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Vengeance Page 4

by Kane Daemon

  My coach, pulled by six white horses, was about to turn back into a pumpkin and six mice. I guessed Zane to be in his mid-forties, meaning he had the possibility of a lot more baggage than me being twenty-five. For fuck’s sake. And just like that, all was lost. “I don’t think there’s anything you can say that will run me off, Zane.” I sighed like a baby, saying his name.

  “As I said, Amanda and I were married about ten years ago, shortly after she found me broken down on the side of the road.” His eyes seemed to get lost for a few seconds and then fell onto me. “Two years ago, she was found in one of my warehouses, raped, and murdered.”

  I reached across the table and placed my hand on his. “I’m so sorry. I should not have asked you.”

  He shrugged and looked away again. Any woman whoever came into his life was going to have to live in that shadow. “I’ve probably dated close to fifty women in the last year. But nothing ever seems to take hold. There’s always this cloud hanging over me.”

  I took a bite of my sandwich to think of my reply. It was a stall tactic, really. I surprised myself by not wanting to jump back on Criss-cross and getting the hell out of Dodge. I felt a connection with him. Not his money, or his smarts, or his bike. But to him. Putting the sandwich back in the box, I stood and moved out from beneath the shelter and looked up at the sky.

  “Something wrong?”

  I shook my head. “Just thought you should know there’s no cloud hanging over you today.” I returned to the table, enjoying his smile. “I’ve never lost anyone, but I think I understand where you’re coming from. I won’t be offended if you tell me to take a hike.”

  “What if I told you to take a ride?”

  We looked at each other for a long silent moment, and then we both laughed. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He put the sandwich wrapper and empty chip bag in his box and placed our boxes back inside the cooler. “Renny will send someone out this afternoon to get it. Earlier, if he has other riders scheduled.”

  I returned to Criss-cross and mounted him without help. As soon as Zane mounted Gentleman Taylor, we started back on the trail.

  “Could I be nosey for a minute?” I asked as we rode side by side.

  Zane brought Gentleman Taylor closer, so close that the two horses rubbed against each other. “I have nothing to hide.”

  I glanced at his arms as he held the horse’s reins. His biceps were so muscular that the seams of his shirt sleeves struggled to contain his arms. He sat properly in the saddle. His jeans were tight enough that I could see the muscles in his upper legs. Fuck, he was something else. “That guy Trucker back at the ranch. How do you know him? He acted like you’d been friends for a long time but also acted like he wanted to fight.”

  “I was a member of Hell’s Justice for the first five years Amanda and I were married.” He shook his head as if trying to make sense of something. “Then I decided I wanted more for us. I’d attend U.C.L.A. for fuck’s sake. The potential was there. While I was in school, I worked on a project that we lost funding for. Five years ago, the guy I was working with contacted me. Said he had backers, if I wanted to pick up where we left off. I said sure, and then asked the club to let me go nomad. They voted in church, and I went on my way. Unfortunately, my business partner

  died in a car accident.”

  “So, you own the company?”

  “Yeah, I do. I started making bank, and then the club came asking for money.”

  “And you said no.”

  “They do some shit I don’t agree with. My money would have helped the club expand its illegal operations. So I help the club in other ways, with my money. I do my best to make sure it’s things I agree with, like helping the families. But I’m sure Trucker funnels some of it into drugs, pussy, and whatever else they have going on. I’m not filthy rich, but I’m doing okay.”

  “I won’t even ask,” I said. “But, your company created those glass walls?”

  “Yeah. I own a dozen patents.” He rubbed his face and then turned to me. Our horses were continuing on the trail. It was a trail they had been on too many times to count. “I can buy almost anything I want. But you know what I couldn’t buy? Justice for Amanda.”

  “The authorities never caught who did it?”

  He shook his head. “No, but it was club related. I’m not sure how or why. Just know it.” He frowned, letting me briefly see his grief. “But I didn’t bring you out here to relive my past. We’re supposed to be having fun.”

  As we rode, we left the canyon and began circling back toward the ranch. My mind bounced around all over the place. I thought I had far too much baggage for anyone. Zane’s past would haunt him for the rest of his life. At least mine would eventually go away.

  Zane pointed out flowers and other plants. He talked about the Navajo and their history, things I never found interesting until they came out of his mouth. Zane told me about the gray wolves that stalked the nights. He told me of stories of the mountain lions spending their days in caves and other cool places, to come out at night to hunt for food. His knowledge of things, in general, left a lasting impression on me. He wasn’t just some dumb muscle who couldn’t spell his own name.

  Around the next outcropping of rocks, I could see the ranch in the distance. Zane stopped.

  “Like I said, you’re welcome to stay another night, if you like.”

  How could I say no? “I’d love to. Do you have to work tomorrow?”

  He chuckled and gave Gentleman Taylor a nudge. “It’s Sunday, remember.”

  I actually didn’t remember. I forgot everything, as a matter of fact.

  “Ever been to the Grand Canyon?” he asked. I think he enjoyed introducing me to new things.

  “No, never.” I paused. “I take that back. My parents took me when I was five or six.”

  “So just a few years ago,” he joked. He urged Gentleman Taylor forward, and I quickly caught up.

  “I hope my age isn’t a problem,” I said.

  “I hope mine isn’t.”

  At that moment, I wanted to climb from my horse and jump on his. I wanted to give side-saddle a try for the rest of the way with my arms around his neck. “I think older men are kinda sexy.” I wanted to face plant my palm at how corny that sounded.

  “Forty-five,” he said.

  “Wow. Really?”


  “A whopping twenty-five.”

  “Do we need to stop and change your diaper?”

  Yes, please, I wanted to say but thought better of it. I still was unsure of getting between Zane and the memories of his wife.

  “There’s a bar about thirty minutes from the house. Some rough people hang out there, but there’s also good food and even a little dancing, if you’re into that kind of thing.” He smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Just not any of that millennial shit.”

  “I’m going to add some millennial shit to your playlist.”

  When we got back to the ranch, the bikers were gone. Two couples were getting on horses, Renny giving them his spill about rules and staying out of trouble. Renny glanced at me and winked. It wasn’t a flirty wink. Not at all. More like, thanks for taking care of Zane. He’s been hurting a long time and needs a break from the pain. I only assumed I could help.

  Renny sent the two couples off toward the trail and then joined Zane and me. He called over one of the ranch hands, and the young woman walked the horses back to the stables.

  “I need to make a call to the office,” Zane said. “I’ll be inside in a few minutes. You should get out of the heat.” He walked over to his bike and grabbed his phone.

  “Come on inside, and I’ll get your shoes.” Renny opened the door but looked back at Zane. Concern filled Renny’s face. He closed the door behind us. “I hope you’ll stick around longer than the others.”

  “Why’d the others not?” I watched Renny put my shoes in a bag. He was careful with his answer.

  “Zane is a complicated guy.” Renny handed me the bag and then took a
seat on the stool behind the counter. He leaned to the left and stared out the window. “He’s told you about Amanda?” I nodded. “A lot of women can’t handle a man holding onto memories of another woman. What happened to her is a difficult thing to move past.”

  “He needs closure,” I said.

  “Closure’s not coming until they find out who killed her.” Renny ignored his ringing cell phone. “It’s the only way he’ll move on.”

  “He thinks it’s club related.” I grabbed a seat on the tree stump. “I don’t really know what he means by that.”

  “He mentioned he used to be part of the Hell’s Justice?”

  I nodded and picked at my nails. It was a bad habit that I had when trying to concentrate.

  “He’s still a member. Just doesn’t associate with them.”

  “That’s why that guy Trucker was a dick to him,” I said. “And that guy Stringer didn’t seem much better.”

  “The rest of the club was okay with him leaving. But not those two. Trucker’s father founded the club. Under his leadership, nobody ever left the club willingly. When Trucker became President, Zane was the first and only member ever to leave. So, there’s some bad blood. Stringer replaced Zane as V.P.”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  “Just be prepared for whatever comes at you if the two of you hit it off. Know the club is hovering around Zane. Know his feelings for Amanda are real, and it’s nothing against you. Zane needs someone who will love him, not for what he has but what he had, sometimes despite what he had. The man will treat you like a woman should be treated. He needs someone to treat him like a man should be treated. Just have his back. Give him space when he needs it, and don’t be surprised at anything.”

  “Wow,” I said, and looked out the window as Zane approached. “That’s a lot to take in.”

  “Which is why most women don’t stick around. His plate’s always full.” Renny stopped talking when Zane entered the room.

  Zane looked at each of us. “Plotting my demise?”

  “Ha,” Renny said. “Others are already doing that. No need to pile on.”

  Zane reached over the counter, and the two men clasped hands and hugged. Zane patted Renny on the back and stepped away. “Keep me on the books for next Saturday?”

  Renny glanced at me, as did Zane.

  “Make it two.” I stood and hooked my arm around Zane’s massive bicep. “Can I have the same horse?”

  “Of course.” Renny scribbled something on a calendar, and we left the small shop.

  “Sure, you want to stick around?” Zane sat on the bike and grabbed the handlebars.

  “Do I have a choice? You’re holding my car hostage.”



  I’d made at least a week-long commitment to Zane when I agreed to ride again next weekend. Could I manage all the things Renny had mentioned? I honestly didn’t know. But my attraction to Zane was more significant than my fear of the unknown.

  The sunset in the eastern sky behind glowed with brilliant reds, oranges, and blues. I held onto Zane tighter than needed, but I also couldn’t stop myself from doing so. The man had swept me off my feet. What twenty-five-year-old woman wouldn’t be mesmerized?

  We pulled off the main highway, and above the roar of the bike, I could hear wolves howling in the darkness. Stars were beginning to peek through the night.

  Zane stopped and looked in his mailbox. He removed a small package and a couple of letters. Zane stuffed them in one of the bags attached to the backside of the bike. He didn’t look pleased.

  The garage opened as we approached, and he carefully parked the bike. The garage door closed as we went inside, leaving the mail behind in his bag. I thought back to what Renny had said and decided not to say anything.

  Zane placed his keys on the kitchen counter. “I’m gonna change and jump in the pool.”

  Whatever had come in the mail had changed his entire mood. I followed him down the hallway and stopped at my room. Zane continued to the end of the hall, but stopped before leaving me.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Just stuff. If you want to join me, I’d be happy to have you.”

  I almost started toward his bedroom but quickly realized he was talking about joining him in the pool. “Sure.” I entered my bedroom, still curious what his looked like, and flopped on the bed someone had made. A cleaning service as well. Fantastic. It would all come crumbling down on top of me soon.

  I got up and closed the door behind me before going into the closet. The swimsuits were all folded neatly in a drawer, each one still carrying a price tag. I basically couldn’t afford any of the items in there. I looked in the next drawer, a place I hadn’t looked at last night, and found what I hadn't been looking for. The hot-pink G-string swimsuit pretty much fit in the palm of my hand. My entire ass would be out there for him to see. And I would be lucky if the top covered my nipples.

  It turned out not to be so bad. I turned left and right as I watched myself in the mirror. My nipples were covered, but my ass was indeed out there for Zane to see. The robe I wore the previous night hung back in the place I'd found it before. I wrapped up and headed to the pool.

  Speedos. Fucking Speedos. Are you kidding me?

  Zane stood at the edge of the pool, about to enter. He turned and smiled. “Made you a drink.” He pointed at the table and then dove into the water.

  After seeing his body displayed before me, there was only one thing to do. I grabbed the glass and finished it in one long gulp. Though my throat burned, I smiled at Zane when the head on his shoulders poked from the water. He looked at the glass and then back at me.

  “Did you finish that?”

  I covered my mouth when a burp slipped out. “It was a long drive.”

  I turned my back on him and untied the robe. I looked over my back and let it fall off my shoulders, slowly, even seductively. It was on purpose, but not really. The alcohol preferred to do my talking. Of course, I heard people say they could feel someone staring at them, even though they had their back turned. That was the exact feeling I had. I dropped the robe over the chair and turned.

  Zane’s eyes grew wide as he trod water.

  I watched him as I walked to the steps leading into the pool.

  “The water’s perfect tonight,” he said, his eyes never left me. He backed away from me while I entered the pool. We were both trying to give the other enough space to think and decide what would come next.

  “A girl could get used to all this.” The water came to my neck, and I stopped. “I take it you have a maid service?”

  “Yeah, but not much for them to do.” He started toward me, and my knees immediately weakened. At five-six, I was no match for his size. I would get lost in his arms if he put them around me.

  “I had fun today,” I said.

  Zane looked at his watch. “The HOG starts picking up about ten. If you’re still interested.”

  “The Hog?”

  He laughed and stopped a foot away. “The place I mentioned to you earlier. The bar down the road.”

  “Oh.” I could feel his warm breath against my face. Tiny trickles of water raced down his hard chest, disappearing in the deep striations between muscles. “I’m interested.”

  “I’m sure there’s something in the closet you can wear.” He moved past me; his arm brushed against my shoulder. I felt lightheaded and struggled to compose myself. I thought he meant to kiss me. “I’m glad you stayed.” Zane climbed the stairs and grabbed a towel. “I’m going inside to get ready. Take your time.”

  Ass. Legs. Strong back. I dipped my head below the water, hoping when I came back up, he’d be standing at the pool’s edge, naked. Unfortunately, I was still alone.

  I swam to the side and rested my arms on the concrete, laying my head on my arms. I watched the backdoor for his return. Renny had given me a lot to think about, and I’d spent every minute since doing precisely that. I didn’t want to live in anyone’s shadow. But I al
so didn’t want to give up on something that felt right. It needed to be given a chance.

  Inside, I skipped the desire to continue down the hall to his bedroom. I wasn’t sure if he was creating space between us for him or me, but we’d only known each other for two days, so there was no need to hurry. I stopped at my room and closed the door behind me. Even Cinderella had to wait.

  I started the shower and waited to step inside. Instead, I stood at the mirror and removed the swimsuit. Had it been too revealing? I doubted it. Because of my body? Not likely. Using my hands, I pushed my boobs upward and held them there. Too young for them to sag. I decided he wanted to be a gentleman. But there also seemed to be something else hidden deep inside him. Something he worked hard to keep contained. That worried me more than competing with the memory of his wife.

  I showered and dried my hair in front of the mirror. My hair needed a trim, so I decided to wear it up. My neck would be exposed to Zane's viewing pleasure. I looked around in the closet, impressed by the expensive selections, most of which still had a price tag attached. Did I find it odd he had the clothes? Yes. Did I let it bother me? No.

  What to wear to a seedy bar in the middle of nowhere? I grabbed a pair of tight blue jeans, a tight white tee, and red heels. Once dressed, I knew I’d picked the right outfit.

  I opened the bedroom door and stopped. From down the hall, I could hear Zane on the phone. Whoever he was talking to had gotten him riled up. He raised his voice and then I heard something smash.

  “Everything okay?” I asked when he came down the hall.

  Zane looked back toward the bedroom. “Sorry about that. Work again. It’s too late on a Saturday to have to deal with incompetence.” He cleared the frown from his face and held out his arm. He looked at me from head to toe. “We need to stop dressing alike. People are going to start talking.”

  “Maybe we can find you a pair of red heels.”

  Zane chuckled. “And then maybe we never go outside the house again.” We headed through the house and back out to the garage. “So, this place that we’re going...”

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “The Hog.”


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