by Brian Abrams
Tea Party, 121, 183, 205n, 206, 245
Tora Bora, 219
Trade-promotion authority, 360
Transition to Obama administration (2008–2009)
cabinet selections, 56–59
economy, 50–52, 53–56, 60–63
inauguration, 64–65, 66, 67
Middle East, 64
Transition to Trump administration, 394–96, 403–7, 406
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 251, 343, 360n, 379
Tri-Committee Group, 98, 133
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 41, 42, 91–92
Trump, Donald, 215–16, 383–84, 386, 387, 388, 394
Trump administration, transition to, 394–96, 403–7, 406
Tucson shooting, 198–202
Ukraine, 335, 354
Underwear Bomber, 158
United Auto Workers, 105n
United Kingdom, 318, 320
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 347n
Uranium, enriched. See Nuclear weapons
Uyghurs, 116–17
Victory speech (2008), 47–48
Vilsack, Tom, 57–58
Voinovich, George, 5
Volcker Rule, 176n
Wagoner, Rick, 103n, 104
Wale (rapper), 367–68
Waxman, Henry, 113–15
Waxman-Markey bill, 113–15, 184, 185
Wen, Jiabao, 146–47, 148
West Point speech on Afghanistan, 141
White House Correspondents’ Dinner (2011), 215–16
Wilson, Darren, 338–340
Wolf, Frank, 116–17
Wright, Jeremiah, 29–30, 31, 33, 36
Xi, Jinping, 343–46, 347, 371, 372
Zimmerman, George, 255, 301
Brian Abrams is the author of three bestselling Kindle Singles oral histories: And NOW . . . An Oral History of Late Night with David Letterman, 1982–1993; Gawker: An Oral History; and Die Hard: An Oral History. Abrams has written for the Washington Post Magazine, Time, and The Lowbrow Reader. He lives in New York City. You can visit for more information and follow the author on Twitter @BrianAbrams.