Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 10

by Winter Travers

  “It’s perfect. I’ll make sure to get home early from work and make something special.”

  “Don’t go to too much trouble, Ma. I know you’re tired when you get off of work.” Ma was a school counselor and treated each and every one of those kids like they were her own.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just be here by six. That will give me plenty of time.”

  “Alright, Ma, I’ll see you then.” I hung the phone up and shoved it into my pocket. I stood up, brushing the grass off my jeans and ran my fingers through my hair.

  “I really wish you were here, Evie. I think you’d really like Gwen. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks.” I walked away from her grave and down the hill where Slider and Roam were waiting for me.

  “You ‘aight, brother?” Roam asked.

  “Nothing a bottle of Jack and a couple hands of poker can’t fix,” I laughed.

  “Who was she to you?” Slider asked, nodding up the hill.

  I glanced over my shoulder at where I just came from and sighed. I’ve never really told any of the newer brothers about Evie. King, Demon, Gravel, and Roam knew about her, but that was it. “She’s my sister. Died 6 years ago.”

  “Sorry, man.”

  “Yeah, me too.” I walked over to my bike and swung my leg over and glanced at Roam and Slider. “You guys good for driving for a bit longer?”

  “I got nothing but time, brother. You lead, we’ll follow. We know you got shit bugging ya right now,” Roam replied, saying exactly the right thing.

  This was what I loved about this club. Even when it was freezing fucking cold, my brothers were there for me, riding around so I could sort my head out. “We’ll just take the long way home. I pissed Gwen off when I left, and I should probably get back sooner rather than later.”

  “King texted me and said they were all headed to the mall. He said Demon was keeping an eye on Gwen.”

  “Demon?” Roam nodded his head, a shit eating grin spreading across his face. “I’m sure he’ll take good care of her while you’re gone.”

  Motherfucker. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Demon didn’t like Gwen. Hell, even if he did, he better keep his fucking hands off of Gwen. “What time did he text you?”

  “He must have texted me about fifteen minutes after we took off. I’m sure everything is fine, brother. He can’t do much with her at the mall.”

  “He better not do anything with her!” I roared, pissed the fuck off. I hadn’t even had the chance to make her mine and already I was going to have to mark my fucking territory. “Demon knows I’m with Gwen.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about as long as Gwen knows that, too.” Slider slipped his sunglasses on his face and smirked at me.

  “You’re both fuckers, you know that, right?” I cranked up my bike and headed out the gate. It was going to take at least an hour to get back to Gwen.

  “Yo! I need to stop for gas!” Roam yelled at me.

  I waved my hand at him, letting him know I had heard. Fuck me, better make that over an hour to get home now.

  Demon better know that Gwen was mine. If he didn’t, I’d sure as shit let him know. No one was touching Gwen but me.


  Chapter 18


  “That’ll be two hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifteen cents,” the cashier said. I forked over the money and grabbed the four bags she handed me. “Have a nice day.”

  “You too,” I mumbled, shocked by the fact on how much I had just spent at Victoria’s Secret. I figured out what her secret was. The shit was fucking expensive.

  “Lo is going to flip when he sees what I bought. He isn’t going to know what hit him,” Meg purred, peaking into her bag.

  “Ugh, I hate you both. I couldn’t buy anything because I’m about to blow up into a whale,” Cyn groaned, standing up from the bench that was outside the store.

  “You could have come in with us,” Meg chided, looping her arm through Megs. “Preggo can still be sexy.” She leaned down and rubbed Cyn’s belly

  Cyn swatted her hand away and rolled her eyes. “All I feel right now is bloated. Bloated is not sexy.”

  “I bet Rigid still thinks you’re sexy,” Marley said, walking out of the store, her arms laden down with bags.

  “I could put a bag over my head, and Rigid would still tell me I’m the sexiest woman. It gets annoying.”

  We all looked at Cyn like she was insane. What the hell was she talking about? I would love to have a man who would think I am sexy no matter what. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Yeah, girl. I think we need to check your temperature or something.”

  “Ugh, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just… oh shit, I don’t even know what I'm saying. I’ve become such a bitch since I’ve become pregnant. It will be a miracle if Rigid is still with me by the time I pop this baby out.”

  “Oh, Cyn. It’s just hormones, honey. I went through it when I had Remy. One minute I was a raging bitch, and then the next I was sweet as pie. You just need to realize when you're a complete bitch and reel it in. Rigid is not going to leave you. That man is so in love with you, he’d die before he left you.” Meg wrapped her arm around Cyn’s shoulders and pulled her into a hug.

  “I’m sorry, guys. I’ve really ruined our shopping trip,” Cyn cried.

  “Oh shit, here comes the waterworks,” Marley mumbled next to me. Right on cue, Cyn burst into tears, blubbering all over Meg’s shoulder.

  “Remind me never to get pregnant. I don’t think Troy could handle the hormones or the tears.”

  “As long as you remind me of the same thing,” I smirked. Marley held her hand out to me, and we shook on it.

  “Oh Jesus, Gambler is wearing off on you if you two just made a bet,” Demon said, walking up to us. He stood next to Marley and me, watching Meg and Cyn.

  “No bet. Just agreeing to remind each other of the wonders of being pregnant,” Marley said, motioning to Cyn.

  “What the hell is wrong?” Rigid thundered, pushing past us. He pulled Cyn out of Meg’s arms and wrapped himself around her.

  “I’m so… so… sorry,” Cyn hiccuped. “I’m such a bitch to you,” she wailed.

  Rigid rubbed her back, whispering to her. I turned away, not able to watch because I was so jealous that Cyn had such a wonderful man. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy she had that, but it just made me realize that I didn’t have that.

  “Oh jeez, Rigid told me about this,” King said, walking up with a Sears bag in one hand and an enormous pretzel in the other. He stood next to me, giving me the play by play of what was going on.

  “Ugh, she just wiped her nose on his sleeve,” he said, cringing. “Oh jeez, Meg’s searching for something in her purse. Lord knows what she’s going to pull out of there. Could be a fucking stuffed penguin for all I know. Last night I asked her for a pen, and it took her ten minutes to find one. Although, in the search for the pen, she found three check stubs, five packs of gum, ten fruit snacks, an old romance novel, and twenty-three green Skittles.”

  “Twenty-three green Skittles?” Who the hell has only green Skittles in their purse?

  “Yup,” King took a huge bite of the pretzel and laughed. “Not a fucking clue why they were all green either. She was just as surprised as I was. She said it was probably Troy the last time they went to the movies. They’re always doing stupid shit to each other.”

  Well, I guess that made sense, sort of. “Did she ever find a pen?”

  “Yeah, a green one,” King burst out laughing.

  “He told you about the Skittles, didn’t he?” Meg asked walking over to King.

  “Babe, it was fucking hilarious. Even you were shocked when you found the Skittles.”

  Meg grabbed the pretzel from him and tore a piece off and shoved it in her mouth, mumbling about Troy.

  “Yo, I just got a text from Roam. He said they should be back to the clubhouse in forty-five minut
es,” Demon said, his phone in hand.

  My ears perked up at the mention of Roam, knowing that Gambler was with him.

  “Alright, you ready to head back, babe?” King asked, wrapping his arm around Meg.

  “I wanted to hit up Torrid yet. I promise it’ll only take ten minutes. Scouts honor.” Meg held her hand up with the pretzel in it, salt falling to the floor.

  “I know how you are shopping. Ten minutes turns into an hour and three more stores.”

  “We already hit up all the other stores I wanted to go to. Torrid and then we can go home, and I’ll show you what I just bought.” Meg leaned into King, trailing a finger down his shirt. She licked her lips and winked.

  King was a goner as soon as she licked her lips. He wrapped both arms around her and kissed the hell out of her. She dropped the pretzel as she delved her fingers into his hair and held on.

  “Jesus Christ. Get a fucking room,” Demon grumbled, shoving his phone back in his pocket. King reached out, putting his hand on Demon’s face and pushed him away.

  “What the fuck?” he growled.

  “Mind your own fucking business, brother,” King mumbled, pulling away from Meg.

  “Five minutes, tops,” Meg breathed out, holding five fingers up.

  “Five minutes for what?” Rigid asked, walking over with Cyn under his arm. Her eyes were red and puffy, but she had, at least, stopped crying.

  “Meg promised King we would only spend five minutes in Torrid,” Marley explained, pulling her phone out of her purse.

  “Yeah, well, she promised that, not me,” Cyn sassed, her hands propped on her hips.

  “I’m with Cyn,” I said, lacing my arm through hers.

  “I’m good with whatever,” Marley said, shoving her phone back in her pocket. “Troy isn’t going to be back to the clubhouse for at least an hour.”

  “You’ve been overruled, King. Five minutes is barely enough time to make it past the sales tables.” Cyn smirked.

  King’s eyes traveled over all of us, scowling. “Meg.”

  Meg shrugged her shoulders and held her hands up. “Hey, who am I to argue?” Meg glanced at Cyn and winked.

  “Just one time I’d like a day where I don’t have to deal with your crazy ass.”

  “Maybe one day, but today is not that day,” Meg laughed, grabbing Cyn’s other arm and pulled us in the direction of Torrid. “Give me half an hour and I’ll give you an answer to the question you asked me before,” Meg called over her shoulder.

  “Oh my fucking God! You still haven’t answered him?” Cyn said, her jaw dropped open.

  “We were busy with kidnappings and houses blowing up. Me marrying Lo wasn’t high on my priority list,” Meg muttered.

  Holy shit! Meg and King were going to get married! How fucking awesome! “Do you have a date set yet?”

  “Pfft, first I need to say yes.”

  Cyn yanked on Meg’s arm, stopping her in her tracks. “Your ass better say yes.”

  “I have no idea what my ass is going to say. But I’m pretty sure my mouth is going to say yes.”

  Cyn squealed and raised her arms up in the air, tossing up devil horns. “Fuck yes! I so get to be your maid of honor!”

  “You’re gonna have to be co-maid of honor with Mel.”

  Cyn pouted but nodded her head yes. “I’m good with that. Your sister is pretty cool.”

  “I’m glad you approve. Now let’s get a move on.” Meg grabbed Cyn’s arm again, and we continued to the store.

  “Wait for me, bitches!” Marley yelled from behind us. I looked over my shoulder to see Marley sprinting to catch up with us, her long blonde hair flowing behind her. She threaded her arm through mine, and we were walking four wide down the mall. I’m pretty sure no one could get past us if they wanted.

  “What the hell was all the squealing about?” Marley asked.

  “Meg’s going to marry King.”

  “It’s about time he puts a ring on it,” Cyn mumbled.

  “We haven’t even been together for a year.”

  “Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter how long you two have been together. You’re a match made in heaven with that man.” Cyn opened her purse and pulled out a pack of gum, offering us each a piece.

  I grabbed one and popped it into my mouth as I looked behind us, King, Rigid, and Demon trailing about twenty feet away. Three gorgeous men and none of them were mine. Not that I wanted any of them, but it would have been nice to have Gambler here.

  I turned back around and sighed. Ugh, it was partly my fault why Gambler wasn’t here. I should have pulled my head out of my ass and told the man what I wanted. Now I had pissed him off with all my nagging.

  Oy. It was time to do some fixing. I already had a plan working in my head that included my new purchases at Victoria’s Secret. Maybe I could find something to top off my plan to make Gambler mine.

  All my cards were on the table. It was time to go all in on Gambler.


  Chapter 19


  Two fucking hours later and we were finally pulling up to the clubhouse. I swear to Christ Slider and Roam were trying to keep me away from the clubhouse. We had ended up stopping at two gas stations because when we stopped for Roam the first time, Slider didn’t need gas but then forty-five minutes later we needed to stop for him and then he decided he was hungry so we ate at the fucking diner that was connected.

  Longest two fucking hours of my life.

  I glanced around the parking lot, seeing Gwen’s little Beetle and all the other girls’s cars were there, too.

  I had no idea what the fuck I was going to do, but I had to do something. I couldn’t go on with Gwen driving me crazy and not finding any release.

  I turned back to the clubhouse to see Turtle walking out the door, lighting a cigarette. “It’s about time ya’ll got back. Meg’s in the kitchen cooking dinner, trying to teach Marley how to not burn water and Cyn and Gwen are challenging all the guys to a pool tournament. I do have to say, that Gwen sure does have some fine assets.” Turtle winked and took a long drag.

  What the fuck did he just say? Here I was worrying about Demon and come to find out I have to worry about the whole fucking club possibly going after Gwen. I swung my leg over my bike and stalked to the door.

  “Yo! Calm down, Gambler!” I heard Roam call, but I didn’t fucking listen. The only way I was going to get these fuckers to lay off Gwen was to fucking take what was mine.

  I swung open the door and saw red when my eyes connected with Gwen’s ass that was pointed at the fucking door as she bent over the pool table lining up her shot. She was wearing skin tight pants and sky-high heels that made my blood boil and made me want to rip all her clothes off and fuck her in just the heels.

  All eyes were on her as she wiggled her ass and took her shot. I could only imagine what she looked like from the front laid out on the pool table. She drove me crazy in her see through tank tops and short shorts at night. All of those nights didn’t compare to this moment right now. Fully clothed and covered, she drove me absolutely insane.

  She jumped up from the table, arms in the air after she made the shot and spun around. An enormous grin on her face until her eyes connected with mine. The color drained from her face, and I could tell she was surprised to see me.

  She took a step towards me, and I shook my head no. I stalked toward her, my eyes only on her. Everyone else in the club faded away.

  “I didn’t know if-” she started to ramble but stopped when I stooped down, put my shoulder in her stomach and lifted her up. I didn’t miss a step as I tossed her over my shoulder and headed toward the hallway.

  “Dinner will be done in half an hour y’all,” Meg said, walking out of the kitchen and right into me.

  “Save us a plate. We’re gonna be a while,” I mumbled, walking around her.

  “Oh shit, it’s about to go down,” Meg said in awe. “Don’t come out until y’all know what the he
ll you two are!” she hollered at my retreating back.


  I didn’t say anything. I had no idea what to say to Gwen right now that wouldn’t make me sound like some caveman. All I wanted to do was pound on my chest and scream mine.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and unlocked my door. I flipped the light switch on and tossed Gwen on the bed.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she demanded as she bounced on the bed, her hair falling in her face.

  “I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing anymore, Gwen! You’re driving me fucking crazy!” I ran my fingers through my hair and paced in front of the bed.

  “Me?! What about you? This morning you blow up at me and roar off on your bike and now come back and carry me off like some caveman, and I’m just supposed to be okay with this? You’re confusing the shit out of me!” she wailed, rolling off the bed and getting in my face.

  “I don’t know what the hell you want!”

  “Like I know what you want?”

  “I come back from visiting my dead sister’s grave and find you spread out on the fucking pool table putting on a God damn show!” I roared.

  “How the hell was I supposed to know that was where you went? And, I wasn’t spread out on the pool table! I was playing pool!” Her eyes flared with annoyance, and she poked her finger into my chest.

  “You better think twice before you do that again, doll,” I warned, grabbing her hand.

  “Oh yeah, what the hell are you going to do about it? Drive off and leave me all alone again?”

  “I didn’t leave you alone. I needed to clear my fucking head.”

  “Well, fucking tell me that! You left here, and I thought I did something wrong.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.

  “You fucking did! I can’t get you out of my fucking head! You brush up against me, fawn over me, and don’t even get me started how you wrap yourself around me when you sleep. I fucking need you and I can’t God damn have you!”

  “Who the hell says you can’t have me?”

  “Me! I know you’re going to fucking destroy me. Something will happen, and you’ll be gone, and then I’ll be right back where I was when I lost Evie. I can’t fucking love someone and lose them again.”


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