The Earth’s Cancer by Capt

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The Earth’s Cancer by Capt Page 3

by Monte Herridge

  about the spectacle was the fact that every one cancerous grass and a variety of giant moss

  of the figures was covered from head to foot

  which coated the lava rock, a deep purple in

  with disfiguring skin eruptions. Carnes rapidly color. As they moved forward, the vegetation

  weighed the chances and then raised his pistol.

  grew more and more rank and soon they were

  As he did so, fresh howls came from the

  forcing their way through a six foot tangle of jungle beyond the clearing and another band

  jungle-like thickness. Carnes stopped in of thirty or forty figures burst into the clearing weariness.

  and threw themselves into the dancing circle.

  “Are we going much farther, Doctor?”

  Carnes slowly lowered his gun and



  unobserved, slunk back into the covering seized by another of the group who tried with grass.

  howls to sink his teeth into the Doctor’s hand.

  Others seized him about the waist and

  WHEN Dr. Bird left his companion seated, he

  wrestled with him. The sight and smell of their strode into the thick growth for a few feet and disease-stricken bodies filled the Doctor with then turned and followed a depression in the

  loathing and as he slipped again and nearly

  ground leading in the general direction in fell, he reluctantly drew his pistol.

  which he wished to go. The footing was better

  Four times he fired with deadly effect,

  and the grass less dense in the depression and but as he leveled his weapon for a fifth shot

  he followed it for a hundred and fifty yards.

  his arms were seized from behind and he was

  Suddenly the grass thinned before him and he

  borne to the ground and almost buried under a

  found himself looking out into an opening

  group of fresh attackers who had approached

  about an acre in extent where no vegetation

  him from the rear. The Doctor’s first impulse

  grew except the purple moss which carpeted it

  was to shout to warn Carnes of the

  thickly. His attention was drawn by a pile of

  predicament into which he had fallen, but

  rock in the center whose form reminded him

  before he did so a second thought scaled his

  of a crude altar, and toward it he bent his

  lips. He had no assurance that the maniacs

  footsteps. It was evidently made by hands and

  knew of Carnes’ presence in their sanctuary

  quite recently. The gleam of a bar of metal in and a warning shout might be the means of

  the heart of the pile attracted his attention and setting them on the detective’s trail.

  he grasped it and strove to free it from the

  The Doctor was dragged out from the

  rock. So engrossed was he in his task that he

  pile of stones against which he had fallen and did not hear bare feet stealing up behind him

  was pinioned on the ground by four men while

  and the helmet he wore prevented the odor

  the rest howled and began a wild dance of

  which suddenly pervaded the glade from triumph around him. More and more of the intruding itself on his consciousness. His first cancer victims came from the lush vegetation

  intimation of danger came when a wild to join in the dance and for half an hour the piercing scream smote on his ears.

  orgy went on. Fully two hundred had gathered

  Dr. Bird whirled about, his hand before a sudden silence fell on the throng and automatically dropping to his pistol butt as he the dancing circle paused and opened to admit

  did so. Before him stood half a dozen figures, the weirdest figure of them all. It was a man, clothed in tattered rags where they were far gone with the disease as could be seen by clothed at all, with a year’s growth o£ beard

  the frightful condition of such of his body as on their faces.

  was exposed. His head was free from the

  One of them reached forward a infection and heavy white hair hung down his swollen scabby paw to touch him and Dr. Bird

  shoulders, leaving clear a face that was so

  involuntarily stepped back, he forgot the pile swollen that his black eyes peered out as

  of stones behind him and as his foot struck it, though from caves. He was dressed in a single

  he stumbled. His slip was the signal for the

  white garment which extended from his waist

  group to rush him, one of them giving voice to to his ankles, on the front of which was

  another unearthly howl. The Doctor’s fist shot crudely daubed in green what Dr. Bird took to

  out and the first of his assailants fell as though be a representation of the sun, with curling

  struck by lightning, but before he could strike rays extending out from it. The figure was

  again, handicapped as he was by fatigue and

  armed with a long knife in his right hand and

  the weight of his lead garments, his arm was

  in his left he carried a spear of grass to which

  The Earth’s Cancer


  were bound at intervals fragments of purple

  forthwith.’ Bring now the seals.”


  Three figures from the outskirts of the

  At the signal of this leader the dancers

  crowd darted off into the vegetation at a run to drew back-in a group, leaving the weird figure return in a few minutes, each bearing in his

  face to face with the pinioned prisoner. The

  hand a spherical piece of silvery metal about

  figure essayed to speak but no intelligible which colored lights, red, green, blue and words could come from his lips and another

  purple hovered. At a signal from the High

  man stepped out from the crowd and stood by

  Priest they came forward and applied the bits

  his side. The newcomer was a young man with

  of metal to the Doctor’s form, one to his

  a far less developed case of the disease and

  forehead, or as close to it as the helmet which Dr. Bird shuddered as he saw that he was

  the Doctor still wore allowed, one to his breast attired in the tattered fragments of a Public

  and the third to his left arm. Dr. Bird could

  Health Service uniform. The newcomer could

  feel a tingle like a mild electrical shock as

  talk in an intelligible manner, although his

  they touched his garments. They were left in

  speech was coarse and thick as though he

  place for a moment and then withdrawn.

  enunciated with difficulty.

  “These be now the words of Adam, the

  “Adam, the First Chosen, the High First Chosen, the High Priest of the Chosen Priest of the Chosen Ones, the Brother of the

  Ones,” cried the spokesman again, “‘The one

  Fire which ennobles, the Servant of the God of newly sealed to the god shall be taken into the Destruction, demands to know why you have

  presence of the god that he may look on naked

  penetrated to the holy places and slain the

  radiant beauty. If the god claims him not for

  servants of the God,” he said thickly. “If you sacrifice and immediate destruction, he shall

  have come as a neophyte to the Chosen Ones,

  be kept bound until the mark of the god shows

  you are trebly welcome, welcome in life, and then shall be admitted to the ranks of the welcome in death, and welcome in final Chosen Ones. To the temple of the god!”

  destruction, but the mark of the god is not on The assemblage, which had been silent

sp; you. Speak, why came you here?”

  while the ceremony of sealing the Doctor had

  The light of madness glittered in the

  gone on, suddenly began to howl in wild

  speaker’s eye and although Dr. Bird chorus and to throw themselves about in a instinctively cringed at the sight of the knife in frenzied dance. The Doctor was jerked to his

  the High Priest’s hand, he endeavored to smile feet by his captors and led into the vegetation as he answered.

  behind the High Priest and his spokesman, the

  “I have come to worship your god and

  balance of the madmen straggling along

  to lay offerings before him,” he said.

  behind. The path through the tall grass was

  The High Priest threw up his arms at

  well marked and Dr. Bird found the way easy

  the Doctor’s words and uttered a long drawn

  to traverse. He gave a fleeting thought of

  out wail. The madmen fell on their knees and

  regret to the automatic he had been forced to

  bowed toward the altar and the High Priest

  leave behind and was temped to try to shake

  uttered some sounds which were evidently

  off his guards and flee, but handicapped as he intelligible to the man who had spoken to the

  was by his leaden armor he knew that he


  would be promptly recaptured. Besides, the

  “One come to worship and to lay gifts

  direction of the march was toward the very

  before the god who is not marked with the

  spot he had meant to explore, so he shrugged

  sign of the god. These be the words of Adam,

  his shoulders and grinned as cheerfully as he

  the First Chosen, ‘Let him be sealed to the god could and went ahead.



  “Thank goodness, Carnes didn’t get some unknown agency.

  caught.” he muttered to himself. “I hope the

  Up through the swirling silver came

  fool found his way back to the car all right. He huge bubbles which burst, throwing globules

  should have no difficulty, we tramped down a

  of the gleaming silver into the air to burst into pretty good path. If he gets back, they’ll have tiny droplets, each with its halo of wonderful some idea what became of me.”

  colors. As Dr. Bird stared into the lake, he

  became aware of an intoxicating winelike

  FOR half a mile the trail led almost straight, quality in the air which made him feel of

  the vegetation getting taller and taller until Dr.

  tremendous strength and vitality, as though the Bird estimated it as fully twenty feet high.

  very essence of life itself were flowing

  Suddenly the grass gave way to an ankle deep

  through his veins He laughed aloud in sheer

  carpet of purple moss as they entered another

  joy of living and reached up to his helmet to

  glade. Before he could look around the Doctor

  remove it that he might breathe the wonderful

  was whirled about and was forced backward,

  air more freely. An uncontrollable impulse

  step by step, into the clearing. Along the trail seized him to dive into that cool looking silver he had come trooped the rest of the madmen,

  lake and to become a part of that wondrous

  curiously silent and furtive now, and ranged

  and unearthly beauty. He took a step nearer

  themselves in a rough semicircle about the

  and poised on the edge of the pool, his hands

  edge of the glade. As the Doctor walked fumbling with his helmet. He found the tie backward these advanced, keeping about string and started to unfasten it when a sudden twenty-five feet from him. Presently the cry rang out on the still air.

  movement ceased and the voice of the

  “Doctor Bird! For God’s sake!”

  spokesman was heard again.

  The spell was broken and Dr. Bird

  “These be the words of Adam, the

  whirled about. The madmen had been intently

  First Chosen,” he cried. “‘Let the one new

  watching his every move and when he turned,

  sealed turn unabashed on the radiant glory of

  a wild howl went up which was stilled by a

  the God of Destruction and let the god say

  gesture from the High Priest. The spokesman

  whether he takes his sacrifice for immediate

  came forward again and addressed the crowd.

  destruction or as one of his servants.’ Turn,

  “These be the words of Adam, the

  newcomer, and look on the glory!”

  First Chosen,” he declared. “‘The newcomer

  The arms holding the Doctor fell away

  has turned his back on the radiance and glory

  and he turned to see what lay before him. He

  of the God of Destruction who has thus

  was stricken dumb and motionless at the rejected him as a servant. Therefore, let him beauty of the scene. Before him was a hole in

  be a sacrifice to the god he has scorned and

  the lava about ten yards across and in the

  become one with the glory of the god.’”

  depression, just below the surface of the

  At the words a half dozen of the men

  ground, was a silver lake. It was of gleaming

  detached themselves from the crowd and

  silvery metal in constant movement as though

  closed in on the Doctor. He looked around

  it were endowed with life and from its surface hastily for a weapon but could find none and

  rose long brilliant corruscating streamers of

  faced his new assailants with raised fists. As color. Red they were and green and every

  the group charged, the crowd kept up its weird color of the spectrum and other weird colors

  howling. The first three went down before

  which were unknown to the scientist and he

  well directed blows of the Doctor’s lead-

  suddenly knew that they were the invisible

  covered fist, but no man can fight a hundred

  rays of the spectrum suddenly made visible by

  and gradually he was borne backward toward

  The Earth’s Cancer


  the edge of the pool. At the edge he made a

  blinding searing flash of light and the earth

  desperate stand, but two of the madmen rocked in throes of agony. Carnes and the grasped him about the waist and strove to hurl Doctor were hurled thirty feet through the air themselves with him into the pool. The to fall unconscious to the ground.

  Doctor’s foot slipped and he sobbed in

  An hour later, Dr. Bird opened his eyes

  apprehension, but he recovered himself and

  and blinked unsteadily. He struggled to a

  for a moment shook himself free. As he did so

  sitting position and gazed at the destruction

  the clamor stilled for a moment and a clear

  which Carnes’ ill-directed grenade had

  voice penetrated to the Doctor’s ears.

  wrought. Only a gaping hole marked the

  “Down, Doctor!” it cried.

  location of the silver pool but where it had

  Dr. Bird instinctively dropped to one

  been thirty feet across, now the hole yawned a knee and to his ear came the welcome bark of

  hundred yards wide and deep into the earth.

  an automatic and the nearest of his assailants All trace of the maniacs had vanished; the

  crumpled to the ground. Again and again the

  hole was where they had been and there was
  gun barked and a path was clear to his left. He little doubt of what had happened. The terrible leaped to his feet and ran around the edge of

  cataclysm the grenade had started had wiped

  the pool. Carnes rose from behind a block of

  them from the face of the earth. Dr. Bird

  lava and the Doctor joined him.

  rubbed his hands and arms to restore the

  “Thanks, Carnes!” he gasped. “Any circulation and staggered to his feet to look for more ammunition?”


  “Two shots,” replied Carnes, “but I

  The detective lay a few feet from him

  still have those grenades.”

  with his left leg doubled back under his body.

  “The devil! I had forgotten all about

  Dr. Bird straightened the leg out and Carnes


  opened his eyes with a groan. He recognized

  Dr. Bird hastily felt in his pouch and

  the Doctor and strove to rise to a sitting

  brought out a grenade. The madmen had been

  position, but a groan of agony broke from his

  stunned for a moment by the suddenness and


  unexpectedness of the attack but now they

  “What happened, Doctor?” he

  gathered and with howls of rage came forward

  muttered feebly.

  in a compact body. Dr. Bird drew the pin from

  “You saved us both with your grenade, old

  the grenade and hurled it. Just in front of the dear,” replied the Doctor, “but I’m afraid you leaders of the rush it fell and as they swept

  have a broken leg. I’ll have to carry you out.

  over it a terrific crash resounded in the air. A It’ll be a rather painful process but it’s all that huge hole was torn in the ground and the

  I can do. Can you stand it?”

  leaders of the rush were torn into fragments.

  “Go ahead, Doctor, I’ll do my best.”

  The rush paused for a moment and then came


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