Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 14

by Winter Travers

  “You two finally together, huh?” Hammer wiggled his eyebrows at me as he took an enormous bite.

  “Yeah, for the most part.”

  “What the hell does that mean? She warms your bed every night.”

  “Yeah, she does, but…” I ran my fingers through my hair again and sighed.

  “But what? What else is there?”

  “A whole lot more, brother, but I don’t know if Gwen wants to give me more.”

  Hammer’s jaw dropped open, and he gaped at me. “Holy shit, not you too. You’re gonna be like King and Rigid, aren’t you?”

  “King and Rigid got a good thing, brother. Nothing wrong with wanting what they have, especially if it’s with someone like Gwen.” I pictured Gwen lying in bed this morning when I left, and I knew that was what I wanted to wake up to every morning.

  “If you say so. I think I’m going to stick with my bike and freedom.” Hammer folded up the banana peel and tossed it out the window. “Having one woman holds ya down, and that’s not something I want.”

  “To each their own, brother.” I turned my head, looked out the window and saw King, Demon, and Leo finally walk out of the office building. Besides Hammer and I keeping an eye on things, Leo also had his own men riding along today. Leo said he hadn’t heard anything from the Assassins since Troy had been kidnapped, but he was very cautious that they were now going to go after Leo.

  Going after Leo and the Banachi’s would be a huge mistake, but as we had seen in the past, The Assassins were not a smart bunch. Things had been quiet since they had tried to kill Gwen and I. We still didn’t know if they were going after anyone in the Knights now, or if they again mistook the wrong people for Rigid and Cyn.

  King walked over to our truck, and I rolled the window down. “He’s going with this one. It’s not exactly what he wanted, but he said he can make the improvements needed.”

  “Nice. So, now what? Is the sister in town yet?” I asked, grabbing my pack of smokes and pulled one out.

  “Yeah, he said she was about three hours behind in the U-Haul. She’s been at the house for almost an hour now. We head over there, help get her all set up and then we can head back to the clubhouse.”

  “Sweet. You good with riding with Gravel?”

  “Yeah, we’re good. He’s a grumpy fucking bear right now, but I can handle it.”

  “What the hell is up his ass? He hasn’t seemed too happy these past couple of weeks.” Gravel had walked into the clubhouse this morning acting like someone had pissed in his cheerios.

  “Not sure, brother. I’ll try to talk to him and see if he’ll tell me anything. I know we’re all getting sick of looking over our shoulders so maybe that’s just got him wound tight right now.”

  “Could be.” I glanced over King’s shoulder and saw Leo sitting in his car, waiting. “We better head out.” I nodded at Leo and King turned around.

  King patted the top of the truck and walked over to Gravel. “What do you think has got Gravel so ticked?” Hammer asked as I started the truck.

  “Don’t know, brother. Could be a bunch of shit, or it could be Gravel just being Gravel.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Hammer reached down into the side of the door and pulled out another banana.

  “Dude, where the hell are you getting these bananas from?” I asked, shocked as he pulled out two more.

  “I knew it was going to be a long day, so I grabbed the bunch of bananas that was sitting on the counter before we left. Pretty smart, huh?" He peeled another banana and ate half of it in one bite.

  Yeah, Hammer wasn’t going to think he was very smart when he got back to the clubhouse and Meg rips him a new asshole for eating all the bananas she was going to use to make banana cream bars. “Yeah, you sure are a smart one,” I laughed, shifting into drive and followed behind Leo and his goons.

  We headed in the direction of Fayth’s house while Hammer rambled on about all the benefits of eating bananas. “Dude, these suckers are loaded with potassium. One of these and…”

  I tuned out Hammer, knowing he was just rambling and not looking for a response. I glanced at the clock on the dash and groaned. The more time that went by, the more I doubted Gwen would be okay with me not calling her. I was sure she had probably called me, but there was no way for me to know until I got my phone charged.

  Let’s hope when I got back to the clubhouse Gwen wasn’t ready to rip me a new asshole like Meg was going to do to Hammer.



  “Who the hell eats a whole bunch of bananas? Like, I’m talking a big bunch of bananas. At least 9!” Meg flailed her arms around as she yelled and searched the kitchen for the mysterious missing bananas.

  “I feel like this is a case for Scooby Doo and the gang,” Cyn laughed, plopping down on a stool by the bar.

  “This is not a time to make jokes,” Meg called from the kitchen.

  I was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, exhausted from a long day of dealing with Bridezilla, but I was thoroughly entertained at the moment. “I haven’t seen Scooby Doo in ages. Is it still on TV?” I asked.

  “Oh yeah. It’s definitely still on. I make Rigid watch it with me sometimes. He always bitched because I make him watch the new episodes, and he says they have nothing on the old ones.” Cyn grabbed her glass of water and took a drink.

  Marley stood on the other side of the bar from Cyn, her head propped in her hand as she leaned against the bar. “I always had a thing for Shaggy.”

  Cyn spat her water out and slammed her glass down. Meg leaned out the doorway to the kitchen, and we all stared at Marley. “What the hell did you say?” Cyn asked, wiping water off her chin.

  Marley wiped her hand off that was covered with water with a bar towel and handed it to Cyn. “Um, I had a thing for Shaggy?”

  “You do realize Shaggy is a cartoon, right?” Meg asked.

  “Of course,” she propped her hands on her hips and stared us down. “Come on. You mean to tell me there’s not a cartoon character that y’all don’t think is hot?”

  Cyn, Meg and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. “Well, I guess if you put it that way.” Meg tapped her finger on her chin and hummed. “I suppose I'd have to go with Batman. He’s all tall, dark, and handsome.”

  “Eh, I’m going with the Hulk,” Cyn said as she propped her feet up on the stool in front of her.

  “Dude, you just looked at me like I was insane for saying Shaggy, but you just named a huge, nine foot, lime green giant who gets pissed off then transforms into said monster.” Marley shook her head and grabbed the towel, tossing it into the sink.

  Cyn held her hands up and shrugged. “I can’t help what I like.”

  “That would explain why she’s into Rigid. I swear we should have painted him green for Halloween and made him pass out candy as the Hulk,” I said, walking into the kitchen.

  “I am so making him do that after I pop this baby out,” Cyn giggled, rubbing her belly.

  I grabbed a bag of chips, and the huge bowl of guacamole Meg had made earlier and headed to the bar. “Question,” I said, ripping open the bag of chips. “Who the hell dyes his hair?”

  “I do now. Before me, he said he did it himself, although I have a sneaky suspicion he either had one of the club girls do it or Demon.”

  “Demon? Why the hell would you say that?” Meg asked, walking behind the bar, grabbing bottles and setting them on the top.

  “Because Demon mentioned a couple of weeks ago to Rigid that it looked like he was due to have his hair dyed. Now, you tell me why the hell he would say that?”

  “I am so picturing Rigid sitting in the bathroom, on the toilet, a towel draped over his shoulders and Demon rubbing blue shit in his hair,” Meg laughed.

  Marley and Cyn burst out laughing, and I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Oh my God,” I groaned.

  “Ugh, not the picture I wanted. I’d like to believe Rigid and Demon are
more manly than that.” Marley dipped her chip in the guacamole and moaned. “This is the best shit, ever.”

  “Yeah, well, you should try my banana cream bars. Wait, you can’t because someone ate all the fucking bananas!” Meg yelled, her eyes traveling over all of us.

  “Ugh, and now we’re back to the bananas,” Cyn laughed, shaking her head.

  “I can tell you right now there is no way I could eat nine bananas, so turn your eyes elsewhere,” I said, wagging my fingers at her.

  “Well, I can tell you one thing, I am going to find out who ate my bananas, and when I do they will pay.”

  Cyn laughed and loaded her chip with a mound of guacamole. “Sure you will. More like just make them run to the store and buy you more.”

  “Hey, you never said who you thought was hot as a cartoon,” Marley said, pointing her finger at me. Meg and Cyn both nodded their heads as they chewed.

  “Oh, that’s easy. Johnny Bravo all the way.” Couldn’t tell I’d ever thought about this before.

  “Isn’t that the guy with the oddly shaped body and way blonde hair?” Meg asked.


  “I have no idea who the hell that is,” Marley said.

  “You’re kidding me. Someone grab their phone and educate Marley here. Shaggy has nothing on Johnny Bravo.” Cyn pulled her phone out of her pocket and asked Google who Johnny Bravo is.

  “Why the hell are you googling Johnny Bravo?” Troy asked, walking into the common room.

  “Because Gwen had the hots for him,” Meg said, walking past Troy and into the kitchen.

  “He’s a cartoon,” Troy said, confused.

  “Well, in that case, you really don’t want to know who Marley had a thing for,” Cyn said, rolling her eyes.

  “Who the hell is it? I bet it’s Batman, isn’t it?” Troy crossed his arms over his chest and stared down Marley.

  “Dude! That was mine!” Meg yelled from the kitchen.

  “I should have known,” Troy mumbled.

  “You’re never going to guess it,” Cyn mumbled.

  “Okay!” Marley yelled. “It’s Shaggy, alright? I never thought it was weird until I told these three.”

  Troy threw his head back and laughed. “I always had a thing for Velma.”

  Cyn’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding me. You two are like a match made in heaven.”

  Troy walked around the bar and wrapped his arms around Marley. “It’s only a little weird you had the hots for Shaggy,” Troy mumbled.

  “Oh! Here, I’ve got Johnny Bravo!” Cyn held her phone up and shoved it in Marley’s face.

  Marley grabbed the phone and laughed. “At least, Shaggy looks human, this guy has a triangle for a body and like no facial features.”

  I grabbed the phone out of her hands and scoffed. “Come on, he thought all the ladies wanted him, and he had confidence for days.” Although I did have to admit, I remembered him a bit differently.

  “Lo just texted me. He said they’ll be here in ten minutes.” Meg walked out of the kitchen, her nose buried in her phone.

  I pulled my phone out, wondering if I had missed a call from Gambler but there was nothing. I had called him more than five times today, but it went to voicemail each time. Each time I called him, I got a little bit more pissed off.

  “Nothing yet?” Marley asked.

  I shook my head no and shoved my phone back in my pocket. “It’s nothing. He told me he was going to be busy today.”

  “Yeah, well, the prick could have at least called once.” We all looked at Cyn, shocked. “Hey,” she said, holding her hands up. “I just call it like I seem ‘em.”

  “Damn, Cyn is one friend you want on your side,” Marley laughed.

  “Yeah, she definitely is a ride or die bitch.” Meg put her arm around Cyn’s shoulders and laughed.

  “You putting the moves on my woman?” We all turned around to see Rigid standing in the doorway, smirking.

  “Well, if you wouldn’t leave her alone so much I wouldn’t have to.”

  Rigid looked at his wrist, “I’ve only been gone seven hours.”

  “Since when did you get a watch?” Cyn asked.

  Rigid laughed and held up his arm that didn’t have a watch on it. “You got me.”

  “Lo just called and said ten minutes. What the hell are you doing here?” Meg asked.

  “I left a couple of minutes before they did. I hitched a ride with Gambler and Hammer. Never again will I do that. The three of us crammed into that truck was not a good idea. Plus, I kept stepping on banana peels.” Rigid walked over to Cyn and put his hands on her belly. “How’s my little biker?” he mumbled.

  “I knew it! Your boyfriend ate all of my bananas!” Meg turned around glaring and pointing at me.

  “Hey! Gambler is his own man.”

  “I’m gonna beat the bananas out of him,” Meg threatened.

  “Who, Hammer?” I whirled around at Gambler’s voice and smiled. I was still annoyed he hadn’t called me all day, but dammit did he look good. He still hadn’t shaved, and he was wearing his signature jeans, tee, and boots. Plus, a leather coat since the weather had turned cold. Although, if you looked at any of the guys in the club, that seemed to be standard attire. Except they all appeared to have their own spin on it.

  “What the hell does Hammer have to do with you eating all my bananas?”

  “The fact that I had to sit in that God damn truck all day watching him mow down on them.” “Oh, shit.” Meg turned her head to me. “I take back what I said.”

  “What the hell did Meg say now?” King asked, walking in from the shop. He closed the door behind him and took his coat off. Leather jackets seemed to be another thing the guys all added to their uniforms in the winter time.

  “Someone ate all my bananas, and I’m pretty sure it was Hammer.”

  “I wouldn’t doubt it. The fucker is a God damn garbage disposal.”

  I tuned everyone out when Gambler started walking over to me. Remember you’re mad at him, Gwen, I reminded myself. But the closer he got, the more my anger disappeared, and all I wanted was to be in his arms.

  “Nice of you to call.”

  “I tried, doll.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. “I forgot to plug it in last night. It died an hour after I left and I was stuck with Hammer all day. Motherfucker left his here.”

  “You couldn’t borrow someone else’s?” I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my hip out.

  “Well, if you’re going to play that way, doll, if you were really concerned you could have had Meg call King to talk to me?” Gambler crossed his arms, mimicking me.

  My blood boiled, pissed the hell of by the fact he thinks I should have tried harder to talk to him. “So you mess up, and I have to go out of my way to talk to you? I was busy at work today and didn’t have time to try to play leap frog on the damn phone.”

  Gambler took a step towards me, closing the distance between us. His eyes darkened, and he grabbed my arm, “You might want to be careful what you say next, doll. I’ve been on edge all day not able to talk to you, and now when I can, all I get is sass.”

  I tugged my arm, trying to get away, but he tightened his grip and pulled my body flush against him. He plastered his hand to my ass and held me close. I looked up, his face tilted down at me. “Don’t be a dick, Gambler,” I spat out. He was cranky he couldn’t talk to me, well, so was I.

  “You got one more try, doll,” he warned.

  “Dick!” I shouted in his face.

  Gambler growled low, and I knew I might have made a mistake. “Bad move,” he whispered. He pushed me away, surprising me so I stumbled over my feet, and he put his shoulder in my stomach and lifted me up. “What the hell are you doing? I don’t want to go anywhere with you!” I pounded on his back, but he didn’t stop.

  “I warned you twice. I’m not taking your sass about this.” He swatted me on the ass and headed down the hallway. “Anyone knocks on our door, all they’re going t
o meet is my fist,” Gambler growled as we walked past everyone by the bar. I really couldn’t see them except for their feet, though.

  “Whoa, Hulk smash,” Cyn yelled.

  “What the hell does that mean?” I heard Rigid ask.

  “Your girl has got a thing for the Hulk.” I heard Meg say as we turned the corner down the hall. I really wish I could have heard what Rigid’s reaction was.

  “Gambler put me down. I can God damn walk.”

  “You won’t be able to when I get done with you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled his keys out. I swatted at his hand, and he dropped them. He went still, and this was the second time in five minutes I regretted my actions. “You’re really trying my patience today, Gwen.”

  “Sorry,” I gulped.

  “I think you need to be taught a lesson,” He growled. He set me down on my feet and pressed me against the wall. He caged me in with his arms and body making it so there was no escape. I looked up and down the hallway, hoping one of the girls had followed us, but they hadn’t.

  “No one is coming to save you, doll.” My eyes snapped to his, and a shiver ran through my body. I swallowed hard, a little terrified, but a whole lot turned on.

  “I’m not sure if I want to be saved,” I whispered.

  Gambler growled low and slammed his lips down on mine. His fingers delved into my hair, pulling my bandana off, tossing it on the floor. He tilted my head back, his lips devouring me. I held on to his arms and moaned as his tongue snaked into my mouth. “Wrap your legs around me,” he mumbled against my lips. He grabbed my ass, and I swung my legs around his waist as he pressed me against the wall. “Why can’t I get enough of you?”

  I pressed my lips to his, not wanting to answer. I knew the reason why I couldn’t get enough of him, I was falling in love with him. Did Gambler feel the same way? I didn’t have a clue. “Maybe we should take this to your room.”

  “Not yet,” he mumbled, trailing kisses down my neck. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and yanked it over my head.

  “Whoa, whoa,” I protested. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked down the hallway. “Gambler, what if someone comes down the hall?’


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