The Antares Codex Box Set

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The Antares Codex Box Set Page 61

by Bob Cooper

Sandra gritted her teeth thinking about all that Gretchen had been through. She put her hand on Gretchen’s shoulder. “Someday, my dear, you will find the right person. You’re beautiful and intelligent and have a lot to offer.”

  Aidan coughed and vomited violently at the same time the lights came on. The street was lit up, and they were exposed. Sandra turned Aidan’s head to the side until the spasms stopped.

  “Where are we?” he asked.

  “We made it out of the building. They must have found an alternate power source because the lights are back on,” Gretchen said.

  “I don’t see the Replicants,” Aidan said, raising his head.

  “I know. Something weird is happening,” Sandra said.

  A vehicle slowly drove down the street. Sandra recognized Captain Tom and Foster and flagged them down. “Over here,” she said, waving her arms.

  They loaded Aidan in the back seat with Foster and Sandra while Gretchen sat in the front seat.

  “What happened to Aidan?” Foster asked.

  “Aidan was responsible for the power outage. That’s how we were able to escape the Replicants after getting Gretchen out of the holding cell,” Sandra answered. “What’s been going on?”

  “The Replicants are in some type of stand down mode. We set up a command center in the restaurant and established communications with Earth on a secured channel. Federated Earth Defenses are preparing an armada to leave shortly. We were told to be the eyes and ears for them,” Captain Tom said.

  Aidan coughed and sat up. “We have to find where these Replicants are being spawned and destroy that place.”

  “Gretchen told us where the facility is located, but we don’t have the people or the weapons to destroy it. We’ll have to wait for the Armada to reach us,” Captain Tom said.

  They walked into the restaurant where several Citizen Guard and civilians had set up a makeshift communications center. Aidan was feeling better but still had problems breathing.

  “Captain! The monitors!” Foster shouted as they now displayed the flag of the Fourth Reich. Music played from 19th-century Earth which no one recognized except for Gretchen. “That’s the Nazi anthem,” she said, almost in a whisper.

  The music stopped and was replaced by a picture of Gretchen’s father surrounded by the Fourth Reich High Council. “Citizens of New Moon City and of Earth. We are now in control and have established this place as the new capitol of the Fourth Reich. Soon, citizens of Earth will be part of our glorious Aryan Nation. Those who resist will be eliminated. All hostilities from Earth must cease. We have weapons that can blow Earth apart in minutes.”

  A picture of an asteroid replaced his face, and then the monitor went white as fragments floated where the asteroid used to be.

  “This weapon is currently focused on Washington D.C., and we will not hesitate to use it unless you adhere to our requests. We are sending thousands of our soldiers to Earth to assimilate those who are worthy of becoming members of the Fourth Reich. Any resistance will be met with mass destruction.”

  The monitors went black. Captain Tom tried contacting Earth, but the link was dead.


  The video from the Fourth Reich flashed across every news station on Earth, causing widespread panic. Raina left for an emergency session at the Capitol, along with all the other members of Congress. The President was waiting in the wings for everyone to arrive. When he walked up to the podium, he wasted no time explaining the situation.

  “You have all seen the video and heard this mad man threaten us. The Armada is launching at this moment.”

  “But Mr. President, with all due respect, they said they would use the weapon if we send the Armada,” the representative from Virginia said.

  “We will not be intimidated by their threats. We must meet this kind of aggression head on. The Generals have assured me that the battle will not last long and we will rid the Universe of this menace.”

  Raina listened intently at the threatening rhetoric and found it alarming that the President would chance the slaughter of so many civilians. Her thoughts were interrupted when a terrible rumble shook the Capitol building, throwing chunks of plaster from the ceiling. Everyone ran for cover. Another explosion rocked the area, setting the East Wing on fire. The monitors eerily came on, and Gretchen’s father appeared.

  “You have chosen not to heed my warning. Your Armada is destroyed. Now you will suffer the consequences. The monitors went blank. The Capitol building began to crumble as Raina struggled to get outside. More explosions rocked the area, raising a blinding haze of smoke and dust. Raina lay on the ground, her ears ringing and gasping for air. The Secret Service Agents had taken the President, presumably to the underground facility. Moving into the street, she called Sue.

  “Are you all right. What the hell is going on down there?” Sue asked.

  “I’m okay. I want you to get out of the city. Do you hear me?”

  “I’m not leaving without you.”

  “Susan. Don’t argue with me. Leave now!”

  The next explosion was a direct hit to the Capitol reducing what was left to ashes. Raina was thrown several feet, slamming into a parked vehicle.

  “Sue. Can you hear me?”

  The com link was dead. She raised her head and watched the Capitol smoldering. A Citizen Guard ran up to her. He was bleeding profusely from his head.

  “Come with me. We have to get out of here,” he said, grabbing her hand.

  He lifted and steadied Raina as they moved towards his vehicle.

  “You’re Senator Welch,” he said.

  “Yes. What’s your name?”

  “Peter Secola. Private Peter Secola.”

  “Thanks, Private. Can you take me to …?”

  “I can’t take you anyplace, Ma’am. All the bridges and roads leading out of the city have been destroyed.”


  Acey tried Raina but couldn’t get through. She called Sue.

  Sue, have you talked to Raina?”

  “Briefly, just before we lost communication. She sounded okay, but after watching the pictures on the news broadcast, I don’t know what to think. Have you heard from Aidan?”

  Acey’s voice cracked as she responded. “No. I can’t reach him, either.”

  “I have to go find her,” Sue said, abruptly hanging up.

  “Sue, wait.”

  Putting the com link down, she turned her attention to the monitor. By now all countries were responding to the tragedy in Washington. Pledges of military support were pouring in. Acey flipped through the channels looking for news from New Moon City. The door chime rang, and Acey checked the security camera. It was Hillary, Dirk, and Annie.

  “I haven’t heard anything from Aidan,” she said.

  “Mom. I got a call from Foster about two hours ago. He said Dad was okay, but they were trapped with no way home. They are waiting for the Armada.”

  “It was destroyed just after launch. Have you heard from Raina?” Dirk asked.

  “I talked to Sue. She hasn’t heard anything from Raina since the destruction of the Capitol building.”

  “We have to go there and find her,” Dirk said.

  Acey was about to argue with him when Annie spoke.

  “Mom. We have to do this.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Hillary said. “Billy can stay with the kids.”

  Acey grabbed her com link. “Get the ship ready,” she ordered the maintenance crew from the mining company.”

  “Ma’am, all flights have been canceled during the emergency,” he answered.

  “I don’t care. Get it ready!” she yelled.

  “Yes, Ma’am.”


  In the back room of the restaurant, Aidan, Foster, Gretchen, and Sandra discussed the information Gretchen had given them about the Fourth Reich HQ and what was happening there. Only a handful of Citizen Guards were willing to fight. The rest went into hiding.

  “I don’t see any way we can get into that building. Not with
the resources we have,” Captain Tom said.

  Foster took out the maps. They were outdated, but it gave them some idea what lay underneath the city.

  “There are hundreds of tunnels connecting various buildings. It’s where all the infrastructure is hidden. If we can find …”

  “No way! Captain Tom said. Even if the tunnels exist, we don’t have manpower or weapons to do any real damage.

  “We have to do something,” Foster said.

  They sat in silence, frustrated. Aidan stood up and started to walk around the room, staring at the floor, deep in thought.

  “Aidan, are you all right?” Sandra asked.

  He looked up at them. “I have an idea, but I’m not sure it will work.”

  “Let’s hear it,” Captain Tom said.

  “You remember the dreams that Carina had and how she used her mental power to overcome her captors?”

  They nodded, looking at each other.

  “Carina and Jonathan possess these powers. It was the reason they were kidnapped. They wanted their DNA to be part of the Replicants.”

  “So?” Captain Tom said.

  “So, if we can get Jonathan and Carina to communicate with the Replicants and alter their programming, maybe they can turn the Replicants against the sect.”

  “Aidan, I can’t see that working,” Captain Tom said.

  “With all due respect, sir, I think it’s worth a shot since our options are limited,” Foster said.

  Captain Tom mulled it over for a minute. “We need to find a way to get in touch with them.”

  “But communications are down. How are we going to do that?” Sandra asked.

  “I know how.”

  They all turned and looked at Gretchen.

  “The link I used to call my father, where is it?”

  “You mean the one we confiscated from you at the time of your incarceration?” Foster asked.


  “I believe the guard put it with the rest of your belongings at Guard HQ.”

  “What’s so special about your com link?” Captain Tom asked.

  “It was designed to generate its own encapsulated wave. I’ve used it when there were no communications available. Once we generate the correct signal, we can contact Earth.”

  “Yeah, but won’t your father detect the signal?” Foster asked.

  “No, not if I cloak the signal.”

  “You can do that?” Aidan asked.

  “The device was built and given to those in the upper echelon of the Fourth Reich specifically for circumstances such as this when an untraceable signal needs to be generated.”

  “Then what are we waiting for. Let’s go get that device,” Captain Tom said.


  It was a short flight to Washington D.C. but not an easy one. They were denied takeoff from the spaceport and threatened to be blown out of the sky if they didn’t stand down.

  Acey finally received clearance, convincing them she had vital information from her mining company that would help put down the uprising on New Moon City.

  Once there, they met with Sue at the condo. She was frantic. She hadn’t heard from Raina for hours. They watched the monitor as the media showed pictures of the destruction all around the Capitol Building. High casualties were predicted, but no names had been released.

  “We have to go there and find her,” Dirk finally said.

  “You’re not going anywhere. You shouldn’t be here,” Acey said.

  Dirk glared at his granddaughter. “I mean it. You’re in no shape to go anywhere,” Acey said.

  “I’ll stay with him if you two want to go,” Hillary said.

  “I don’t need no goddamned babysitter!” Dirk yelled.

  His eyes bulged, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He sat down on the couch catching his breath. Acey went over to him and held his hand.

  “I’m sorry. I know you don’t need a babysitter, but you will slow us down. I promised Norma nothing would happen to you. Now, please, stay here with Hillary.”

  After a few deep breaths, Dirk calmed down. “All right, but keep us informed,” he said.

  Acey kissed him. “I promise.”

  “There’s food and beverages in the fridge. Help yourselves,” Sue said and she and Acey left.

  There was an order issued for no unnecessary travel in the city limits, so it was hard for them to get to the area. Military personnel had the entire area cordoned off, and rescue operations were underway. Sue let out a gasp when they saw emergency vehicles hauling away the dead and injured. Acey took her hand. “Come on. Let’s find her.”


  They walked towards the wreckage, and in the confusion, they were able to see up close the devastation that lay before them. “Oh, my god! How could she have escaped injury from this,” Sue said, sobbing.

  “Listen to me. We both know that if Raina is alive, she would want to do anything she could to help. She wouldn’t run away. She would be here trying to assist in whatever way she could,” Acey said.

  Sue nodded in agreement, and they inched their way through the smoldering rubble looking for any sign of Raina. The Metro Police stopped them.

  “Are you two okay?” the police officer asked.

  “Yes, we’re fine. We’re looking for my sister, Senator Raina Welch,” Acey said.

  “You can’t be here. It’s too dangerous,” the officer said. “Wait. Senator Welch is your sister?”

  “Yes,” Acey said.

  “Hold on.” The officer backed away, calling someone on his com link.

  Sue tried to hear the conversation, but with all the noise and confusion it was next to impossible. She watched with apprehension when he put the com link down and walked towards them.

  “Can I see some identification?” he asked.

  Acey and Sue showed him their ID’s.

  “Come with me, please,” he said.

  Sue looked at Acey. “Is she okay?” Sue asked the officer as they followed him.

  He didn’t answer as he led them to a partially collapsed building which was being used as a triage facility. They followed him into a maze of burnt bodies and screams of pain. He pointed to a woman helping a medic who was carrying in someone on a stretcher. It was Raina. Her head was wrapped in a bloody bandage, and she looked exhausted, laying the stretcher down.

  “Raina!” Sue shouted, running up to her.

  They embraced as the tears flowed. Acey hugged the two of them. They stood there without saying a word and cried in each other’s arms.

  “What the hell are you guys doing here?” Raina asked.

  “What do you think?” Acey said.

  “I’m okay. You need to leave.”

  “Not without you,” Sue shot back.

  “I’m needed here,” she said.

  “You should get out of here and get your head looked at.”

  They turned to see a Private in a bloodied and torn uniform talking to them.

  “This is Private Peter Secola,” Raina said. “He saved me.”

  They introduced themselves and thanked him profusely.

  “Seriously, you need that wound looked at,” he said to Raina.

  “There are more people a lot worse than me. I don’t want to bother the medical staff,” she replied.

  He motioned to a nurse and explained that Senator Raina Welch was injured and needed attention. The nurse grabbed the portable X-ray unit and waved it around Raina’s head. She stared at the results for several minutes before calling for a stretcher by waving her arms. “Take the Senator to the hospital. She has a severe concussion and needs treatment immediately.”

  Raina looked confused as Acey gently eased her onto the stretcher. “It’s okay. We’re coming with you,” Acey said.

  The last thing Raina noticed was a camera crew recording her being carted off to an ambulance.


  The Replicants stood immobile in ‘down’ mode as if they were statues put there by some wacky artist. The expressions o
n their faces were the same – eyes slightly staring upward, standing erect with hands at their sides. It was easier for Aidan and the group to walk through the city, but they stayed clear of them as much as possible. Curious citizens ventured out slowly at first, but then more abundantly, to have a look at the ‘frozen’ Replicants. The Fourth Reich security teams continued to comb the streets searching for anyone who looked suspicious, especially the Citizen Guards stationed in the city. Clean up details were ridding the streets of dead bodies and debris.

  The city lockup where Gretchen was held was a beehive of activity. Anyone captured was being held there. They made it to the building where Aidan and Sandra had earlier entered through the sewer system.

  “Do you think they have this sealed off?” Sandra asked Aidan.

  “Only one way to find out,” Aidan said, pulling the cover off the sewer.

  They caught a few people’s attention, but most ignored the group as they entered the tunnel leading to Guard HQ. Aidan led the way until they reached door D13. He tried the door.

  “It’s locked.”

  No sooner had the words left his mouth when the door swung open, crashing against the wall. Several blasters were aimed directly at them.

  “Come on in. We were expecting you,” a voice said from inside.”

  Aidan reached for his blaster, but Captain Tom put his hand on Aidan’s arm to stop him.

  “We better do as they say.”

  They slowly walked in and were disarmed.

  “It’s good to see you again, my dear.”

  Gretchen turned, recognizing the voice.

  “You lied to me!” she said to her father.

  “I’m deeply disappointed in you. You could have been …”

  “Could have been what? Like you and the rest of these sick bastards? You perverted her mind. You took her away from me!” Sandra yelled.

  He looked at her, not recognizing her at first, but then an evil smirk came across his lips.

  “My dearest Sandra It’s so nice to see you. Lock them up,” he said to his henchmen. “This time I’ll get rid of you like I should have done the first time,” he said to Sandra


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