Suddenly Beck: (A Hot & Sweet MM Romance Series) (Belong to Me Book 1)

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Suddenly Beck: (A Hot & Sweet MM Romance Series) (Belong to Me Book 1) Page 19

by Vawn Cassidy

  I wrap my arms around her and rock her gently as she sobs, her face buried in my shoulder, and my heart breaks for her. My gaze skims over some of the paperwork littering the desk, and as I start looking at some of the figures, a plan begins to formulate. I mull the idea over in my mind, contemplating it from all angles as I let her cry out all of her pain and frustration. When her sobs finally quieten to a few hiccups, I hand her another tissue. I leave her blowing her nose and fetch her a cool glass of water, and when I return and slide back onto the stool beside her, she takes the glass gratefully, her eyes swollen and her voice scratchy.

  ‘Thank you,’ she says hoarsely as she takes a deep gulp. ‘Sorry, Nat.’ She shakes her head. ‘I didn’t mean to cry all over you.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ I tell her sympathetically. ‘Sometimes it’s better to have a purge, get it all out, and then you can see the problem more clearly.’

  ‘I see the problem very clearly.’ She sniffs loudly, wiping her nose. ‘But it’s a problem with no solution.’

  ‘What if there is a solution?’ I say slowly.

  ‘What?’ Her nose wrinkles in confusion.

  I take a deep breath measuring my next words carefully.

  ‘I’m going to ask you a question, Mel, and I want you to think about it carefully before you answer.’

  ‘Okay.’ She frowns.

  ‘I know that you’re hurting right now, and that you’re still grieving for your husband, but ask yourself this, if you could save the restaurant, would you? Not because it’s your last link to your husband and you feel as if you should, but because you want to, because it’s important to you.’

  I watch the play of emotions across her face as she considers my words carefully, and after a moment she speaks.

  ‘This wasn’t just Sully’s place, we built it up together from nothing. Our children ran wild in here when they were little. We celebrated every single milestone here, birthdays, anniversaries… graduations.’ She turns toward me with sad eyes. ‘After he died, it just hurt too much to be here without him, but being back here with you, cooking again, interacting with the customers… I’d forgotten how much I loved it. It actually helped with my grief, and slowly I’m starting to heal. I want to save this place, not as a shrine to him but because it’s a part of our family and the community.’

  ‘Well, alright then.’ I nod. ‘So, lets save it.’

  ‘We can’t,’ she says miserably. ‘There’s nothing left to save. The accounts are all empty, we owe money to suppliers who are no longer going to allow us to order on account, there’s no money to pay the staff we’ve got, let alone take on new staff. Although we own the building, it’s now going to have to be sold to settle the debts.’

  ‘Okay, let’s take this one step at a time. What’s it going to take to settle the outstanding debt?’

  She shuffles through the paperwork handing me various pieces of paper.

  ‘This is all of them?’

  ‘The ones I know about,’ she replies.

  ‘Okay,’ I muse as I stare at the numbers and make quick calculations in my head. ‘The way I see it, we pay off the debts and take on some new staff. It will take time to earn back the trust of or suppliers, so we may have to pay those up front for a while. On the plus side, we’re going into the busy summer season, so if we can get people through the door, we can start building the business back up.’

  ‘That’s all very well, Nat, but where am I going to get that kind of money? There’s no way the bank is going to lend that amount, not in the current economic climate, and if by some miracle they did, I couldn’t afford the interest rates.’

  ‘Doesn’t matter.’ I shake my head. ‘Because the bank isn’t going to lend you the money... I am.’

  ‘I’m sorry, what?’ She blinks.

  ‘I’m going to lend you the money,’ I tell her. ‘I’m not going to take a wage either, I don’t need it. Right now, we need to plough as much money back into the business as possible to get it back into the black.’

  ‘Nat.’ She frowns. ‘Did you not see how many zeroes were on those figures.’

  ‘Yes, I did.’ I smile. ‘I do have a masters in finance you know.’

  ‘Nat, you can’t possibly…’

  ‘Mel.’ I lay my hand over hers reassuringly. ‘I have money, way more than I need or want. I have a very sizeable inheritance from my grandfather on my father’s side that was held in trust for me until I turned twenty-one, and when I did, I bought the flat in Chelsea, but trust me, it didn’t even make a dent. Not only that, but all the money I made working for my father’s company, I banked because there was nothing I wanted to spend my money on that badly. My nest egg is more than substantial. Trust me, I can afford this.’

  ‘But why?’ She frowns. ‘Why would you do this?’

  ‘Because my gut tells me it’s the right thing to do,’ I say quietly. ‘My gut told me to get on that train, and then it put me on that bus and led me to the beach, and so far, it hasn’t steered me wrong.’ I squeeze her hand again. ‘I believe in you. I believe in this place. Sully’s had a great reputation before Scott tried to ruin it. It’s a great building, although it could use a fresh coat of paint. It’s in a prime location, and you do have a loyal customer base, once they see things are changing, they’ll come back.’

  ‘But you’re taking a huge risk, Nat,’ she replies worriedly. ‘It’s a lot of money.’

  ‘It’s my money.’ I shrug. ‘We’ll go to a solicitor and have contracts drawn up so it’s all legal and above board. You have two options, I can either invest the money in the restaurant, and once it’s turning a profit again you can pay me a small percentage return on my investment, or I can make it a loan, in which case once the place is making a profit above a certain percentage you can start to repay the capital. The only difference is I won’t be charging you interest.’

  ‘Nat,’ she says quietly. ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘I only have one stipulation,’ I tell her seriously.


  ‘No one else knows,’ I reply. ‘This is just between you and me.’

  ‘Why?’ she asks curiously.

  ‘Because I like just being Nat,’ I tell her honestly. ‘I don’t want people to look at me and see the money because they’ll look at me differently.’

  ‘People… or Beck?’ she asks, her eyes locked on me. ‘Because Beck’s not like that.’

  ‘I know he’s not,’ I tell her solemnly. ‘This isn’t about Beck. I just want to be Nat. Being a chef is my dream, and you know.’ I shake my head and give a little laugh. ‘Maybe one day I’ll want to open a restaurant of my own somewhere. You gave me a chance, now I’m giving you one. I’ll lend you the money and you teach me how to be a chef and run a restaurant, and we’ll call it even. Deal?’ I hold out my hand.

  Her face breaks into a slow and wide smile. ‘Deal,’ she says softly as she takes my hand and shakes.

  ‘Okay.’ I grin. ‘Then let’s figure out how to save Sully’s.’

  Chapter Seventeen


  Never let it be said I don’t like a challenge…

  I sit cross-legged on my bed in the B&B furiously tapping away at the keys of my brand-new laptop. The box and packaging is discarded lazily on the floor along with the packaging for my new iPhone. Although I left my old phone in my flat in London, along with all its contacts, there was nothing on it I wanted. However, with everything going on at the restaurant, I need one, not only so Mel can get hold of me without having to leave messages with Bea at the main desk, but so I can manage the new social media accounts I’d created for Sully’s.

  It had been two days since Mel and I met to discuss the restaurants future, and it had been non-stop since then. We’d met with a solicitor who was drawing up the papers, and I’d started the process to release funds from my accounts. Although we’d agreed to keep my financial involvement in Sully’s just between us, we’d also agreed she needed to be honest with the family about the pre
vious manager Scott and the current situation they were in.

  Unfortunately, with Quinn at Uni in Exeter and Reed working double shifts at the Royal Cornwall hospital in Truro, we’d had to hold off a few days until we could get everyone together in one place, which also involved Georgie and Ryan as Mel considered them her family too.

  I’d barely had time to see Beck either. While Mel has been dealing with the police, I’ve been dealing with suppliers and accounts and a dozen other things to ease some of Mel’s burden, all while coming up with a marketing and relaunch plan for the restaurant, which is still closed.

  Tilting my wrist, I glance at my watch and tap at a few more keys. I have about an hour before I need to be at Mel’s. I’ll feel better once she tells the others about what’s going on.

  There’s a sudden knock at the door, and I look up.

  ‘Come in,’ I call out, wondering if Bea needs something.

  However, I’m pleasantly surprised when the door opens, and I find Beck standing there.

  ‘Hey,’ I say softly, my smile wide and genuine.

  ‘Hey.’ He returns my smile and steps into the room closing the door behind him before crossing the room. ‘Been shopping?’ He nods at the packaging strewn across the floor.

  ‘Well, it’s not six thousand miniature cocktail umbrellas and an inflatable flamingo, but Amazon’s one day delivery does come in handy.’ I grin.

  I close the laptop and move it to the bedside table, so I don’t knock it to the floor as he kicks off his shoes and climbs onto the bed next to me. I lay back as he stretches out along the length of my body, his face hovering above mine.

  ‘Hey,’ he murmurs again, the soft pads of his fingers stroking my jaw. ‘I’ve been thinking about you.’

  ‘What a crazy coincidence.’ I grin, unable to contain my smile. ‘Because I’ve been thinking about you too.’

  His lips brush mine as he leans in, the kiss soft and sweet, with none of the heat of the other night. Well, okay maybe a little heat. But it’s more tender, as if he’s re-familiarising himself with the shape of my lips and the taste of my mouth.

  Unable to help myself, I groan into his mouth and lift my hands tangling them in his hair as he wraps his arms around me.

  ‘Umm,’ he hums against my mouth as he brushes kisses against my lips. ‘I’ve barely seen you in days.’

  ‘I’ve been busy,’ I pant softly between kisses.

  My neck arches involuntarily as he nips and sucks at the tendon in my neck, his hand gliding down my body until he reaches the hard bulge in my jeans.

  ‘Too busy for this.’ He nips my neck sharply, making me shudder as he soothes the small mark with his tongue.

  I’m not even sure what the sound is that escapes me as he rubs me through my jeans lips covering mine once more, and I’m lost to his soft lazy kisses. I feel him tug at the buttons of my jeans, popping them open.

  ‘What the?’ I hear Beck laugh, followed by, ‘Oh my god.’

  My eyes snap open, and I see him looking down at my open fly with an amused smile, and a second later, I remember what boxers I put on this morning.

  ‘Shit,’ I mumble in embarrassment as I grab the hem of my t-shirt and pull it down, trying to cover my crotch.

  ‘No, no, please let me see.’ Beck grins.

  ‘Shit.’ I half laugh half groan as I grab his face in my hands and draw his gaze away from my crotch. I plaster my lips to his to distract him, and for a second, it works, and he kisses me deeply, but just as I’m sinking into the feel of his tongue in my mouth, he chuckles against my lips, pulling back and shaking his head.

  ‘No, it’s no good, these are too good to be true, I have to see.’ He grins, wrestling my hands away from my dick as I try to cover myself.

  Finally, I give up and let him look as I blush bright red.

  ‘I love them.’ He laughs in delight as he stares down, and sure enough, there is Kermit the frog flipping him the finger. ‘Please tell me you have more.’

  ‘Shut up.’ I laugh as I cover my face in mortification.

  ‘Never.’ He smiles as he pulls my hands away from my face, and his merry eyes lock on mine, holding my gaze. ‘Nat, there’s not a single thing about you I’d change.’

  The laughter dies on his lips, and for a moment, there’s just the silence of the room stretching between us. He leans in and takes my mouth, the heat flaring to life between us. He doesn’t move to strip my clothes, instead he slides his hand, with those beautiful long, clever artists fingers into my boxers and grasps my cock, his fist tightly encircling me as he pumps up and down firmly.

  I can’t help it, I cry out loudly, and he pulls his lips from mine, clamping his other hand over my mouth. Although we’re on the top floor, this is still a family friendly B&B, and the last thing I want is the other guests hearing me orgasm.

  I fuck myself into his fist desperately, and my loud, obscene groans are muffled by his palm, and it’s so insanely hot. There’s something so carnal about being fully clothed with his hand shoved inside my boxers as wanks me roughly. His breath is hot against my ear as he pumps faster.

  ‘You like that?’ he growls. ‘I’m going to make you come so hard.’

  I feel him rub his thumb over my sensitive head, twisting his hand and drawing another loud groan from my lips.

  ‘God,’ he pants heavily against my ear. ‘You’re so wet for me, baby. You’re soaked with precum. It’s making your cock so slippery.’

  Fuck, I could come just from hearing him talk dirty, but his tight grip inside my boxers, the slickness of his fingers drenched in my precum, and the tightness of my balls is too much.

  I cry out against his hand again. I’m so turned on, and the feel of him forcing me to be quiet so we’re not heard, the feel of him pumping my hard aching cock beneath my clothes, it all feels so fucking good. Why the hell did I wait so long? All those years ago I could have been experiencing this heady pleasure, and suddenly, I realise what he’s doing, what he’s giving me.

  We’re writhing on the bed like horny teenagers, eager and desperate, stealing snatched moments and trying not to make a noise in case we’re caught. He’s giving me everything that I missed out on. Those first fumbling desperate and intense encounters as a teenager exploring their sexuality.

  He could’ve taken me straight to bed days ago and fucked me, and I would’ve let him, but instead, he’s creating this little pocket of fantasy where I get to experience all the things I missed out on.

  ‘Yes,’ he hisses, as he feels the tension in my body reaching fever pitch. ‘Do it, come in your pants. I want to feel you lose control; I want you so desperate you can’t stop yourself from coming.’

  His words and the tight grip of his fingers send me over the edge, and I arch, crying out loudly into his hand as my balls tighten painfully and I explode, sending intense pulses of cum spilling into his fingers and pooling in my underwear.

  I’m panting hard, my heart thundering in my chest as he releases my mouth and presses a kiss to my parted lips. Sliding his hand from my boxers, he keeps his gaze locked on me, making sure I’m watching, as he licks my cum from his hand.

  It’s so close to that very first fantasy I had of him that my spent dick actually twitches. He leans forward and drops a sweet kiss on my mouth, and I can taste myself on his lips.

  ‘I think we’ve traumatised Kermit,’ he whispers against my mouth, and I snort out a laugh.

  ‘Your turn.’ I reach for the steely bulge in his jeans.

  ‘Uh uh.’ He shakes his head with a smile. ‘This was for you.’ He kisses my lips lightly again. ‘Besides, we’re supposed to be at Mums in ten minutes.’

  ‘Shit,’ I curse, climbing off the bed and heading for the bathroom, when I stop and turn back to him laying on my bed, looking all flushed and turned on from touching me. ‘Later though?’ I ask, a little unsurely, still not entirely confident at this shift in our dynamic. ‘I want to touch you.’

  His mouth curves. ‘Come home with me tonight

  ‘I’d like that.’ I bite my lips to hold back the pleased smile.

  ‘Besides.’ He winks. ‘At my place there’s no one to hear you scream.’

  We’re ten minutes late by the time we make it to Mel’s, with Beck looking lazy and smug and me with beard burn on my freshly shaved chin and rather embarrassingly, a hickey where my neck meets my shoulder.

  ‘A lot of traffic was there?’ Ryan asks in amusement as his eyes drop to the bruise on my neck and then over to Beck.

  I turn to look and find him smiling innocently as he shrugs. Bastard, he did that on purpose. He was marking his bloody territory.

  My belly tightens at the thought of Beck claiming me as his. How would it feel to belong to him? And him to me? I feel my smile falter at the thought. No, this thing between us was just for the summer. He’s already said he doesn’t want a relationship, and I know that with what I’m feeling right now, it would be all too easy to tumble over into something neither of us was ready for. I need to keep tight control of my emotions and remind myself to just enjoy this for what it is.

  His own smile dims as he studies me. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asks quietly.

  I shake my head as Mel appears in the doorway. ‘Finally made it then?’ She rolls her eyes at the pair of us.

  ‘Sorry, Mel.’ I paste on a smile. ‘You know… traffic.’

  I hear Ryan laugh loudly behind us as her gaze dips to my neck.

  ‘Yeah, sure it was.’ Her brows rise as she nods her head toward the living room. ‘You coming then?’

  ‘Pretty sure he already did that,’ Ryan snorts quietly, and Beck shoots him a warning look.

  Ignoring them both, I head into the living room to find Reed, Jesse, Quinn, Georgie, and the twins already waiting. Joss is once again sitting comfortably on the floor feeding the kittens, and I can’t help myself, I set my laptop down on the table and head over. As soon as I get close, the little tortoise-shell kitten I was feeding the other day mewls loudly and ambles toward me. Crying out loudly until I pick her up and snuggle her against my chest as she rubs her face against my t-shirt.


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