Cipher's Quest: (A Scifi Fantasy LitRPG) (Ciphercraft Book 1)

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Cipher's Quest: (A Scifi Fantasy LitRPG) (Ciphercraft Book 1) Page 25

by Tim Kaiver

  Sara was staring off at something. His question brought her back, but he saw fear in her eyes. "Yeah."

  Emmit saw his mom and dad, hand in hand, entering a dark hall. Sara didn't appreciate the restored intimacy between them, but it made Emmit smile. As he walked to the neuronet chair, he hoped his parents would have many more opportunities to share their love.

  Adi looked up from his inspection of the neuronet chair components. "Am I really gonna see my dad?" His smile was like a beam of hope, encouraging Emmit to focus on that future instead of on Willo's threats.

  "That's the plan," Sara said, beating Emmit to it.

  Adi squeezed his hand and watched as Sara parted Emmit's hair behind his ear. She inserted the net jack, and the base of his skull heated as code uploaded via the high-speed cable. He'd done this enough times not to let the data stream slow his thoughts. I'm here to help my mom and dad. And Adi, Emmit thought, hoping the Cipher would reward his good intentions with victory.

  "None of them will survive if you don't obey," Willo 'pathed. "First, you will send Sprinkles to give us a ride."

  Sprinkles. He'd moved to a guard post outside the ship's hatch. He's injured.

  "I said obey."

  I can't. But as he thought of Sprinkles, he felt her control transfer into his wolverine's mind. Sprinkles bolted down the hall. No!

  Again, the temptation to use his charm bonus rose, but the situation didn't feel like the climax of her threat. The mission to connect with the hopper felt like the ultimate answer for using his bonus, and it killed him. He burned with hatred against the reject. If you hurt him….

  "Oh, I like that. Hate me all you want, kid, but if you don't get us on board, we will hurt him."

  Please don't.

  "That's up to you. Next, once you're connected with Adi's dad—"



  His parents’ voices severed Willo's oppressive hold. Their channel was a calm river in comparison.

  Dad. Mom. Are you guys okay? Please hurry. Willo is coming. She has Sprinkles.

  "We are. Your mother is busy keeping our minds safe as we get closer to the inner defensive block."

  "I'll be fine, hon. We'll see you soon."

  "Listen," his father continued. "We don't have much time, and in case I can't reply before I get back, there's something you need to relay to Adi's father."

  Okay, I'm listening.

  "The Solvent, the ship you're on, doesn't have the ability to pull all the way to Vijil."

  Emmit saw where he was going, and didn't like the ramifications. Cullen wasn't going to buy this, and Emmit didn't exactly like the idea of visiting an Osuna ship.

  "When you talk to Hopper Brinoway, you'll negotiate opening a bubble into the A wing of his ship. I've already recruited a small team to clear it."


  "When you speak to Adi's dad, offer him his son back in exchange for using his ship to pull to Vijil."

  Emmit could see Adi's dad taking that offer. He would, if he were Adi's father. But how?

  "You did a great job, Emmit," Cullen said as he entered the cargo hold. He tapped his wristcom with a smile as he took careful, unbalanced steps toward the ladder leading up to the cockpit. "I'll be ready in a few minutes. Any word from Schaefer or your mom?"

  "Yeah, talking to Dad right now. He said to get ready."

  "It'll just be a few minutes." Cullen grabbed a rung and grunted as he pulled himself over the top of the ladder and onto the deck heading into the cockpit.

  I don't think I can do this. Emmit 'pathed to his dad.

  "Pretend you're on Sprinkles. You're going to ride Cullen's pull. Your connection with Hopper Brinoway will start a mini-bubble onto his ship, the Eon. I've included this in his pre-flight power delivery. When Cullen's ready to bubble, share what you're seeing of the Eon's A wing. Our pre-flight message will tell him, once we land in the Eon, to focus on home. You'll tie Adi's dad's thoughts to Cullen's memories, and together, a multi-bubble will power us enough to pull us to Vijil."

  Emmit almost laughed at the absurdity of the task. His stomach knotted in fear of failing what seemed like their only shot. That would definitely be when he used his level-up bonus. I've never done anything like this. What would...? He pictured the Eon splitting in two the second he lost concentration, or thought of something else… like a sun. Would they fall in and be destroyed?

  "Emmit, your mother needs to let us go now. You can do this."

  But what happens when an Osuna ship appears on Vijil? Won't we be attacked immediately?

  "As soon as we arrive, Cullen will be miked and we'll let him plead for our safety. The Eon isn't a war vessel. It's a civilian trainer. It has weapons, but... well, I'm sure it can withstand anything the Ruciens can deliver, at least in time for Cullen to convince them we're not there for a fight. Okay, I have to go. I love you, Son. Make me proud."

  Emmit held a finger up to Sara and looked away in concentration as his father finished. He wanted to make his father proud more than anything, but he struggled to imagine how this would work.

  *Mission to connect mini-bubble to trip to Vijil – Activated.*

  Oh, Cipher. Please help me. He wasn't sure how it could. For the technical part of upgrading the p-drive, it had shown him step-by-step directions, but telepathy was mostly a feel-his-way-through process. He took out the last of his waver plant, a thumb-sized bud he hoped would keep him sharp.

  "You're afraid of something," Sara 'pathed, slipping seamlessly into the connection. He'd have to get better at locking his thoughts down.

  "Something my dad asked me to do," he said out loud, hoping vocalization might push her out of his head. He tossed the plant in his mouth and started chewing. "It's complicated. Are you gonna link us, or will Cullen?"

  "I can't wait, Em." Adi shook Emmit's arm with nervous excitement.

  "Me neither," Emmit said, thinking of when it would be over. He took a deep breath, and focused on the illustration his father had given him. Ride the connection like a wolverine.

  Sara tapped the holo screen to prep their line. "Okay."

  Pinpricks of purple lights glowed from the centers of the poles in front of him and Adi, then opened and swallowed them into the world beyond.

  Hopper Brinoway looked to Emmit's left, and slumped as though someone had pulled out his spine and he'd lost the strength to keep his head upright. He gasped. His eyes watered, and a hand went to his mouth.

  "Dad!" Adi shouted. Emmit couldn't see him, but his voice sounded as if he'd tried to jump out of his seat.

  Hopper Brinoway shook with sobs. His hand trembled as he raised it in a mimed caress of his son's cheek. He opened his mouth as though trying to speak.

  Emmit's throat tightened, sharing in the joy that held Adi and his father speechless. He remembered his mom and dad. They didn't have time. "Hopper Brinoway, my name is Emmit Orson," he said in a rush. "My dad hired a pilot named Cullen Re to rescue us from the prison on Setuk."

  Adi's father switched his attention from Emmit to his son. "Setuk?" His sobs broke loose again. "Were...? I..."

  "We're under siege," Emmit interrupted. "I have to make this quick."

  Hopper Brinoway cleared his throat and wiped a tear. "Yes. How can I help?"

  "My father wants us to pull onto your ship."

  Hopper Brinoway gave him a puzzled look. "What?"

  Emmit leaned into the emotion he saw on the man's face, into the vulnerability of seeing his son after so long. What did he look like when you saw him last? Emmit 'pathed.

  The connection spiked, jabbing a point in Emmit's brain he associated with Hopper Brinoway's resistance to the connection. Despite the fear of having Emmit's voice in his head, he hadn't stopped picturing his son at the age of five. That was the day Adi had been lost, and then captured. The mental picture he'd kept of his son for these seven years had been taken only minutes before Adi had gone.

  Adi ran between chairs in the cockpit and hopped up on his father's
lap. He stretched his hands out on the armrests, his smile a perfect picture of youthful joy—pure and hopeful for more and more.

  Hopper Brinoway cut him out. "How? What are you?" His suspicion drifted toward the Osuna, then swung to the other side of the spectrum... to his hope in the myth of the Cipher he, too, had studied in the Rucien prophecies.

  The Cipher wouldn't let Emmit confirm it as the source of his power. Please, Emmit 'pathed. If you want your son, you must let me work.

  Hopper Brinoway glanced at his son and back. The resistance softened as his gaze locked with Emmit's. "Of course, I want my son. But if the Osuna catch us…"

  They won't. We have a plan. For now, just tell me, do you want to see your son? Each word 'pathed into the man's brain tightened his charm connection. He returned to the scene clothed in guilt. Hopper Brinoway had chastened his son for being rough with his chair—words he'd relived over and over in the darkness of long nights and the lonely silence of moments too frequent to number. Adi! Get off! The outburst had scolded him ever since.

  It's okay. You can make up for that now. He's here, and he wants to see you as much as you do him. The consolation wrapped Hopper Brinoway's mind like a rope around Emmit's hand. He could do this. He was doing this. What we're going to do next is, as soon as my mom and dad, and….

  "We're coming with," Willo spoke. Her interference almost broke the hold he had on the Hopper's mind. "Don't need to name us, just if he needs a number, add plus two to however many make it onto the ship. When we arrive, hide us. We'll stowaway in the generator room." Her connection faded out.

  How'll I hide them from the group? he wondered as he tried filling his charm back into the Hopper's memory. His grip slipped, and he scrambled to catch it before it was gone, refusing to use his bonus yet.

  He latched onto the longing in the Hopper's gaze, fixed on his son. His charm caught on the last strand and pulled Adi's father back.

  Sorry, this isn't easy, he 'pathed. Hopper Brinoway's attention returned. We're going to need to park our ship in your A wing.

  Hopper Brinoway looked off in thought.

  It's okay, my father has connections who've already cleared room. We just need you to get your p-drive and generators ready to go as soon as we arrive. Full power.

  His confusion increased.

  Emmit smiled. His dad's plan was going to be amazing if it executed. The risk made him tremble in anxiety.

  Hopper Brinoway hardly knew where Emmit was going. "How are you...?"

  I'm taking care of the first leg. Our pilot's memories will take us to the next.

  "Okay. So where is the next leg?"


  Hopper Brinoway's shock flashed through their connection. He shook his head as a look of terror crossed his face. "No. I... If we lead the Osuna there.... Your pilot has memories of Vijil? Does he know what will happen if the Osuna find—?"

  Prep your generators. We'll explain later.

  Hopper Brinoway took another second to grasp what Emmit had just ordered, then snapped out of it and blazed through action points on holoscreens that rose and fell in a blur of commands.

  Emmit had work to do, too. I'm not leaving, but I have preparations to make as well. Stay with me.

  "I will." Hopper Brinoway looked up to Emmit and said, "Thank you," then went back to his systems.

  You're welcome.

  +10 XP – recruited Seewick Brinoway to bubble trip.

  Emmit was glad for the XP boost, but that joy tapered off as he considered the upcoming work. He telescoped out to find Cullen reading the keys he'd translated from the last two transmitter downloads:

  Key #7 – "the age of the city restored"

  Key #8 – "attract the wrath of darkness."

  Key #9 – "the windwalker will return"

  Key #10 – "the windwalker to tragedy"

  Emmit read Cullen's inner turmoil as he wrestled between excitement about the age of the city and all the other aspects of the Cipher helping his people, and how his return could bring the wrath of darkness and tragedy.

  I don't mean to rush, Emmit 'pathed, but you—

  "Emmit!" his dad broke in. "We're on our way. Get the bubble ready. It's gonna be close."

  He didn't have to ask Cullen if he'd heard, as the captain busied himself prepping the pullspace engines. What did he mean by, "it's gonna be close?"


  Ehli and Schaefer found Stroman whimpering in a corner of a bare stone alcove while Ocia and his group banged on the other side of the door and shouted to be let in.

  Ocia. We're here, Ehli 'pathed as she ran to the door.

  Schaefer punched in his code, but a red light flashed beside the keypad.

  "He changed the access code," Ocia said through the door.

  A jubilant laugh, and then a shriek, echoed from the other side, distant from Ocia, but not too far.

  "Ehli, we need you to push them back or something," Ocia said.

  I know. Except that Stroman and his code was what she needed first. She took two steps toward him before he slashed at her leg with a knife she hadn't seen.

  Schaefer swung his pistol down.

  "No!" Ehli shouted.

  Stroman broke for the hall leading away from the door.

  Ehli connected with his mind and locked his legs, tripping him as Schaefer's shot burned through his side. He gasped and skidded on his hands and knees, his knife clanging on the stone as it skipped away from his outstretched hand.

  Ehli flashed Schaefer a disappointed glare.

  He held up a hand and shook his head. "We don't have time to let him get away." He nodded at Stroman. "Please. Get the code."

  Ehli didn't know if Schaefer planned to carry Stroman with them or leave him to continue bleeding on the stone.

  Stroman held his side and pushed blood through his fingers. "You'll nev—"

  Ehli snapped into his mind with the fierceness of a snake bite, cutting off his threat and surging through the connection with more girth than it was giving her. The strain caused Stroman to cry out and roll onto his back. Scenes of teeth clenching on exposed flesh and tearing skin free filled Ehli's mind like an opened trap. The violations repulsed and slowed her progress. There was no closing her eyes against these visions—they burned into her psyche with breathtaking impact. You entered a code. What is it?

  More pain. A child's leg snapped into a compound fracture, white bone cutting through flesh as the poor little one's voice screamed mercy. Willo had done this, and the rejects feeding these visions were proud.

  Ehli's hold on Stroman's mind lost ground.

  Schaefer grabbed her hand. The break in concentration let her back into her body enough to realize she was staggering away from Stroman. She opened her eyes as Schaefer pulled her around to face him, eyes locked. She knew his plan, and didn't stop him before he stepped forward and kissed her. A strong, "we used to be married and there's nothing more I could ever want" kind of kiss. Doubt faded into the nostalgia of his scent that she'd spent so long near and in love with.

  Surprise turned to familiarity, and in that connection to their past, Schaefer became a conduit of power. She reentered Stroman's mind with the ease of jumping on a rotted tree trunk. She broke through, demanded the code, and read the numbers. Thank you. She passed the code to Schaefer, and grabbed the back of his head to cap off their kiss.

  "Thank you, love," he thought as he punched in the code. The light turned green, and the door unlatched.

  +10 XP – charmed information to release lock.

  105/180 to Level 4.

  Ocia, Torek, and Jolnes shoved through and slammed the door shut. Schaefer entered a new series of numbers, and the light flashed red-green-red before relocking.

  "We're good. Let's go," Schaefer said. He took her hand and started to pull her past Stroman, who writhed on the ground.

  Ehli touched the man's mind, and a biting shock jolted her back. Under the shadow on his face, she saw his glare. As Schaefer pulled her away, she thought of her
son, and decided there wasn't time to wrestle every bit of the reject in Stroman out. I'm sorry, she 'pathed as she turned from jogging sideways to a hard run down the hall, the groups' footsteps echoing around her.

  "You're not going alone," Stroman replied, and in his message was strength enough that it surprised Ehli.

  Schaefer jerked her attention back to their sprint. "I'm not risking you or our son for anything."


  Emmit's nerves demanded more room as the battle to control the connections with Cullen, Hopper Brinoway, and Sprinkles—who'd already picked up Willo and another named Scanis—raged in his body. Willo's threats cloaked him like a whisper passing over the hairs in his ear. But he couldn't escape the growing weight of responsibility. His view of Hopper's ship was crucial to maintaining the weakest of his three connections.

  Hopper Brinoway had slowed his pre-flight preparations, while Cullen repeated distance calculations that produced results he couldn't make sense of. Trust yourself, he whispered to Cullen. You're just nervous about going home. The Solvent is built to handle the trip. It just needs your memories and focus. The engine's ready. Start opening the bubble.

  Emmit sensed something off about his mom's connection. Mom, are you okay?

  "She's just a little shaken," his dad said. "Be there in five minutes."

  As soon as they disconnected, another connection barged in. "We're almost there," Willo 'pathed. "Your next step is to cloak us from everyone on the ship."

  How can I do that? His brain was starting to ache, and he was becoming increasingly anxious that he'd let go before Hopper Brinoway and Cullen made the pull. Complying with Willo's request could snap his tether. I can't let you hurt anyone.

  "No one is going to get hurt. We just want a ride. We're Rucien too. I can help, but the mirage has to originate from you. When we ride in, you're going to picture only Sprinkles and project that to Sara and Adi. Focus on Sprinkles and keep that locked until we're hidden away."

  Emmit added memories of his wolverine's black furred face, how the shade was darker in the oval from eyes to jawline and down its neck. Their trip through the jungle had added a splash of hardened mud and blood to the short fur around his face. When Sprinkles snarled, he showed the thumb-length incisors and red gums holding them in.


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