Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching Box Set

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Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching Box Set Page 70

by Gustav Jorgenson

  “Oh, Eric, I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” gasped my wife as she worked it up and down and up and down and up and down.

  “Better make it quick,” he growled through gritted teeth. “Ah, there it is, oh yeah.” He dug his fingers into my wife’s soft bottom as he emptied his load inside her.

  “Are you cumming inside my wife?” I demanded, jerking off as I watched.

  “Uh, yeah, sorry,” he said and suddenly I felt myself blowing my wad all over myself. Linda was shuddering in her own climax while Susie climbed stiffly off of Eric’s lap and flopped down naked on the couch beside him.

  We all sat looking at each other blearily as it slowly dawned on us what just happened. Susie was covered in a slick layer of sweat from head to toe and her hair was a bedraggled mess, but her cheeks had a merry post-orgasm glow. Eric’s face was dripping with sweat and wore a broad, satisfied grin on his mug as he sat there naked from the waist down with his limp dong hanging between his legs. Bill and I sat with our flies open and semen all over our laps as we tucked ourselves gingerly back into our pants. Linda was still topless and rubbing her nipples thoughtfully. She was the first to start laughing and pretty soon we were all sharing a cathartic bout of hilarity. I jumped up and pretended to punch Eric and Bill came over and stood next to me, shyly glancing down at my wife’s naked body spread out before him.

  “Look at Bill trying to look nonchalant while he eyeballs your pussy,” cackled Linda. “What a slob.”

  “I’m not, honey, I’m not,” protested Bill, but I could see that he was.

  “Have a look, Bill, I don’t mind,” said Susie spreading her legs for him and then parting her cunt lips with her fingers revealing the pink interior of her twat.

  “You hussy!” laughed Linda craning her neck to see what Susie was doing. “Oh you sloppy slut, look! Eric’s spew is dribbling out.”

  And indeed, as Susie spread her lips, I could see white sticky jizz dripping out and I slapped my forehead.

  “Oops, sorry, that’s gross,” admitted Susie clamping her legs shut.

  Eric pulled his shorts on and jumped to his feet. He held out a hand to shake and I took it after a moment of hesitation. I could feel my wife’s eyes on me as I met Eric’s earnest gaze.

  “No hard feelings Ed?” he asked, eyebrows raised as he crushed my hand slightly in his strong grip. “About uh, having a bit of fun with your wife there.”

  “A bit of fun!?” I squawked. But Susie tisked at me and shook her head disapprovingly and I lowered my voice. “Ah, yeah, well, we all got pretty drunk and the hot weather made everyone a little randy I guess.” I said, extracting my hand from his grip and rubbing the back of my head.

  “Great then, I’ll just be heading over to my apartment then,” he said and beat a hasty retreat.

  “Wait, uh, Eric,” said Linda holding up her hand. “Do you mind if I tag along with you? You paid so much attention to Susie tonight, I’m feeling a little neglected.”

  “Honey! What the heck?” exclaimed Bill, finally pulling his eyes off of my naked wife.

  Eric stopped and gave Linda a calculating look. “I don’t want any trouble with your husband.”

  “Oh Bill will be fine, he watched me suck your dick and never said a word didn’t he?” said Linda. “Tell Eric I’m allowed to spend the night in the cottage with him, Bill, don’t be a prude.”

  “Jesus honey, don’t I get to watch at least?” complained Bill.

  “Not tonight, things might get a little wild and I don’t want you to get upset,” said Linda.

  “Wild huh?” said Eric. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Can I come?” piped up Susie excitedly, spinning around on the couch to face him. “I want more Eric.”

  Bill and I were distracted as we checked out Susie’s cute round ass pointing right at us.

  “Only if Ed says it’s OK,” said Eric. It annoyed me to see the young man being condescending to my middle-aged wife.

  “Dammit Susie, you are acting like a love-struck schoolgirl,” I griped.

  “Pish posh,” she said, waving her hand at me dismissively. “It’s not like you ever want to fuck me anymore.”

  I just sputtered indignantly but couldn’t think of a good come back.

  Linda smirked at me as she and Susie rushed over to Eric’s side. He put one arm around each of our wives and grinned wickedly at Bill and I.

  “Honey, aren’t you going to put on any clothes?” I whimpered.

  “Oh she won’t need any clothes tonight, Ed, don’t worry,” said Eric smugly as he led our wives away for a further night of debauchery.

  “Wow, I know our love life had gotten dull lately, but this is like adding a scotch bonnet pepper all at once,” I told Bill glumly.

  “I know, isn’t it great?” asked Bill with a boyish grin. “I can’t wait to see what they do next. Let’s give them a few minutes to get settled in and then go down and peek in the window to watch what happens.”

  “Bill, this is crazy,” I sputtered. “I mean we’ve all been married over twenty years and suddenly this young good looking guy comes along and our wives are just throwing themselves at him. I mean it’s breaking up all our routines! It could tear our marriages apart!”

  Bill stopped and looked at me guiltily. “Wow, uh, does that mean you don’t want to come and watch.”

  I thought about it for a long moment gazing out into the warm night through the patio screen door and listened to the chirping of the crickets. Susie’s laugh came again across the yard from the cottage behind Bill’s house. She sounded younger and happier than I’ve heard her in years. “I’ll bring a box a tissues, your grab a couple more beers,” I told Bill and we scampered out into the night like a pair of delinquent teens to spy on our wives as they screwed a strange man for the first time in decades.

  A Bully Bounced my Girlfriend on his Lap

  I had hoped that by getting away from high school and heading off to college, I would be free of obnoxious jocks, but alas, it wasn’t the case. Jack was a big beefy, hyperactive football player with a constant smirk on his face. He was always rolling his head around to stretch his neck or flinging his arms around for no reason. I suspected that he had ADHD or something. I didn’t have any classes with him, but he was in the next room over in our dorm and I was always bumping into him in the hallway.

  Guys like him always seem to zero in on me because of my tall, skinny frame and heavy rimmed glasses. I guess I came across as the stereotypical nerd, even though I was actually pretty good with people and I had a girlfriend and everything. Jack would hip check me into the wall as we passed or trip me as I was carrying my laundry and guffaw like a donkey and tell me to watch where I was going. When I complained to our RA, Thomas, he just brushed me off and I later saw Thomas and Jack at the campus bar laughing over drinks together, so I decided to just grin and bear it.

  One day I was having dinner with my girlfriend Sally in the large echoing cafeteria, crowded with students since it was dinner hour. Ed came up behind me while I was carrying my tray of food to the table and he kneed the back of my knee from behind causing me to lose balance and spill my spaghetti all over myself. The metal tray went clattering to the floor and my plate smashed at my feet. The noisy bustle of the campus cafeteria paused for a moment as the students around me stopped to see what happened. There I was, the center of attention, standing with spaghetti and sauce plastered down the front of my shirt and trousers with a smashed plate at my feet. A few people stared blankly, several smirked, and I noticed a couple of girls giggling and whispering behind their hands to each other. My face was burning hotly with shame and my belly and crotch felt damp and hot as the sauce soaked through my clothes. I desperately wished I had Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak at that moment, but activity mercifully resumed around me and the clatter of silverware and scraping of chairs soon filled the high ceilinged dining hall.

  “You fucker!” I hissed as Jack came up beside me chortling loudly. “Look what you did.�
� I pulled a strand of spaghetti from the front of my shirt and flung it to the floor in exasperation. “You’ve spoiled my clothes.”

  “Ah, don’t get your panties in a bundle, dorkwad,” scoffed Jack, jabbing me painfully in the ribs. “I was just playing.”

  My girlfriend Sally came striding over to see if I was OK, and Jack looked her up and down with a lecherous grin that made my skin crawl. Sally was a slim girl, with blue eyes and a strong jawline, she was wearing her long dark hair in a ponytail and had on a short black dress with dark patterned stockings which showed off her shapely legs.

  “Good God, Sidney, what have you done to yourself?” asked Sally, surveying the mess with a wrinkled nose. She came close and started delicately brushing clumps of sauce from my crotch with a paper napkin, tsking and shaking her head. “This is wool, these trousers are simply ruined.”

  “I didn’t do it to myself, this idiot made me drop my tray,” I said, jerking my thumb in Jack’s direction.

  Sally stood upright and looked down her nose at Jack, displeasure clearly painted on her face. Sally could be quite haughty when she was angry.

  “Holy shit, nerdball, you have a girlfriend?” exclaimed Jack in shock, rolling his shoulders unconsciously.

  “Why does that surprise you?” asked Sally, putting her hands on her hips and facing him jauntily.

  “Wow, nice tits,” he said, eyeballing Sally’s jutting boobs shamelessly and cracking his knuckles loudly.

  Sally’s cheek colored in embarrassment and she covered her chest self-consciously. “My god, how rude you are,” she gasped, taken aback. But did I see a twinkle in her eye? Was she secretly flattered?

  “Oh, sorry, I get Tourettes around hot women sometimes, you understand, right?” he said, giving her a lewd grin after running his eyes up and down her body. “I’m sort of a big oaf, you know, but you can call me Jack.” He held out his hand and Sally looked down at his proffered hand coldly for a moment before offering her own hand.

  “Uh, hello, Jack, I’m Sally,” she said, her cheeks still burning brightly as they shook hands.

  “What is a hot babe like you doing with a dork like Sidney?” he asked as he kept his eyes fixed on her boobs.

  “Fuck off Jack,” I said, my voice coming out as an indignant squeak. I plucked at the front of my shirt in discomfort as the cold sauce clung to my belly.

  “Just go back to the dorm room and change your shirt, I will keep Sally company until you get back,” he said not releasing Sally’s hand and tilting his head to the side as he brazenly looked her body up and down.

  “Jack, my eyes are up here,” scolded Sally, trying to sound stern.

  “Yeah, well your eyes are nice, but your tits are giving me a hardon,” said Jack, looking her in the eye seriously. “Your body is smokin’.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that,” I stammered in amazement. My armpits were growing damp and I felt a cold weight in my stomach as I noticed Sally surreptitiously glancing at Jack’s big muscular arms and then down at the growing bulge in his basketball shorts.

  “Your friend Jack is really crass,” said Sally, pulling her eyes reluctantly away from his expanding package.

  “He’s not MY friend, he just lives in the dorm room next door to mine.” It annoyed me that Jack still hadn’t released Sally’s hand and that she actually seemed flattered by his advances.

  “Don’t be like that, Sid, I thought we were pals,” said Jack, giving me a pained expression.

  “How can you say that? You are always harassing the shit out of me,” I squawked.

  “Yeah, well, I always do that to my buddies,” he said with a pout. “Come on, let me buy you and Sally a beer and show you that there are no hard feelings.”

  “Of course not, look at me, I’m a mess,” I complained.

  “You do need to go change,” agreed Sally. “Come along, I’ll go with you and help you clean up. Jack, may I have my hand back now?” she asked with a wry grin.

  “Aww, come on Sally, he can change his own clothes. He’s big boy. Let’s you and I head over to the bar so I can buy you a beer while he’s changing.”

  “Why, I don’t even know you, Jack,” said Sally with a small chuckle, one hand still clasped in his and the other on her chest.

  “Well how are you going to get to know me if you won’t have a beer with me?” he insisted.

  “Just leave my girlfriend alone, will you?” I whined indignantly.

  “Don’t get upset darling, I can handle this fellow,” she said lightly, giving me a wink that I didn’t understand. “These soccer hooligan types are no match for women with breeding.”

  “Yeah, you can handle me if you want,” said Jack, fondling his crotch rudely. “And I won’t mind breeding you either.”

  “You are a completely classless jackass, aren’t you,” sniffed Sally, suppressing a smile and arching a brow..

  “I told you, big boobs give me Tourette’s,” he said wagging his eyebrows back at her.

  “Ok, I’m just going to go back to the room now, come on Sally,” I said.

  “Well, you perhaps you should run along and change,” she said. My blood ran cold in my veins as I noticed her casting a furtive glance at Jack’s bulge which had grown noticeably larger after he touched himself. “Meet Jack and I at the bar once you’re done. I think I need to teach him some manners.” She kept her eyes on Jacks and gave him a toothy grin.

  “Sally!” I whined in complaint. My breath was coming faster and faster as I worried about this bully stealing my girl away.

  “What’s the matter darling? Surely you aren’t jealous of a big dumb jock with Tourettes?” she said with a gleam in her eye that made me feel deflated.

  “Of course not,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder smoothly and leading her away. “She’s too classy for a chump like me.”

  “Ciao darling,” called Sally with a wave as Jack ushered her away. “I will have a martini waiting for you.”

  I felt a grim sense of dread as I watched them leave. Jack bent down to whisper something in Sally’s ear and she cackled with laughter and slapped his chest as they disappeared into the milling crowd of the cafeteria. I ran back to my dorm room to change as quickly as possible before anything bad could happen.

  When I got to my room, I couldn’t unlock my door because someone had jammed a huge wad of blue bubblegum into the lock. I cursed vociferously as I tracked down Thomas the RA to help me.

  “Thomas, someone jammed a wad of gum in my door lock and I can’t get into my room!” I called when I found him talking to some girls in the rec room.

  “What did you do, puke on yourself?” he asked, gazing at my soiled shirt and trousers with disgust and then blowing a bubble. I couldn’t help but notice that his gum was same color as the stuff in my lock. Meanwhile the girls he was with simpered and turned their backs to me.

  “You fucker, Jack texted you and told you to delay me so he could flirt with my girlfriend,” I snapped, suddenly realizing what was going on.

  Thomas made the “not bad” face back at me. “Interesting theory, Sidney. But, ah, what is Jack doing with your woman anyway?”

  The girls whispered among themselves and they and Thomas broke out laughing.

  I gritted my teeth in angry embarrassment and pulled out my phone to call the facilities support number myself so that someone could come let me into my room. After an interminable wait a maintenance man came out to look at it. He had to take my entire door off at the hinges while I stood around waiting uncomfortably in my damp, sullied trousers. I texted Sally several times letting her know what happened and that I would be delayed, but she didn’t reply. Finally I got into my room and had to change my clothes with the door off it’s hinges and the workman fiddling around, trying to remove the door handle. The girls that had been chatting with Thomas passed by slowly in the hall as I stood there in my briefs and they covered their mouths and pointed.

  I blushed in shame and complained to the workman. “C
hrist, can you at least put the door back in it’s frame while I’m getting changed. There are girls out there!”

  “Oh, uh, sorry, pal,” stammered the workman. He fumbled with the door and it went crashing the floor with an unbelievably loud bang and about twenty people came running to see what happened only to find me there, pale and shivering in my tighty whities. A few laughed openly and pointed at me mockingly, but most people had the decency to turn and look away. The gods of eternal abashment appeared intent on unleashing their wrath upon me this day.

  As I finally pulled on a fresh change of clothes, my phone rang. It was my good friend Joshua.

  “Sidney, err, your girlfriend is here at the campus bar drinking with that troll who’s always harassing you.”


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