The Balance

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The Balance Page 6

by L. J. Jackson


  Around eight o’clock in the evening Lilly heard a knock at the front door. “Who could that be at this hour?” she said. She opened the door to four tall African women standing in her doorway. They were dressed from head to toe in pure white. They wore big pointed white hats and long white cloaks that dragged on the ground. Their faces shone like black onyx, and their eyes were bright orange like the sunset. Lilly said, “Who are you looking for? This is the wrong house.” She thought they were witches.

  They read her thoughts and said, “Lilly, we are not witches. The Creator sent us to help you defeat the Evolrace.”

  Lilly looked to the stars for a sign from the Creator. The stars moved in a strange formation, so she knew it was safe.

  “Come in, ladies. You’re welcome in my home,” said Lilly. Then she asked them, “Who are you, and where did you come from?”

  They said, “We are warriors from the Ezal tribe in Egypt.”

  When the ladies walked in, staffs appeared in their hands that flowed with crystals and glowed very brightly. Lilly said, “What are those things in your hands, and where did they come from? I didn’t see them before.”

  The African warriors said, “These are the source of our power, just like the crystals in your hands and head.”

  They gathered around the floor in a circle and together raised their glowing staffs in the air. A bright light appeared from the center of the floor. It released soft desert sand that sparkled like diamonds and flowed upward into the house. Suddenly an old woman appeared dressed in a gold robe that covered her body from head to toe. When she removed the cover from her head, Lilly saw that her hair was white as snow after a winter storm. Her skin was dark like the night ocean, and her eyes glowed like the sun. She said, “Hello, Lilly.”

  “Who are you?” said Lilly.

  “I am Shebal,” she whispered. “I am the leader of the Ezal tribe.” She was holding a much bigger staff in her hand that glowed like the sun. Shebal walked around Lilly in a circle, then she looked her in the eyes and said, “You are the chosen one. The people in Egypt are rejoicing. The prophecy has been fulfilled, my child. The Creator sent us to teach you how to fight and use your powers for the battle that is coming.”

  Lilly understood everything Shebal said. She knew the Creator had sent her by the words she spoke. Shebal confirmed everything the Creator told her when she went to visit him. The crystals in Lilly’s hands started to glow, confirming that Shebal was sent by the Creator.

  “Come, my child. It is time to leave this place and go to Egypt,” said Shebal.

  “Egypt?” said Lilly. “When I went to Egypt I only saw sand. I never saw a city on land.”

  The old woman and the four African women chuckled. “Come on, Lilly. It’s time to go.”

  “Are we flying?” said Lilly.

  The African women said, “No, we’re not witches. We don’t fly on brooms.”

  They lifted their five staffs in the air then a bright door appeared in the center of the floor opening a doorway to a secret realm. They grabbed Lilly’s hands and started to walk through the bright white door. “Wait,” said Lilly. “Linda is upstairs.”

  Lilly ran upstairs as fast as she could. She grabbed Linda’s hand and said, “Let’s go.”

  Linda said, “Where are we going? We just got here, and I’m unpacking.”

  “It’s not safe here. Let’s go,” said Lilly, pulling her down the stairs.

  “OK,” mumbled Linda. “I’m coming.”

  When they arrived downstairs, Linda said, “Who are these strange-looking tall women, and why are they dressed in all white?”

  “They are warriors sent to help me,” said Lilly.

  “Warriors?” said Linda. “They look like witches with those big hats on.”

  Lilly said, “Please, Linda, let’s go.”

  Then the five African women and Lilly and Linda walked through the bright white door. When they arrived on the other side, they landed in the Egyptian desert.

  Lilly said, “What’s going on? Is this a joke? There’s no city here, only sand and pyramids.”

  “The city is here, Lilly,” Shebal said. “Close your eyes and see with your heart.”

  When Lilly closed her eyes, she could see two giant gold doors in a vision. When she opened her eyes, the earth shook and the sand under her feet shifted. The five African women pointed their glowing staffs toward the heavens, and then sparkling sand fell from the sky like rain on a stormy day. They took off their pointed white hats and white cloaks, turning into African warrior angels wearing strong armor. They flew into the air like giant eagles as they released their powerful gold wings. Suddenly two giant gold doors appeared before their eyes.

  “What’s going on, Lilly? This is scary,” said Linda.

  Each door had a glowing red seal on the front. Then two twelve-foot giants rose up out of the sand. They were made of pure gold sand and stood tall in front of the doors. Their bodies and eyes shined so bright that it was hard to gaze at their appearance.

  Then both giants said, “Hello, Lilly, we have been waiting for you. The prophecy has been fulfilled this very day.” They stood over her small frame, looking down, and said, “Only the chosen one with a pure heart can open these gold doors.”

  Lilly smiled and said, “I will open the gold doors.”

  Then the two stones in her hands began to glow very brightly. She placed the palms of her hands on the two red glowing seals, and the two gold doors opened very slowly. When the doors opened, the city of Ezal appeared in the middle of the Egyptian desert.

  Lilly and Linda both gasped at the city’s beauty.

  The African warrior angels flew to the ground with their wings unfurled on their backs and holding their glowing staffs in their hands.

  The Angels said, “Truly, you are the chosen one sent by the Creator. You were able to open the gold doors; no human on earth can open or even see them unless the Creator allows it. The gold doors were made by the Creator to keep evil out so the Evolrace can never enter this city.”

  “Where did those giants come from?” asked Lilly. “Are they aliens?”

  “Yes,” said Shebal. “They are aliens. In the beginning of time, when the Creator formed the earth and the planets, this planet was covered by water. Then he waved his hands over the earth and dried part of the planet, creating sand. The Creator placed the giants in the middle of the desert away from humankind. He wanted to make sure no human eye would ever notice them.”

  “Where did they come from?” said Lilly.

  “They came from a far distant galaxy beyond the stars,” Shebal said. “The Creator brought the Sand Giants to this planet a long time ago just like all the aliens that live here. They live in the desert at the very bottom of the sand.”

  “In the sand?” said Lilly, looking at Shebal amazed.

  Shebal said, “When midnight arrives, their city rises to the surface, creating a giant sparkling gold sand castle. When they walk around the desert, they shine like pure gold from the reflection of the moonlight. They are the protectors the City of Ezal. No one can pass those gold doors without their approval.”

  “How many are in the sand?” asked Lilly.

  “They are like the grains of sand in the desert—millions.”

  “Will they help us fight the Evolrace?” said Lilly.

  “Yes,” said Shebal. “Come, Lilly, so you can see the City of Ezal.”

  “Wow,” said Lilly. “You have wings. They are beautiful.”

  “Yes,” said Shebal. “All angels have wings.”

  “What kind of angels are you?” said Lilly.

  “We are warrior angels sent by the Creator to protect and train you for the battle,” said Shebal. “We are five of the strongest warrior angels that walk the earth in human form.”

  “Like the Seven Ovelrace,” said Lilly.

  “Yes,” said Shebal. “They have been with you since you were a baby.”

  “Yes, they have
. I love them,” said Lilly.

  “They are your guardian angels, sent by the Creator to protect you and the earth,” said Shebal.

  “Yes, I know, but I haven’t seen them since I went to visit the Creator. I’ve been wondering where they have been,” whispered Lilly. Lilly closed her eyes and connected with the Seven in the spirit. When she turned around, they were standing right behind her with Zale. She was so happy to see them that tears flowed from her eyes.

  She gave them a big hug and said, “Where have you been?”

  “We never left you, Lilly,” said the Seven and Zale. “We will always be with you until the end of time.”

  Shebal said, “Come, everyone, let’s go in the city before the gold doors close.”

  When the gold doors opened Lilly noticed five gold pyramids hovering over the city in the clouds. Rushing, glowing water flowed down the pyramids on every angle like a waterfall into the city and into the Nile. Lilly was amazed to see such a sight.

  “How could this be possible?” Lilly said to the Seven.

  The Seven said, “Everything is possible with the Creator.”

  Everything in the city was made of pure gold. Lilly gazed at the beautiful Egyptian pyramids and homes along the Nile. Silk curtains wafted from the windows in all shades and colors. The Egyptian women were adorned from head to toe in gold and jewels, and they were dressed in fine white linen garments that protected their dark skin from the sun and dry heat. Their garments touched the soil and flowed with the air as they moved throughout the city. Men were dressed in strong gold and black armor as they walked around the city with their blades on their hips.

  The grass and plant life were pure green. She watched animals drink water from the Nile, which flowed down from the five pyramids. She looked at the hieroglyphs on the walls that told stories about the way her ancestors lived and the false gods they worshiped, which caused the wrath of the Creator. The people gathered around Lilly, touching her dark skin and giving her their blessing. They lifted her in the air and thanked the Creator for sending her to save the planet from the Evolrace.

  Shebal said, “This is the city where your ancestors lived—the Creator’s first creation.”

  Lilly said, “How old are the people in this city? They look very young. In fact, they look the same age as me. How could this be possible?”

  Shebal said, “In this city, time does not exist, and people do not age. The Egyptians here have lived in this city for thousands of years.”

  “How could that be? Humans don’t live that long,” said Lilly. “Are they immortal like me?”

  “Yes,” said Shebal, “they are. When the Creator formed the earth he breathed life into the Egyptians and gave them the knowledge to build the pyramids by themselves. He created two groups—those who were normal and those who were advanced. Their brains possessed knowledge allowing them to move heavy objects by thought or by the movement of their hands. Humankind has tried to unfold the mysteries around the Egyptian empire, but it’s simple: they were not all completely human.”

  “Why did my ancestors build the pyramids?” asked Lilly.

  “In the beginning they built the pyramids as a place of worship to the Creator,” said Shebal. “Then they broke the laws of the Creator and worshiped the Evolrace as false gods in the pyramid’s temples. The Creator was so angry he lifted his protection from the Egyptians, and then the Evolrace destroyed them, which resulted in death. When death came upon the African Egyptians who had known no death, they began to use the pyramids as tombs to bury their dead.”

  Lilly looked in to the sky and noticed five strange creatures with very large wings coming down from the heavens. They had five eyes around their heads, and each creature carried a glowing purple object that looked like a burning torch of fire. The fire from the torch expanded and covered the five pyramids, and then they landed on the ground. The Egyptians in the city started walking toward the pyramids. Then the doors opened, and everyone walked into the pyramids.

  “What is going on?” Lilly whispered to Shebal.

  Shebal chuckled at Lilly. “I though you knew what they were doing, Lilly. It’s time to give glory to the Creator.”

  “Glory to my father?” said Lilly.

  “Yes,” said Shebal. “The Egyptians in this city follow the same customs as their ancestors did. They give glory to the Creator for giving them life and protecting them from the Evolrace. Every day you will see the pyramids coming down from the heavens, and when the tradition is over the pyramids will return to the heavens.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Lilly. “Why can’t the pyramids stay on the ground?”

  “The Creator has placed a hedge of protections over the pyramids so the Egyptian people will never make the same mistake and worship false gods in his temples,” said Shebal. “The people in this city refused to worship the Evolrace as gods, which was forbidden, so the Creator spared their souls and gave them eternal life. The Evolrace vowed to destroy the Egyptians one day if they ever found the secret city. Therefore, the Creator has hidden this city and the people from the world.”

  Shebal knew she needed to train Lilly and teach her how to use her powers.

  “Come, Lilly,” she said. “It is time to train before the earth is unbalanced. If it is unbalanced, the Evolrace may find the secret city and enter through the gold doors.”

  Linda was confused about Lilly having powers and not being human. She wondered what was different about the friend she met at the hospital, and she wanted answers.

  Linda said, “Lilly, are you human?”

  “No,” said Lilly.

  “Did you have parents?” said Linda.

  “No,” said Lilly. “The Seven Angels are my parents. I came from another world beyond the stars.”

  “That can’t be true,” said Linda, shaking her head. “You look human to me.”

  Lilly said, “Remember, a lot has changed in the past months.”

  “If you’re not human, then what are you—an alien?”

  “If that’s what you want to call it, yes,” said Lilly. She showed Linda the diamond crystals in her hands and head.

  “What are those things in your body, and why are they glowing?” said Linda.

  Lilly said, “They are the source of my powers given to me by the Creator.”

  “Wow!” said Linda. “Why do the Seven Angels follow you everywhere, and what are they protecting you from?”

  “The Evolrace,” said Lilly.

  “The evil what?” said Linda loudly. “Who are they, and why do they want to destroy you, Lilly?”

  Lilly said, “They are six warrior demons of many; they were angelical angels at one time.”

  “You mean angels,” said Linda.

  “Yes,” said Lilly. “They want to destroy love on earth, but the Creator will stop their evil plans.”

  Linda said, “This is a lot to digest—angels and demons having a war over the earth. Are these real stories or myths out of a storybook? Let’s go back to the house.”

  “No, you can’t return to the house. It’s not safe, Linda. Stay in the Egyptian City with Zale and the warrior angels. Everything will be fine here.”

  “Come, Lilly,” said the warrior angels. “It is time to train you.”


  When Lilly started her training, the warrior angels warned her never to trust anything she saw with the human eye but only to trust her heart. They said, “The Evolrace are warrior demons that can transform their bodies to anything at any time. They use black magic to deceive their victims; they are masters of deception and will try to deceive you, so stay spiritually focused. It will be much harder to deceive you because the diamond crystal in your hands and head are connected to the Creator. He will always lead, guide, and protect you during the battle.”

  Shebal said, “Lilly, close your eyes and focus on your surroundings.” She placed a large black sword across her neck and said, “What do you see?”

  The crystal in Lilly’s h
ands released a gold liquid armor that covered her neck and body immediately, protecting her from the sword. Lilly said, “I see you holding a black sword across my neck.”

  The Seven said, “Release your sword.” Lilly lifted her right hand in the air, and out came a blade of flaming fire. “Let’s fight,” said the Seven.

  “No,” said Lilly. “I can’t fight you.”

  “Why not?” said the Seven, surrounding her in a circle.

  “You’re my protectors, not my enemy.”

  Then the Seven transformed into the Six Evolrace with gray skin, red eyes, and black crowns on their heads. They said, “Remember, Lilly, never trust what you see with your eyes or you will be deceived.”

  The crystal in her head released a beautiful orange crown made of bright gold. It wrapped around her head very tightly and sparkled. It was adorned with jewels and flames of fire that emanated from the top of her head. The Seven flew into the air and opened their mouths wide, blowing a large flame of fire toward Lilly. The crystal in her head glowed bright orange and absorbed the flame into her body, making her stronger. Then Shebal and the four warrior angels lifted their glowing staffs into the air. They created a power sandstorm that made it very hard for Lilly to see anything. She soared into the sky and pointed her glowing hands toward the clouds, which caused a rainstorm that cleared away the sand. Lilly told the angels and Zale, “I have something to show you.” She closed her eyes and pointed her hands toward the Nile. Then up went the Nile River from the earth, and she held it in midair. The Egyptian people in the city looked up, amazed. Lilly dropped her hands very slowly to return the Nile to its normal place.

  “This is your last test,” said the angels. “Get ready to fight.”

  The five warrior angels, the Seven, and Zale all used their powers against Lilly at one time. She flew into the air like a lightning bolt and disappeared before their eyes. Everyone looked around for Lilly, but she was gone. Lilly flew into the sky so fast that she landed on the moon and sat there for a moment gazing at the stars. Her gold armor covered her body, and her long flaming sword was in her right hand. The angels and Zale wondered where she went and flew in the sky to search for her. Lilly looked down to earth from space and laughed at everyone as they searched for her and puzzled. When she returned to earth, her feet touched the ground and made the earth shake. When they turned around, Lilly’s flaming sword was stretched out across the necks of the five warrior angels, and she chuckled. “Great job, Lilly,” everyone said.


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