly Trap

  9. The Gallows…!

  10. Two Bullets and a Paper

  11. The Surprise

  12. Stupidity that Pays Off!

  13. The Spoof!

  14. Playing with Fire!

  15. The Pharmacy

  16. It can’t be!

  17. Recuse Gone Wrong …

  18. A Stream of Emotions

  19. That Was Unexpected!

  20. “…CH TH…”

  21. A Blink Separating Them from Death!

  22. Abort Mission!

  23. Threatened … Confused

  24. An Investigation in the Midst of a Crisis!

  25. A Time Challenge!

  26. The Back of the Truck

  27. Joanna Screams!

  28. Falling Down Like Dominoes …

  Chapter One

  Loose Ends

  You can hear the sound of his footsteps on the soaked road, his continuous exhales, indicating fear, exhaustion, and anxiety until he exited the corridor onto the main road where a large group of people gathered to celebrate. He started searching for his wife among the crowd. As soon as he saw her, he started running towards her, calling out her name. But she was walking quickly through the crowd without looking his way. That is when his eyes fell upon what he feared the most! A man holding a sharp knife heading towards his wife with his eyes filled with the desire to kill.

  Steven ran quicker, this time, towards the man hoping to catch him before he could reach his wife. He sped towards him, reaching him, knocking him face-down to the ground and grabbing his hand which held the knife. Alas! It was not a knife! It was a flute! Steven was stunned. He turned the man to see his face but was shocked when he saw that it was not the killer who was chasing his wife.

  He stood up while his heart was beating rapidly, and a stream of thoughts flowing inside his head. When he raised his eyes once more, he saw his wife standing at a corner of the street, smiling at him. The killer raced him with a knife in his hand, as both men ran towards her. He began to run even quicker, shouting, “He is going to kill you! He is going to kill you!” He approached him again, knocking him to the ground, and knocking down the toy that he carried in his hand! It was just man carrying a toy to give to his child.

  “What’s going on? Where does the killer go whenever I attack him?”, said Steven. His eyes began looking around, as he noticed a man moving on a porch of a nearby house, carrying a gun, and pointing it towards his wife.

  He rushed towards him, climbing the small fence and found himself close to the man on the porch. When he looked closely, he found that it was merely an old man playing the violin!

  Steven was dismayed. He closed his eyes, then opened them to find himself alone on the same street. The crowds had disappeared. There was no one on that wide street except his wife. He moved towards her, exasperated. Just when he got close to her, he fell into a hole that suddenly appeared in the ground, and that was full of dead bodies! “Oh God! These are all the people who were on the street a while ago!”

  His mind was about to stop thinking when he heard a familiar cry of a child. He turned around and found that it was his daughter. He went to her and held her in his arms, glancing upwards to the opening of the hole, attempting to find a way out. At that moment, he saw his wife, fearfully and with sorrow, looking at him from above. “Hold on! We’re coming!”, he yelled.

  The wife only had time to say, “Keep her safe.”, before she vanished being dragged away by the killer who had appeared behind her.

  His daughter screamed, “Mommy!”, and they both heard the sound of a gun, fired by the criminal at his wife.

  He woke up screaming after the frightening sound, breathing heavily and turning his head side to side. He then realized that it was the same recurring dream that he has been having. He jumped out of bed, thinking frantically about the information in his mind. While he was thinking, his daughter Joanna entered the room, followed by her dog Lily, “What’s wrong, Daddy?”, she said.

  He was unable to answer as he was busy searching for a pen and paper. He put his hand on his head as if focusing or trying to remember something. He found what he was looking for. His daughter again asked, “Tell me, what’s wrong Dad?”

  “It’s just a nightmare” Steven replied “I’m trying to write it down on paper so that I don’t forget. Dreams are easily forgotten you know.”

  He started writing down his dream when his daughter placed her hand on his shoulder, leaning in to read what he was writing. He paused between sentences for a few seconds to recall the exact details of his dream. After he had finished writing, he threw his pen aside and grabbed the paper, and said, “I think I forgot a few details.”

  Joanna said, “Are you finished?”

  He asked, “Have you read it?”

  She replied, “Yes, but it doesn’t matter. Dreams are just dreams.”

  “Sure” he said, “but this didn’t feel like an ordinary dream. It’s what made me want to write it down on paper. I still believe that your mother was murdered and not just killed by accident!”

  “A murder? You still think that’s what happened? We sometimes have nightmares Dad. Nightmares that have nothing to do with our reality! You were a detective and investigated Mom’s case and you didn’t find any evidence indicating it was a murder! It’s been eight years since Mom died. We would have known by now if it really was a murder!”

  He stared at the paper that he wrote his dream on and, in a faint voice, said “Perhaps the time has not come yet.”

  “What did you say?”, asked Joanna.

  He replied, “I said you’re right,” (Saying that to avoid an argument)

  She said, “Stop thinking about it so you can get some sleep. We’re going on our usual trip in the morning, or have you forgotten that it’s the weekend?”

  He said, “Is it? Time sure flies quickly. Thanks for reminding me!”

  She said, “You’re welcome.”

  He hid the paper that he wrote his dream on in his wallet. Suddenly, he carried his daughter and said, “You’re annoying, and you should go to sleep now so that I can get some shut-eye.”

  She laughed, and her eyes lit up. He carried her to her room, and before putting her on her bed, he said, “You’ve become heavy.”

  She replied, “I’m twenty-four years old now Dad! Do you think I’d weigh the same as I did when I was five?”

  As he laid her down on her bed, he started remembering her childhood. “Do you remember when you were a little girl and I used to tell you bedtime stories?”, said Steven.

  “Sometimes I wish we could go back to those days.”, she said

  He laughed and said, “Would you like me to tell you a story now?”

  She laughed, and replied, “Don’t bother. I already know all your stories.”

  They both laughed. “You a
re beautiful. Always have been.”, said Steven.

  She smiled and said, “Thanks, Dad.”

  He kissed her on the head and said, “Goodnight.”

  She replied, “Goodnight.”

  He turned off the lights and went to his room. He closed his door, leaned against it, and started convincing himself to let go of the past and stop thinking about what had happened to his wife. He went to bed, repeating, “Don’t think about the past. Don’t think. It was just a dream.” At the same time, his daughter was lying on her bed, crying. She was overcome by memories of her mother and thought that if there really was a killer, she wished that he would burn in hell.

  Agreeing not to discuss the incident is what has led them to hide their emotions from one another. They would joke whenever it came up to convince one another that they have each left the incident behind. They remained on their beds as such until their emotions wore them out and they both fell asleep.

  Chapter Two

  The Start of a Journey

  With the faint sound of the alarm, Steven woke up. His eyes were blurry as he was trying to focus on the alarm clock, while it’s sound was increasing gradually increasing, becoming louder and louder. As he raised up his hand towards the alarm to turn it off, but his daughter’s hand got to it first and turned it off herself. His hand fell down idly. His daughter sat down on the bed beside him and said, “You’re not yourself today! Wake up! I’m really excited to try out the new gun you bought yesterday!”, and in a slow, faint voice and with his eyes shut he said “What !?”. How did you know that I bought a new gun?”

  She replied, smiling, “The smell of a brand-new gun never escapes me”.

  With a slow, lazy smile, her dad said, “I was going to surprise you.”

  “No problem,” she said.

  She ran out of her father’s room, and with an enthusiastic voice she said, “Your breakfast is ready! Lily and I are ready too, so don’t be late.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  Joanna had left the new gun just outside her father’s room. When she left the room, she picked it up and waited outside the door to surprise her dad. Steven went through a door on the side of his room which lead to his bathroom. Joanna was still waiting outside. When he left the bathroom, Joanna got ready to surprise her dad, but Steven was looking at his wallet on the table. He picked it up and took out the paper that he wrote his dream on. He sat down and started reading it again. Meanwhile, Joanna was waiting for him to leave his room, but when he took a long time, she thought that he had went back to sleep. She peaked into his room and found him sitting on the bed with his back towards her. Not being able to see her, Joanna snuck back out and took a few steps back away from the door. She placed her hand on her mouth and turn her face sideways and said, “Have you gone back to sleep again?”

  She quickly returned to her place, ready to surprise her dad, as he yelled, “Coming.”

  He returned the paper back in his wallet then walked towards the door. He then left his room and headed towards the stairs. Suddenly, his daughter came behind him and pointed the long gun at his back and said, “Don’t move!”

  Her dad stopped quickly and smiled saying, “Someone’s eager to start training.”

  With a serious tone to force her father to defend himself in the situation she said, “Be serious. How could you get out of this trouble?”

  And right after he said “Hmm. Perhaps…,”, he quickly turned himself around and hit the gun with his wrist to move it away, but his daughter was smart. She moved her upper body back a bit and returned the gun back down with lightning speed. She was able to avoid the wrist of her dad and point the gun towards his heart, then she said, “Bang! Now you’re dead!”

  “I’m impressed.”, he said. “You knew what my next move was going to be, so you countered it. Really impressive.”

  She said, “You’re dead. You can’t speak!”

  Her dad smiled at her, saying, “I’m sleepy. That’s why I was a little slow. I would have been faster if it wasn’t for that.”

  “Only time can tell” she said.

  Steven sighed and asked, “What’s for breakfast?”

  She replied, “Go down and see for yourself.”

  They went downstairs and sat on the table. They were having eggs over easily cooked, spinach, salmon, and milk for breakfast. The dishes, napkins, food, and cutlery were all arranged neatly. Her dad got excited and said, “It looks delicious. But what’s the occasion?”

  “It’s my birthday!”, she replied.

  “I knew that” he replied, “I just didn’t think that we were going to celebrate it this early. The new gun is your birthday present.”

  “It’s ok, Dad. Thanks.”, said Joanna.

  “You’re welcome. Now, let’s dig in”, replied Steven.

  “After you”, said Joanna

  While eating, they discussed her current senior year at the university. She was an exceptionally distinct student who was treated specially by the university.

  He asked her, “Do you still want to study postgrad?”

  She replied, “Yeah. I want to be like Mom.”

  He looked her in the eyes and said, “That’s my girl.”

  • • •

  She began to remember the lessons her mother taught her about the human body and genetics falling in love with the field after discovering with her brilliant mind, the treasures that it possessed.

  Indeed, this was the field that she wanted to become a Professor in. She inherited her mother’s countless books that were relating to this field of study.

  Her father said, “Then, I’ll buy you a new car when you graduate.”

  “Do you know which car I want?”, she asked.

  Her dad imitated the sound of a sports car which made her laugh and say, “I’m going to hold you to that”

  Her dad laughed, and they began chatting. During a moment of silence, Steven’s mind wandered off thinking about things, making him chew his food very slowly. He looked at his daughter’s face. Joanna put her spoon down, smiled at him, and asked, “What’s the matter, Dad?”

  He said, “Honey. You know Dad thinks about a lot of things. I mean… You’re getting older and days run by so fast. I just can’t stop thinking about your future. Marriage, for example. We will celebrate it one day.”

  Joanna interrupted him, saying, “I’m not thinking about that right now.”

  He sighed and said, “What’s holding you back?”

  “I could ask you the same question.”, she said.

  In an attempt to convince her, he gently answered, “Well, one, I don’t want to marry another woman after your Mom. Two, I don’t want to leave you.”

  She replied, “I don’t want to leave you either.”

  “Think about it” he said, “In a few years, I’ll be an old man, and eventually, I’ll die. It’s how life is. If you stay alone and get old, who will take care of you? Don’t you want kids?”

  She remained silent, thinking about what he just said, as he was waiting for her to answer, thinking that he had convinced her using his questioning experience that he had attained as a former detective. She leaned back against the chair said, “It’s still early, but I’m going to think about it.”

  “Promise?”, he replied

  “Promise.”, she said.

  He felt she was not interested in the topic and tried to change the subject and said, “Okay. Let’s prepare for our trip.”

  On that note, Lily began jumping out of excitement. Steven looked at her and said, “Look at Lily. She’s all fired up.”

  He went over to Lily and began petting her head. He looked at his daughter and said, “You should be more excited than she is.”

  She replied, “I’m still excited to try out the new gun.”

  “Go get ready while I fish washing the dishes” he said. “Oh, and one more thing”, he went to her, held her hand and kissed it and said, “That was the best breakfast ever!”

  She smiled saying, “Thanks, D

  Then she kissed his forehead and left to get ready.

  Joanna went upstairs, while Steven started washing the dishes. When Steven had finished washing up, he went upstairs to make sure he has everything he needs for the trip. He found his daughter in the storage room, just done packing. “Is everything ready?”, he asked?

  “Yes.”, she replied.

  He said, “Then go get in the car with Lily and I’ll get dressed and bring the bags.”

  “Okay.”, she said

  He went to his room to change his clothes and as he left his room, he couldn’t find the two bags that were in front of the storage room. He went to his daughter’s room, hoping to find them there, but without luck. He smiled and figured out that his daughter had taken the suitcases and said to himself, “That rascal!”

  He went outside and got in the car, staring at his daughter with a smile and said, “Why did you do that?”

  She knew that he was talking about the bags and said, “Consider it as a warmup for me before the trip.”

  “Okay, I’ll let it go this time.”, said Steven.

  She smiled as he started the engine, thus beginning their weekly trip.

  They were heading to a vast green area by a river with a forest on the other side. Joanna got out of the car first and opened the backseat door for Lily to get out. As soon as she got down, the dog started running around the car with great joy. Joanna was looking at Lily with joy when she felt the muzzle of the gun pointed at her back and heard her father say, “Now what are you going do?”

  Joanna fell silent, then with a quick move, she turned around just like her father did only she went back as she was turning, pushed her body towards her father, leaving half of the long gun behind her. She put one hand on the gun and the other around her father’s neck and said, “Got it!”

  He replied, “Think again sweetie.”, pointing a small gun towards her stomach. “You forgot this. I can now end your life before you can place your knife on my neck.”

  She said, “Didn’t see that coming!”

  He said, “I knew you’d expect me to do what you did with me. So, I did something else to get you.”


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