Incipient: A Dark Paranormal Romance (The Marked Book 6)

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Incipient: A Dark Paranormal Romance (The Marked Book 6) Page 24

by Bianca Scardoni

  Everything inside me was screaming yes, and he knew it, but I couldn’t seem to get my lips to cooperate enough to do anything besides pant into his mouth as he increased his speed.

  “Tell me you love me,” he crooned as he brought his hand between us and circled my core.

  “Trace…” Shit! I clenched my thighs as that familiar, delicious swirl of pleasure raced from my center. “Don’t…stop,” I begged as he continued to work me like a fiddle, hitting every string as though he had hand-crafted me himself.

  He slid his free hand into hair and pulled down, causing my chin to snap up. “Say it,” he begged, his lips pushing mine apart again as he claimed my mouth in a possessive kiss. “Tell me you love me.”

  Every protective wall around my heart shattered, leaving nothing but the truth in its wake. The feelings I’d tried to keep buried were pouring out of me like falling rain. I knew in that moment that running away from him had been futile from minute one. I was never intended to be without him—to deny what both of us could so wholly and fully feel every time we were together. He was made for me, and I for him.

  “I love you,” I murmured as the toe-curling sensation continued to build, making my limbs tingle and my blood sizzle. I was right there. So. Damn. Close.

  He growled beside my ear, the sound so low and deep and appreciative that I felt it rumble against my chest. “Say it again,” he groaned as he worked my core with expert precision, his eyes drowning in quantifiable emotion. The way he was kissing me, crashing his hips against mine, commanding me, pulling my hair, it was driving me mad in the most delicious way possible. “I need to hear you say it again.”

  “Fuck,” I hissed as my body tightened around him. Every nerve ending in my body sprung to life, awakened to him as though I had been in a waking sleep until this very moment. My orgasm ripped out of me with the violence of a hurricane, ricocheting through my body like a rolling storm as I screamed out ‘I love you’ to him, over and over again.

  Trace’s lips crashed against mine, branding me with his taste as I rode out the aftershock of waves, and then he buried his face into my hair and came, calling out my name in a husky growl that made my toes curl.

  Pressing his hand against the wall beside my head, he slumped his body against mine and panted, his chest rising and falling in haste as he slowly regained his bearings.

  I ran my fingers through his silky hair as his body kept me pinned against the wall, my legs dangling weightlessly around his hips. There was something so simple and real about the quiet moment that I wished it could go on forever.

  He pulled back and met my eyes as a playful smirk teased the corner of his lips. “So, you love me, huh?”

  “Shut it,” I said as I smacked his chest and tried to drop to my feet, but Trace was having no part of it.

  He tightened his hold and smiled, dimples blazing. “Say it again.”

  “Haven’t you heard it enough for one night?” I asked, blushing as I recalled the numerous times I’d screamed it out.

  “It’ll never be enough,” he murmured, his gaze holding me hostage. “Say it again, Jemma.”

  I stared back at him for a moment, internally debating whether I wanted to make him suffer a little longer just for shits and giggles, and then put him out of his misery. “I love you, Trace,” I admitted openly and without abandon, unable to stifle it any longer. “I loved you then and I love you now, and I’ll probably love you for the rest of my life.”

  His eyes slid shut as though my words had touched his very soul and then he pressed his lips against mine in a searing kiss that went on forever, and as much as I wanted to bask in the closeness, in the love that was freely flowing between us, I couldn’t help but feel that little voice at the back of my mind.

  The one that was silently praying I would not go to my grave regretting those words.


  The rain was tapping gently against the windows when I woke up in Trace’s arms the next morning, my body humming serenely as though it had just spent the night cradled in the arms of its other half. Though, I supposed if Trace was right about that whole soulmates deal, that was precisely what my body had just done.

  Doing my best imitation of a cat-burglar, I attempted to carefully slid his arm off my waist and creep out of bed, though immediately froze as he stirred awake beside me.

  Tightening his hold on me, he scooped me in closer. “What time is it?” he asked sleepily. The poor guy could barely keep those gorgeous eyes of his open.

  “It’s early,” I said, working hard not to sink into the thrumming heat of his body. “I’m going to take a quick shower, but you should go back to bed…sleep that hangover off,” I suggested and then dropped a kiss on his lips as he mumbled something about joining me in the shower and then fell back asleep.

  I stifled a laugh and then quietly climbed out of bed. As much as I would’ve enjoyed sleeping in or maybe even taking the whole day off altogether, I knew I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy it. Not with Nikki Parker out there, living freely and without consequence for the bullshit she pulled last night.

  It was time to pay the piper.

  After a quick shower and a granola bar to go, I jumped in my car and headed straight for Nikki’s house. I was done playing nice with her and giving her the benefit of the doubt. She clearly only cared about her damn self and that sick obsession she had of winning Trace back, even though he had zero interest in her since pretty much forever.

  It was time to put the bitch back in her lane and I fully intended on being the one to put her there.

  Pulling into her driveway, I put my car in park and then marched up her front steps to the front door and then proceeded to pound my fist against it like I was the lead on a SWAT team. Within a few seconds, the door swung open and an unfamiliar red-haired woman appeared at the threshold, glaring at me.

  Under normal circumstances, I would’ve simply assumed she was part of that ‘out of town’ family Morgan was talking about, except for the fact that I instantly felt that familiar pang in the pit of my stomach that warned me whenever I was close to a vampire or a demon. In this case, a demon since it was daylight and she wasn’t bursting into flames. Yeah, I was a regular Sherlock Holmes with my deducing skills.

  “In proditor,” she hissed at me as blackness filled her eyes from pupil to iris.

  Apparently, the sensing went both ways.

  “I don’t know what that means, but I’m guessing it isn’t anything nice,” I said as I edged my hand into my jacket and wrapped my fingers around my Sword of Angelus. “I’m looking for Nikki. Is she in there?” I asked and then twisted the sword out from its sheath and plunged it into her stomach, the movement so fast she barely had a chance to realize what was happening before it was over. “Never mind. I’ll find her myself.” I took a step forward and then stopped in my tracks.

  As if manifesting out of thin air, four more black-eyed demons appeared at the entrance, causing me to jump back a step and reevaluate my very rash decision to act before casing out the house.

  Rookie mistake on my part. I should’ve known better. Demons of the non-feather always tended to flock together.

  Squaring my shoulders, I brought the blade back to my side and smiled. This wouldn’t be a problem. I’d handled far greater hives than this and lived to talk about it.

  “Leave us,” demanded Nikki from somewhere over their shoulder.

  The four demons froze at her demand, as though she were the reigning queen of the underworld. I supposed carrying Lucifer’s baby might get you that kind of status.

  “But mistress, she is in proditor Slayer,” complained one of the demons—an older woman with red matted hair.

  “She’ll kill you all before you make it outside,” she answered as she pushed her way to the front. “Now leave us!”

  Keeping my weapon ready, I watched as they made a big show of snarling and hissing at me before finally retreating into the foyer as Nikki ordered.

  “Nice friends
, Mistress,” I said tartly as I took in her obscenely large baby bump. Good lord. How many babies was she carrying in there anyway?

  Her gaze snapped to my sword and I tightened my hold on it. “I figured you might show up today. I guess you already heard the news from Trace?” She smiled smugly as though she’d half done it just to piss me off.

  Well, two could play that game. “He told me as soon as he came home last night.”

  She faltered. “Home?”

  “Mm hmm.” I fluttered my eyelashes at her. “Didn’t you know we’re staying together now? No? Oops, my bad.”

  All the arrogance and color drained from her face.

  “I have to say,” I went on vindictively, “he was pretty upset when he came home, but then again, he usually is after he’s forced to spend any time with you. Luckily, I was able to make him forget all about it by the time I was finished with him. Of course, I didn’t make him forget the way you do, what with those little magic tricks of yours, but I have my own special way that works just as well.”

  “You stupid bitch,” she said through gritted teeth, her fists opening and closing at her sides as though she wanted to strike me with them. “You’re going to pay for this.”

  “Easy now, Nikki. You don’t want those babies falling out of you before they’re fully cooked, do you?”

  “After all the work I did—bringing him back from the dead, erasing his memories, nursing him back to health,” she said as she waddled out onto the front stoop with her fists fully clenched. Naturally, I took a step back to keep the gap between us nice and spacious. “And he still falls in love with you all over again.”

  “Yup. And what does that tell you?”

  Something akin to sorrow trickled into her eyes, and for the briefest of moments, I almost felt bad for her.


  “This isn’t over yet,” she warned, the sadness and sorrow quickly wiped away by her need for vengeance. “I hope you know you made the biggest mistake of your life coming here.”

  “What are you going to do?” I scoffed. “You gonna sic your four little demons on me again?”

  “I wasn’t talking about coming to my house. I was talking about this town. This entire fucking country.” Her aquamarine iris’ churned with strange red swirls, as though she had flames dancing in her eyes. “I’m going to wipe you off the face of this earth and I’m going to make sure it’s done in the most excruciatingly painful and inhumane way possible.”

  “You and which army?” I asked, refusing to show her even an ounce of fear even though those freaky eyes of her were starting to scare the shit out of me.

  Ignoring my jab, she sneered. “First I’m going to get that Amulet,” she said bouncing a glance to my clavicle even though my necklace was tucked under my shirt. “And then I’m going to take that sword from you,” she went on, glancing lazily at my weapon. “And when you have nothing left to protect your worthless, homewrecking ass with, I’m going to skin you alive and nail you to a fucking cross.”

  Mm-kay. The girl was certifiable. I mean, there was hating someone and then there was what Nikki felt for me.

  “Quick question: Is this before or after you birth the devil’s baby?”

  “After, bitch.”

  Alrighty then. Glad we cleared that up. “So, I’m guessing that means you’re not going to change your mind about the whole teenage pregnancy thing then?”

  “I’m having this baby,” she said, the air thickening around us as though a storm were heading this way. “And he’s going to fulfill his destiny if it’s the last thing I ever do.”

  Her words sent a sheet of ice water right down my back. “You realize the Council isn’t going to let that happen, right?”

  The wind picked up her hair as she grinned. “The Council doesn’t have the power to stop me anymore. No one does.”

  “Jesus, Nikki. Do you even hear yourself?” I asked as I wrinkled my nose at her. “This isn’t you. I mean, you were always crazy, but this is just…”

  “Save it, Jemma,” she cut in before I could think of a fitting word. “A new dawn is coming and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Not anymore. I’m finally going to be the one they come running to—not you.”

  “What are you even talking about?” I asked, not following in the slightest. “Listen, Nikki. You don’t have to do this. It’s not too late to stop this,” I pleaded, hoping I could somehow break through to the sane part of her. Assuming there still was a sane part of her. “There’s still time to make this right.”

  “Oh, I intend on making all of this right. Retribution will be mine, and I’m starting with you,” she said as she turned for the door and then paused. “Consider yourself warned, Jemma. You’re officially a dead Slayer walking,” she added, her voice so low and cold that I felt the threat right down to my bones.

  And then she slammed the door shut in my face.

  I couldn’t help but feel like a total fink as I sat across from the Senior Magister and recounted every sordid detail of my powwow with Nikki. But honestly, what else could I do? The girl had completely lost touch with reality and was hellbent on birthing Lucifer’s child, like having the devil’s baby was just a normal part of senior year. Not to mention her very open and very chilling threat on my life.

  “She’s not going to give up easily,” I said as I sank back into the leather chair in front of his desk.

  “How many demons did you say you saw?” he asked, his brows furrowed as he pressed his fingers together in a teepee.

  “Five—well four now, but there could’ve been more.” Something was telling me there was a lot more and that it was only the beginning. “You mentioned yesterday that demon activity is on the rise. Do you think they’re coming here specifically for her? To protect her and the baby?” I asked, feeling a lump brewing at the back of my throat.

  “It certainly looks that way.” He exhaled sharply and then flattened his hands against his desk. “We’re running out of time, Jemma. If things continue this way, which they will, we won’t be able to get within a mile of her. The Horsemen don’t have a chance in hell of stopping this without their full power.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then you’ve made your decision?” he asked, hope burgeoning in his eyes.

  “No. Not exactly,” I said and dropped my gaze, avoiding the disappointment in his eyes. “I have some questions first.”

  “Questions? Very well then. I’m all ears.”

  The lump in my throat thickened as I worked up the courage to ask the question that was plaguing my mind. “If I agree to do this, to join them or whatever, what happens to me after the fact?”

  “After the fact?” he repeated, his forehead crinkling.

  “They slept for centuries just waiting for this day to come and I imagine once the threat is gone, they will sleep again, right?” He didn’t answer, but I could tell he knew where I was going with this. “What happens to me when that happens? Do I get my life back after this or am I cursed to sleep for the rest of eternity, too?”

  He sank back in his chair and let out a weighty breath. “The truth?”

  “Please.” As if I’d want anything else.

  “We don’t actually know what will happen once their objective is completed.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and lowered my head. That was precisely the answer I didn’t want to hear.

  “As daunting as that is to hear, I’m afraid there is no other choice here, Jemma. You must once again sacrifice the life of one for the greater good of all.”

  My angry eyes snapped to his. “Well, isn’t that easy for you to say. You’re not the one that’s always having to make all the sacrifices here, are you?”

  “Indeed, you are right,” he said and then dipped his head in a nod. “If it’s any consolation, I would take this burden from you in a moment’s breath if I could.”

  “Well, you can’t so it’s not,” I muttered without even bothering to sugarcoat it. Frankly, I was sick of everyone telling me
what I had to do and what I needed to give up for everyone else’s sake. What about my sake? What about the life I had planned? What about Trace and his vision?

  I couldn’t help but wonder if any of that would ever happen now, and it was in that moment of wondering that I realized how much I actually wanted it to be true. I wanted to be with him—to walk down the aisle and marry him, to stop running and hunting and dying…to finally have my happily ever after.

  What if agreeing to do this changed all of that? What if taking this on became the very thing that would finally take my future out from under me?

  Visceral fear spasmed through my body as I looked up and met the Magister’s eyes. “I’m going to need more time to think about this,” I said, trying to shake away the feeling of impending doom.

  He grimaced, the frown reaching all the way up to his disappointed eyes. “We’re running out of time, Jemma.”

  “Well, I’m running out of life here so I’m going to need a minute to think about this,” I said and then stood up from my chair. “I’ll let you know when I’ve made my decision.”

  He nodded, this time, hearing me loud and clear.


  Lightening flashed outside the window as I curled up on Trace’s couch later that evening. Trace was stuck working the late shift at All Saints, which meant that I finally had a moment to think about my conversation with William earlier that day. Frankly, I wasn’t sure how I’d managed to make it through all my classes without having a full-on panic attack or major breakdown. Apparently, my powers of compartmentalization had saved the day yet again.

  But alas, I was quickly running out of compartments, and time, and still had absolutely no idea how I was going to be able to make this monumental, life-altering decision.

  A pro and con list seemed pointless, and I didn’t exactly have any parents or a best-friend I could turn to for guidance. Trace was the only one I could talk to about this, but I wasn’t even sure where to begin. I had yet to tell him about anything—about why the Horsemen were really here, about Nikki’s real baby daddy, and about what the Council wanted me to do; to become. I hadn’t even told him about what happened with Dominic in the woods the other night.


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