The Antares Codex Box Set

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The Antares Codex Box Set Page 64

by Bob Cooper

“I don’t see any Replicants,” Sandra said.

  “They probably turned back like the others,” Aidan said.

  “I hope you’re right,” Captain Tom said.

  The entrance to the surface was ahead. There was one Private operating the entire facility. He cautiously stuck his head out from the guard shack. Captain Tom went out to talk to him. The Private jumped to attention and saluted. His face was bloody, and his clothes torn.

  “At ease, Private. Is there anyone else here?”

  “No, sir. I’m it.”

  “What happened?”

  “They came in truckloads. There were only twelve of us here. We tried to hold them off, but they overwhelmed us. They executed everyone, and when it was my turn, they stopped dead in their tracks. It was weird. I didn’t wait around but took off and hid. Then they up and left.”

  “I’m glad you survived. Did any of them make it to the surface?”

  “No, sir. As I said, they just turned around and left.”

  “Good work. What’s your name?”

  “Private Samuel Jordan, sir,” he said, snapping to attention.

  “I’m Captain Tom Gardner. I will see that you’re commended for your valor when this is all over. But for now, we have to get to the surface.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Park the truck around the corner and then head to airlock 2A. The tram will take you to the processing station on the surface. There are employees there who can arrange transportation back to Earth.”

  Captain Tom saluted and instructed Foster where to park the truck. He met them at the entrance to the airlock. “Let’s get out of here,” he said, boarding the tram. The airlock hissed as the tram moved upwards for about a mile. No one said much.


  The processing station was on lockdown – no incoming or outgoing. The security guards were alerted about the tram and were there to meet them. The transparent dome roof normally was fogged up from the artificial atmosphere inside, but today it was clear, and Aidan couldn’t help but stare at the Earth hovering overhead.

  “Sir, I have orders to put you on a shuttle back to Earth. It should be ready in fifteen minutes. Please help yourself to refreshments,” the guard told Captain Tom.

  “Thanks. I don’t know about you guys, but I need a cup of coffee.”

  While everyone headed to the refreshment stand, Aidan called Acey.

  “I’m leaving for Earth and should be home soon. I miss you so much. Give me a call when you get this. I love you.”

  Sandra came over to Aidan and handed him a cup of coffee. “I want to thank you for what you did for Gretchen and me.”

  “I’m glad to see you two bonding,” he said, sipping the coffee.

  “Yes, I hope with plenty of therapy she can forget the evil they’ve done to her mind.”

  “The shuttle is ready. Please board through gate five,” the guard announced.

  Aidan had been here several times, and it was eerie to see the place deserted.

  As they boarded, Captain Tom pointed out the shuttle window. “Here they come.”

  The Federated Earth Defense forces were arriving. Ship after ship landed and soldiers poured into the processing station.

  “Buckle up,” the announcement said over the speakers. “This is your Captain. We’re leaving in five minutes. Refreshments will be served as soon as we take off.”

  The ‘server bot’ moved down the aisle offering a variety of food and drinks. As they relaxed for the trip home, Captain Tom turned to them. “I want to thank all of you for the brave and heroic effort you made in stopping this evil from spreading.” He raised his coffee cup. “To each of you. I will never forget you or this adventure.”

  They cheered and began to talk about what they were going to do when they got back. Aidan’s com link buzzed. It was Acey.

  “Hi, Acey. Were on our way …”

  “Aidan. It’s Norma. Dirk’s in the hospital. Please come directly here.”


  After landing and saying goodbye, Aidan wasted no time making arrangements to get him to the hospital. Annie asked Foster to be with her, so he came along. Raina had been flown there earlier on Senator Carrington’s private shuttle.

  The trip from the spaceport to the hospital took forever. Aidan sat back with his eyes closed remembering all they’d been through. They would forever be tied together. All of them - Acey, Raina, Hillary, Billy, Annie, Carina, Norma, and now Foster, Sue, and Jonathan. No matter what the circumstances, Dirk was the cement that kept them together. He was a father and mentor to him.

  “Aidan. Wake up. We’re here,” Foster said.

  Aidan opened his eyes. He hesitated for a moment and then walked with Foster to the nursing station. Before he had a chance to talk, the nurse said, “Mr. Carter, they’re in room twenty-two just down the hall. Please hurry.”

  The sense of urgency made him freeze. Foster gently guided him away from the nurse’s station and to Dirk’s room. He stopped abruptly in the doorway. Dirk was sitting up, the bed slightly tilted, staring straight ahead, with Acey and Raina holding his hands. Annie noticed them and came running over, hugging and kissing her father and then Foster. Dirk stirred and a smile came across his face at the sight of Aidan. Acey was crying as she kissed him.

  “I’m so happy you’re back. I don’t want you to leave us ever again.”

  Aidan crushed her in an embrace and kissed her. “I promise, I won’t. I love you so much.”

  “Aidan. Come closer,” Dirk whispered. He reached out for his hand. Aidan took it. He pushed himself up to get a better view of everyone. “I want you all to know what a pleasure it’s been having all of you in my life,” he said with all the strength he could muster. “You are an extraordinary group of people. I know I wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. Acey can attest to that, but I love each and every one of you. You are family. Love each other. Be there for each other.”

  Dirk Saunders closed his eyes and ever so gently expelled his last breath.


  Acey returned late in the evening from the stockholder’s conference. The mining company received a lot of favorable publicity for helping with the fiasco on New Moon City which would result in more lucrative contracts. Aidan was watching the monitor when she walked in.

  “Hey. Come here. Check this out,” he said, without giving her a chance to put her briefcase down.

  She sat next to him and together they watched the convention in Washington D.C.

  “… and I now give you the next President of the United States, Ms. Raina Welch.”

  She gingerly walked up to the podium waiting for the cheering to calm down again.

  “I’m so proud of her,” Acey said, nestling into Aidan.

  “I’m glad you’re home. I missed you,” Aidan said, kissing her.

  They watched intently as Raina accepted the party’s nomination for president. Then Raina motioned to Dorthea Carrington. She moved on to the stage and up to the podium. “Meet your new Vice President,” she said. This time the standing ovation lasted for over ten minutes when Sue and Chad Carrington joined them on stage. They waved to the crowd before leaving the stage while the endorsement speeches continued.

  “I promised her we’d do some campaigning for her,” Acey said.

  “But not before we go on our camping trip,” Annie said, walking in with Foster.

  “Well, I’m one step ahead of you,” Acey said, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. “You remember where we hid out with Dirk before going to Antares?” she asked Aidan. Before he could reply, she continued. “I bought ten acres in the canyon there.”

  “That was such a beautiful spot. I remember it well,” Aidan said.

  “Where’s this place?” Annie asked.

  “Long story. I’ll tell you all about it later,” Aidan said.

  “We can go next week. I’ll see if the Bayberry’s would like to join us.” Acey said.

  “That soon? We have a lot of work at the agency and no one to co
ver for us,” Aidan said.

  “I took care of that,” Annie said.

  “What did you do?” Aidan asked.

  She sheepishly looked at her mother and father. “Well, I took the liberty of hiring Gretchen back.”

  Aidan’s eyes widened. He looked at Acey.

  “I had a long talk with her. Now that her mother’s in her life, she wants to work for us again. You have to admit, she’s sharp.”

  “Yeah, but …” Aidan didn’t finish before Acey cut in.

  “I don’t have a problem with that. Do you Aidan?” Acey asked.

  “No, not if you don’t.”

  “Great! That settles that,” Annie said. “Let’s go camping.”


  Bob Cooper enjoys writing fiction and science fiction novels. To date, his books include:

  -The Antares Codex (Book 1 The Antares Codex Series)

  -The Progenitor Project (Book 2 The Antares Codex Series)

  -The SHOX Gene Variant (Book 3 The Antares Codex Series)

  -Crash! Boom! Bang!

  -The Emissary

  -The Redemption of Amos Trucker

  Bob lives in Tucson, AZ.

  For more information, visit his website




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