Mommy's Ex

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Mommy's Ex Page 4

by S. E. Law

  “That’s it,” he growls. “Here we go.”

  He squirts a bit more gel into his hand and then slowly rubs the liquid over my pleats. It feels so good and yet also so titillating and naughty. I cry out, tossing my head.

  “Yes,” I pant. “I’m ready.”

  He grins.

  “Excellent.” The handsome man sits down on the edge of the bed so that his pole juts out from his body and gestures to it. His blue eyes gleam, and I stare at him.

  “You want me to lower myself onto you?” I gasp. “But it’s my first time. I can’t just …”

  He merely smiles some more.

  “It’s okay, Kayla. This is the best way. I want you to break your ass cherry on me like a good girl. It’ll feel good, and then your body will give it up, toy and all.”

  I stare some more but his huge member tempts me. It’s so enormous and veiny and my mouth goes dry just upon seeing it. Can I stretch to take that enormous length within my bottom? Can I handle his unseemly girth? Suddenly, the woman in me wants it, and I have to try.

  Getting up, I make my way over to George so that I’m standing before him. I’m just about to straddle him, facing forward, but then a big hand turns me at my hip.

  “Face out, Kayla,” he rasps. “It’ll be easier for you to expel the toy if you’re facing out. It’s a matter of anatomy, that’s all.”

  I gasp. But obediently, I turn around so that I’m facing away from him and ease myself backwards to sit in his lap. That huge, hot length bumps against my back and George chuckles. Oh my gosh, this is so dirty.

  “Everything’s going to be fine,” he soothes. “Now I’m going to lift you just a bit, Kayla, so that you can balance on your knees. Ready?”

  I nod, so titillated. I can see our reflection in the mirror facing the bed, and it’s utterly dirty. I’m completely nude and luscious with a handsome man in back of me, ready to do the nasty. His pole shows itself intermittently in the mirror and I let out another gasp. Am I really going to take that monster inside?

  Chuckling, George does the honors. He pulls me up by the waist so that I’m straddling his lap, still facing the mirror. He pulls me up a bit more so that my knees are in a vee shape and the silhouette of that enormous rod is visible between my legs. I gasp as the huge tip bumps my back door.

  “Now lower yourself,” he says in a hoarse voice. “Pop your ass cherry on my pole, Kayla. You can do it”

  I whimper a bit as his glans edges into my hole, but I obey. Taking a deep breath, I press down with my hips. Oh my gosh, this is going to be impossible! After all, he’s big, and I’m very small. I’ve never done it the back way before, and I’m not sure my body can handle it.

  “You’re too big,” I cry out. “Oh god!”

  But George won’t give up. He grips me by my hips, stabilizing my curvy form.

  “Relax,” he soothes. “Let go and let your Earth Mother take over. This is natural, Kayla. Just press down and enjoy.”

  My eyes squeeze shut and I try to do as he commands. I press down with my hips again, and this time, a pop sounds out. My eyes fly open. Oh my gosh, did that just happen? But it’s true. With a groan, George is sliding into me the back way.

  “Hell,” he groans. “Oh shit.”

  It takes a few minutes of struggle on both of our parts, but soon, that huge, ten inch rod is in all the way. How is this even possible? I feel like I’m a pig on a stick, but in a good way. I’m being impaled on something so meaty and male that I let out a low moan of arousal.

  “Look at us in the mirror, Kayla,” George rasps in my ear. “See how amazing we look together.”

  It’s true. My eyes flicker open and I see us moving together as one, that huge shaft disappearing into my hole, and then reappearing again with each stroke. My back pucker takes, squeezing him tight as the gorgeous doctor moans throatily behind me.

  “You’re new to this, yet taking my length like a professional,” he praises me. “Who knew my beautiful little girl could be so slutty? You’re a butt slut aren’t you?”

  I toss my head and cry out.

  “I love having you in me,” I whimper. “Yes, use my body for your pleasure.”

  He growls in my ear.

  “Oh, I will, Kayla. I will.”

  With that, the pumping becomes frenetic. My bottom gets used to the rhythm and soon I’m taking hard, deep pounds in my behind like a champion. The penetration is incredible and suddenly, stars burst before my eyes.

  “Oh god!” I scream. “It’s happening!”

  “Let yourself feel,” George rasps in my ear. “Let all your inhibitions go.”

  With that, I begin to convulse. But these aren’t baby convulsions. These are huge, ten magnitude shakes, as if I’m in a storm at sea that’s also being battered by a hurricane and struck by lightning at the same time. I let out another full-bodied scream, my pussy pulsing and jerking as pleasure rockets through my frame.

  “Oh my gosh, George, I love you!” I shriek. “Yes!”

  He grabs a hold of my hips and then his jaw clenches as a vein pulses in his neck.

  “I’m coming!” he calls. “Oh baby, I’m coming!”

  Suddenly, it happens just as he promised. In the throes of ecstasy, the tiny toy slips out of my pussy and drops onto the floor, almost unnoticed by the two of us. We continue to call out and spasm, as hot gusts of seed blast my insides.

  “Yes!” I scream again. “Oh god, yes!”

  “Baby,” he moans, dropping a kiss onto my shoulder. “How I adore you, Kayla.”

  I smile once the shivers have subsided because what George and I feel for one another is real. We spoke words of love, and we meant them too. After all, we’ve been circling each other for years, unsure how to do this dance. But in one hour, the dance reached its climax, and my ex-stepdad and I are bound together now, by our shared experiences and by our love for one another. Okay, maybe it wasn’t supposed to happen exactly like this, but I’ll take love with George any day because it feels like a dream come true.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, pressing a kiss to my collarbone.

  “Yes,” I breathe, still watching our heaving bodies in the mirror. “Who knew it could be like this?”

  He laughs and spurts his final drops into my bottom, making me squeal.

  “You know, I meant every word I said,” he begins seriously, looking me in the eye. “I love you, Kayla.”

  Tears comes to my eyes because the fact is that I love this man too.

  “I know, George. And I love you,” I reply in a soft murmur. “I always have, and I always will.”

  “I know,” he chuckles.

  “What, you know?” I ask. “But how?”

  He grins.

  “I’ve always known, honey. You wearing those short skirts and tiny, barely-there tops around the house? You’ve been tempting me for years.”

  I blush because he’s right. I have wanted George for a long time. But as principled adults, we only acted on it after the divorce was finalized.

  “But what are we going to do?” I ask, gasping. “Isn’t this so wrong? You were married to my mom before, and now … well, we’ve done this together.”

  He grins.

  “Yes, we’ve done this, and it’s the best I’ve ever had,” he says in a low growl. “In fact, I have half a mind to make an honest woman out of you.”

  I stare at him.

  “Are you serious? But you used to be married to my mom. Who gets married to someone, divorces them, and then marries that same woman’s daughter?”

  He shrugs, but then his eyes go serious.

  “I know how it sounds, Kayla, but can you really deny how you feel? Maybe we don’t have to get married right away, but I want you to know that I own you, baby. You’re mine.”

  I nod even as my cheeks flush.

  “I know, George. I’ve always known that I’m yours, and I’m okay with that. And you’re mine as well. We’ll take it one step at a time, okay?”

  He nods before le
aning forward to kiss me.

  “Sure. I love you baby.”

  With that, my heart melts.

  “I love you too, George.”

  With that, our hearts meld into one and we dive headfirst into the promise of eternity together.



  A year later.

  I tap my foot while waiting at the altar of the Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas. Kayla will be showing up any moment, and I’m excited because my gorgeous fiancée and I are finally tying the knot. Of course, Kayla didn’t want to get married at this venue initially because it was also the site of my first marriage.

  “No,” she protested. “This is where you married Victoria! Remember? It would be wrong.”

  I shushed her.

  “It’s okay baby. It’s just a location, and nothing more. It’s not feng shui and there aren’t going to be spirits that attack us.”

  She pouted.

  “But why can’t we get married at City Hall? That’s just as easy.”

  I frowned.

  “We could, but it’s too informal there. I don’t want to be married before some random officiant. I want to get married in a church, and yes, the Little White Wedding Chapel isn’t exactly very formal, but it is a church. And the officiant does hold a degree from a seminary,” I say. “Just chalk it up to my Greek Orthodox upbringing.”

  Kayla sighs.

  “I guess getting married at St. Patrick’s Cathedral is out?” she asks with a wry smile.

  “It’s definitely out,” I say firmly. “After all, I used to be married to your mother, honey. What will people say if we get married in a lavish ceremony? It’s better just to keep it plain and simple.”

  My fiancée agreed on that, and as a result, we’re in Vegas now. It’s not bad. The church has pews made of light blonde wood, and there are a few stained glass windows here and there, believe it or not. Plus, they’ve done up the place with a lot of ivory flowers and matching ribbons, making it look very festive. I’m dressed in a dark grey suit, and I know Kayla went to buy a wedding gown with my credit card.

  Suddenly, the strains of the wedding march ring out, and I turn expectantly. Right on time because Kayla steps into the aisle and she’s absolutely ravishing. The curvy girl is gorgeous in a flower crown with a matching bouquet, and a white satin wedding gown that highlights her big breasts and even bigger tummy. After all, Kayla is in her third trimester now and our baby will be born any moment. I can’t wait for our daughter to arrive, and a sense of possession rushes through my veins.

  After all, it wasn’t that easy to get to this place in our lives. We had to keep our relationship on the downlow for quite a while after our dirty medical exam. I was recently divorced from Victoria, and we didn’t want everyone to talk.

  But we had to tell my ex straightaway because the three of us were living under the same roof. Needless to say, Victoria wasn’t exactly happy to find out that I was now in a relationship with her daughter.

  “You must be kidding me,” the middle-aged woman said when we told her. “This must be a joke. Are you punking me?”

  “Mommy, it’s not like that,” began Kayla, but I cut the beautiful girl off.

  “No, it is like that,” I said in a firm tone. “I’m in love with your daughter, Victoria, and there are no two ways about it. She’s an adult, and we have no legal nor familial ties between us anymore. Kayla is mine.”

  And that was that. Victoria shut her trap, although she moved out the next day. It made sense. It’s one thing to accept what’s happening, but it’s another to know that your daughter is sleeping with your ex on a regular basis. In fact, we were loud sometimes. My beautiful girl sometimes likes it hard and unprotected, and we didn’t hold back during those steamy sessions. Victoria must have gotten an earful, prompting her hasty departure.

  Plus, once Kayla and I began those daily sessions, we just couldn’t stop. She moved straight into my suite, and we didn’t even pretend that we were anything other than lovers. It was wonderful, to be frank, and it wasn’t surprising when she got pregnant immediately. That’s why we’re getting married now. I want my daughter to be born knowing her parents were married. It’s old-fashioned but I am who I am.

  Kayla steps up and faces me at the altar, practically glowing.

  “I love you George,” she mouths silently as the officiant begins to speak. Without waiting for the officiant’s go-ahead, I lean forward and kiss my fiancée.

  “Hey!” the old man cries out. “We’re not at that part of the ceremony yet.”

  But it’s okay because we are at that part of the ceremony. Kayla and I are pledging our love and lives to one another forever, and that’s the way it should be. I should feel free to kiss my love at any time I choose, and right now is absolutely perfect.

  “I love you,” I mouth again, despite the officiant’s grumbles.

  This time, the smile that breaks out on my fiancée’s face pierces my heart and makes my knees go weak.

  “I love you too,” she mouths back, and my soul melts. My fate was always with this woman, and now we’ll have many more years together going forward.

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  Next up: A Sneak Peek of About My Daddies. What do I do when my mom has two ex-husbands, and they both want me?

  Sneak Peek: About My Daddies


  Jared’s a photographer with a growly exterior and sapphire eyes to die for. Vlad is a filthy rich Russian billionaire who’s utterly possessive. The catch? They’re both my mom’s ex-husbands.

  Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is happening. I’m in a private space with both of my ex-stepdads, and they’re so handsome. Vlad looms before me: dark, forbidding and impeccably dressed in a black suit. Meanwhile, Jared’s on the other side of the room, but I can feel his heat even from here. He’s wearing a loose blue work short that highlights his broad shoulders and wide chest, along with a pair of worn jeans that hug that gorgeous ass.

  My mouth goes dry as the air vibrates with energy. Oh gosh, I shouldn’t be feeling this way at all. These men were once married to my mom, and Vivian didn’t deserve them at all. They’re handsome, compelling, and both sets of male eyes rake over my body, making my curves sizzle.

  “Um, what do you mean, what am I looking for?” I stammer. “I’m an artist. I’m looking for truth, beauty, and light.”

  Vlad snorts a bit while Jared throws his head back and laughs, showing off even white teeth.

  “I’m an artist too, and I appreciate your sentiment,” he says lightly. “But I think Vlad is asking a different question. What are you looking for in a man, sweetheart?”

  I gasp, my cheeks coloring. Oh god, my nips are definitely rock hard now, and they jut at the fabric of my dress. Vlad’s eyes go down and I can literally feel his gaze on my sensitive curves. He licks his lips and then meets my eyes again.

  “Yes, tell us,” he says in a low, silky voice. “Let your daddies know what you want and need.”

  I blush even more furiously again. My knees feel weak and I’m literally trembling.

  “Well, I’m not sure,” I stammer. “The boys at college were so immature, and the men I’ve met since … well, they’re not really men,” I say. “They’re young boys living off family money. Vivian would love for me to marry one of them, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  “Why not?” asks Vlad silkily. He’s perfectly still, and yet I can feel his big form vibrating. “What’s wrong with them?”

  I shrug my shoulders helplessly.

  “They’re just immature,” I say. “Kind of like big puppies with oversized paws and tongues that flop out. Oh sure, they’re wearing suits and ties but I’m just not attracted to junior bankers and lawyers. It’s not what I’m looking for.”

  Jared smiles then, still gazing at me from across the length of the room.

  “So what are you looking for, Pia?” he asks in a too-casual voice. “
Older men? Powerful men? Wealthy men?”

  “Yes! No,” I say quickly, blushing again. Drat. My face must look like a tomato, and I can even feel the heat spreading down my chest. “I just want a man who knows himself, and who’s confident and self-assured. The guys who’ve been after me are fake confident. They talk a big game, but really, they’re crunching spreadsheets for the man with the big office.”

  Vlad throws his head back and laughs uproariously then, his bronzed good looks breathtaking.

  “So you want to date ‘the man’?” he asks with one eyebrow cocked in amusement. “That’s your dream?”

  I nod but then shake my head.

  “Not my dream exactly, but yes, I would like someone who knows what they’re doing. The men I’ve dated are like puppies,” I reiterate again with a half-smile. “They slobber and once, a guy actually barked with glee when we were in bed. It was terrifying. I thought I was dating a shapeshifter or something.”

  Both men look at me with amusement, but there’s heat in their gazes. I’m just about to speak again, but then Vlad and Jared look at one another, and nod. Something’s passed through the air, and I don’t know what it is, but I know it has to do with me.

  “What is it?” I ask, folding my hands to keep from trembling. “What’s going on?”

  Vlad and Jared share another glance before Jared speaks this time.

  “Pia, it sounds like you have high expectations for men. So high, in fact, that your standards might be too much for one man to meet.”

  I shake my head.

  “Oh no, I didn’t mean to sound like a demanding –”

  But Jared raises his hand and stops me.

  “You’re not demanding,” he says smoothly. “You should have high standards, Pia, because you’re a beautiful and talented woman. It’s right that you should ask a lot of the men you go out with. But tell me, have you ever thought about dating two men at once, and letting them both meet your needs? You might find more satisfaction that way.”


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