The Balance

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The Balance Page 3

by L. J. Jackson

  The Seven said, “Wake up, Lilly. It’s time to go with us. Be not afraid.”

  Her body lifted from the bed, separating her spirit from her fleshly body, joining the Seven in spirit. Then a sparkling glass sphere appeared, hovering over her bed. Their spirits were lifted in to the glass sphere. Then the giant glass sphere went up through the skylight glass window in her bedroom without breaking the window.

  “Where are we going?” asked Lilly.

  “To the Bermuda Triangle.”

  “The Bermuda Triangle?” said Lilly. “No one goes there. It’s restricted by the government. Haven’t you heard all the strange stories about people disappearing?”

  “Yes, Lilly,” said the Seven. “We know all about it. But it’s safe for you if you’re with us.”

  “OK,” whispered Lilly. “If you say so.”

  They soared across the dark ocean in the sparkling glass sphere, moving faster than humanly possible. Suddenly the sphere stopped in the middle of the ocean. The Atlantic was pitch black except for the light from the Seven as their bodies and gold crowns glowed brightly, giving light in the night.

  The dark ocean opened, and a bright light beamed up from the bottom of the ocean to touch the heavens. Water erupted upward like a geyser into the night sky. The sparkling sphere lingered over the opening for a moment and then dropped down quickly.

  The ocean closed over the sphere, pushing it down to the bottom of the ocean. The fish and sea life circled around the sparkling glass sphere as if they were trying to communicate with the Seven. It reminded Lilly of the first time Josh revealed his identity to her. He was glowing in the water that night as the fish swam around his glowing body.

  “The fish are so beautiful,” said Lilly as she gazed at the different types of colored fish and plant life. When they arrived at the bottom of the ocean, the Seven bodies and crowns stopped glowing. Then Lilly witnessed a shining light that looked like a glass city, shaped like a pyramid, at the bottom of the ocean.

  “Now I understand why everything disappears when it passes over the Bermuda Triangle,” said Lilly. When the glass sphere landed on top of the city, it was transported down through the glass ceiling to the floor. Maybe other craft did the same thing when they passed over that spot. “This place is like something out of a science fiction movie,” said Lilly.

  The city reminded her of the ancient Egyptian pyramids in Giza, but this city was made of glass. The floors were made of pure gold embedded with jewels. The walls were made of shiny gold glass, which gave light to the dark ocean. One room had a large hourglass sitting up high on top of a mantel in the middle of the floor; it seemed to be holding time. The hourglass was filled with sparkling pink crystals that reminded her of the sun shining down in the summer on pink Bermuda sand. Four tall mystical creatures with large wings and gold bodies guarded the hourglass. They knelt together with their colorful wings touching and glowing. Lilly wondered why the creatures were guarding the hourglass.

  The Seven walked into the room and said, “Follow us, Lilly. The time has come to tell you the truth.”

  “The truth?” said Lilly. “What might that be?”

  The Seven said, “The Bermuda Triangle is a sacred place. It holds the balance of good and evil, and it is the entrance to heavenly dimensions. Guardian angels visit this place often. They are protecting the earth.”

  “Why did you bring me to the Bermuda Triangle?” asked Lilly.

  “To show you what will happen to the earth if it is unbalanced,” said the Seven. “The Bermuda Triangle is the center of the earth. It is connected to all dimensions.”

  “Are there other life forms in the universe?” asked Lilly.

  “Yes,” said the Seven, “there are several other life forms in the galaxy. Some life forms are pure at heart, and others are wicked and lack in love. They visit the earth often and live in human form. Some aliens hate the human race because the Creator loves them so much.”

  The Seven continued: “The earth, like the other planets, is nothing but an experiment. The Creator gave humans everything—life, love, wealth, and worldly talents—to see how they would respond. Every gift he gave humans they used to destroy their bodies and mind. Humans don’t understand the world’s material possessions; humans are temporary and will fade away like fog. These gifts can never leave this world. When humans transition to the afterlife, the gifts will remain on earth. Why do they put so much value in worldly possessions?”

  Lilly knew in her heart that everything they said was true about the human race.

  “The spirit is the second person that lives within humans,” explained the Seven. “It lives forever, but humans don’t comprehend that. The Creator loves the human race so much, they cannot even imagine. He is hoping that the human race will change so that the crystal hourglass is never unbalanced. Unbalance will be the end of this world.”

  The Seven continued: “If they change from their evil ways, the earth will be changed to a better place with no more sickness or death. The Angelical creatures are protecting it from evil; they hold the future of this planet in their hands. They discern the balance of good and evil on earth and communicate the fate of the planet to the Creator. He is always watching humankind’s hearts; he has an all-seeing eye. When the rains are heavy, the Creator is crying; thunder and lightning show his anger; and when the sun is shining, he sees the world trying to make changes. If he destroys the planet, it could happen at the Bermuda Triangle.”

  “Would everything be destroyed?” asked Lilly.

  “Babies, nature, and those who love the Creator would be saved and moved to another galaxy,” said the Seven.

  “Another planet!” said Lilly. “How many planets are there in the universe?”

  “Millions,” said the Seven. “Humans think they are the only life form, but the Creator’s creation is massive.”

  Then they whispered, “Come with us, Lilly, and see.”

  They showed Lilly two huge doors at the bottom of the ocean. The doors were made of a heavy material unknown to man with two large red locks binding them together. Two giant creatures were positioned in front of the doors; they had five eyes, four arms, and tails like a fish, and each held a gold staff. Their large eyeballs shined in the dark ocean. Lilly asked the Seven what could be behind those doors and why were they protecting it.

  “We’re sure you don’t want to know what’s behind those doors,” answered the Seven.

  “Please tell me,” Lilly whispered.

  “The destruction of this planet is locked behind those doors,” they said. “The Creator has the power to release it, which would be the end of this planet.”

  Lilly was sad to hear the fate of the planet. She wondered what she could do to change the Creator’s mind about destroying the planet.

  The Seven said, “Come with us, Lilly. It is time to go home now.”

  They took Lilly home in the sparkling glass sphere, moving swiftly across the night sky watching the stars twinkle. The sphere landed on top of her home and transported her spirit through the celling like vapor into her bed as she slept.


  When Lilly woke up in the morning she looked out her bedroom window and observed the beauty of the earth. Her garden was filled with beautiful flowers in different colors, and a cool breeze blew across her dark skin. She thought about the fate of the planet and what she could do to make changes in the hearts of humans. Lilly could not understand why the Seven revealed who they were to her or why they showed her the glass city at the bottom of the ocean. Lilly wondered how she could inform the world about the Seven and why they came. She went to her grandparent’s room, but they weren’t there. When she went down to the kitchen, she found breakfast cooked and a letter from her grandparents that said they were at their new house. She heard a knock on the door and opened it to see her friend Linda. Lilly pulled Linda in and said, “You’re the answer to my prayers. I need you to tell the world that you are healed of cancer.”

  Linda sai
d, “Tell the world? No one will believe me.”

  “Just think about it, please,” said Lilly.

  But Linda was sure she didn’t want to go public about her healing. She didn’t want to be harassed by doctors or news reporters.


  One beautiful evening, Lilly was at the beach alone watching the waves and the sunset. The sky is lovely, thought Lilly, lying down on a red blanket and admiring the burnt-orange colors streaming across the heavens like wet paint. As she admired the blue ocean waves she suddenly felt the presence of the Seven. They walked out of the blue ocean in human form, but without water on their bodies.

  The Seven said, “The time has arrived to tell you truth about your birth.”

  Lilly was puzzled. “The truth?” she said.

  “We told you that your parents died in a car accident when you were a baby,” they said. “That is not the truth. You are not fully human. You came from another world beyond the stars.”

  “What are you talking about?” said Lilly. “Half human? No, I was born on this planet and I’m human.”

  “Lilly, you were born with one diamond crystal in the palm of each hand and one in your head that give you special abilities,” said the Seven. “The human part of you is connected to the ancient Egyptians; they are your ancestors. The rest of your anatomy is made up of tiny liquid diamond crystals that run through your bloodstream. That is the part of you that’s linked to the Creator. The crystals in your blood are the source of your power, and this makes you half human and half god.”

  The Seven continued: “The Creator established the Egyptian empire and gave the Egyptians the knowledge to build the pyramids, which has confounded the world till this day. He used their DNA to create you because they were a strong race of people who worshiped the Creator for centuries.”

  “Are you saying I’m an experiment?” said Lilly. “That’s science fiction.”

  “No, Lilly. You are immortal,” said the Seven.


  “Yes,” said the Seven. “You will never taste of death. The Creator is the only one who can give life after death, and he has given you eternal life. Now that you are twenty years old in human years, your body will stop aging. You were formed by the Creator in pure love and preserved as a baby for a thousand years in a deep sleep in a diamond glass dome with the Creator. We transported you to earth as a baby and raised you among humans for this present time. That is why you were spiritually connected to Josh and why he responded when you called him,” said the Seven. “We are all one in the spirit.”

  Lilly asked, “Who were those mysterious men that appeared outside my house every night, gazing at the bright star overhead? At midnight I saw their bodies lifting into the air like birds. Their skin sparkled, and their eyes glowed.”

  “Those were guardian angels sent by the Creator to protect you. Guardian angels have the ability to take on any form at any time.”

  “Hang on. Are you my grandparents?” said Lilly.

  “Yes, Lilly, we are your grandparents,” said the Seven.

  “And you’re angels, too?” she said.

  “Yes. We know this is a lot to take in, Lilly, but it’s the truth. The Creator has given you these gifts to change the human race. You will possess so much power that nothing will be impossible for you. You were chosen to connect with the world and to perform signs and wonders so humans will believe they must change. When the time comes, you will know what to do. He will guide you,” said the Seven.

  “The Creator will? Wow!” said Lilly.

  “His spirit is within you. We are all one,” said the Seven.

  “We must inform you there is another species that visits the planet,” said the Seven. “They are the Evolrace. They wish to destroy the planet and the human race with wicked devices. They influence humankind to do evil things that are not pleasing to the Creator, which causes the earth to become unbalanced. They will try to deceive you like they deceived your ancestors, the ancient Egyptians. The Evolrace are tall with gray skin and red eyes, and they wear black crowns on their heads. They can change their form to look like humans. They try to blend in, but they cannot fool you. Your spirit will expose their evil schemes.”


  One quiet evening, Lilly was sleeping by the window in her bed as a cool breeze blew across her dark skin. She was not aware that the Creator had placed seven gold beams around her bed to protect her from all danger. While she slept, the Six Evolrace vaporized through her bedroom floor in red smoke. Lilly was not aware of their presence, but they were unable to attack her due to the gold beams around her bed. The diamond crystals in her hands began to glow, waking her from sleep. She was frightened when she noticed six tall creatures with gray skin, red eyes, and black crowns on their heads standing over her bed. She closed her eyes tight, then called the Seven Ovelrace. They came immediately, lighting up the room like a solar flare in orange smoke, blinding the eyes of the Evolrace. The Seven said, “Why are you here? It is forbidden for you to visit this planet during this time. It is balanced.”

  The Evolrace said, “We wanted to meet your precious Lilly.”

  “Why do you want to meet me?” asked Lilly.

  The Evolrace said, “Listen, Lilly, humans are evil, and you can’t save this planet because you don’t have the strength to maintain the balance of good and evil.”

  Lilly said, “This planet will be saved, and you will be destroyed.”

  The Evolrace yelled in anger: “We can’t understand why the Creator loves these humans so much! They are destroying this planet and each other. Humans will be destroyed so our race can create a new world of pure evil.”

  “We can all live in peace,” said Lilly.

  “We can never live in peace with humans. We hate them,” said the Evolrace. The black crowns on their heads turned red and steamed.

  “We will fight, and good will destroy evil, as it has been written,” said the Seven.

  “Never,” said the Evolrace. “We will fight, but remember: humans are evil and easy to deceive. Humankind is wicked. They will never listen to you, Lilly.”

  The crystals in Lilly’s hands started to glow. She could feel the power within her body flowing through her hands. She lifted her hands and pointed them toward the Evolrace. When they saw Lilly’s anger, they turned into black smoke and disappeared into the wooden floor. The Seven said, “Lilly, sleep now. We will protect you.”


  Lilly was unable to go back to sleep, so she sat at her kitchen table thinking about the Evolrace and everything the Seven said about her future. She noticed that the diamond crystals in the palm of her hands were glowing. “What’s happening to me?” said Lilly, standing up and looking at her hands. The lights in her kitchen ceiling flickered, and the power in her house went out, making it pitch black.

  Then the kitchen floor in her house created an image that looked like blue water.

  “Is this really happening to me?” said Lilly. “I’m standing on a liquid floor without sinking.”

  When the crystals in her hands and head connected, it opened an underwater doorway to a secret realm.

  As Lilly gazed at the floor, it transformed into a thousand constellations of stars. They made beautiful patterns that sparkled and changed into an image of a blue liquid floor. She closed her eyes, opened her arms wide, and fell backward on the floor. When her body hit the floor, it changed into real water, and she dropped down into the blue ocean. Opening her eyes underwater, she saw several sea life forms carrying her away in the blue ocean. The life forms had long black hair that flowed from their heads and touched the bottom of their double fishtails as they glided through the ocean. They had sparkling pink metallic scales that covered their dark skin, eyes like lavender flowers, silver wings on their backs, and ears like a baby elephant that propelled them through the water.

  Lilly touched them with the crystals in her hands and said, “Who are you?”

  “We ar
e the Vrail,” they said. “We have been waiting for you.”

  “Waiting for me?” Lilly whispered. “Why?”

  “To save the planet from destruction; you were chosen by the Creator to change the hearts of humans,” said the Vrail. “You’re not from this world; that’s why you are able to communicate with us. Humans don’t have that ability.”

  “Where did you come from?” Lilly said nicely.

  “We came to earth long ago from a planet called Vrailus.”

  “Where do you live now?” Lilly asked.

  “We live at the bottom of the ocean, where humans can’t find us. Humans try to catch us in their nets. They believe our blood can heal the sick and holds the power to eternal life. Sometimes humans can see us at night when we swim to the surface. We appear as bright lights when we fly across the heavens at night, gazing at the stars.”

  As they approached the bottom of the ocean, Lilly noticed it started to get brighter.

  “How could this be light coming from the bottom of the ocean? It’s supposed to be dark,” said Lilly.

  It was a paradise at the bottom of the ocean—like nothing Lilly had ever seen on land. When they entered the underwater city, she saw a giant orb sitting in the center of the city and giving off a tremendous amount of light, like the sun. It reminded Lilly of a giant crystal ball. The sea life and plants also gave off light as they absorbed power from the giant shining orb in the center of the city. They swam around to underwater caves that revealed several waterfalls flowing in circular motion with glowing pink and lavender water. Lilly stepped into rainbow sand that felt like soft cotton under her feet. Flowers in assorted colors were everywhere, and the trees in the caves were tall with large green leaves and colored fruits that the Vrail ate when they fell in the water. The trees reminded Lilly of the palm trees in Florida.


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