The Devil: A Paranormal Vampire Romance Novel (Devil Series Book 4)

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The Devil: A Paranormal Vampire Romance Novel (Devil Series Book 4) Page 5

by Raven Steele

  As soon as the waitress left, Llona asked Liam, "When did you live here?"

  Liam studied her face, then lowered his gaze to her hands that were hugging the glass of water. "Thirty years ago."

  "How long did you live here for?"

  "About five years," Liam answered.

  Lucien stared past Llona, watching people as they passed the wide front window. Their numbers were growing. Soon, night would fully be upon this part of the city, bringing with it all kinds of supernaturals and the people who, willingly or not, associated with them.

  Llona wiped at beads of moisture on the outside of her glass. "Did you like it?"

  "A little."

  Llona swallowed before asking, "Were you with anyone?"

  "It doesn't matter."

  "It matters to me." Her voice was firm, yet held a desperate tone.

  Lucien came to his feet suddenly. He clearly was a third wheel and about to hear a conversation he had no desire to. "I'm going to go outside. I'll be back in a few minutes."

  Before either one of them could protest, he was out the door. The sky was a dark navy, but on the horizon, oranges and reds burned bright. He walked down Ebony Street, passing at least a dozen people. More were coming. He could hear them blocks away, talking, laughing, drinking. And they wouldn't stop until dawn. Hopefully, they would have found Eve by then.

  He ducked beneath an awning out of the way of a group of people who were walking his way. A tour guide was at their front talking about Madame LaLaurie.

  "And over there is the LaLaurie Mansion, which is rumored to be…"

  Lucien tuned them out and leaned against the old brick building behind him. So much history in this city, much of it not good. It was hard to keep one's desire for power at bay when so many supernaturals grouped together in close quarters like this.

  Different species of supernaturals had ruled Rouen over the centuries. There was a period in the eighteen hundreds when witches had dominated, but in the early nineteen hundreds, vampires had driven them out. Their reign had been short lived when shifters had taken over. Even the Fae had had a short run. Now, though, the city belonged to no particular group. Each seemed to have their own faction. He'd sensed them as they had driven through the city earlier.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. There were flowers somewhere nearby, roses by the smell of it. This made him think of Eve. She appeared in his mind, the exact way she had appeared to him when he had traveled to Ireland a year before she disappeared. She had surprised him in a graveyard wearing only a white, knee-length, cotton dress. It had been raining, and the sight of her in that place meant for the dead, unfazed by the torrential downfall, had shattered the walls he had so carefully built over the centuries. That's when he had finally admitted his undying love for her.

  The perfect vision of Eve shattered when someone grabbed his arm and shook it. "What are you doing?"

  His eyes flew open. "Excuse me?"

  Llona was standing in front of him, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

  "Were you thinking about Eve just now?"

  "How did you know?"

  "Whatever you were just doing, it's like you cleared a path through all the supernatural energy straight to her."

  He swallowed a sudden heaviness in his throat. "You found her?"

  She smiled big. "We found her. Let's go!"

  Chapter 7

  Llona hurried down the sidewalk, trying to maneuver her way through the crowd. Lucien stayed close to her. Liam had fallen behind to pay for their food at the restaurant, but Lucien sensed him coming. He had a distinct smell, like the way wind smells blowing across a wheat field.

  Up ahead, Llona turned a corner. She paused for a few seconds, looking both ways, then continued on. Lucien's heart raced and, if it were possible, he thought he might be having a heart attack. He was minutes away from seeing Eve. After months of searching, days of agony, he was about to be reunited with her.

  Llona stopped in her tracks and turned slowly toward the window of an old diner on the corner. Lucien halted a few feet behind her, waiting for her to begin moving again, but she never did.

  Liam rushed by him to Llona. "Is everything all right?"

  Her finger came up and pointed inside the diner. "She's in there."

  Lucien moved to open the door, but she stepped in front of him and put her hand on his chest. "You're not going in."

  "Like hell I'm not," he growled.

  Liam moved next to Llona, posturing tall.

  "Give me some time with her, Lucien," she insisted. "I need to know where her head is."

  Lucien looked past her into the window, searching for Eve. She was feet away from him. He could feel it.

  Llona turned to Liam. "Keep him here." She turned around and was about to go inside, but stopped. "And one more thing. Do you think you can cast some kind of spell to mask your vampirism? On Liam too. Just in case Eve has retained her magic and can sense what you really are. We don't want to scare her off right out of the gates."

  "What about you?" he asked her.

  "Oh, she'll like me. Don't worry." She grinned and slipped inside.

  Lucien reached out to stop the door from closing, but Liam clamped down on his arm.

  "Don't even think about it," he warned.

  Lucien sucked up close to him, considering tossing him into the street.

  Liam tightened his grip on Lucien's arm, nearly breaking the bone. "This isn't the place."

  Lucien knocked his arm away. He wanted so much to rush to Eve, to throw his arms around her, but … he forced himself to calm down. He didn't know what condition she was in. The few months leading up to her disappearance, her memory had slipped, sometimes even forgetting who he was. If she really had forgotten everything, then who had she become?

  He stepped back, several feet in fact until his back pressed against the building. His hands opened and closed tight.

  Liam joined him against the wall. "You'll see her soon."

  An older couple walked by them, holding hands and laughing. A teenage kid shuffled behind. His eyes met Lucien's, and he nearly tripped. Lucien quickly dropped his gaze to the ground. Whatever that boy saw in his eyes must be something horrible indeed.

  "You need to calm down," Liam whispered. "Focus on something else."


  He turned his attention to conjuring magic that would make them appear more human. He didn't need to preform a spell all of the time to use magic, but for this he would because of its complexity. It shouldn't be too difficult. It's not like he was turning himself into someone else entirely, something he had done before. Really, he just needed to cloak the vibe supernaturals gave off.

  He opened his mind for the answer, playing with different words he could use. He knew he had the right ones when a surge of power rose within him. There was strength in the right combination of words, and magic always responded when you got it right.

  "I've got it," he said.

  Liam turned back his way. "A spell already?"

  Lucien cringed. There was only one problem with the spell. "I know this might sound strange, but I need you touching me for it to work on you too."

  Liam grimaced like that was the last thing he wanted to do too. "Fine."

  He reached out and touched Lucien's arm.

  Closing his eyes, Lucien called upon magic, the power that was always on the fringes of his mind. It warmed his blood as it sped through his veins. He imagined himself to look like a normal human, removing anything predatory about him. When the visual in his mind was perfect, he mumbled quickly, "By the strength of the Earth and the great ocean seas, shroud the darkness that bleeds inside of me."

  He repeated it one more time. A whooshing sound filled his ears, as the process began. The transformation wasn't painful, but it was uncomfortable as he mentally boxed up the supernatural energy that clung to his skin, making him recognizable to other supernaturals. When his whole body tingled, he pushed the magic to Liam too.

done," he said and shrugged Liam's arm off of him.

  Liam stepped away, rolling his shoulders back. "Good."

  With that finished, Lucien closed his eyes again, but opened his ears. Sounds large and small accosted his hearing, and he flinched. Gritting his teeth, he began to sort through the sounds, slowly eliminating what he didn't want to hear until all he heard were the sounds of the people inside the restaurant. There weren't many voices, maybe half a dozen with the sizzling sounds of food being cooked on a griddle in the background. It didn't take him long to hear the one voice he had been dreaming about for months.


  His whole body melted into the bricks. This was really happening.

  Llona was laughing at something Eve had said. "Did that really happen?"

  "I swear on my life!" Eve laughed too. She sounded happy.

  "How long have you lived in Rouen?" Llona asked. "It seems like a fun place to live."

  Eve: "Oh it is. This city is so full of … life. I've loved it ever since I moved here a year ago."

  "What brought you here? If you don't mind me asking."

  There was a long pause, but finally Eve spoke. "My mother died. I guess I needed a fresh start."

  Lucien's eyes opened, all concentration broken. It was worse then he feared. She hadn't just forgotten her past, she had created a whole new one—one he didn't exist in. Would this new Eve feel anything for him? This thought made his chest squeeze tight.

  "How did you meet Eve?" Liam asked, startling Lucien from his thoughts.

  How had he met her? There was the time in Wildemoor when he had warned her to leave the city, but they had barely spoken. The second time, Boaz had already transformed her into Alarica. He wasn't sure that counted, but he answered anyway.

  "She tried to kill me."

  Liam chuckled. "Llona tried to kill me too when I first met her."

  Lucien looked at him. Then smiled. Then laughed. It was quiet but it was a real laugh, something he hadn't done in a long time.

  Liam laughed too. "They are the best women to love. They keep us in check."

  "So you two are a couple?" Lucien asked him.

  Liam's expression darkened. "It's complicated."

  They fell into a heavy silence, both weighed down by matters of the heart. Very few looked their way as they walked right past them on the sidewalk. He and Lucien belonged to the night.

  Because Lucien was tempted to listen in on Eve and Llona again, he forced the conversation. "What of the cure Llona was supposed to have recovered? Did she not find it?"

  Liam tensed. "She did."

  "Then why are you both still part Vykens?"

  "She only had one dose. She gave it to someone else, someone she has a history with."

  "Another man?" This surprised Lucien. He'd seen the way Llona looked at Liam. She clearly had feelings for him.

  "Like I said, it's complicated."

  Lucien didn't ask any more questions after that. His life was complicated enough without knowing the complexities of someone else's relationship.

  Several minutes passed. It turned into a full hour. Even Liam grew anxious.

  "Maybe I should go check on things," he said and moved to do just that.

  Before he reached the door, it burst open. Llona grabbed both of them and dragged them into a nearby alley.

  "Have you calmed down?" she asked, pointing at Lucien's chest.

  "I apologize about earlier. I'm in control now."

  "Good, because Eve isn't Eve. Not that she knows anyway. She calls herself Reina. Remember that. I don't want you accidently calling her Eve."

  "What would happen if I did?" he asked. He secretly hoped that when she saw him or heard her name she would remember everything and throw herself back into his arms.

  "She'll think you're an idiot, that's what," Llona snapped. She inhaled deeply and forced a smile. "Look, we're going to have to do this gently and slowly. I sense some serious magical mojo surrounding her."

  "We don't have time," Lucien argued.

  Liam shook his head. "We're going to have to find the time. You don't want her mind fracturing because you shattered her carefully constructed world. It needs to be taken down slowly."

  Lucien glanced at Llona. "Could that happen?"

  "Do you really want to risk finding out?"

  His shoulders dropped. "What should I do?"

  "For now, you're going to pretend to be my boyfriend's friend. And who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky, and she'll recognize you right away. But just in case, do you think you can handle seeing her without losing your shit?"

  He nodded, because he didn't trust himself to speak.

  "Let's go then." She looked at Liam and held out her hand. "Boyfriend?"

  He smiled and readily accepted it, even though Lucien was sure he could hear her playful tone.

  Lucien waited for them to go in first before he followed after. He was determined to keep his head down before sitting, afraid he actually might lose his balance at seeing her, but then a smell filled his nostrils, and he stumbled anyway. It was the smell of lilacs and the summer sun, laced with a hint of cinnamon. Eve.

  He caught himself on a nearby table and straightened. As soon as his head lifted, he saw her. She stood twenty feet away, talking to customers at a booth. Her blond hair was pulled back into a loose bun; stray, sun-kissed strands tumbled free. She wore a navy blue, short skirt and a white t-shirt. A small towel was draped over her shoulder. She was smiling big and laughing. She looked so … happy. Every part of her radiated the emotion, and Lucien couldn't help but smile too. He loved seeing her this way. It had been so long.

  "I'm sitting over here," Llona said, guiding them to a booth near the back.

  Lucien inhaled deeply as he walked by Eve. He even reached out his fingers as if to touch her, but Eve was too far away. Llona glanced back and gave him a look that said, "Don't you dare."

  Llona slid inside the long bench first, followed by Liam. Lucien sat across from them. He kept his eyes on Eve, following her about the room as she slipped into the kitchen and returned a moment later carrying a tray full of food.

  "Hey,” Llona hissed.

  He forced his gaze back to Llona’s sharp glare.

  "Could you please stop staring? You're going to scare her."

  "Right. Sorry." He averted his gaze to the napkin holder on the table.

  "You found your friends!" the voice of an angel said moments later.

  Lucien breathed deeply, trying to keep control.

  "I did," Llona said. "Liam, this is my new friend Reina. Reina, this is my boyfriend Liam and his friend, Lucien.”

  "Nice to meet you," Eve said and held out her hand to Liam. Liam easily shook it, then she turned to Lucien. Her hand, the same one he had sworn to protect, stretched toward him.

  He slowly looked up at her and met her gentle gaze. Her eyes widened briefly, and he swore he saw something in her eyes, a shadow of recognition perhaps, but just as quickly as it had come, it was gone.

  Lucien dropped his gaze at her open palm trying desperately to find his voice. He wanted to touch her so badly but was afraid of opening himself up. The possibility she might reject him again, memory or not, was real.

  Llona kicked him under the table, forcing him into action. He took hold of Eve's hand, and just as their fingers touched, a bolt of energy passed between them.

  Eve jumped and squealed, her smile growing. "Talk about a spark!"

  Lucien felt his face pale, and he must've worn a shocked expression, because Eve laughed out loud. She grabbed the towel on her shoulder and swatted it at him, snapping him in the shoulder. "Relax! I was kidding! Just static electricity." She glanced at Llona, still smiling. "Is he always all furrow and brow?"

  Llona laughed with her. "You have no idea."

  "Listen … ” Eve hesitated. “Lucien, right?”

  "My name’s Lucien," he said.

  Llona rolled her eyes.

  "So I got it right, good," Eve said. "You're in Rouen
now and need to let loose."

  "What do you suggest?" Llona asked her.

  Eve swung the towel in her hand back up to her shoulder. "There's a carnival tonight over on the east side of the city. It's supposed to be really cool."

  "I take it you haven't been before?" Llona asked.

  "I haven't."

  "How about you come with us? It will be fun."

  Lucien stared up at her, hopeful. If he could maybe have some time alone with her, maybe he could get her to remember.

  Eve looked at each of them, her eyes pausing on Lucien. "I actually have plans with someone, but I think I can get out of them. I have always wanted to go."

  Llona clapped. "Perfect!"

  "Give me twenty minutes?" Eve asked.

  Llona shrugged. "Sure. Take your time. Do you want help with anything?"

  "You're sweet, but I don't think my boss would like that. I'll hurry." Eve hurried off to clear a recently emptied table.

  "What was that?" Llona hissed at him as soon as Eve was out of earshot. "You didn't even talk, except to repeat your name like you are some kind of freak. You have got to chill out or you will scare her away before we've even had a chance to help her!"

  Lucien rubbed his palm against his forehead. He knew he had acted foolishly.

  "Cut him some slack, Llona," Liam said. "They used to be in love, but now the woman doesn't even recognize him. I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to you."

  She looked at Liam, searching his eyes, before turning back to Lucien. " I'm sorry, Lucien. I can't imagine what this must be like for you. But you’ve got to pull it together."

  "What do I do? How do I act?" Lucien asked. Even he could hear the desperation in his voice, a sound he wasn't used to hearing.

  "If it were me," Liam answered, "I would act like it's my very first date. You truly don't know this woman. She believes she’s someone else. Get to know her, but find the parts that are Eve and draw those out."

  Lucien thought about his words while Llona brought up President Hansen and what he might want with the necklace. Every time Eve passed their table, their voices would quiet down. Lucien tried not to stare at her, but he was acutely aware of every breath she took and of the way her fingers touched the objects around her. He inhaled the almost undetectable breeze every time she disrupted the air around them.


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