Sentinel Of Khoth

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Sentinel Of Khoth Page 16

by Brenda Trim

  Dyson looked up from giv­ing Talysia an in­jec­tion and shook his head. “I saw no in­di­ca­tion she was in­fected with some­thing bi­o­log­i­cal, so I would say it’s not con­ta­gious. How­ever, I don’t have de­fin­i­tive an­swers, so I’m un­sure.”

  “Dyson, we need you,” Blaine called out from the dou­ble doors. Finn’s head swiveled in time to watch two Maa­hes carry Phineas through the door­way.

  “Shite. Phineas,” An­gus cursed. “What the fuck hap­pened?”

  “I was…com­ing to…tell you,” Phineas paused to catch his breath. Finn as­sumed the male was un­con­scious given that his feet were drag­ging be­hind him while Slate and Erik car­ried him be­tween them. “The oceans…” His voice trailed off as he started cough­ing. Dyson was in mo­tion be­fore the red droplets hit the stone floor.

  “Save your breath,” An­gus or­dered. “I as­sume the oceans are no’ good given the state you are in, and the blood you’re cough­ing up.”

  Phineas nod­ded his agree­ment and sighed in re­lief when he was laid on the ta­ble. Talysia was at one end and he was at the other. Dyson al­ready or­dered his as­sis­tant to fetch a cou­ple gur­neys and turned to start treat­ing the Stoor­worm King.

  “Per­haps it was re­lated to the bomb,” Isis mur­mured as she stood and crossed the room.

  “How’s that? You and Pema found no magic,” An­gus barked. The king was ob­vi­ously ag­i­tated, and he kept look­ing at the en­trance.

  “Well, it’s just a the­ory, but as I sit here con­sid­er­ing what con­nects all those suf­fer­ing these symp­toms it hit me,” Isis said. “Wa­ter. More specif­i­cally the ocean is the com­mon fac­tor.”

  Dyson’s head snapped up and An­gus opened his mouth to re­spond, but Leg­ette’s reap­pear­ance cut that off. Finn wanted to kick him­self for pre­vi­ously miss­ing that sim­i­lar­ity. He was pay­ing half at­ten­tion to Leg­ette re­port­ing Blaze was also cough­ing up blood.

  Any con­cern Finn had pre­vi­ously was com­pounded at the mo­ment and he wasn’t sure if it was that ris­ing worry, but he couldn’t come up with how the thread of wa­ter mat­tered.

  “Och, I still doona un­der­stand what that means, but be­fore you con­tinue, I need to con­tain the af­fected. Leg­ette, bring Keira and the kids here. Can­cel all ap­pear­ances for to­day De­clan,” An­gus started. “Grab what­ever sup­plies you need from your rooms, Dyson. We will treat ev­ery­one here where there is plenty of room. This is a clus­ter fuck. I guess Cyril didn’a have to take fur­ther ac­tion for his grand plan to come to fruition.”

  Finn un­der­stood the king’s frus­tra­tion. Af­ter all of Cyril’s at­tacks lately, they an­tic­i­pated them build­ing to some­thing they could bat­tle. It never oc­curred to them that they would be help­less to stop the de­struc­tion.

  “How ex­actly is this com­mon thread mak­ing a dif­fer­ence with any­thing?” Finn asked as he brushed Talysia’s hair from her fore­head.

  “How fa­mil­iar are you guys with ter­ror­ists on Earth?”

  An­gus cocked his head to the side. “Och, I’m the only one that has any knowl­edge of the var­i­ous groups op­er­at­ing on Earth. What does that have to do with this? No hu­man could trans­port through the por­tal with­oot us know­ing.”

  “You’re right. I’m not sug­gest­ing they’ve crossed. What I think might be go­ing on is that Cyril adopted some of their tac­tics,” Isis ex­plained.

  “Dirty bomb,” Pema blurted a sec­ond later. “Of course. Why didn’t we think of that sooner? He’s a clever bas­tard. He knew we would look for magic and be able to eas­ily com­bat that. No one would have ex­pected these mea­sures.”

  “Yeah. He would have gained a rep­u­ta­tion as un­beat­able. And, we didn’t think of it for the rea­sons you men­tioned. It isn’t a su­per­nat­u­ral at­tack method, but a hu­man one. Cyril spent time on Earth and could’ve learned about it there. With Dyson not find­ing any­thing it makes sense,” Isis fin­ished.

  “Fuck,” An­gus cursed be­fore turn­ing to Dyson. “What do you know aboot chem­i­cal war­fare?”

  Dyson’s head went from the witch sis­ters to An­gus and back again. “I’m not fa­mil­iar with that term, Sire. What do I need to look for?”

  “You need to look for poi­son,” An­gus in­formed the Mundunugu. “There are hu­mans that add chem­i­cals to ex­plo­sive de­vices for the pur­pose of poi­son­ing oth­ers. I have no idea what type. I doona know enough aboot them to know what type could af­fect only sea crea­tures.”

  “Why us?” Phineas croaked from his po­si­tion on the ta­ble.

  “Be­cause he wants to crip­ple me,” An­gus told his mate’s brother. “Ac­tu­ally, he wants to de­stroy me. He’s gone too far this time. I will rip that vile male to shreds when I get my hands on him.”

  “I’ll hold him still for you, Sire,” Finn added.

  Dyson was cre­at­ing slides with Talysia and Phineas’s blood when Leg­ette re­turned help­ing Blaze walk while Keira car­ried Josie. The beds were wheeled in at the same time, and Leg­ette placed Blaze on one then sent the heal­ers for more.

  “I don’t see any sign of poi­son. Is there a spe­cific sig­na­ture I should look for?”

  An­gus took Josie from Keira and cra­dled his daugh­ter to his chest. “I’m no’ a fuck­ing sci­en­tist. I thought there was one way to de­tect poi­son. Do you have any idea?” The king asked Pema and Isis.

  Pema’s mate moved to stand be­hind her, pro­vid­ing pro­tec­tion and sup­port. Isis’s mate was next to her. The love and de­vo­tion be­tween them, and ev­ery mated cou­ple he knew, was un­de­ni­able.

  Both sis­ters shook their heads in uni­son, but Pema re­sponded. “Nei­ther of us know any­thing about the types of chem­i­cals used or how to treat them. But I bet Jace knows some­thing about them. He’s a healer, but also a hu­man doc­tor. I know he has some knowl­edge about poi­sons and how to coun­ter­act them be­cause he talked about treat­ing vic­tims of a fac­tory fire for poi­son­ing with Bhric’s mate.”

  “We need to get him here,” Finn blurted, a sense of ur­gency over­com­ing him when Talysia’s grip on his hand slack­ened. Her sis­ter Tia took a seat by the ta­ble and was breath­ing hard.

  “We need to send a sam­ple to him to study be­fore he comes here or it will be use­less,” Dyson in­ter­jected. “As we have dis­cov­ered we don’t have the same plants and re­sources on Khoth. It’s highly likely that we will not have what is needed to coun­ter­act what­ever chem­i­cal is caus­ing prob­lems.”

  “Do we have enough time?” An­gus asked while his gaze was pinned to his mate and how she wiped sweat from her brow. Josie started cough­ing in his arms, and Finn’s heart broke when blood splat­tered An­gus’s shirt.

  De­spite the fury and fear em­a­nat­ing from the king, he calmly crossed to Dyson and held his daugh­ter while the doc­tor gave her an in­jec­tion.

  “I be­lieve we will have time,” Dyson replied with more con­fi­dence than Finn felt. “I am able to con­trol their symp­toms to a large de­gree which al­lows their body’s nat­u­ral heal­ing to keep it from de­te­ri­o­rat­ing too rapidly. Cuele­bre drag­ons and Stoor­worm are hearty crea­tures.”

  “What about sirens? Talysia and her sis­ter need to sur­vive,” Finn blurted, barely stop­ping him­self from shak­ing the in­fu­ri­at­ing male.

  “From what I have seen, sirens are tough and ca­pa­ble of sur­viv­ing al­most as much as we are. I sug­gest we not de­lay,” Dyson ex­plained.

  “I can find Jace on the other side of the por­tal, cor­rect?” Finn asked.

  “Aye, you can, but we need to plan this oot,” An­gus in­ter­jected.

  “Yes, Sire. I have blood sam­ples from Talysia and Phineas. All I need is some wa­ter to take with me,” Finn replied.

  “Bot­tle some of that wa­ter,’ An­gus or­dered a he
aler. “Blaine, I want you to join Finn. Slate, go im­me­di­ately and cross the por­tal. Tell Lach­lan to con­tact Jace and tell him that we sus­pect a dirty bomb, and need his as­sis­tance.” Slate nod­ded and his boots were pound­ing down the hall be­fore the king fin­ished speak­ing.

  “Finn, you and Blaine pre­pare for the jour­ney. Dyson, take blood from ev­ery­one present, in­clud­ing Talysia’s sis­ter. I want Jace to have ev­ery­thing he might need.”

  Finn leaned down and placed a gen­tle kiss to Talysia’s lips while An­gus con­tin­ued is­su­ing his or­ders. He in­haled her unique, sweet yet flo­ral scent. Cradling her cheeks in his palms, he gazed into her dull turquoise eyes. “I love you, Song­bird. I should have told you sooner, but I can’t leave with­out let­ting you know how I feel about you.”

  The cor­ners of her mouth turned up and her eyes bright­ened. “I love you, too,” she whis­pered then closed her eyes.

  “I’ll be back with a cure soon, and when I re­turn, I want to mate you,” Finn promised.

  Talysia’s eyes went wide be­fore a smile crossed her face. “Sounds per­fect to me,” she agreed. Finn kissed her one more time be­fore join­ing Blaine, who was car­ry­ing a bag with ev­ery­thing they needed to take to Jace.

  Part of Finn’s heart stayed in Tate­nen with Talysia as he shifted and headed on the most im­por­tant mis­sion of his life. Fail­ure was not an op­tion. He was go­ing to the Tehrex Realm, Jace would de­velop a way to treat those af­flicted, and then he was go­ing to mate Talysia.

  * * *

  Chap­ter 17

  Stum­bling, Finn crossed the por­tal and breathed the sweet heather-scented air of the Scot­tish High­lands. He hadn’t been to the Tehrex Realm in some time, but he un­der­stood why An­gus came to love the area.

  His­tory sur­rounded them, and it was steeped with power and magic. It at­tracted Finn’s in­ner dragon and brought it to the sur­face. The house was sev­eral yards from the cross­over point from Khoth and new con­struc­tion, but it was al­ready cov­ered by green moss, mak­ing it look far older.

  “Lach­lan, buddy,” Blaine called out as they crossed the grassy area.

  “Blaine. ‘Tis good to see you. Al­though, I wish the cir­cum­stances were bet­ter,” Lach­lan replied as he clasped Blaine’s fore­arm.

  Finn re­peated the ges­ture with Lach­lan and met his smile. “Is Jace here?”

  “Aye, he ar­rived no’ long ago. Come in­side.”

  Blaine fol­lowed Finn into the stone struc­ture. The home had an open floor­plan and opened into a size­able room that con­nected to the kitchen. Jace was plac­ing a bag on the dark leather sofa in front of a fire­place.

  “Jace,” Finn said by way of greet­ing. “Thank you for com­ing.”

  “I’m glad to help. Sounds like you guys have had a hel­luva time lately,” Jace replied.

  “Cyril has been re­lent­less lately. We’ve been able to ad­dress nearly ev­ery­thing he’s thrown at us, but this bomb sit­u­a­tion is for­eign to us,” Finn ex­plained to the Tehrex Realm healer.

  “Us­ing chem­i­cal weapons is nasty busi­ness, and I un­der­stand why your med­i­cal staff would be stumped. It doesn’t show up like so many other things. Most of­ten, the first signs are seen with the blood count, but no source is eas­ily iden­ti­fi­able. Thank­fully, we are deal­ing with su­per­nat­u­rals. Hu­mans would have died hor­rid deaths by now.”

  Jace’s frank as­sess­ment served to send Finn’s anger sky­rock­et­ing. Finn didn’t know enough about sirens and fear was bat­tling for top po­si­tion with his rage. Talysia was com­pletely un­ex­pected, but pre­cisely who he wanted and needed in his life. Noth­ing would be the same with­out her.

  A hand on his shoul­der drew Finn out of his mus­ings. Blaine was watch­ing him closely. “You com­ing?”

  “Def­i­nitely,” Finn replied as he no­ticed Jace and Lach­lan wait­ing by the door. He had no idea what was go­ing on, but he fol­lowed them out­side. When Lach­lan opened the door to a car, Finn re­fused to al­low him­self to hes­i­tate. It fas­ci­nated him the first time he vis­ited the Tehrex realm and dis­cov­ered the method of trans­porta­tion.

  They flew or walked ev­ery­where on Khoth be­cause there was no need for a ve­hi­cle like this. Those that didn’t fly could ar­range for a dragon to take them where they wanted to go. Many drag­ons earned a liv­ing trans­port­ing oth­ers around their lands. Finn ig­nored the flut­ter in his stom­ach over be­ing con­fined in a metal box and climbed into the black ve­hi­cle with­out voic­ing any of his ques­tions.

  Time was of the essence and he re­fused to cause any­more de­lays. Talysia, Phineas, and the royal fam­ily needed him to re­turn sooner rather than later. Finn sat in the back seat with Jace while Lach­lan drove, and Blaine sat in the pas­sen­ger seat.

  “What symp­toms are the vic­tims ex­pe­ri­enc­ing,” Jace asked as they trav­eled down the road.

  “It started with a rash of sorts, and dizzi­ness and fa­tigue,” Finn ex­plained. “Now, most of them are cough­ing up blood. Oh, and I no­ticed Talysia had lit­tle ap­petite and seemed nau­seous more of­ten than not over the past cou­ple weeks.”

  The world passed by the win­dows in a blur, mak­ing Finn feel sick. Of course, that could be be­cause this method of mov­ing from one lo­ca­tion to an­other was for­eign to him.

  Forc­ing him­self to fo­cus on some­thing else, he thought about why he was there. The need to take ac­tion and do some­thing to help his mate was mak­ing him slightly de­ranged. His dragon prowled just be­neath his skin, ready to ex­plode and at­tack at the slight­est sign.

  It was un­set­tling to say the least. Usu­ally on Earth his dragon was sub­dued from be­ing away from Khoth, and much eas­ier to con­trol. That was not the case at the mo­ment. He wanted to avenge his mate.

  “That fits with this type of weapon,” Jace said, draw­ing his at­ten­tion. “And, it tells me this is a nerve agent sim­i­lar to mus­tard gas, so it’s a place to start.”

  “Does this gas af­fect wa­ter-based crea­tures?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” Jace replied. “I as­sumed those ex­posed to the bomb were af­fected.”

  “Not at all. Izzy was present dur­ing the ex­plo­sion, as was Dono­van,” Finn re­layed, shar­ing the iden­ti­ties of in­di­vid­u­als the sor­cerer knew. Jace’s amethyst eyes nar­rowed and turned black, let­ting Finn know the war­rior was pissed.

  “They are fine and have shown no signs of in­fec­tion. The only be­ings that seem im­pacted by the con­tam­i­na­tion are sea drag­ons, sirens, and most of the sea life.”

  Blaine twisted around in his seat and joined the con­ver­sa­tion. “That must be why the shark at­tacked Izzy.”

  Finn hadn’t con­sid­ered that be­fore, but his fel­low Maa­hes was right. The shark acted out of char­ac­ter when it tried to eat Izzy’s leg. “You’re right. Vam­pires aren’t on their menu. No way did that one sud­denly get a han­ker­ing for her foot,” Finn added.

  Jace held up his hands. “God­dess, what’s go­ing on over there? Khoth was sup­posed to be safe for Izzy, and now I hear about dirty bombs and shark at­tacks. I do not want to be the one to tell Zan­der and Elsie about this.”

  “They know about the shark in­ci­dent. They vis­ited her right af­ter it hap­pened. No one thought much of it at the time. We don’t get many shark at­tacks, but we as­sumed her en­ergy sig­na­ture con­fused the an­i­mal some­how,” Finn ex­plained. “And, she has not been af­fected by the bomb. Izzy is in good health and en­joys the free­dom she didn’t have here on Earth.”

  “He’s right,” Blaine said from his po­si­tion in the pas­sen­ger seat. “Even as a lit­tle one it was ob­vi­ous that she didn’t get out much. She’s blos­somed on Khoth and is kick­ing ass in train­ing.”

  “That’s a re­lief. As a new par­ent, I find that I re­act to all kinds of
shit in ways I never did be­fore. Lit­tle Xiomara is so small and help­less,” Jace shared. The smile that over­took the war­rior’s face told Finn the love and joy he had as a par­ent.

  “I can only imag­ine,” Finn in­ter­jected. “So, you think you can come up with some­thing to help them?”

  Jace nod­ded his head. “I’m not fa­mil­iar with pre­cisely what chem­i­cals Cyril might have used to tar­get wa­ter-based crea­tures, but that is of lit­tle con­se­quence,” Jace ex­plained. “I will use the equip­ment at the lab to get an ex­act struc­tural makeup for the com­pound and then I can de­velop an an­ti­dote from there. The tricky part will be treat­ing the oceans. That’s a lot of wa­ter to cleanse, and it will take time, but I can give the for­mula to Dyson.”

  The weight sit­ting on Finn’s chest eased with the war­rior’s words and he breathed a lit­tle eas­ier. Be­fore he knew it, they were pulling up to a low build­ing and park­ing. Climb­ing from the ve­hi­cle, Finn fol­lowed be­hind the oth­ers and scanned the area for trou­ble. He no­ticed all of the oth­ers do­ing the same thing.

  Finn imag­ined they looked rather in­tim­i­dat­ing as a group. The four of them had large, mus­cu­lar builds, and it was clear to any on­look­ers they were trained for bat­tle.

  Jace stepped up to the glass doors and placed his palm on a small rec­tan­gu­lar de­vice. A tiny red light flashed and turned green be­fore he reached for the han­dle and opened the por­tal.

  “Well, hello there, beau­ti­ful,” Blaine flirted with a fe­male stand­ing near an el­e­va­tor. That was some­thing they had on Khoth, as well. Theirs were called lifts, but it was the same idea of a box that car­ried them to up­per floors.

  “There’s no time for you to pur­sue a fe­male, Blaine,” Finn warned his friend.

  “There’s al­ways time to ap­pre­ci­ate beauty,” Blaine re­torted. The fe­male’s cheeks turned pink and she glanced away from their ex­change.

  “Hey, Camilla. How’s it go­ing?” Jace asked with a smile.


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