Trade World Saga

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Trade World Saga Page 70

by Ken Pence

  Ling appeared in the display and described how Earth and the ES had defeated the Allung ships. The presentation was sprinkled with video taken from individual MemDexs showing the bravery of the Exploration Service. It showed them destroying Allung cruisers and the frigate – downplaying the role of the Osprey. The section on slaves was graphic with the showing of hundreds of dead slaves with explosive collars. The next section showed Xilatoi talking about how the Phlemm treated beings they captured. It was startling but ended with survivors saying names, where they were captured, how long enslaved by the Phlemm, and where they were freed. It was an emotionally hopeful ending.

  The base commander turned to Captains Shuler and Williams. “I want to visit your ships. I would appreciate seeing the inside of the converted Allung cruiser also. You can better explain your…enhancements. Is this possible?”

  “Certainly. We would be honored. Please bring whomever you wish. We will provide a full recording of your visit for your senior staff,” Shuler said.

  The base commander got up and started toward the door. She turned around. “Captain Bettlum. Would you accompany me?” she said and turned to an aide. “Get my staff to the west landing in ten divs. Tell them anyone late will be demoted. Get all the engineers up and to the base. I want any needed strategy personnel here within two divs…now.” She started walking to the shuttle. “How fast does your shuttle go?” she asked.

  “This can travel at 740 lights. We’ve adapted a smaller drive for the new weapon,” Shuler said as he aided the base commander on board. They were all back at the Odin in minutes.

  “Tell me about this time differential enclosure. We have never used our fields in that way. How do you get fresh atmosphere and water? What do use for power? How do you bring in food? What do you do with waste heat?” she asked question after question while walking to the bridge. “I would like a demonstration. Do you have a star chart?” she asked. “May I look at one?”

  Shuler brought up a high definition display. “Can you enlarge this area a bit?” she asked and Shuler showed her how spreading her fingers apart could enlarge any area. She seemed delighted at everything on board and played with the chart for a few seconds. “Can we get this too? This would be so helpful.”

  “We have a limited number of these displays with us but we have a few we can give you,” Shuler said.

  “What do you call this star?” she said.

  “That one we call 30 Tau. It is a bit over two hundred light years from here. It is a dwarf star similar to our own,” Shuler said.

  “Can we go there? There is a secret ES base there with a reserve fleet. I have an old Academy friend there that needs to be in on this…is that possible?”

  “Helm. Plot a jump to 30 Tau. Where would the planet be?”

  “It is aligned with us right now if I am not in error. How long would it take?”

  “Helm…One point one AU off 30 Tau. Notify me when your ready and notify the other ships first – have them stay here.”

  “Aye Aye, Captain. Other ships notified. One point one AU off 30 Tau. Ready,” the navigation officer said.

  “Engage,” he said and there was a slight bump.

  “Where to now?” asked Captain Shuler as the base commander looked out at the screen alight with sensor readings from hundreds of ships of all sizes.

  “Let me communicate first. They may get upset at a strange ship appearing almost in their midst,” she said and they turned over communications to her and she adjusted the frequency. She got it tuned in and talked with incredulous scan techs. She raised her voice and finally got some action. “Go right there,” she said. “The base commander here will be there.” She appeared extremely excited because she knew what this would do to space travel.

  Lee Post walked on to the bridge and the base commander faced him and staggered. “What are you? You appear like a human but you are not. What species are you? You have an extremely unusual telepathic function – very faint but there. I sense amusement and…interest.”

  Lee smiled and said, “Base Commander, my name is Lee Post and I am an artificial construct made out of lamlee.”

  The base commander was shocked to her core. He didn’t feel like an artificial being and she said so.

  “Thank you. The Earth beings say the same. I am quite alone right now. Explain to me what you sense.”

  “I sense great intelligence and emotions. I sense a light telepathic ability. You seem like a sentient being – you would not be considered a construct with the Exploration Service. Would you like a job? I would have you work for me if you would consider it?” she said.

  “Thank you but the Earth beings asked me first. I am looking for the Ylee and they will help,” he said.

  “Then the Ylee are not a myth?” she asked.

  “No. They were an actual species and may still be out there. I will find them but thank you for the request. The land based species see us as sentient when the Ylee did not…or, I suspect… they chose not to recognize us as sentient because we would not still be their servants doing their bidding.”

  “Let us meet with my counterpart here. He will be at dinner. Let us interrupt him,” she said and marched unerringly back toward the shuttle.

  Captain Shuler had to hustle to keep up as well as his escort. He signaled LeiLei, Shiv, and Xilatoi to stay put.

  The shuttle left within a few minutes and was directed to land at a palatial estate. They debarked and marched up to the door. Security guards were running up as the door opened.

  “Base Commander Slessque here. Tell Xyl I want to see him now…here…now,” she said in a way and the Earth group felt the mental nudge that accompanied the verbal request. The doorman hustles away and the security guards lowered their weapons. Slessque turned to Shuler and Williams and said, “Yes. I can apply a gentle nudge that you may have felt…nothing that could not be disregarded but useful sometimes.”

  A male of Slessques’ own race came to the door. “What are you doing here?” he asked and looked up in shock at the strange beings with her.

  “Grab a couple of your staff. You need to come with me to their ship. I was at my base until less than a div ago,” she said.

  “That is impossible,” he said.

  “Look into me,” she said. “I open myself,” to you and she closed her eyes and canted her head slightly to the side.

  Xyl did the same and was motionless for a few seconds. He looked up with a shocked expression. “I did not know you felt that way? Will you ever forgive me?”

  “Of course…about the Earth beings and their new technology…” she said exasperated.

  “Oh…sorry. Let me throw something more formal on. I will get my senior staffers. Half a div…”

  It was exactly half a div when, a crew of four were added to the passengers aboard the shuttle and they were back at the Odin.

  “Captain Shuler, may we go back to my base?” she asked and Shuler nodded to the helmsman and a bit later they were back at the ES base at 47 Tau.


  It took a few minutes to convince the newcomers that they had actually come over 200 light years but they finally were convinced looking at a spectrally shifted sun of a different size. The different ES base helped. They moved to a time differential suite on board the converted Allung cruiser but that could only be set for a differential of ten. First priority was to build a field to produce a time differential enclosure with a stepped entrance.

  The best they could accomplish was a differential of thirty so the time inside was thirty times faster than the exterior. Production started to roll when they adapted their first ship in two days – real time. Training and testing went faster than expected because of a supply of lamlee and having project champions who could commandeer any worker and any material at any time.

  Soon there were ten huge enclosures and they were running out of asteroids to blast for target practice. The Exploration Service had converted fifty ships within a week – normal time.

  Captain Umma
showed up late because his environmental system had been damaged and he came limping in with barely breathable atmosphere.

  He got a warm reception when he came in. The base commander had him come to her office with his senior officers. They came in and were called to attention for a third of a div. They knew they were going to be chastised for losing three ships. She then had them fall in and follow her back outside where a huge throng of workers and soldiers starting yelling and cheering. She had them fall in again and gave a speech that would make a harlot blush. She then awarded them the highest award a living member of the Exploration Service could attain and she proudly attached one to each of their uniforms.

  The cheers afterward were louder than before if that is possible. The base commander held a moment of silence for their fallen comrades and gave a short speech about their bravery and sacrifice. Even the Earth crew got misty eyed.

  The base commander announced that Captain Umma was to be promoted to the Earth equivalent of rear admiral and Captain Shuler assured him that his crew would have a shore leave there that they would never forget. He did tell Umma’s group they would have to bring their own wives and girlfriends if they wanted. They did.

  It was to be fifty ships altogether and they would leave in the morning. One battle group was being readied to go to protect Gralon 3 (Bellatrix) under the command of Captain Bettlum. He had twenty upgraded ships – equivalent to five battleships, six cruisers and nine destroyers and frigates. Admiral Umma would be in overall command.


  Commander Castellano watched the approach of the Allung Brotherhood fleet with trepidation. That’s the only thing it could be. It looked like multiple ships were coming from multiple directions. There were three groups of ships approaching. One group was slightly ahead of the rest. They were still too far away to discern how many or what size but they would be here in a few hours. The Kitty Hawk sent it back to Earth for reinforcements. It felt really alone here right now but he was going to put on a tough face. At least, the Allung would think they were the same weapons technology as before. He did have two of the new shuttle missiles with the Osprey and the converted Allung troop carrier.

  Tech Seaman Oakley said, “Commander, I’m in need of one of your rousing phrases.”

  Catellano looked at Oakley and chuckled, ”I can’t think of any group of warriors I’d rather go into battle with than you people. You always said you wanted a target rich environment – when I finally get you one you complain that it is too rich – no pleasing you people.”

  Oakley and the bridge crew chuckled back.


  Senior Coercer Bracc had been ignominiously defeated. Then he had had to explain what had happened when four ships defeated his six ships. The sensors showed two ships still in the system. They would not defeat fifty ships from the Brotherhood. We will not let one being on this planet escape except as harvested servants. He would have every Earther either dead or wearing a collar – ‘til they wished they were dead.

  The remainder of the fleet would soon be at Earth to harvest a world. The Brotherhood rarely acquired much new technology but this operation may make up for the loss of six ships. New tech and new slaves may still allow me to advance in rank, he thought. Unfortunately, Master Coercer Blestmk was in charge of this operation with two supporting lodges. My embarrassment will be expiated soon, he thought with satisfaction. These Earthers will pay dearly for their insolence.


  Master Coercer Blestmk had nothing but contempt for Bracc. Losing three cruisers, a troop carrier, a destroyer, and a frigate to four ships was shameful. It had to be incompetence. He had enough force to make them grovel now. Sensors only showed two ships in system and that matched the report from the incompetent Bracc.

  The Master Coercer contacted the other support ships now they were close to the rally point. He laid out his strategy – approach from two areas with the third group held in reserve. They would destroy any of the field penetration devices by attacking in pairs. One ship would protect the other. There would be no escape – no surprises from these Earthers this time. Exploration Service personnel made such fine servants in the short time they lived. He was looking forward to showing Bracc how this was done. He might make it to Prime Coercer but he must focus.


  Castellano could make out forty three ships – lord, it is a battle fleet he thought. Those six big ones must be their equivalent to battleships. I hate to think what those babies can put out. “Program those new slicers so they only go after those ships. I don’t want them coming back at us. Remember they are reusable. They jump through their target, slice it up, then jump back and do it again.”

  “Slicers. I like that, skipper,” Oakley said, ”I bet everyone will call them that.”

  Castellano nodded thinking that someone would have to survive before they would use the terminology.

  “Heads up, people. I suspect they will try to talk first so just program the new missiles to jump through the biggest ships and work their way down,” Castellano said.

  “How many jumps in these new weapons?” Oakley asked.

  “No idea, Mister Oakley, but it's a good question. I would like to write a manual on these things next week,” he said.

  Oakley laughed. “Me too, sir. Me, too.”


  Bracc contacted Blestmk, “They attacked while talking and there were other ships hidden behind a larger ship.”

  “Do not teach your superiors Bracc…watch and learn. There are only two ships here. There are no others in sensor range. My other ships can see the area near these ships and they are clear. One of these ships is your old troop carrier. Maybe I can get it back for you so you will have something to command. Do not contact me again until this is over. Communications. Open a channel to these soon-to-be-slaves. Get close enough so they can count our ships.” Blestmk turned to the comm console.

  “This is Master Coercer Blesmk of the Allung Brotherhood. Stand down all weapons and prepare to be boarded,” he said.

  When Castellano heard the beginning of the demands, he ordered all weapons to fire at the battleships. The lasers, even concentrated in threes would penetrate but the vessels were so large – the beams wouldn’t do much damage. The four new missiles they had – leapt from their launchers and pierced a battleship each but in only one case did the missile slice out the drive and control systems. All the Allung ships opened fire and the automatic defense jerked the ship back and forth trying to keep the beams from staying on one spot long enough to penetrate. The troop carrier lasted about thirty seconds before its hull was punctured and the shields died. Shuttles left other Allung vessels to board and take over control. The Osprey had been penetrated a couple of times but it could still move.

  Three of the missiles came back and sliced small sections out of the battleships. Something critical must have happened this time because one of those battleships exploded in a mind numbing burst of light. The blast distracted the gunners long enough to give the Osprey a few more seconds of life. The beams found the Osprey’s engines a few seconds later and it lost propulsion and fields. Castellano could see as the Allung regrouped to claim their prizes. He was able to see that two missiles made a third pass and took out another battleship. It wouldn’t be long now.

  Suddenly, many Exploration Service ships appeared. There was a brief reaction pause and lasers and the new missiles were spewing at all the surrounding ships.


  Master Coercer Blestmk called the reserves and ordered the use of the ultimate weapons. His ships lined up on the Exploration Service ships and took out such large sections that any ship hit would disappear. Sections of debris soon littered the area. Four Exploration Service cruisers were destroyed in moments and an ES battleship a moment later. Missiles destroyed five Allung cruisers. Lasers cut through the Allung destroyers and frigates. They were being ground up like hamburger.

  The remaining Allung battleship disabled an ES cruiser as two more Allung cruise
rs were destroyed utterly. The new missiles continued to reappear and poke holes in the Allung battle grouping. The remaining Allung battleship broadcast an order to ceasefire to the Allung and the Exploration Service followed suit.

  Commander Castellano was forced to watch as the ES ships realigned slowly. The Allung were lining up on the ES formations when the ES ships disappeared and reappeared seconds later behind the Allung. They continued to fire and cut down the last three Allung cruisers.

  Ten Earth cruisers appeared at that moment and the Allung surrendered. Earth shuttles transported up more troops to aid in searching and liberating slaves. Master Coercer Blestmk was not prepared for boarding parties on his battleship to disintegrate the hidden areas of his ships or to use weapons that stunned his people from a distance. The Earthers would scan his people and cut through skin to reach any hidden pouches. They would tape their mouths shut until they could be rendered unconscious and have any hidden poison sacs cut out. The Earthers were not gentle. There were many Allung killed ruthlessly by freed slaves. Some Allung detonated collars rather than release their slaves. Allung who did this were allowed to breathe space – many were given this privilege.

  Allung, who appeared from hidden compartments, surprised many search teams. Seemingly, invisible attackers surprised many Allung and disintegrated them on the spot. Several hundred slaves were liberated and several thousand Allung died. Only a few of the leaders were spared. The remaining Allung were disintegrated. There were no trials. They became hydrogen.

  Twenty-two Allung ships of the original forty-three had been destroyed and five were unsalvageable. The rest of the ships were sent to the surface to be retrofitted and upgraded. Two Allung ships were among the unaccounted, which left fourteen captured ships. These would be converted to Earth or ES use under the joint command of newly promoted, Captain Castellano and ES Captain Bettlum.


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