Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching Box Set

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Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching Box Set Page 32

by Gustav Jorgenson

  “Yes, I do, most definitely,” gasped Madeline as she bounced up and down on her husband’s cock, rubbing her clitoris frantically. “It just took slim, sexy twenty-something to bring it out. Nancy, be a dear and work your nubile magic on him, will you? Maybe you can put those delicate orbs in his face?”

  “Aye-aye, ma’am,” joked Nancy, giving Madeline another salute. Then she crawled over to John on her hands and knees like a lioness stalking her prey. She dangled her boobs in John’s face and he eagerly nibbled on her nipples.

  Madeline felt John stiffen further in response and that pushed her closer to climax. Then Nancy pulled away teasingly. John strained forward but she laughed and kept her nipples just out of reach. The sight of her husband yearning after this young woman’s ripe breasts tightened Madeline’s loins and her body shuddered as it was engulfed in the throes of an orgasm. She collapsed onto the bed next on the other side of John and he ran a hand through her hair tenderly.

  “Well I managed to hold off, but it’s my turn to cum now,” said John standing up. “And it required a valiant effort to prevent a premature release with you two sexy sirens tempting me, let me tell you.”

  “If you do say so yourself,” laughed Madeline, glowing with vitality from her orgasm.

  “Yes, quite,” agreed John with a smile, stroking his rod suggestively. “Come and help me finish now, dear.”

  “Yes, John,” agreed Madeline with a smile, sliding off the bed.

  “Are we going to suck him now?” asked Nancy, her eyes lit up with anticipation.

  “I think that’s a good way to finish, dear,” said Madeline, looking at Nancy with fondness. She couldn’t blame her for being so smitten by John.

  Madeline and Nancy went down on their knees before John.

  “Wow, it’s purple now,” exclaimed Nancy reaching out to touch John’s penis.

  “It won’t be long now,” said Madeline knowingly, giving her husband a lewd wink. “Why don’t you put the head in your mouth, and I will lick his balls.”

  “That’s an excellent idea,” said John, pushing his cock gently into Nancy’s mouth.

  Nancy looked up at him in surprise and started sucking obediently. She reached down and started masturbating herself as she gazed up to see if she was pleasing him enough.

  John’s chest swelled up with pride at sight of his wife dutifully licking his balls while the young waitress hungrily sucked his penis and gazed up at him with love. Within moments, he felt his scrotum tighten and he started ejaculating into Nancy’s mouth. She gagged slightly in surprise and he pulled out to spray a load on her face. Then he turned and offered his wife a spurt as she tilted her cheek to accommodate him, tugging on his testicles gently to encourage him. He went back and forth shooting load after load of cum on both women’s faces until he was fully spent.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of cum,” observed Nancy, continuing to touch herself.

  “Yes, that’s a lot more than her normally has for me,” laughed Madeline with cum dripping form her chin.

  Nancy then she came a second time as she realized that she was probably responsible for the vast volume of John’s ejaculate.

  Madeline noticed Nancy’s second climax and smiled wryly. “Are you proud of yourself for making him cum so much, miss?” she teased.

  “Sorry, Maddy,” said Nancy contritely, as she collapsed back against the side of the bed. “It did turn me on to be… appreciated.”

  John stood looking down at the two cum covered women before him, one plump and mature, and the other slim and fresh. He felt supremely lucky to have a wife that would engineer a menage a trois like this.

  “Admiring your handywork?” asked Madeline, looked up at John affectionately.

  “Yes, I am. I feel quite satisfied with myself,” he admitted with a grin. “How about you?”

  “Yes, you fucked me quite well, dear. That was the best sex we’ve had in ages,” admitted Madeline. “How about you, Nancy?”

  “I think I’m in love with both of you,” said Nancy bashfully.

  “That will wear off, honey,” said John with a kind smile. “You are still caught up in the throes of passion.” He patted her on the head consolingly and headed off to the bathroom.

  “Come along, my little concubine, let’s go get ourselves cleaned up,” said Madeline climbing to her feet. “We’ll set you up in the guest room for tonight, and tomorrow we’ll see about getting you a proper job.”

  Nancy couldn’t believe her good fortune as she padded naked down the hall, following Madeline to a strange new future.

  The Perverted Bridge Club

  You and your wife are relaxing at home one Saturday afternoon when two fellows, Matt and Chad from your bridge club stop by unannounced.

  “Why, Hello there, boys,” says your wife brightly as she invites them in. “To what do we owe this unexpected pleasure of your company?”

  “Hello, Heidi, Hello Clay,” they say greeting your wife and you and taking a seat in the livingroom.

  “We are sort of at loose ends this afternoon, so we thought we would drop by and pay a visit,” says Chad with a smile.

  “Well it's nice to see you. Let me get you two a beverage. Clay and I were having soft drinks, but maybe we should switch to something harder,” she gives you a questioning glance.

  “By all means," you agree, and you join your wife at the bar to mix up some cocktails.

  “So where are Gracie and Paige?” asks your wife referring to Chad and Matt's wives, as she hands Matt a gin and tonic.

  “Well, they are out with some... friends today,” says Matt with a strange smile.

  “I'm hearing scare quotes around the word 'friends' there," you laugh, handing Chad his standard martini and returning to your chair. Your wife casually deposits herself between Matt and Chad on the couch and crosses her legs jauntily, exposing a bit of thigh, as she hikes the hem of her dress up a bit.

  “They are doing sort of an... experiment today," says Chad. “But we aren't supposed to talk about it," he continues, giving Matt a significant look.

  You wife looks back and forth between Matt and Chad sitting to either side of her with a gaze of bemused curiosity. “What are you too playing at?” she asks with a twinkle in her eye.

  “You two should know you can't reveal that you have a secret around Heidi," you tell them with a chuckle. “Now she won't rest until she has pried it out of you.”

  “It's true, gentlemen. vee haff vays of making you taulk," says your wife, assuming a stern expression and trotting out her mock German accent.

  Everyone has a good laugh at her impression of a Gestapo interrogator. Matt holds up his hands in surrender. “Ok, Ok, we capitulate, Frau Heidi. We will spill the beans." He tries to suppress a smile and nods to Chad who just wriggles uncomfortably.

  “You tell them!” he says excitedly. “I fear the wrath of Gracie more than Heidi.”

  You all chuckle at this and your wife turns her attention back to Matt. She is twirling her foot with anticipation which you know is a sign that her interest is truly piqued.

  “I just can't imagine what's gotten into you two," she says, gazing raptly at Matt.

  Matt takes a deep breath and says, “Gracie and Paige are out on a double date this afternoon.”

  You and Heidi exchange confused glances.

  “Uh, wait, what?” you say with a crooked smile. “How is that possible with you two sitting here?”

  Your wife turns to Chad with a furrowed brow waiting for an explanation.

  He sighs and says, “They met some construction workers at a biker bar who asked them out.”

  You and Heidi break out laughing at that and it takes you a few minutes to gain composure. But you notice that Chad and Matt are just exchanging smug smiles.

  “Oh, that's rich,” gasps your wife. “The very idea. You two had us going for a minute there," she says slapping Chad's shoulder playfully.

  “Heidi, we are perfectly serious," says Matt with a straight face.
“Our wives are out on a double date with two strange men they picked up in a bar.”

  You and Heidi both gaze at Matt in frank disbelief. You've know these two couples for years and they are perfectly normal, upper-middle class suburbanites like yourselves.

  Chad clears his throat, and Heidi turns her attention to him. “Maybe we should give some background to this.”

  “Oh, yes, please do," says your wife, lightly, still not taking them seriously.

  “Do you recall that Caribbean trip, that Gracie and I took with Paige and Matt a couple of years ago?” he asks.

  You and your wife exchange a look of surprise that this abrupt turn.

  “Of course," you say. “You all talked quite a bit about that when you got back. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Well we didn't tell the whole story," says Chad, looking at Matt for help.

  Matt leans forward and steeples his fingers. “We did a fair amount of drinking on this trip.”

  “What ELSE is new?” snorts your wife playfully.

  Matt shoots her a quick grin and resumes, “Right, no news there. Anyway, one night we were all drinking by the hotel pool. It was very late and all the other guests had returned to their rooms. But we were having a wonderful time, so we stayed up. My memory is a bit fuzzy since we were quite drunk, but basically the girls dared each other to take off their bikini tops to give Chad and I a thrill.”

  “No!” says your wife, her eyes bright with excitement. “Scandalous!”

  “It's the sort of thing that made sense at the time," chimes in Chad. “Did we mention that we were drinking?”

  “But I mean, right there in the open?” asks your wife, wriggling with pleasure at the juiciness of this story.

  “No one was around," says Matt with a smile. “So they did it, both Gracie and Paige took off their tops and set their lovely boobs free to enjoy the mild night air.”

  “And believe me, Matt and I both took notice," says Chad, clearly warming up to the story.

  “I'll bet," you put in with a smile.

  “And of course, I was gazing at Gracie's pert, pink nipples, while Chad examined Paige's gorgeous orbs," says Matt, looking at your wife with a devilish smile.

  “Oh my god, you are terrible," says your wife with delight. “Each of you looking at another woman right in front of your wives!" Heidi is obviously titillated by the story and motions for them to go on.

  “Yes,” says Chad rubbing his hands gleefully, “It was a surreal moment for all of us, I am sure. I mean, we have all known each other for years...”

  “My god, it must be twelve years by now," you add thoughtfully.

  “Right," says Chad, acknowledging your point. “So it was oddly comfortable, and yet...”

  “Perverted!” laughs your wife, slapping his knee playfully. Her foot is really twirling now and her excitement is palpable.

  “It was pretty twisted," admits Matt. “But then the girls notice the reaction they were getting.”

  Heidi glances down at Matt's crotch significantly. “You mean... down there?" she asks.

  “Yep, we were both pitching tents at that point," says Chad proudly.

  “I guess you weren't TOO drunk yet then," you say with a chuckle, shifting in your seat to hide your own growing hard-on. “Whiskey dick hadn't set in yet.”

  “Oh, Clay!" chides your wife, wrinkling her nose at your off-color remark.

  “So Paige points out our erections to Gracie and says something like 'Haven't seen one of those in a while.'” says Chad ruefully.

  “Oh boy," says Heidi, gulping with anticipation.

  “And then Matt jumps up and well, he just pulls his thing right out and says something about having some juice left in him or something," says Chad giving Matt a teasing smile.

  “I was pretty drunk, and I sort of felt like my manhood was being challenged," admits Matt and he actually seems to be blushing slightly.

  “You didn't!” exclaims your wife, cackling with delight.

  “Oh he did! I was sitting right there," laughs Chad. “He pulled his johnson right out, standing at attention for the world to see. I wasn't too impressed," he adds mildly with a modest tilt of the head.

  Everyone laughs at that, but it's a jittery, over-stimulated sort of laugh.

  “No I guess you weren't impressed, but your wife sure was," returns Matt with a good natured smile.

  “True," admits Chad. “The girls broke out laughing and whistling when Matt pulled his shorts down but Gracie couldn't take her eyes off of Matt's manhood. Paige noticed Gracie's fascination and impulsively encouraged her to grab it if she wanted. Matt eagerly thrust it into Gracie's face, but I objected.”

  Matt cut in at this point, sweating and aroused to recount the tale. “So Paige just reached over and yanked Chad's thing out.”

  “I... I just can't picture meek little Paige doing that..," says your wife with amazement.

  Matt smiled knowingly in return. “Oh you don't know that side of Paige. She is quiet in company, but she's a hellcat between the sheets.”

  “I'll say," agrees Chad. “She went right to work on my stiffy. Once Matt saw that, he practically slapped Gracie in the face with his wang, and to my surprise, Gracie just open her mouth and took it right in.”

  “Let me get this straight," you say holding up your hands. “You guys are saying that you basically swapped wives during that Caribbean trip." You find this almost impossible to believe. You've spent a lot of time with both couples and you never suspected.

  “And most amazingly, bossy Gracie, submitted to having Matt's cock thrust in her mouth while retiring Paige practically tore Chad's shorts off," she is so thrilled by the story that she claps her hands gleefully.

  Chad surreptitiously rearranges the tent in his own trousers and says. “Pretty much. That's when we started swinging.”

  “Started?” you ask with a raised eyebrow.

  Matt leans back and takes a sip of his drink. “Come on Clay, you know how it is... A married couple together for years and years... Pretty soon the spark starts to dim a bit.”

  “Of course, we still love our wives deeply," asserts Chad. “And they are completely committed to us.”

  Heidi wags her finger and squints at Chad. “You know a lot of little weird comments over the years are starting to make sense now." She turns to you with a smile. “Think back to all the times those four rode together to various events even though they don't live very close to each other, Clay.”

  “That's true,” you admit thoughtfully. “But I never suspected something like... this was going on." You add making a face of disgust.

  “Don't be so judgmental," chirps Matt defensively. “How often do you and Heidi have sex these days?”

  “Well, that's... that's beside the point," you sputter, caught off-guard by the question.

  Chad takes Heidi's hand gently. “Well, Heidi?” he asks tenderly.

  Your wife looks wistfully into Chad's eyes for a moment and then averts her gaze. “Once a month maybe?” she says softly. She sounds a little choked up and it breaks your heart a little to hear how upset she is suddenly. Of course you had discussed it over the years, and you tried to reignite things once the kids moved out. But there always seemed to be something else to do each evening.

  “Ugh," you say, perplexed at this turn in the conversation.

  “The fact is that swinging a little bit has really fired up our sex lives. Seeing Matt get all excited by my wife's body reminds me what a sexy woman Gracie is," says Chad blushing slightly. “And frankly, when they have sex, it really stirs me up inside. I feel... challenged. It's been a long time since I've had to compete with another man for Gracie's attention. So even when it's just her and I together, the sex is amazing.”

  “It’s the same for Paige and I," gushes Matt. “I just think about how eagerly she goes down on Chad, and it burns me up. I feel that I have to top him and show her that I am a better lover.”

  Your wife is staring at Matt
with her mouth hanging open in amazement. “So how often do you two... do it?” she asks him with interest.

  “Oh every day," he says with a boastful smile, casually patting her on the thigh.

  “Whoa," responds your wife, and you notice her glancing at the bulge in Matt's trousers.

  He sees her looking and rudely reaches down to adjust his erection right in front of her.

  “Hey, do your wives know you are telling us this now?” you interject, uncomfortable with that little exchange.


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