Hope's Path

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Hope's Path Page 17

by Carrie Carr

  "Sure seems like it," Lester commented as he braced himself against the dash. "You ain't fixin' to wrap us around a tree, are you?"

  She steered into the skid and kept the vehicle on the road. "Not if I can help it." They both heaved great sighs of relief when the Jeep straightened. A glance in the rear view mirror showed Ronnie bracing himself, but still engrossed in the music he listened to. "You were about to tell me what caused all the bad feelings between my grandfather and Dad?"

  "Oh, yeah." Lester shook his head. "Your folks had to get married." He blushed slightly. "Travis was livid, to say the least."

  "Had to? What do you mean?" Lex nearly drove off the road. "She was pregnant?" Damn. No wonder they never got along. "They were forced to get married because she was going to have a baby?"

  Lester looked at her. "Not really forced. Just had to hurry, that's all." He patted her gently on the shoulder. "Your daddy was plumb crazy about Victoria. He was thrilled when he found out she was carrying his child."

  That's so hard to believe. I don't think I can ever remember seeing Dad smile, much less happy. "So it was more of an issue of honor, than anything else?"

  "Rawson upset Travis because he was so happy about Victoria's condition. He thought your father must have taken advantage of her and gotten her pregnant to get at her money. That made your daddy mad and pretty much started the whole feud."

  Lex pulled the Jeep up in front of the bunkhouse in relief. Thank God. I thought we'd never make it. "So my grandfather isn't too bad of a guy, then?" she turned and asked Lester.

  "Travis is one of the best fellas I've ever known. I'd do anything for him, and have. The stuff in that box should help you understand him and Melanie more than the ramblings of an old man like me." Lester turned around and poked Ronnie, whose eyes popped open. The young man pulled off the headphones. "You "bout ready to go inside, boy?"

  "We're here?" Ronnie stuck the stereo in his coat pocket. "Yes, sir. I'm ready."

  Lester studied Lex carefully. "You want to bunk down with us tonight, boss? I'm a little worried about you trying to get back with the way the roads are getting." She's not looking too good, either. "How about it? I'll even let you beat me at poker."

  "Yeah, right. You couldn't even beat me if you cheated-- which I think you've done on more than one occasion." Lex shook her head. "I'd better get back to the house, though. I want to make sure none of our guests try to drive home in this weather." She leaned against the steering wheel and let out a tired sigh. "Just radio if you need anything. I'll keep a handheld nearby until we can get someone out to check the phone lines."

  Lester climbed slowly out of the Jeep and pulled Ronnie out behind him. "You be careful driving back, boss. I've already bought your Christmas card, and I don't want it to go to waste."

  Lex laughed. "Don't worry, Lester. I plan on being around for a long time. Now get inside before you freeze to death." She watched fondly as Ronnie walked closely behind the old cook to make sure he didn't slip and fall. He's a good kid. I'm glad he's here to watch out for Lester. Lex shook her head and threw the Jeep into reverse, which made the vehicle slide sideways and almost hit the nearby corral. "Damn!" She edged it back slowly to the main road and drove very cautiously toward the ranch house.

  An hour later, Lex closed the front door with a heavy sigh and rubbed eyes dulled with fatigue. I'll have to have Amanda sit with me when I go through that little box. It sure was nice of him to leave it behind for me. She could hear laughter in the den where Amanda was entertaining her family with stories of her life on the ranch. Lex hung up her drenched duster and hat, then peeked into the brightly-lit room.

  Amanda stood in the center of the room, gesturing wildly with her hands. "So Lex tried to sneak back into the house, looking like some sort of bog monster or something."

  Martha laughed. "She looked so pitiful, especially with the clumps of mud and twigs all over her." She shook her head regretfully. "And those socks. I had to throw them out--not even bleach helped."

  "It wasn't that bad." Lex walked slowly into the room and tried to ignore the amused looks she received from around the den. Everyone - Anna Leigh, Jacob, Jeannie and Frank, all joined in Amanda and Martha's laughter, except for Charlie, who was staring blankly into the fire. Poor guy. He'd better pop the question soon, or he's going to go crazy. "I hope you all are very comfortable where you are," Lex drawled, "because the weather has gotten really nasty, and I'm not about to let anyone drive home in it." She walked to the fireplace and stood close to the fire, rubbing her hands briskly to warm them.

  Amanda made her way across the room to stand next to her. "Are you okay? Maybe I should go get you some coffee or hot chocolate." She rubbed Lex's back. "Good thing we've got that second guest room upstairs now, huh?" Amanda was referring to Lex's little brother's room. He'd died many years earlier in a boating accident. With Amanda's help and support, Lex had boxed up the mementos in Louis's room. Lex had given most of his clothes to Ronnie and sold off the furniture. Amanda was in charge of redecorating and had given the room a completely different look--much to Lex's pleased surprise.

  "Yep. Shall we give the new room to your grandparents?" If Lex knew her lover like she thought she did, Amanda and her sister would spend half the night up chatting anyway. Might as well put her and Frank across the hall so they won't have so far to travel, she mused.

  Charlie stood nervously to address the room. "Well, since we're all here for the night, I've got an announcement to make." He gave Martha a fond look. "More like a request, I guess. Since we're all practically family anyway." The sheriff took a couple of steps and dropped to one knee in front of the shocked housekeeper. "I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you, Martha, to become my wife." Charlie took her hands in his and brought them to his chest. "Sweetheart, I've loved you for longer than I can even remember. I'm not trying to take you away from here, but I think it's about time that you started thinking about yourself. Will you marry me?" He reached into his pocket with one hand and pulled out a ring and slid it on Martha's finger.

  Martha stammered uncharacteristically as she stared at her hand. The gold ring had two large diamonds offset by four smaller diamonds on each side. The two rows of gems sparkled brightly on her hand.

  Lex grinned at the housekeeper's discomfort. "The proper response is yes," she teased.

  Martha looked over at Lex with tears in her eyes. She's right. I think that my little Lexie is in good hands now. She glanced over at Amanda and smiled and then looked back at Charlie. "Yes." She pulled the lawman up off the floor. "Get off your knees, you crazy old man and come here."

  "Y...y--yes?" Charlie seemed to have caught her stammer as he stood with her and was pulled into a strong hug. "You mean it?" He picked Martha up and swung her around the room. "All right!"

  Lex watched happily as the couple sealed their engagement with a kiss. It's about damn time. I wonder how quickly we can get the wedding together? She looked over at Anna Leigh and Jacob, who gave her a thumbs up. Bet I'll have plenty of help in that department.

  Once the happy couple broke apart, Jacob stood and cleared his throat. "Congratulations, you two. I know this is rather sudden, but do you have any idea what kind of wedding, or where you want it to be held?"

  "Wedding?" Martha and Charlie both asked together. "I figured we'd just go down to the Justice of the Peace and have it done," Martha answered, then looked at Charlie. "Right, honey?"

  "Absolutely not," Lex practically yelled, which made the entire room fall silent.

  Amanda clasped her arm lightly. "Lex, what are you saying?" She can't be against them getting married. We've talked about this. What's going on in that head of hers?

  Lex gently shook off Amanda's hand and moved toward the older couple. "I will not stand by and let you do this." She took Charlie's hand from Martha's and pulled him to her.

  "Lex." Amanda started to her partner, but was halted by Lex's raised hand. "What--"

  "Shhh." Lex waved her partner off before loo
king deeply into the old lawman's eyes. "I will not let two of the most important people in my life go to the damned Justice of the Peace to get married." She pulled Charlie to her and hugged him tightly. "Congratulations, Uncle Charlie," she whispered into his ear. Lex leaned back and looked at Martha. "It doesn't have to be a large ceremony, but you've got to let us do this for you, please." She nodded at Amanda, who gestured to Jeannie and they both sneaked quietly from the room.

  "You little brat." Martha walked over and slapped her on the shoulder. "I ought to tan your backside for scaring poor Charlie like that." She wrapped her arms around Lex and pulled her into a bone-jarring hug. "Did you know he was going to do that?"

  Lex kissed the top of Martha's head. "I thought he was, just by the way he'd been acting all day." She looked down into Martha's eyes. "I'm just so damned happy that you finally said yes. I know you two are going to have a lot of good years together, Mada." The name that Louis had given her all those years ago slipped through Lex's lips without her even realizing it. "It'll be nice to have a real father figure around here again." She remembered the talk that Charlie had with her recently. She had called him and invited him out for Thanksgiving dinner, and slipped a not-so-subtle hint that he should ask Martha to marry him, again. Lex went on to "hint" that she would be receptive to his moving out to the cottage, instead of the newlyweds having to find a new place to live in town.

  Everyone's attention turned back to the doorway as Amanda bustled in with a large wooden tray, eight glasses carefully balanced on it. Jeannie followed closely behind with a bottle of champagne nestled in a bucket of ice. Both women were smiling broadly.

  "Here we go," Amanda announced as she set the tray down on the coffee table.

  Martha was stunned. "Where did that come from?" She looked from Lex to Charlie, then back to Amanda. "I know I would have noticed something like that in my kitchen."

  "We had it hidden in our room," Lex informed her with a satisfied smirk. "I thought that we'd find some use for it even if Charlie chickened out." She playfully poked him in the ribs. "Right?"

  Charlie blinked and shook his head. "Me? Chicken out?" He accepted a hearty handshake from Jacob. "Perish the thought. I decided earlier that if she said no, I'd just keep asking her today until she agreed."

  "Good for you, Charlie." Jacob pulled his wife to him with one arm. "May you both have all the happiness you deserve."

  Anna Leigh looked at Martha, who stood with Amanda and Jeannie. "That's right. Although our past associations have been limited, I feel that Martha is a wonderful woman." She smiled as she watched the housekeeper play with her new ring. "Congratulations, Martha and Charlie."

  Lex waited until everyone had a glass of champagne, then raised hers in a toast. "Martha. Charlie." She smiled lovingly at the couple. "We may not be related by blood, but as far as I'm concerned, you two have been the most wonderful parents that any person could ever hope to have. Here's wishing you a lifetime of happiness together."

  Everyone around the room raised glasses with murmured words of encouragement. Martha blushed while Charlie acknowledged the toast with a tip of his head and said, "Thank you, Lex. Everyone. I know I speak for Martha too when I say that you have always been the best daughter we could ever have asked for."

  "That's right. I've always been proud of you." Martha moved away from her fiancé and embraced the now-blushing Lex. She looked deeply into Lex's eyes, noticing the unshed tears. "But don't think for a minute you'll be able to get rid of me easily. I'd still like to take care of the ranch house, if you'll let me."

  "Let you? My God, Martha, I don't think this place could survive without you." Lex saw the smile of agreement on Amanda's face. "But I think we can handle it for a couple of weeks while you are on your honeymoon."

  Charlie and Martha both paled. "Honeymoon?" they choked out together.

  Amanda laughed as she walked forward. "Don't worry about it. You two will have plenty of time to be nervous later." She turned them to the doorway. "I'm sure you have lots to discuss, so why don't you go on to the cottage and we'll see you both tomorrow?"

  "You little sneak," Martha whispered in Amanda's ear. "Not known for your subtlety, are you?" She playfully swatted Amanda on the rear before walking through the doorway. "Goodnight, everyone." The housekeeper grabbed Charlie by the arm and led the blushing man out of the room.

  Jeannie moved over next to Lex and wrapped an arm around her waist. "They're just too cute. So, Slim, you're looking a little tired. Maybe you should head off to bed, too." She winked at Amanda. "What do you say, little sister? Need some help?"

  Lex rolled her eyes. "Lord, help me," she muttered, "I'm surrounded." She looked over at Frank, who was trying to control his laughter. "Aren't you going to help?"

  He shook his head. "I think that the two of them could handle you just fine, Lex. Besides," Frank edged closer until he was face to face with Lex, "I didn't think I was your type." He quickly jumped away before Lex could grab him. "What?" he asked innocently.

  Jeannie pulled Lex into a protective hug. "Come on, Slim. He's just jealous because you have two women, and he doesn't." She winked saucily at her husband.

  Jacob shook his head at the antics of the group in front of him. "You kids are all crazy. Peanut, why don't you point me in the direction of our room, and we'll get out of your way?"

  Amanda got between her grandparents and linked arms with them both. "You're never in the way, Grandpa. But if you're ready to call it a night, then I'll show you to the new guest room." She turned to call over her shoulder as they started for the doorway. "Lex? Why don't you drag my goofy sister and her brave husband along?"

  "Brave?" Lex smirked at Frank, who was backing away from her slowly. "More like intelligence-impaired, if you ask me." She watched in appreciation as Amanda escorted the Caubles from the room. Mmm. Nice. She's got the cutest little--her thoughts were interrupted by a grumble from beside her.

  "Hey. Did she call me goofy?" Jeannie blustered. "I ought to--" She started to chase after her sister, but was grabbed from behind as a strong hand took a firm grasp on her belt.

  Lex pulled the feisty woman back. "Hold on there." She looked over at Frank, who stood by the door. "Why don't you come over here and take your wife?"

  "Don't look at me. She's your problem now," Frank laughed as he left the room.

  Jeannie looked up at Lex innocently. "Make you a deal, Slim."


  "You don't kill my husband," she traced a pattern on Lex's arm, "and I won't attack my sister. Deal?"

  Lex laughed. "Deal." She wrapped an arm around Jeannie and led her from the room. "But we don't have to let them know that, right?"

  Once upstairs, Lex and Jeannie unintentionally found a way to get back at their respective partners. They moved into the guestroom arm in arm and saw Amanda sitting on the edge of the bed next to Frank. Jeannie took one look at the scene and practically came unglued. "I can't believe it. Mother was right. You've always been after my husband."

  Lex followed Jeannie's lead and stormed into the room, her face dark with fury. She walked over to Frank and jabbed a finger into his chest. "Is that right? Are you trying to take Amanda away from me?" She saw the big man pale slightly.

  "Stop it!" Amanda jumped between the two and quickly pushed Lex away from her brother-in-law. "What's gotten into you both?" She was about to continue when Jeannie collapsed onto the bed in laughter.

  "Oh, God. You should see the looks on your faces," the auburn-haired woman chortled. "Slim, you play the jealous lover quite well." She squealed when her sister jumped on top of her, tickling her unmercifully. "Aaaah! Mandy, stop it. You're going to make me pee my pants."

  Amanda straddled her sister and worked furiously on her ribs. "I can't believe you did that." She stopped her torture long enough to look over her shoulder at the woman still standing behind her. "And you."

  "Now, sweetheart," Lex raised her hands palms up, as she backed away slowly, "it wasn't my idea, but," she grinne
d wickedly, "you've got to admit, we scared you pretty well." When she saw the look in Amanda's eyes, she looked at Frank for help. "You want to hold her back long enough so I can make a break for it?"

  Frank laughed at the look on Lex's face. "After you almost made me mess my pants? I don't think so." He saw the gleam in Amanda's eyes. "You'd better run now, my friend."

  Amanda was about to leap from the bed when her sister wrapped her legs around her small waist. "Go ahead, Slim. I've got you covered," Jeannie yelled. She laughed as her sister turned and continued her tickle attack. "Aaah!"

  A LITTLE LATER, Amanda was curled up beside Lex in their bed. "I can't believe you did that to Frank. The poor man almost swallowed his tongue." She ran a light fingertip down Lex's chest.

  Lex reached over and switched off the bedside light. "Served him right." She pulled Amanda close to her and kissed the top of her head. "You looked a little rattled yourself."

  Amanda nuzzled Lex's throat. "That was so evil. But funny." She reached up and brushed her fingers through her lover's hair. "How are you feeling? You looked pretty worn out earlier."

  "I'm okay. Just a little tired, I guess. Been a long day." Lex captured the hand and brought it to her lips. "The dinner turned out well, don't you think?" She kissed Amanda's palm, which brought a low moan.

  "Mmm. God. When you do that--" Amanda squirmed even closer and burrowed her head into the Lex's chest. "What was the question again?"

  Lex edged her other hand up under the back of Amanda's shirt. "Hmm?" She gently massaged the soft skin. "Question?" Her own thoughts were clouding over due to the attention her chest was getting from a pair of very soft lips.

  Amanda unbuttoned Lex's nightshirt, leaving a trail of kisses in the wake of her fingers. She felt very proud of herself as the Lex moaned and arched into the contact. "You like that?" she whispered.

  "Uh-huh." Lex pulled Amanda's tee shirt over her head. "Sure do." She rolled them over so that Amanda was below her. "Come here."


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