Sentinel Of Khoth

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Sentinel Of Khoth Page 8

by Brenda Trim

  Shed­ding her coverup, Izzy hur­ried into the wa­ter in her bright lime green swim suit. Dono­van dove into the waves along side her. To­gether they swam out to meet Phineas.

  “You guys ready?” Phineas asked.

  “More than ready,” Izzy told the Stoor­worm King.

  “Ac­ti­vate your charms and fol­low me,” Phineas in­structed be­fore he dis­ap­peared be­low the waves.

  A tail that was a fas­ci­nat­ing swirl of green and blue flipped out of the wa­ter as she tapped the crys­tal around her neck at the same time as Dono­van. At first Izzy didn’t think any­thing hap­pened, but when she con­cen­trated, she no­ticed there was less hu­mid­ity as she breathed in.

  “C’mon,” she in­structed her best friend with a happy squeal.

  Bend­ing in half af­ter Dono­van nod­ded, Izzy dove un­der the waves and saw Phineas’s mas­sive sea dragon. The crea­ture was stun­ning. Eas­ily the size of a large air­plane from Earth, Izzy watched the sea dragon king glide be­low them.

  She mar­veled at the way Phineas’s large form moved eas­ily through the wa­ter. The over­head sun re­flected off his pur­ple, blue, and green scales. Izzy couldn’t de­cide what he re­sem­bled more. A dragon or a large fish. He had broad dor­sal fins and web­bing be­tween his talons, as well as, a flat tail re­sem­bling the fluke of a whale only with­out the pointed edges.

  More like a dragon she de­cided. Aside from hav­ing no web­bing, the Cuele­bre dragon’s tail was very dif­fer­ent with a pointed, spiked club. Oth­er­wise, their bod­ies were fairly sim­i­lar.

  As they moved their arms and legs and swam deeper, Izzy re­al­ized there was an ac­tual bub­ble of air around their heads. A tiny or­ange fish was swim­ming to­ward her but bounced off the in­vis­i­ble bar­rier and turned over and over as its mo­men­tum sent it fly­ing back­wards.

  Chuck­ling, Izzy held her hand out and wished the fish would swim closer again. When it dis­ap­peared into the depths with­out re­turn­ing, Izzy con­tin­ued to make her way to Saqara.

  Dono­van swam to her side and grabbed her hand. “Look,” he pointed. “I think I saw a mer­maid.”

  Her gaze fol­lowed his fin­ger but all she saw was a tail fin. Pour­ing all her strength into her strokes, she swam to­ward the reef, hop­ing to catch site of the fish. An eel slith­ered out from a cave as she passed.

  Her move­ments star­tled all man­ner of fish in the area. Sud­denly she was sur­rounded by count­less small fish of all col­ors. It tick­led as they flut­tered against her skin.

  Stay­ing as still as pos­si­ble, she en­joyed the way they swarmed around her and seemed to be play­ing with her. “This is un­real,” Dono­van called out from her right.

  “In­cred­i­ble. Re­mind me to thank your mom again,” Izzy told her friend. Af­ter a few sec­onds, she looked around search­ing for a sight of the pos­si­ble mer­maid but found noth­ing.

  “I don’t see any­thing. Phineas is wait­ing for us,” she told Dono­van. “We can ask him if he can show us mer­maids.”

  To­gether, she and Dono­van swam to­ward the sea dragon king. Izzy kept her feet to­gether and pushed down­ward with a dol­phin kick. She truly felt like a mer­maid as she swam through the wa­ter.

  It was so much bet­ter than fly­ing be­cause she wasn’t be­ing car­ried by some­one else. Well, she con­sid­ered the feel­ing of air flow­ing through her long curls. That was pretty freak­ing un­be­liev­able. The ex­pe­ri­ences were equally as ap­peal­ing in dif­fer­ent ways.

  Dono­van laughed as he watched her swim around him. Phineas was sev­eral me­ters in front of them, but not right on top of them which made Izzy love him even more. The light at this depth was dap­pled and the wa­ter wasn’t as clear, but it didn’t seem to af­fect the ma­rine life. They sur­rounded them and seemed to have as much fun as them.

  “Come on you two. Fol­low me,” Phineas sent them us­ing dragon mind speech.

  Smil­ing, Izzy started kick­ing her way to­ward Phineas with her arms joined and point­ing over her head. Dono­van shot past her in a flurry of bub­bles. No way was she go­ing to al­low him to beat her to Saqara, so she put on a burst of speed.

  Her for­ward mo­men­tum was halted a sec­ond later as some­thing tugged on her leg. The in­stant she re­al­ized she was no longer mov­ing pain ex­ploded in her left foot, forc­ing a scream from her lips.

  On in­stinct she kicked out with her right foot as she tried to get her left one free of what­ever was clamp­ing around it. Arms thrash­ing, her breaths came in pants and her heart raced in her chest.

  It was im­pos­si­ble to de­ter­mine what had hold of her. A dark grey dor­sal fin caught her eye, send­ing her heart into a sprint. All she could think was shark. She had no idea if there were even sharks on Khoth.

  “Izzy,” Phineas’s mind yelled into hers. “Stop thrash­ing. You’re in­cit­ing his pri­mal drive to kill prey.”

  The sec­ond her move­ments slowed a lit­tle red clouded the wa­ter around her, send­ing her panic into over­drive. The shark was thrash­ing her leg in its mouth and she felt the sharp teeth slice through her mus­cle and skin. She was go­ing to lose a foot and be­cause she was still a stripling, she would not re­gen­er­ate the limb. Fa­tigue laced with pain made spots dance in her vi­sion.

  Dono­van swam past her as her agony took over, steal­ing all ra­tio­nal thought. She should do some­thing, but she knew there was no way her pow­ers would work to trans­port her to safety when she was in this state.

  Don’t give up, she or­dered her­self. No, she couldn’t give up. No way would Dono­van or Phineas let her bleed to death, even if she did end up pass­ing out. A foot was noth­ing com­pared to her life. As she mus­tered her re­solve, she watched Dono­van’s fist punch for­ward and sink into the shark’s eye.

  Phineas’s mas­sive sea dragon was be­side them be­fore Dono­van re­moved his hand from the shark’s eye. “Dono­van, as soon as I re­lease her foot grab Izzy and start swim­ming her to the sur­face,” the Stoor­worm King or­dered then grabbed ahold of the shark’s up­per and lower jaw as Phineas jerked his talons in op­po­site di­rec­tions.

  Dono­van’s arms wound around her the sec­ond the pres­sure was re­leased from her an­kle. Izzy weakly moved her arms through the wa­ter try­ing to help him swim. Un­for­tu­nately, each move­ment sent pain ric­o­chet­ing through her body and dark spots danced in her vi­sion.

  “Thank you, Van,” she mum­bled be­fore dark­ness swal­lowed her.

  “Crap,” Izzy com­plained as she shifted on the soft bed.

  Ev­ery­thing hurt, which was no sur­prise. A shark al­most claimed her foot for lunch, and she wished her mom was there to make her feel bet­ter. Pema, Isis, and Keira were be­ing won­der­ful and help­ing take care of her, but it wasn’t the same as hav­ing her mom there.

  “Here, let me help you,” Troy of­fered as he hur­ried to the head of her bed. Dono­van was right be­hind him and both males tried to help her sit up straighter.

  “Can I get you any­thing?” Dono­van asked.

  “A magic pill to make the pain go away?” she re­quested for the hun­dredth time over the past two days.

  “Och, where’s my Princess,” a fa­mil­iar voice asked from the hall out­side her room. In her ex­cite­ment at hear­ing her fa­ther, she lev­ered her­self up on her el­bows and cried out.

  As sweat beaded her brow and her skin went clammy, her mother and fa­ther were run­ning into the room. “Here, take Cian,” her mom told her dad.

  Tears filled her eyes and blurred her view of her fa­ther hold­ing her lit­tle brother. He looked so much like her mom it was crazy. She didn’t know why they were here, but just see­ing them made her pain dis­si­pate.

  “How are you, sweetie? We came as soon as we heard. We were al­ready plan­ning to come visit and bring Cian to meet his big sis­ter,” Elsie com­mented as she wrapped Izzy in a wa
rm em­brace. The fa­mil­iar smell of her mom’s per­fume washed over her, and Izzy took a deep breath.

  She closed her eyes and rel­ished her mother fuss­ing over her. Elsie brushed the hair from her sweaty fore­head, and ca­ressed her cheek. It was home to be in her mom’s arms again.

  “I’m re­ally glad to see all of you,” Izzy stated as she looked to her dad and baby brother. “I’m so ex­cited to be a big sis­ter. He looks so much like you, Mom.”

  Izzy snug­gled into her mother’s side as she sat on the bed with her back against the head­board. It amazed Izzy that her par­ents were trav­el­ing so soon af­ter her brother’s birth. Given how lit­tle he was and the slight bulge still at her mom’s waist, she doubted he was more than a few days old.

  “He’s such a good baby, just like you were. But, you can’t avoid my ques­tion. I imag­ine you feel aw­ful given that you al­most lost a foot,” Elsie mur­mured as she wrapped her arms around Izzy’s shoul­ders.

  The feel­ing of love and safety she got from that sim­ple em­brace made Izzy re­al­ize how much she’d missed her par­ents dur­ing their time apart. For her years had passed, but for her par­ents it was only a few months.

  “It hurts, but ev­ery­one is tak­ing great care of me. I’ll be healed in no time.”

  “You have a very brave big sis­ter,” Dono­van told her lit­tle brother. Cian stared at him with wide, alert eyes. He was the cutest baby she’d ever seen. Her heart filled with joy hav­ing her fam­ily around her and made liv­ing with­out the love and se­cu­rity of her par­ents worth ev­ery sec­ond. “You’ll have to ask her about the time she sur­vived a shark at­tack when you’re older. I know you’ll be as amazed as I was.”

  Izzy glanced at her best friend and smiled. “I’d say punch­ing through the pierc­ing black eye of a mas­sive shark is far braver than me scream­ing and thrash­ing,” she coun­tered.

  Zan­der, the Vam­pire King, sat heav­ily on the bed and held her brother close to his chest. Ev­ery­one saw a dom­i­nant, com­mand­ing male when they looked at him, but Izzy saw a pro­tec­tive, af­fec­tion­ate fa­ther she loved be­yond words.

  A tear es­caped her con­trol and Izzy found her­self re­vert­ing back to a younger age with her par­ents there to sup­port her and make sure noth­ing bad hap­pened to her. She was nearly eigh­teen years old and thought she was well be­yond be­ing a small child need­ing to be taken care of.

  “I canna be­lieve this hap­pened,” her fa­ther mut­tered. “Why wasn’t Phineas there to stop the at­tack?”

  “He was there, Dad. Thanks to him and Dono­van I didn’t lose my foot,” she in­formed him. “You aren’t al­lowed to come here and get mad be­cause I was hurt. It was no one’s fault. And, get­ting into a fight with your al­lies over this will not do us any good. They have all sac­ri­ficed to take care of me, keep me safe, and teach me to con­trol my pow­ers. Now, can I hold Cian? I want to give my brother love be­fore you guys leave again.”

  “Shite,” her dad cursed as he gen­tly laid her brother into her arms. “I am grate­ful. But your ma­mai and Cian are no’ com­ing back with me. They will stay here with you.”

  Frus­tra­tion siz­zled through Izzy but hav­ing baby Cian in her arms was like a drug. De­spite be­ing pissed, Izzy’s emo­tions re­mained level. “No. They aren’t stay­ing here. Mom and Cian need you, and I’m sure Aunt Cai­lyn and baby Liam need mom, too. I’m fine here. And, be­fore you start ar­gu­ing, re­mem­ber. I’ll be tran­si­tion­ing be­fore you know it and re­turn­ing home.”

  Elsie squeezed her close, and the move­ment jos­tled her body. Pain ra­di­ated through­out her leg, and Izzy swal­lowed her gasp as she low­ered her lips to kiss her brother’s fuzzy head. She re­fused to let her par­ents know how much pain she was feel­ing. If her mom found out, she would never leave, and guilt would wrack Izzy over the time Cian lost with their dad.

  “We will stay un­til your foot is healed and then head home. The realm will be okay that long,” her mom in­sisted. “I refuse to leave when you need me. Don’t ar­gue with me. You’ve grown up and I haven’t been here for far too much, so I am go­ing to be here now.”

  Nod­ding, Izzy swal­lowed as her throat tight­ened. Sounded like a per­fect com­pro­mise to Izzy. Turn­ing to her side, Izzy snug­gled her lit­tle brother close to her chest on the bed and closed her eyes. She had been so damn tired since she was in­jured. For the first time in years, Izzy fell asleep know­ing her par­ents were nearby if she needed them.

  * * *

  Chap­ter 9

  Stop­ping next to the fancy restau­rant, Finn took a deep breath and tried to ban­ish the lin­ger­ing fa­tigue that threat­ened to drag him un­der. As his gaze landed on the sign above their heads, he ques­tioned his san­ity in tak­ing Talysia to Ti­tan’s Fall.

  The restau­rant held some of his dark­est mo­ments. The black­est were when he dis­cov­ered his par­ents dead in their home in the jun­gle, but he felt aw­ful when Cyril man­aged to in­fil­trate their cul­ture and date Cam­bree. The Un­seelie King was nearly able to re­verse the Tuya bless­ing.

  The Cuele­bre drag­ons were re­cently com­ing back from the brink of ex­tinc­tion thanks to the re­turn of their king, An­gus. The Cuele­bre King was the only be­ing ca­pa­ble of call­ing on the Gods to bless fe­males with the abil­ity to bear drag­onettes. That was who the Tuya were. And no one, not even fe­male drag­ons could bear dragon ba­bies un­less they were blessed as a Tuya.

  ‘That’s de­press­ing date con­ver­sa­tion.’ Finn silently scolded him­self. Re­fo­cus­ing on his date, he twined his fin­gers with hers and pulled the door open to the es­tab­lish­ment.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this tonight?” Talysia asked as they en­tered.

  Finn told the host­ess he had reser­va­tions for two be­fore turn­ing back to his date. “I’m pos­i­tive. Be­sides, we’ve been cooped up too long. And, from what I re­mem­ber, the food here is fan­tas­tic.”

  Giv­ing him a wide smile, Talysia seemed to vi­brate with ex­cite­ment. “If you’re sure. I know I talked about this place over the past cou­ple of days and I was wor­ried I came across like I was beg­ging.”

  Finn’s heart hic­cupped hear­ing her words. Soft emo­tions weren’t some­thing he was fa­mil­iar with. Sex­ual en­coun­ters and at­trac­tion were the scope of his ex­pe­ri­ences with fe­males. Car­ing and soft­en­ing to­wards Talysia was as for­eign as tech­no­log­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing to him.

  “I know you were try­ing to dis­tract me from my re­cov­ery. Have I said thank you for tak­ing care of me?” he mut­tered as he gazed into beau­ti­ful turquoise eyes.

  Tal’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, mak­ing him want to kiss her full lips. He saw her vul­ner­a­bil­ity as he stared at her. It made him want to run in the op­po­site di­rec­tion, and stop pur­su­ing her. She ob­vi­ously wanted a real, last­ing re­la­tion­ship, and he had no idea if that was what he wanted.

  Talysia was sexy and sen­sual and he en­joyed spend­ing time with her but find­ing a mate or get­ting se­ri­ously in­volved with a fe­male never crossed his mind. He was a Maa­hes and his po­si­tion was full of dan­ger.

  Like most other knights, Finn con­cen­trated on the lat­est fights and keep­ing the realm safe and se­cure. Ev­ery­thing else was pushed to the back of his mind.

  “I en­joyed tak­ing care of you. And, I was try­ing to dis­tract you; but I don’t know much about your realm yet, so I used what I had,” Talysia said with a shrug of her shoul­ders.

  “Not many fe­males would have taken the time. And, it was nice,” he be­gan and paused when they were shown to their ta­ble. Once they had or­dered a drink, he con­tin­ued. “It’s been too long since any­one was there to nurse me back to health. My par­ents were killed nearly twenty years ago. I’ve been on my own ever since. I for­got what it was like to have some­one there to bring me a drink or
snack and al­low me to rest and re­cover.”

  “I hardly did any­thing ex­cept keep you com­pany. And, there is no need to thank me. You de­serve the praise way more than me. You keep us safe. If it wasn’t for you and your fel­low knights those things would have at­tacked peo­ple like me that don’t re­ally have a way to de­fend our­selves. I hon­estly don’t know how you do it.”

  The wait­ress ap­peared a sec­ond later and took their or­der. Great tim­ing, Finn thought. He was dizzy and his heart was rac­ing, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to con­cen­trate on the con­ver­sa­tion. Af­ter plac­ing their or­ders, Finn de­cided to change the sub­ject. He wanted to hear more about Talysia.

  “You men­tioned that you have three sis­ters. Are they all here with you?”

  Shak­ing her head, Talysia glanced away like she was think­ing about some­thing. Wait­ing for her re­ply, Finn took the op­por­tu­nity to ap­pre­ci­ate her beauty.

  There was a mole above the left side of her lip and one of her eyes seemed a shade lighter than the other. And, her hands were so tiny com­pared to his. Stun­ning, he thought to him­self.

  “No, my younger sis­ters are still on Ca­lypso with our par­ents. The twins, Tavie and Tu­ana, weren’t ready to be away from Mom and Dad.”

  “You didn’t want to stay with your fam­ily?”

  The cor­ners of Talysia’s mouth pinched and her gaze dropped to the ta­ble. When Finn caught her tap­ping one fin­ger on the ta­ble, he wished he’d left it alone. She men­tioned leav­ing the realm be­cause she was dif­fer­ent.

  “I miss my fam­ily more than any­thing, but I couldn’t stay there and con­tinue be­ing the scape­goat for all the hate­ful sirens in my city. I told you they didn’t like me. Well, they os­tra­cized me be­cause I’m not a full-blooded siren. No way did I want to hear how I was tainted and would be the ruin of all siren kind for one more sec­ond.”

  “Just be­cause your fa­ther is an ice de­mon doesn’t mean you are any less of a siren. Many Cuele­bre have a mother from an­other species, but the chil­dren aren’t any less dragon. In fact, I’d say it makes them stronger. More ver­sa­tile.”


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