Claimed (Trojans MC Book 10)

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Claimed (Trojans MC Book 10) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “You believe in satisfying their needs?”

  “Their men do, yes.” He slid his tongue across her neck, and she let out a little gasp and a moan. “Just like I can keep your needs satisfied.”

  Another cry drew her attention, and she turned toward the pool table to find Scarlet spread out. She wore no clothing. There were no balls on the table, but three men stood around, their dicks out, and Scarlet worked among all three.

  Anna couldn’t look away even as she wanted to.

  One of the men grabbed Scarlet’s hips, tugging her back. He put on a condom, aligned his cock to her entrance, and slammed all the way inside her. He let go of Scarlet’s hips to grab her hair, pulling her head back, and roughly fucking her, driving every inch of his dick within her.

  Scarlet moaned, but with one of the guys holding her head, she wasn’t able to suck on the others’ dicks.

  “Don’t look at her. She’s used to getting what she wants with a bunch of dicks.”

  “Do you enjoy her?” Anna asked.

  “Not anymore, and not for a while.”

  Landon took her hand, moving her away from the sight of Scarlet being fucked. They made their way outside, and he grabbed a beer, holding it out for her to take.

  She did so.

  There were more public displays outside. They passed one man getting his dick sucked by two women.

  Anna couldn’t help the arousal rushing through her body at the sight. They all looked … hot. She didn’t have a problem watching them all.

  No, she just didn’t want to be part of it. That was her only problem.

  Sipping at her beer, Landon made them pause at one of the trash cans. The heat did nothing for her. She was already on fire.

  A couple of squeals drew her attention, and some of the other club whores were naked, prancing around outside as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

  This was certainly different from anything she was used to.


  Landon sensed the arousal within Anna. He didn’t know if she even realized she kept rubbing her ass against his dick, and with each passing second, his own need was rising up. He liked to watch people getting off. It was much better than porn, and especially because the women were all into it as well. There were no forced moans. Everything was natural. Finishing off his beer, he took the empty bottle from Anna and moved her so they were in a secluded spot but could also watch.

  Anna hadn’t given him any reason to believe she was a little prude, and he wasn’t going to start believing it now. He found a spot on one of the benches.

  The women in front of him were having a lot of fun, playing with each other’s breasts. He saw that Bertie and Floss had joined them outside. Clearly, they had their fun with Scarlet. These two women were newbies and Landon hadn’t tried them, but he also had no desire to. The only woman he was interested in was the woman in front of him. Gripping her thigh, he made her straddle the bench. She didn’t argue with him as he moved her so she was facing the action.

  Bertie already had one of the women on her knees, pulling his cock out. It was flaccid, but Bertie never had a problem when it came to performing.

  The guy always liked to be the center of attention and often was.

  Keeping his hand on Anna’s thigh, Landon made her lean back against him. With his other hand, he stroked her stomach, moving up to brush across her rounded tit. No one could see them. They were in private, but his dick was hard.

  “I know what you’re doing,” she said.

  “What am I doing?”

  “You’re getting me so hot I don’t think about how we can get caught.”

  He took her hand and placed it over his cock. “Feel what you do to me. I’m here because of you. No one else. I’ve got no interest in seeing what those women are wanting, only you.” He pulled her hair back, exposing her neck. He licked over her pulse before biting down.

  “Tell me you don’t want me to play, and I won’t play. We can go on upstairs and not see what Bertie and Floss have to offer, or we could stay here and watch. I’m not going to judge you. No one here ever would. This is where you can be free.”

  He kissed her neck hard, using his teeth to nip at her sensitive flesh.

  “Or go upstairs?”

  “We’ll stay.” She panted the words out, and he couldn’t help but smile.

  “Good girl. Such a good choice.”

  She rubbed at his dick and he watched as one woman left Floss’s side and walked over to the woman with Bertie. She took her hand, lifting her up, and they kissed, hard, passionately.

  Not one to be ignored, Bertie lifted the woman up in his arms. She was a small one and held her legs open. The other woman didn’t need any further instruction, and seeing as Bertie held her up and spread, he and Anna got to see the other woman lick her pussy.

  The one in Bertie’s arms cried out. She put her hands around Bertie’s head, moaning for more, begging for it.

  Floss returned and the woman doing the licking was bent forward, and they got to see her being filled with Floss’s cock.

  Even though the sight was hot, Landon didn’t want anyone but Anna. He didn’t want to think of the reason why he felt that way. Glancing down at Anna, he saw her cheeks were red, and it was too dark to see if she was as aroused at the sight as he was. She’d stopped working his cock, and simply held him in her fist.

  Sliding his fingers beneath her dress, he found the wet crotch of her panties. His woman was turned on. She didn’t fight him as he pushed aside the fabric and ran his finger down her slit.

  She was drenched, and he didn’t have a problem with that at all.

  Fingering her tight cunt, he teased across her clit before moving down to fill her up. With his other hand, he cupped her tit. The hard bead of her nipple was in his palm.

  “You don’t like people watching you fuck, but you’ve got no problem with being there for anyone else’s?” he asked.

  “No. I like to watch. I’ve never seen it like this other than when I’ve done it in front of a mirror.”

  “I’ll have a mirror in your future all right,” he said. “You can count on it.” He added a second and third finger, filling her tight pussy as he pressed a thumb to her clit.

  Bertie and Floss had long lost any attention he might have had.

  He didn’t need to prove any point anymore.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he stood up, lifting her over his shoulder once more.

  “What the hell, Landon? You’ve got to stop doing this.”

  “I don’t want to. I happen to like you being like this. All open and helpless. You better grab your skirt. You don’t want anyone catching a glimpse of your pussy.”


  “You love it.”

  She had no choice but to hold her skirt down as he carried her through the clubhouse. He didn’t stop, not even as a couple of the brothers tried to get him to talk.

  Talking wasn’t what he was interested in.

  Once at his bedroom, he slammed the door open, closing it with a kick and placing her on her feet.

  Anna surprised him as she sank to the floor, grabbing his belt and sliding it open. She took down the zipper, and her pretty mouth was on him, sucking at his cock the moment she eased him out of his boxer briefs.

  Removing his leather jacket and shirt, he threw them across the room, out of his way.

  Turning on the light, he wrapped her hair around his fist and groaned. He started to fill her mouth, using slow, gentle thrusts to start off with.

  Anna cupped his balls, playing with them as she bobbed her head.

  He wanted to go deeper, and using his grip on her head, he started to make her take more of him, getting her to swallow him down.

  With each moan, the vibrations turned him on even more.

  “Fuck, yes,” he said.

  Sliding from between her lips, he saw how wet his dick was from her saliva and slammed it back in. This time, she choked on him, but he loved t
he sound.

  Anna didn’t pull away or stop him. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, and she moaned, swallowing down his pre-cum and her saliva.

  He’d have loved to finish in her throat and see her swallow every last drop, but he wanted inside her again.

  Lifting her up off the floor, he moved them both to the bed, dropping her down. He tugged on the dress, but it was taking too much work to remove it from her. He tore the dress, the seams giving away, no match for his strength.


  She didn’t get to finish her sentence as he slammed his lips down on hers as he destroyed her panties as well.

  They were in his way, and he wanted inside her.

  Gripping his dick, he placed the tip at her entrance and slid home, feeling her tight cunt wrap around him.

  He let out a growl as her pussy swallowed him. It was perfection. She was utter perfection.

  Pulling out, he slammed back inside. He reared back, holding her legs, and watched her spread around him, taking his dick.

  “You feel so good,” he said. “None of those women have a patch on you.”

  Dropping her legs, he grabbed her arms, holding them above her head as he fucked her hard. The bed slammed against the wall with each pound of his hips.

  She wrapped her legs around him, and he knew it wasn’t her pussy he wanted to finish in. He’d had her mouth and pussy. Now it was time to claim her ass.

  Easing out of her hungry cunt, he pulled back and flipped her over so she was on her knees before him.

  Cupping the cheeks of her ass, he spread them open, seeing the puckered hole of her anus.

  He wanted to claim every single part of Anna so she couldn’t remember ever being with anyone else. He wanted to be her everything, and the only way to do that, was to have every single part of her. No woman had ever made him feel this way. He’d never felt overcome with a desire to own a woman, but Anna, she had gotten under his skin and there was no turning back.

  Using some of her cream, he spread it between the cheeks of her ass, getting her nice and slick.

  Pushing a single finger inside her, he heard her moan.

  “I know it feels weird. Give it a moment.”

  She didn’t tell him to stop, so he pressed forward, rocking back and forth into her tight asshole. He added a second finger, stretching out her ass, and only after making her writhe with pleasure did he remove his fingers and replace them with his cock. With the hard tip at her entrance, he slowly began to fill her, taking his sweet time as he rocked inside her, fucking her. With only a couple of inches inside her ass, he worked his dick, not wanting to rush, letting her get accustomed to it. He loved watching her open up beneath his hands, her ass spreading wide.

  Gripping her flesh, he waited for her to start driving herself back onto his length, taking him deeper.

  “Please, please,” she said.

  Reaching between her spread thighs, he stroked her clit, and she whimpered his name.

  “That’s right, baby. Take my cock. Fuck me back.” He kept up his thrusts as he stroked her nub, wanting her to become completely mindless on the pleasure he had in store for her.

  She cried his name, screamed it, and when she finally fell into her orgasm, he grabbed her hips and took her harder, driving his cock inside, feeling his own need spiral up until he thrust deep inside her once more. He filled her with copious amounts of cum, and groaned as he did so.

  Anna might not realize it yet, but she belonged to him. Every single part of her was his for the taking.

  Chapter Twelve

  Anna checked the calendar on the wall of the clubhouse near Duke’s office. She’d been at the Trojans’ place now for nearly two weeks. She wasn’t allowed her cell phone without Landon’s permission, and she was growing a little tired.

  Lifting her hand, she knocked on the President’s office. During her time at the clubhouse she’d seen how much the guys respected Duke, and she only hoped he didn’t have an aversion to a woman knowing one of his club’s secrets.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Her hands shook, but she pushed on the door and entered the room. Duke was alone and he had a couple of sheets of paper in his hands, and he wore a frown.

  “Is this a bad time?” she asked, pointing at the papers.

  “Every single time just lately is a bad time. What can I do for you?” he asked, putting his papers down and looking at her. “Is something wrong?”

  “I’d like to go home. I know you guys have been really sweet, keeping an eye on me and all that, but I do miss my home.” She sat down, hoping he didn’t see how nervous she was. If he was a preying wolf, he’d have struck her already.

  “I don’t seem to see the problem?” he asked. “Your every whim is catered for.”

  “It is, and I do appreciate it. I like to work, and to do other things than wait around for Landon to arrive all day. I’m not going to say anything. I promise. Please.”

  “How are things developing between you and Landon?”

  She frowned as he leaned forward. “Developing?”

  “I need to know you’ve got the Trojans’ back. What you saw, what went down, I need to know you’ll always think about the club when opening your mouth.”

  “I won’t tell anyone. I get it. That guy, the drug dealer, he was a bad one. He hurt someone close to you. I’m not going to hurt the club.”

  Duke sat back, watching her.

  She hated this.

  “I can’t let you leave, Anna. Not yet.”

  “Why not? I won’t leave.”

  “I’ve got some work to do. We’ll talk about this another time.”

  He lifted his paperwork up, and she was so pissed.

  Getting to her feet, she slammed out of his office and into a hard wall. Glancing up, she saw it was Landon.

  “Care to share why you were with my prez?”

  “Simple, I want to go home. I miss being … outside.”

  “We can go outside.”

  “No, I miss being able to come and go as I please. Doesn’t this kind of life make you go crazy? I know it’s making me go crazy. I can’t do this.” She turned on her heel and headed toward the kitchen, which would lead her outside.

  “The front door is that way.”

  “Oh, please, and fail whatever test Duke has.”

  “He has a test?”

  “I’m guessing so. I’m not running out of this clubhouse until he gives me the all clear to do so. I’m not freaking stupid.” She walked past Mary and Holly and went straight toward one of the benches where she slumped down in her seat.

  “You look mightily pissed,” Zoe said, joining them.

  “You think so?”

  “And sarcastic.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a bitch. I just … ugh, you know what, it doesn’t matter. I can’t leave, and it so doesn’t freaking matter.” She dropped her head on her arms and tried not to sob.

  She was angry for getting herself muddled up in this mess.

  “Landon is one of my best friends,” Zoe said. “We’ve been close for a while. I can see why he really likes you.”

  Anna lifted her head and stared up at the woman in front of her. “What?”

  “You’ve got a fire inside you that you keep under wraps for the most part. You’re passionate, and above all else, you don’t judge. I’ve watched the way you’ve been with him the past couple of weeks. He’s smitten.”

  “I think you’re mistaken.” She didn’t want to get her hopes up. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know Landon wasn’t the kind of guy to stick around. In the back of her mind, she knew she still had to deal with the little problem of a morning after pill.

  Running fingers through her hair, she felt a little sick.

  “I’m not mistaken. I know Landon. He comes off as being this guy who likes to play around, but I know deep down within him, he’s waiting to find the right woman. You’re the right woman.”

  “Honey, it’s not me. Land
on and I, we’re having fun.” He certainly made sure she knew it, just as she did him.

  They were both drawn to the sound of a bike pulling into the parking lot. She had taken up a bench that overlooked the front of the clubhouse. She didn’t recognize the guy who climbed off, removing his helmet.

  “That’s Greg,” Zoe said. “He’s a prospect like Kid, Rick, and Matthew, but he likes to think of himself as a guy closer to getting a patch because he rides a bike already.”

  Anna noticed several of the club whores running toward him.

  “Doesn’t it bother you, seeing them here nearly all the time? They’re here to pleasure the men.”

  “Not my man. I know my Raoul, and he will always be faithful to me. He loves me just as I love him.”

  Anna hated how she yearned for that kind of connection with someone.

  “It must be nice.”

  “Oh, it is,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong, I know this lifestyle is … different, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

  “What about the whole claiming thing the old ladies go through?”

  “Landon told you about that?”

  “We struck a deal. He didn’t have much choice.”

  “Wow, I had no idea.” Zoe had this massive smile on her face as if she’d just told her she won a great deal of money.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “It’s fine. I get it. But you totally don’t know what is going on.”

  Anna frowned as she heard the sound of a whimpering dog.

  Glancing behind her, she didn’t see anything, and as she looked back toward the front of the club, she saw Greg was throwing stuff at a poor, vulnerable, stray-looking dog.

  Anger filled every single part of her as he lashed out, kicking the dog.

  “Hey!” She got to her feet.

  The man didn’t stop even as the dog made no move to attack him.

  The poor thing was scared, and Anna, she was boiling.


  Still nothing.

  She started to run, and the man, he wasn’t paying any attention, and some of the women were laughing.


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