If She Says Yes

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If She Says Yes Page 11

by Tasha L. Harrison

  He was standing in the bathroom, holding the phone up to the mirror. His shirt was still on but pushed up over his head, and his pajama bottoms, the same ones he had on now, were pushed down just enough for his hand to plunge inside and pull out his dick. It appeared like some sort of magic trick. Safely tucked away, and then hello, massive, lovely penis! I’d seen it before, but I was still surprised by it.

  Moans, Tommy’s moans, filled my ears as the screen displayed a video of him, standing opposite the mirror, strong, proud, young, and so fucking gorgeous with one hand caressing his hardness.

  “This is yours, Darcy. For as long as you want it,” he whispered on the video.

  Tommy gripped my hip firmly and covered my pussy with his mouth as the noise-canceling earbuds in my ears dampened the sounds of the men in my house moving tables and the clinks of glass and dinnerware and replaced them with Tommy’s soft, low voice, whispering in Spanish as he drizzled bath oil onto his dick.

  “¿Ves? Ves lo que me haces? So hard for you, Darcy. This is what you do to me.”

  Every single one of my senses was on overload. I watched as he made himself slick and shiny with that bath oil I left in the shower for guests. It was Neutrogena. Hypoallergenic. Cheap, but you could trick folks into thinking it was fancy if you put it in a nice bottle. I knew the exact smell of that body oil. I could smell it on him now. I wanted to yank his pajama bottoms down and bury my nose between his legs so that I could smell him and that clean scent. To know how it smelled on his skin. Know what scents filled the room when Tommy fucked his dick into his fist.

  Gripping my hip in one hand, Tommy gave me one broad, thorough lick as he slid two of his thick fingers inside of me. At least, I thought it was two. I couldn’t be sure because my attention was split between the Tommy at my feet and the Tommy making needy moans in my ears and desperately fucking his hand on-screen.

  He focused his attention on my clit, his tongue applying just the right amount of pressure before licking and suckling at the hard nub. It was a sensory deprivation exercise designed to make me come.

  “Mmm,” I moaned, tipping my hips forward a little more so his fingers could reach a little deeper, and my sex could fit more flush against his mouth, sealing the now puffy lips and my hard clit in that decadent heat. His clever tongue swept and swirled over my clit; his fingers were impossibly deep.

  “It took everything in me not to crawl into bed with you last night. Eat your pussy until you begged me to fuck you. To feel you clench and gush all over me every time I push in and out of you. In and out...in and out until my dick’s slick and wet from being inside you. Fuck... I almost climbed in that bed, Darcy. I almost climbed in that bed and fucked you.” Video Tommy whispered those last two words, spilling precum on his fingers.

  My pussy clenched in response, and Tommy twisted his fingers inside of me, making me moan so loud that I was sure if there was anyone in the hall or the kitchen, they surely heard me.

  I didn’t care.

  He whispered something against my pussy. Something I couldn’t hear, but I felt his lips shape around the words between licks of my clit. I grabbed a fistful of his hair, and he moaned. I didn’t hear that either, but it reverberated through me. God, the way he sucked on my clit was perfect, so perfect that my pussy clenched and fluttered around his fingers, my pleasure a promise that he was determined to deliver.

  “I wanted it so badly…” video Tommy continued. “I wanted to bury my dick so deep inside of you that when you came again, I’d feel it from the tip of my dick to the base. Then fuck you slow and deep until you came again. You hear me, pretty baby?”

  “Yes,” I breathed in response to video Tommy’s question and what real-life Tommy was doing down on his knees between my thighs.

  Video Tommy moaned. “What would you sound like? Would you make those same kitty growls? Or would you get loud for me? Or maybe you would smother your moans and screams into my shoulder? Maybe you’d bite my shoulder because I felt so damn good to you? Bite and lick and then bite me again while your pussy clenched and soaked my dick the way you soaked my lap last night.” His breath hitched and shuddered in my ears. My breathing mirrored his, and I watched wide-eyed as video Tommy fucked his fist, and real-life Tommy spun me up with his mouth and fingers.

  I bit my bottom lip hard, trying not to scream…but fuck, it felt good. So, so good. “Tommy,” I gasped hoarsely because I was close.

  When video Tommy came, the sound of his satisfied moans filled my ears, and I moaned and came along with him while real-life Tommy drank me up like he was oh so thirsty.

  The video ended, and my head and ears filled with the raspy sounds of my own breath soughing in and out of my lungs, barely covered by the bump and tumble of the dryer balls as they finished up the quick cycle.

  Tommy planted wet kisses on my thighs, my lower belly, and my hips. His fingers — gentler now, but still inside of me — created delicious waves of pleasure. He stood slowly, slipped his fingers out of me just as slowly, and wiped his chin with the back of his hand with a big grin on his face. My vision was hazy, soft around the edges in a way that made his beautiful, messy face look like something out of a dream sequence in a John Hughes movie.

  He took the AirPods out of my ears and his phone out of my hand, then tucked both into the pocket of his pajama bottoms. Still smiling at me, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Look at you,” he whispered.

  I blinked and slid my hands around his waist. “What? What do I look like?”

  “Softer and more relaxed than I’ve ever seen you,” he whispered, brushing a loose curl away from my face. “Sated but still wanting more, like a kid staring at the dessert table. Wait...maybe I’m talking about myself,” he said with a laugh, but it died on his tongue when he glanced downward, his eyes devouring my still exposed skin. “Am I right? Do you want more?”

  He traced the tip of his finger between my breasts, down the center of me, stopping short of my mound. My hips tipped forward of their own volition.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Tommy grunted a noncommittal sound of agreement then closed my robe. Holding the lapels firmly to conceal my nakedness, he brushed his lips against my neck, my cheek, and my lips, where he lingered to nibble and lick. I tasted myself on his mouth, and it made me want him between my legs again. And his dick… I wanted the dick he said was mine, too.

  For as long as you want it…

  The dryer stopped, and the sounds it had dampened from the other side of the door filtered in. He moaned against my mouth again, but it was a frustrated sound.

  “Más, más, más,” he whispered then pulled away slowly. “Nunca lo suficiente para mi.”

  I frowned and shook my head. “All I understood was more, more, more.”

  He chuckled softly. “That’s all you really need to understand.”

  But whatever else he’d said had sounded sorrowful, and he was trying to make light of it now.


  “Count to fifty, then meet me in the kitchen, okay?”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  He reached behind me and flicked the lock on the pocket door. “Oh, and there’s a new appointment on our shared calendar.”

  “What for?” I asked, stepping out of the way of the door.

  Tommy’s lips quirked, and he gave me a wink. “You’ll see,” he said, then closed the pocket door between us.

  Still struggling to steady myself, I pressed my forehead to the door. My body was still tingling and thrumming from the orgasm he gave me, but I still wanted to yank it open and pull him back in.

  “Count, Darcy,” he said from the other side.

  I laughed and took a deep breath. “One, two, three, four…”

  By the time I’d counted to fifty, my heart rate had slowed to a regular pace, but my body had slipped into the languid state that followed a deeply satisfying orgasm. I’d much rather be rolling over to stretch myself over and along Tommy’s naked body, but instead, I s
huffled into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Darcy,” Minerva said cheerily, but then she gave me a look. A look that said that she might have heard Tommy break his fast by eating my pussy and me moaning loud enough to drown out the dryer balls bouncing around on the quick cycle.

  “Morning, Minnie,” I said, feeling my neck, face, and ears flush hot with embarrassment.


  “Yeah, I’ll take a cup.”

  “You look a little flushed,” she said with a note of faux concern in her voice, then smirked.

  Yeah…she heard us. If I was reading her right, she didn’t disapprove.

  “Good morning, Darcy,” Tommy said, his voice soft, but the baritone depth of it resonated in the room and in my still throbbing pussy.

  “Morning, Tommy,” I answered back, barely able to get my voice above a heated whisper. “How’d you sleep?” I asked after clearing my throat.

  “Good, which is surprising, considering how late we were out—”

  “How late were we out?” Jared grumbled, shuffling into the kitchen. “And why’d you let me drink so damn much?”

  “Let you?” Tommy retorted, bringing his coffee cup to his lips. Those lips that were so good at kissing mine — both sets of them.

  Jesus… My mind will not get out of the fucking gutter.

  “Yeah, let me,” Jared said again while pulling me in to kiss me on the forehead. I stiffened for a moment, worried that he might smell Tommy on me, but realized after catching a whiff of him that he couldn’t smell a thing over the fermented stench seeping out of his pores.

  “Good lord, boy! You smell like you bathed in a bottle of Marrow Bone Creek!” I exclaimed, pushing him away.

  “See, Tommy! You let me drink too much!”

  “Once again, let you? Last time I checked, you were a grown-ass man who knew his own limits. I was only responsible for getting you to and from the strip club without incident. Which I did.”

  The boys went back and forth like that. Playful bickering that again made me remember other mornings when they had elbowed each other through a meal and horsed around. I used to love the racket they made. When they were away, the house was too quiet.

  “All right, you two,” Minerva said when they started to get too carried away. She put two plates full of breakfast fare in front of them, and they settled, elbows out, and started to eat.

  Tommy looked up at me in the midst of forking a mouthful of grits and eggs in his mouth. His mood may have been playful, but his eyes were anything but. They were molten pools of want that made my nipples peak against my silk robe.

  "So, what’s the schedule look like today?” Jared asked.

  “Nothing until we head over to the barbershop this afternoon.”

  “Good,” I interjected. “That gives you time to get a workout in. Sweat that liquor out of your system.” As I brought the coffee cup to my lips, I thought of Tommy shirtless and running along Battery Park the way he often did when he lived here. How hadn’t I noticed how fit he was then? Was it just mom-brain blocking all of that out? Because god… I couldn’t stop thinking of him that way now. Shouldn’t I feel ashamed? Guilty? Both?

  When our eyes met again, all I felt was hungry, naked want.

  Clattering heels sounded in the front hallway, and my sister James barreled into the kitchen. “Sorry I’m late, Darcy! I couldn’t find my good flat iron, and the store was out of the dye I usually use on your hair, so I’ll have to mix it— oh! Good morning, boys!” She painted on a smile, a sultry one that made Tommy sit up and pay attention.

  I clenched my teeth.

  “Good morning, Auntie,” Tommy said with a big grin.

  James all but growled at that greeting, but I don’t think Tommy would label hers as the kitten type.

  “I’m not your fucking Auntie, Tomás,” she said, ruffling the hair I had just dug my fingers in as I came. “You really didn’t bring a date to this thing?”

  He raised a brow then glanced at me.

  “Oh,” she said with a snort. “That Mother of the Groom Concierge thing... You’re not serious about that, are you?”

  Tommy chuckled, then leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Of course, I am. But I’ll save you a dance, huh?” he promised with a wink. Then he turned and thumped Jared on the back. “I’m gonna change into some shit to work out in. Come get me when you’re ready.”

  Jared nodded, still shoveling food into his face. I watched surreptitiously as Tommy left the kitchen and walked up the back path to the garçonnière.

  “Auntie, can you not flirt with Tomás? It kinda creeps me out.”

  James rolled her eyes and turned to me. “Where are we gonna do this? Upstairs in your bathroom?”

  I nodded, took some of the gear she’d dragged in, and helped her carry it up the stairs.

  “That boy has got it bad for you, Darcy,” she said, dropping her gear on my now freshly-made bed. Minerva must have snuck up here to make it while we were in the kitchen. I had a momentary vision of her checking the sheets like one of Queen Elizabeth’s ladies-in-waiting.

  We must know her proper functions...

  The thought made me giggle, and James must have misinterpreted my giggling as a response to what she’d said.

  “I’m serious, Darcy! That boy looks at you like he wants to slurp you up like an oyster.”

  “Ew, James! Why you gotta be so vulgar?” I asked, searching for my phone. Finding it on the night table nearest the French doors, I grabbed it and opened the messaging app. There were several messages waiting to be read, but I only cared about one.

  “I’m just saying. You should really do something about that. Seriously.”

  “Do something about it?”

  “Yes, do something about it. Say yes to him, or cut him loose so someone else can have a go.”

  “I have no idea what you’re even talking about,” I murmured, a slow smile spreading across my face when I saw what he had scheduled for us.

  *dick appt @ 12 a.m. EST*

  Oh, my god. I pressed a hand to my lower belly as I selected yes with my thumb.



  My knees were complaining by the time Jared and I reached the far end of Battery Park. It was a bit late in the afternoon for this. The sun was nearly at its peak, and the humidity was so thick that it made it difficult to breathe. The afternoon breeze coming off the river offered little relief. Those conditions made this run exactly what it was intended to be: cleansing. And if I were to judge by the stench rolling off of Jared, it seemed to be exactly that. I’d hoped it would cleanse me of some of the foolish thoughts circling in my head.

  Thoughts about Darcy. Thoughts about us together.

  Nunca lo suficiente para mi.

  That realization had never been more clear than it became when I was down on my knees in that laundry room with Darcy. With the folds of her pussy glistening, begging for my mouth and fingers, my name on her lips, her voice soft and lost, and my heart pounding in my chest, I realized it then. I knew, I knew, I fucking knew that it was never going to be enough for me.

  When I licked my lips, I could still taste her — earthy and sweet. A taste that I’d probably chase forever. Maybe the rest of my life. When I stretched my fingers, I thought of the silken clutch of her pussy, and the rough bundle of nerves just inside of her that made her hips pitch, roll, and buck against my mouth. When I closed my eyes, I saw her, robe gaping, breasts bared, eyes narrowed to glazed slits as she came.

  I did that to her. I gave her that pleasure.

  And tonight, I would have her again. Her panting, ragged breaths, and the way she growled into my mouth. I would get the chance to make her come with more than just my fingers and my tongue. Tonight… I would have that tonight. But damn it… It would never, never, never be enough for me.

  “Shit!” Jared cursed loudly, his voice penetrating the music blaring from my AirPods. I slowed and turned, just in time to see him stumble on weak legs toward a ne
arby trashcan and throw up his breakfast.

  Laughing, I pulled my phone out, turned off my music, and walked toward him. I’d set a punishing pace for our run because I was trying to put some distance between me and my thoughts, but apparently, it served a dual purpose — purging Jared of all the liquor he drank last night.

  “Aw, champ… Do you feel better now?” I asked, giving him a couple of thumps on the back.

  “Fuck you,” he gurgled, then pulled off his shirt to wipe his face and mouth. “And actually, yes. I do feel better.”

  “Good, you wanna keep running, or—”

  “Nah, let’s just walk. I don’t think there’s anything left in there, but I’d rather not throw up in a public trashcan again.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Shoulder to shoulder, we fell in step, moving toward the right side of the sidewalk to make room for the other people who were foolish enough to go running at this time of day. Now that we weren’t running, I’d started to sweat, my body trying desperately to cool me down. I pulled off my own shirt and mopped the sweat from my face. My phone chimed in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked my notifications, biting back a smile when I saw that Darcy had accepted my dick appointment invite.

  “What’s up? We got somewhere to be?” Jared asked.

  “Just a reminder for the barbershop appointment. We have an hour,” I lied, shoving the phone back into my pocket. Surprisingly, I was looking forward to our appointment at the high-end shop — a hot shave, a shoulder, neck, and scalp massage, and a haircut. It would feel good to be pampered after this run.

  But not more than I was looking forward to that dick appointment with Darcy.

  “So, that thing with my Aunt James this morning? What was that about?”

  I frowned and gave him a sideways glance. “What thing with your Aunt James? What are you talking about?”

  “The kiss on the cheek, and all that ‘saving a dance for her’ business. Are you trying to push up on my Auntie for real?”

  I shook my head and laughed. James? That was who he was worried about? I’d flirted with Darcy in his presence every moment since we arrived, and he was worried about his wild-ass Auntie James?


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