Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 34

by Winter Travers

  “But this is the good kind of shit, Lo,” I pleaded.

  Lo threw his head back laughing, and I socked him in the shoulder. “Did you not just hear what you said.”

  I played back in my head what I had said and had to agree it was pretty funny. “You know what I meant.”

  “I did, and I still say no.”

  “Fine,” I pouted.

  “Ready?” I heard Marley shout. “Ten, nine…” Lo grabbed my hand and dragged me off to a dark corner and pinned me up against the wall. “Three, two, one. Happy New Year!”

  “Happy New Year,” Lo growled low, his lips hovering over my mouth. “Can I kiss you now?” He smirked.

  “You can kiss me forever,” I whispered.

  “Thank God.” His lips devoured my mouth, and his tongue swooped in, claiming me as his hands delved into my hair, tilting my head back.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning into him, knowing with everything that I had that this was right where I was supposed to be.

  Right here in Lo’s arms.


  Chapter 29


  I was ready to go home. I mean beyond ready to go.

  Gwen had somehow meddled and set me up with Princeton, who by the way, was a nice guy but he just wasn’t my type. He was serious and barely talked, so when thrown together with me, who never talked, you can imagine the stimulating conversation we’d had.

  “You want another drink?”

  I shook my head no, realizing that three cosmos I had already had was more than enough. Usually, I stuck to only one drink when I was out with a new guy, but the first one went down so smooth that I figured what the hell and had two more.

  Princeton made his way to the bar, and I had to admit he was a good looking guy. His body was stacked like a brick house, and his face was chiseled to perfection, but I just didn’t feel any connection with him.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” Gwen sang as she walked over to the table I was sitting at.

  “I’m ready to go,” I yawned. Princeton and I hadn’t made it to the wedding until after the ceremony, and although we had only been here a couple of hours, I was exhausted.

  “Oh, you’re such a party pooper. It’s only a little after midnight.”

  Trust me, I fully know what time it was. I had sat at this table in an awkward silence with Princeton as everyone in the clubhouse had basically made out. Talk about awkward. “I normally turn into a pumpkin after midnight,” I laughed.

  “Are you at least having fun with Princeton?” Gwen babbled.

  “He’s nice, Gwen, but there’s nothing there.”

  “You hardly gave him a chan–”

  “Gwen!” Meg yelled as the opening chords of Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ started playing. “Get your ass out here!”

  “Shit, I gotta go. Text me when you get home, and I’ll call you in the morning.” Gwen danced off in the direction of Meg, and I had to laugh when Gwen, Cyn, and Meg all started belting out the lyrics.

  I was glad Gwen had found such good friends. After the whole Matt debacle, I was worried she would never get back to the wonderful person I knew she was. Thankfully she had met Gambler, and her life seemed to be exactly what she deserved.

  I grabbed my purse and pulled my shawl over my shoulders and made my way over to the bar where Princeton was standing talking to Creed, his partner from what I had gathered. I elbowed my way to bar but managed to trip over a pair of legs that were lounging in front of the bar.

  A pair of arms managed to grab me around my waist and twirl me around before I fell face first on the floor.

  I pushed my hair out of my face, ready to thank whoever who had just saved me from possibly making a fool of myself when all the blood rushed from my face, and I saw a ghost from my past I never thought I would see again. “Demon,” I gasped.



  “What the fuck?”

  The End

  (For Now)

  Fighting Demon

  Devil’s Knights Series

  Book 7

  Winter Travers

  Chapter 1


  She was here.

  Paige was fucking here.

  What the ever-living fuck was going on?

  “You’re hurting me,” she mumbled, her eyes huge as she looked up at me trying to wiggle out of my grasp. My fingers dug into her arm, holding her up as I tried to wrap my head around the fact that Paige fucking Lawson was standing in front of me. “Demon,” she whispered, throwing me back to a time where she would whisper my name and bury her face in my neck right before she came.

  I loosened my grip on her arm but didn’t let her go. “What are you doing here?” How the hell did she know King and Meg? Was she here as someone's date?

  “I’m here for the wedding. We were just about to leave.” She tilted her head back and looked up at me. “Please let me go.”

  “No. Not until you tell me what the hell you’re doing in my clubhouse. I haven’t seen you in over seven years. You just fucking disappeared.”

  “Because I didn’t want to be found, but I didn’t expect you to look for me. You made it perfectly clear what you thought of me, Demon. I wasn’t going to hang around.”

  “Because I thought you didn’t take care of what was mine,” I growled.

  “It wasn’t just yours, Demon.”

  “Why are you here after seven years? What the hell do you want from me?”

  “I don’t want anything from you, Demon. If I had known that this was your clubhouse and hell, if I had known that Gwen knew you, I never would have agreed to move here.” She ripped her arm out of my grasp and took a step back.

  “Gwen?” I was confused as hell what Gwen had to do with Paige.

  “She’s my sister, Demon.”

  Fucking hell. I had known that Gwen’s sister’s name was Paige, but I never figured her Paige and my Paige were the same person. “Fuck.”

  She spun around, ready to take off. I grabbed her by the arm again. “Demon, let me go,” she insisted as I spun her back around. “I just want to go home.”

  “How the hell are you getting home? I can tell you’ve been drinking.”

  “The same way I got here, in Princeton’s car.”

  My blood boiled at that pricks name. Leo’s latest two men who rolled into town had been butting heads with everyone in the club. Well, at least with Slider and I. “You’re fucking dating Princeton?”

  “What does it matter to you,” she hissed. “The last I heard from you was that I was nothing. Who I date should also be nothing to you.” She tried twisting out of my grasp, but instead of letting her go, I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her.

  “I never thought I’d see you again.” One week after everything had happened, I walked out of Paige’s apartment telling myself things would never be the same. So much had changed from just one phone call. The panic in Paige’s voice as she told me she was on the way to the hospital was something I’d never be able to forget. At the time, I blamed her for everything that happened, but after I left and had time to think about it, I knew it wasn’t anyone's fault. I should have gone back to her, but I didn’t. I was too stupid and bullheaded to listen to reason.

  “Well, I hoped to never see you again, so just please let me go.” She looked up at me, panic in her eyes, but I also saw the Paige that I had once loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  I looked over Paige’s shoulder and saw Princeton leaning against the bar, a glass dangling from his fingertips. “That better be fucking water you’re drinking if you’re driving Paige home,” I barked.

  “Last I checked I didn’t fucking answer to you.” Princeton drained his glass and set it on the bar. “And for the record, I’m fucking working. Not that you would know anything about that.”

  “Guess that answers my question if you’re dating this asshole.” I glanced down
at Paige, smirking, and she rolled her eyes. “Not that you fucking deserve her.” I looked back up at Princeton who just shrugged his shoulders. What in the hell was Paige doing with this asshole?

  “Please, just let me go home,” she pleaded. She pressed her hand against my chest, trying to pull away. “I’m tired, Demon.”

  My eyes fell on her sweet and innocent face, and all I wanted to do was lay her out on the bar and remember every curve and inch of her sweet body that I used to worship. “This isn’t over, Paige,” I whispered. I let her go, took a step back and watched her stunned face at what I said sink in.

  She got a grip, finally tearing her eyes off of me and stepped back into Princeton. “I’m ready,” she mumbled, looking over her shoulder at him. He grunted in reply and slid his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side. She stiffened at his touch but didn’t pull away like when I had touched her.

  “I’ll take good care of her, Demon. Don’t worry.” Princeton winked at me and they disappeared into the crowd and out the door. I counted to ten, trying to get a grip but it wasn’t working.

  Seeing Paige was a sucker punch to the gut, but then having to see her leave with that douchebag fucking enraged me. I glanced around the clubhouse, seeing if anyone had just witnessed Paige and me together.

  Lo was standing ten feet away, with his eyes trained on me.

  “Son of a bitch,” I mumbled under my breath.

  I reached over the bar and grabbed the closest bottle to me. I thought about grabbing a shot glass but figured that would only slow me down from getting annihilated.

  “Yo, that’s the last bottle of vodka,” Turtle called from behind the bar.

  I shrugged my shoulders and made my way past the bar and down the hallway to my room. I didn’t fucking care if it was the last bottle of booze in the clubhouse.

  Shit was coming back that I never thought I would have to think about again, and my plan was drowning those memories as best as I could tonight.


  Chapter 2


  “You sure you’re OK?”

  I glanced over at Princeton, and all I could do was nod my head. I was so close to losing it, and all I had left to do was get out of the car and then I could fall apart in my apartment.

  “I’ll walk you to your door.” He reached over to unbuckle his seatbelt, but I put a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “Please don’t. I'm all right.” My voice cracked, and I prayed that Princeton would ignore it.

  He looked at me, his eyes seeing more than I wanted him to see. “I’ll wait till you’re inside before I leave.”

  I said a silent thank you, grateful that he could tell that I just needed to be alone. I slid out of the car, not whispering a goodbye. My voice had already betrayed me once; I wasn’t going to risk it again when I was so close to making my escape.

  I scurried up the stairs, trying to unlock the door through tears and collapsed on the floor when I finally got the door open. I pushed the door closed and reached up, flipping the lock.

  Sobs racked my body as the past came flooding over me.

  Over Seven Years Ago

  “Paige, open the damn door and tell me what the hell the damn stick says.” Dustin pounded on the door, and all I could do was giggle as I looked down at the pregnancy test in my hand and stare at the two pink lines.

  Dustin pounded on the door harder, and I flipped open the lock afraid he was going to break the door down. “It’s about damn time, woman. I ain’t never had to take a pregnancy test before, but I know it doesn’t take fifteen minutes.”

  “Well,” I said, holding up the test. “You’re gonna have to wait about nine months before we have to take another one.”

  “Nine months,” he whispered, grabbing the test from my hand.

  “Dustin, I peed on that. Like, all over that.” I reached to grab it out of his hand, but he pushed my hand away and walked out of the bathroom. I swatted off the light and followed his retreating back down the hallway. “Would you stop waving it around.”

  Dustin walked into the kitchen of my tiny apartment and turned on the light. He held the stick up to the light and squinted. “Are we sure this is right? How accurate are these things? I think you should go to the doctor right now before anything happens.”

  “Happens,” I laughed. “I’m pretty sure nothing is going to happen for at least eight months.”

  “Eight months? You really think you’re that far along? That’s a whole month that you didn’t know you were pregnant.” He threw the test in the sink and pulled me into his arms, burying his nose in my hair.

  “I don’t know how far along I am. I’ve only missed one period.”

  He pushed me back, holding me at arm’s length. “We need to go to the doctor right now, make sure everything is alright.”

  “Dustin, people get pregnant every day and don’t run to the hospital. I’ll call in the morning and make an appointment.”

  “Baby, you’re having my baby.” A huge grin spread across his lips, and he pulled me back into his arms. “Our baby,” he whispered into my hair.

  Yup, we were having a baby.

  The sound of P!nk blaring from my phone brought me out of my daydream, and I opened my eyes. I fished my cell out of my purse and hit the talk button. “Hello?”

  “Paige? Are you okay? You didn’t tell me you were leaving.”

  I fell back onto my butt and leaned against the door. “I just got tired. I saw you were having fun and didn’t want to interrupt.”

  “Are you sure? Meg and the girls said they saw you leave, and you seemed shaken up.”

  Ha, shaken up was an understatement, but Gwen wasn’t going to know that. Gwen didn’t even know that Demon and I were once a thing, let alone about the baby. “Oh, that? I bumped into someone and spilled their drink. It was nothing.”

  “Really? Meg said it looked like you two knew each other.”

  “Nope,” I sang out, “Unless you call the minute I talked to him as knowing him.” I had to get her to stop talking about Demon. Gwen was never going to find out what happened between Demon and I. It was in the past, and that was exactly where I planned on keeping it buried. “Are you still at the party?” I was surprised at how quiet Gwen’s side of the call was.

  “No, well, yes, but not right now. I had to run to the bathroom and decided to call you. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  God dammit, she wasn’t going to let this go. “Yes, little sister. I promise that everything is okay. I had a long day at work today, and I’m not used to staying out so late.” I faked a yawn hoping she would believe me even though I was wired right now and had no idea when I would be able to sleep.

  “Okay, I was just checking on you.” I heard Gambler in the background, and I thanked God that he was so attached to Gwen. Hopefully, he would help to distract her from bugging me about Demon anymore.

  “I’ll let you go, Paige. Call me tomorrow or when you get off of work on Monday,”

  “Okay, but you know you can call me whenever you want.”

  Gwen bugged me all the time that she was the one who was always calling me, and I needed to learn how to pick up the phone every now and then. “I know, Gwen. But you know I don’t call unless I have something to say.” I was quiet and, shall we say, Gwen is not.

  “Gambler, I’m coming.” She put her hand on the phone and yelled at Gambler to keep his pants on. “I’ll call you in the morning, P. Love you.” Gwen hung up before I could even get the b in bye out of my mouth. I tossed my phone on the chair by the door and tilted my head back.

  I loved Gwen, but I wasn’t going to tell her about Demon. It happened such a long time ago when I was a different person from whom I was today. I piled my long brown hair on top of my head and looked around my tiny apartment. At the time, I thought finding this apartment so quickly was a sign that this was where I was supposed to be, but now I knew how wrong that was. Demon was here, and I had no idea how the hell I was going to be able
to live in the same town as him.

  Gah, what the hell was going on. I thought I was over Demon. Hell, I figured I was long over Demon. It had been over seven years since he had walked out of my life, but now it felt like it happened yesterday. Seeing him turned me back into that naive twenty-one-year-old who thought her whole world hung on the shoulders of one tall, handsome, dirty talking biker who loved her.

  I laughed and shook my head. You can see how well that worked out for me. Now I needed to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

  I was here for Aunt Rose, not Demon, and I didn’t have anywhere else to go. Gwen had lived in Rockton for a year before she had convinced me to move up here and stupidly I had come. Now, I felt the urge to run, but I didn’t have a place to run to.

  How had I lived here over two months and never ran into Demon? Especially with Gwen dating Gambler who was part of the same damn club. Seriously, how in the hell do I get myself into situations like this?

  I yawned loud, taking my hands off of my head and my hair cascaded around my shoulders. I was trapped. Trapped like a rat and I had no idea what the hell I was going to do.

  How had I avoided him for this long? And then it hit me. All I had been doing for the past two months, was working, taking care of Aunt Rose and that was it. Tonight was the first time I had actually left my apartment for something that wasn’t work or taking care of Rose.

  So, I knew what that meant. I had just figured out the way that I was going to avoid Demon.

  No more going to the Clubhouse.

  No more hanging out with Gwen if she was with any of the guys from the clubhouse. (Besides Gambler.)

  I was only going to work, Rose’s and the grocery store. Three places I was guaranteed to not see Demon.

  So, from now on, I was going to be a hermit.

  Oh, Jesus, this was going to be ridiculous.



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