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Vengeance Page 13

by Kane Daemon

  “Samantha,” she said and grabbed the beer when Snyder returned.

  “Were you April’s piece of ass?” I asked. “Because if you were, I could understand why the guys couldn’t wait until May got here.”

  The other woman laughed, but Samantha didn’t. “What the fuck did you say?”

  I turned on the stool and faced the woman. She had at least five inches on me. And maybe ten bra sizes. “I don’t want any trouble, Samantha. Just leave me alone to sit here, drink my beer, and wait for Zane. That’s all I ask.”

  But she didn’t care why I was sitting there. She rested her beer down hard, and the room grew quiet. I remembered what Sadie said about having to punch a bitch sometime. That sometime had come quicker than I hoped.

  I saw Samantha reach, but I was a second to slow in reacting. She had a handful of hair and dragging me off the stool. I went to the ground hard, face first. My cheek burned. I blew hair from my face and found everyone staring at me. I was the new girl on the block. Her first day at school and someone was already stealing her lunch money. Next would be bribes for protection.

  I turned over to find Samantha standing over me, her fat, camel-toe pussy in my face.

  I can honestly say I’d never hit another woman in the cunt, so I didn’t know if it had the same impact as punching a man in the balls, which I had done on a couple of occasions during high school.

  The punch landed right where I’d planned, the squishy spot a little odd feeling. Samantha went down next to me, her hands grasping like a man holding his sack. She threw back her head, and her hair smacked me in the face.

  “You little cunt,” she said and smacked me so hard that I heard an echo in the room. The echo was followed by oohs and awes.

  Samantha wasted no time in coming at me. I was sure her pussy was burning, and she was damn sure not going to give me another shot. She had her hands in my hair, pulling and twisting, dragging me across the floor. I enjoyed being small for Zane, but being outweighed by Xena Princess Bitch was a totally different story.

  I managed to throw a punch, but the blow bounced off her double-D titties. My fist came back and hit me in the nose. A couple of people laughed. You would think the laughing would have made me curl up and cry like I’d been picked on by some bully on the playground. But that didn’t happen at all. If I were going to be a member of the MC with Zane, I was going to have to fight my way in.

  Samantha reared her fist back, and as the claw-like hand came at me, I blocked the punch and trapped her arm under mine. Then I did exactly what both and Zane and Sadie had told me to do. I punched a bitch. Not in the pussy this time. No way. I was hitting to maim.

  I felt the teeth against my knuckles and then saw Samantha flailing away. She had her hand over her mouth. Blood ran down her hand and dripped on the floor. I climbed to my feet and held out both fists, Rocky ready to take on that big Russian mother fucker.

  “Are you done?” I asked. “Because I’m not.” I took a step forward to test the waters. Samantha backed away, and I lowered my fists. The other woman looked as if she might come at me but then seemed to think better of it. I would punch another bitch if I had to. And, to be honest, at that moment, I would have hit several bitches.

  The other woman helped Samantha out of the building. The two looked back at me before exiting. I hated that I felt bad for kicking her ass.

  “Holy fuck,” Sadie said when she came back.

  “I need another beer, Snyder,” I said. He hesitated. “Don’t fucking make me come back there and get it myself.”

  “Get her an icepack as well,” Sadie said. “Samantha?”

  “I take it she’s done that before?” I grabbed the ice pack from Snyder and placed it beneath my eye. It stung like hell, and when I looked in the mirror behind the bar, I saw that I looked like hell. A bit of blood ran from my nose where the punch had bounced back at me.

  “You’re going to find that several of the women around her, especially those working the pussy business, are after Zane. They aren’t really a competition, but they might become sparring partners.”

  “Great,” I said and drank half the bottle of beer. “We were going to go over the pussy schedule?”

  “Another time. You need to get home and take care of that eye.” She moved the laptop out of the way. “I’ll have someone get Zane.”

  But she didn’t have to send anyone after him because he had seen Samantha outside.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” he said loudly, and everyone went back to minding their own business. “Samantha did this shit?”

  “Yeah,” I said, but then noticed Zane smiling. “This is funny to you?”

  He raised his hand and slowly moved the ice pack. “Shit.” He held my hand, and his eyes grew wide. “Damn.” He raised my hand so I could see my knuckles. “That’s why Samantha looked like a hockey player.”

  I stared in disbelief at my knuckle, and the tooth stuck in my skin. “Oh shit.”

  “What the fuck is going on out here?” Trucker demanded. Stringer trailed behind like a puppy after the tit.

  Sadie held up her hand. “Samantha went after Carrie, and Carrie put Samantha in her place.” She drank a swallow of beer. “We’re all good now.”

  “Actually, we aren’t,” Zane said. “Has anyone seen Bono?”

  “Not since this morning,” Stringer said. “Said he had some errands to run.”

  Zane's mind moved faster. His left eye twitched every time he thought about something too hard.

  One of the prospects hurried into the building. “Bain’s outside at the gate with a dozen of his men,” Prospect said. “The police pulled away and have parked down the street.”

  “Load’em up, boys. Tell the guys on the roof to hit Bain first.” Trucker pulled his Glock from his back waistband and started toward the door. Zane went after him. I followed.

  Thirty club members joined Trucker outside. I followed for as long as I could, taking up a position behind one of the cars just in case things got wild.

  Zane stepped to the gate with Trucker.

  “One of you fuckers killed one of our hoes,” Bain said. “I want the guy right now. This shit is gonna end tonight.”

  Trucker waved his hand, and a dozen men stood on the roofs. I wasn’t sure what one of the guys was holding, but I was pretty sure a rocket would come out when he pulled the trigger.

  “Take your ass back home,” Trucker said. “Nobody here killed one of your hoes. Besides, you think Hell’s Justice wants to give you mother fuckers any business?”

  Bain looked up at the roof behind Trucker. Then he saw me and looked at Bain. “You got until eight tomorrow night to bring me this killing asshole. I don’t have his ass on my doorstep by then,” he pointed at Trucker, “I'll bring the hell down on you for the likes you’ve never seen. This place will be nothing but a fucking memory.”

  Bain and his men walked away and then spread apart when I bike rumbled up to the gates. A Prospect opened the gates, and Bono drove past Zane and Trucker.

  “Church, right now,” Trucker said, and every member followed him.



  A Prospect closed the gate, and I stood there, watching Bain and his men rumble away on their bikes. Bain watched me as he passed. He would bring down the hell he promised, and I needed to make sure that it didn’t happen.

  “You okay?” Carrie asked. The Prospect walked away to mind his own business.

  “Yeah, of course. Just another day at the office.”

  “He’s really going to do what he said?”

  “And then some. Bain is vicious, and nobody wants to be on the other end of his viciousness. When we’re done with church, I’m going to take you back to the house and let you pick up some things. We need to stay here tonight. I’ll make sure we have a room.”

  “Still have no idea who it is?” Carrie’s eyes said she cared, but they also said she was scared to death at what might happen tomorrow. It would be a cold day in
hell before I let something happen to her.

  I shook my head. “I was surprised it was just one of Bain’s hoes. I thought the killer might go after another member’s ol' lady. I can’t figure this asshole out. He’s got a fucking screw loose.”

  “What’s going to happen in the church?” Carrie chewed her bottom lip. She knew she wasn’t supposed to ask questions about the church. “Sorry.”

  I put my arm around her back and squeezed her against me. Of all the women I’d been with sense Amanda, none of them came close to Carrie. None. I’d fucking fallen in love with a twenty-five-year-old who had been broken down on the roadside. The fucking stars had been aligned just right.

  “Don’t say you’re sorry. You’re new to this, and the learning curve to the club life is steep. You keep being you, and we’ll keep being us.”

  “Thank you.”

  I looked around to see who was listening or watching. We were in the clear. “Trucker will talk up war. He'll want to bring in a third and fourth chapter to fight Bain. Dozens on our side will die, and he won't give a damn as long as everyone does what he says. He’s always rolled like that. The asshole has a son who’s twenty and off to college. Bain will find his son and tear him apart.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt,” she said and placed her hands against my chest. If things weren’t so fucked up at that moment, I would have taken her home and made love to her as she’d never experienced before. I was that fucking wild about spending time together.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to me. I find this dickhead and take him to Bain. Then the two of us will deal with him the way clubs deal with murdering assholes. It won’t be pretty, and it’s not something I’m going to let you see, so don’t even ask.”

  We started back to the main building, and I buried my hand in Carrie’s back pocket, grabbing a hand full of ass.

  “Think I’m safe in there?”

  “Did you kick Samantha’s ass?”

  I nodded.

  “Then you will never be bothered in the club again. One of the members fucks with you, you let me know, and I will deal with him.”

  “I need to know something, Zane.”

  I figured she was going to ask about that asshole who had bothered her in the mall. I was right.

  “Are you going to kill Mike?

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Carrie, I’m not.” We kept walking, and then I stopped her before we entered the building. “But I also can’t let another man harm you and not do a little something about it. I hope you understand that.”

  “I do.”

  Inside, I motioned Sadie over and left Carrie in good hands. “She needs some more ice on that shiner. You heard anything from Samantha?”

  “She came in the back way a few minutes ago. She was looking for her tooth. I told her I hadn’t seen it.” Sadie smiled. “I tossed it in the trash.”

  Sadie was like a sister to me. When Amanda passed, I spent many nights crying into Sadie’s arms. For that, I was forever in her debt. She’d never mentioned her relationship with Trucker, so I assumed all was okay on that front. I just knew if anyone ever harmed her, including Trucker, they would have to answer to me. I’d done a lot of things I wasn’t proud of, a lot of those things I was forced to do, but I protected people I loved.

  “You better get on in there. They’ll start without you. I’ll take good care of Carrie.”

  I kissed Carrie and left through the doors to the church, not sure I would ever find the man killing women from each club. I was confident it was either one of our guys or someone from Bain’s club. I didn’t think for a minute the killings were tit for tat. It’s not how things worked. Someone was trying to start a war. They thought killing Amanda would start that war. It didn’t happen, so they continued the killing when I came back into the picture. It was as much about me as it was the clubs.

  I entered the church, and everyone was mostly shooting the shit. A few were talking about the pussy they had the previous night. Others talked about parents and kids. Trucker sat at the head of the table, talking to Bono and Stringer. I stared at Bono, and he stared back. Where was the asshole all day while the hoe was being fucked and murdered? He had to answer for his absence.

  Trucker slammed the gavel a couple of times, and the room fell silent. He looked at me as if expecting me to interrupt. I didn’t, not yet. It was Trucker’s show. I still had a code to follow.

  “So we all know what’s going on. The King Slayers want to start the same shit they’ve been trying to start for years. Goes all the way back to Bain’s father.” Trucker tilted his head to the side and looked down the row of members along each wall. “We need to decide what happens first. Do we sit on our asses and wait for them, or do we take the fight to them?” He stopped talking and opened the conversation up to the room.

  One of the Prospects I didn’t know raised his hand. “If we take it to them, we have more of a chance of going to prison. We let them bring it here, and we are only protecting ourselves.”

  “Winner winner chicken dinner,” Trucker said, and everyone laughed. “I think the little shit has a point. What say the rest of you?” He looked directly at me, anticipating a comment.

  I gave him what he expected. “We still have until eight tomorrow night to find who’s been making the killings. We can avoid war and senseless dying on our side. I vote we give that a chance.”

  “Bain will be at our doorstep at eight tomorrow night,” Trucker said. “You ain’t gonna find this mother fucker who’s been killing people.”

  “I think I’m close.”

  Trucker laughed. “Then I think you need to lay it all out on the table, Zane. You want to tell the church what your suspicions are?” Trucker leaned back in his chair. He knew what was about to happen.

  I glanced around the room but let my eyes land on Bono. Trucker noticed. “I think whoever killed Amanda, Bain’s wife, Claire McCaskill, and now this hoe is a member of the King Slayers or a member of Hell’s Justice.”

  “You can’t fucking be serious,” someone said.

  “Who asked him to come back anyway,” another member said, referring to my being in church.

  Trucker slammed his gavel, and everyone quieted. “Those are some harsh accusations, Zane.”

  “I’m just telling you what I’ve come to figure out.”

  Rocky stood. “You think one of these assholes killed my ol' lady?” He looked around the room and then walked out.

  “It could be one of Bain’s members,” I said.

  “Too fucking late,” Stringer interrupted. “You already blamed one of us.”

  Everyone started talking loudly again. I watched Trucker, and he let it go on for several minutes. I then glanced at Bono. He shook his head at me.

  “Alright, everyone just calm down,” Trucker said, bringing the room back to order. “You’ve heard what Zane has to say, and now it’s my turn.” Trucker stood, which he rarely did when talking in church. He did it for effect. “I say we give Zane his opportunity. But at the same time, I say we call in two more chapters. We line the streets with Hell’s Justice and let Bain know he’ll have a fight on his hands. He’ll have people watching, and word will get back quickly.”

  Trucker took a seat. Bono and Stringer had stares burning holes through me.

  “I second the motion,” Stringer said, always kissing Trucker’s ass. I’m not sure the man ever voted against Trucker’s wishes. He was a fucking Trucker puppet, and Trucker had his hand up Stringer's ass pulling every string.

  The club voted, giving me until eight the next night. The room cleared, and before Bono made it out the door, I stopped him.

  “Where were you all day?” I asked.

  Bono had a toothpick in his mouth. He removed it and then flicked it at my chest. “None of your fucking business, Zane.” Bono looked back at Stringer and Trucker. “Better call him off.” Bono left the church and left Trucker, and Stringer stunned that I would make such an accusation against Bono.

f you want back in, that’s not the way to do it,” Trucker said. “These are all good men who we go to war with.”

  “This shit isn’t war,” I said. “It’s fucking insanity. “You’re going to get half these people killed. Bain isn’t going to give a damn that you have women and children in here. They're only collateral damage. You can’t let that happen.”

  “Duly noted,” Trucker said and turned away.

  I left the church and stopped for Carrie by the bar.

  “Sadie says I can help her with the girls.”

  “The pussy,” I said.

  “Yeah, that too,” Carrie said. She grabbed the laptop on the counter when I grabbed her arm. She shrugged at Sadie, and I pulled her along.

  “It’s time to go. Sadie, can you find us a room? We’ll be back.”

  “What’s wrong?” Carried asked. Outside, I lifted her and sat her on the bike.

  “There’s a war about to go down, and I’m not so fucking sure I want you around to die in the middle of a fight that shouldn’t be taking place anyway.” I climbed onto the bike and waved for the prospect to open the gate. He did and surged us forward.

  I waded into the pool with a beer and drank the entire bottle before Carrie had a chance to join me. It had been that kind of day, and the next would be far worse. My biggest worry was entering the pool. If I’d left Carrie on the side of the road, she wouldn’t have her life on the line.

  “You should go easy on that stuff,” she said.

  I glared, and she realized she’d broken another rule.

  “You really do think this fight is going to be the end of the club.” She waded in but didn’t come close. I was being an asshole and was pissed at myself for scaring her.

  “If I don’t find this guy, then no, I don’t think there will be a Hell’s Justice after midnight tomorrow night.” I opened my arms. “Come here.”

  Carrie treaded my way, and I pulled her against me. “I don’t want you to die,” she said sheepishly. “The last four days have been amazing, and I don’t ever want it to end.”

  “I was an asshole. I’m sorry.” When I kissed her, she wrapped her legs around my waist. She leaned her head back to get her hair wet, and when she did, I began to feed my frustrations.


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