Bonded Spirits 2

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Bonded Spirits 2 Page 12

by Jake Daniel

  She opened her mouth wider and I explored it with my tongue. She didn’t taste like the other two women. Where Gwen and Dahlia had hints of wine and flowers, Isobel tasted exotic, wild. I kept my grasp on her hand as I kissed her. A small moan passed her lips and she kissed me with increased urgency.

  I moved her hand down to my waist and she immediately wrapped her hand around my hardened member, biting her lip as she locked her fierce eyes on mine. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close as the other two women joined. Both Gwen and Dahlia kissed her back and arms, prompting more moans and urgency from the wolf-girl. She stroked my length faster and I moved from her lips to her collarbone before moving down to her erect nipples. I ran my hand slowly down between her legs and moved two fingers inside her wet folds. I moved my fingers in rhythm with her stroking, moving them faster until her moans became louder, almost screams.

  Dahlia kissed my neck while I concentrated on Isobel’s nipples. She nibbled on my ear before whispering. “Take her.”

  Gwen moved up my other side, running a hand down Isobel’s back and the other down mine. She bit down on my neck before whispering in my other ear. “Take her, bond with her. Fuck her.”

  It took everything I had not to come right then, but I resisted. I moved my hands back up to Isobel’s shoulders and spun her around. Her tail moved across my face, sending chills of ecstasy throughout my body. I moved her to the edge of the pool, the water from the fountains splashed around us as I bent her over and spread her legs. She reached back with a free hand and split her soft folds, inviting me inside. I thrust forward and sunk my girth deep inside of her. Strands of spirit churned through my body as I moved in and out of her, my length harder than ever.

  Isobel’s screams of passion filled the room as I thrust deeper each time I moved forward. Gwen grabbed onto my ass and guided me inside of the wolf-girl, pushing me forward and kissing my hip as I moved.

  Isobel’s wet juices flowed over my hardness and I slipped in and out of her warm, tight channel with ease and her soft, bushy tail wrapped around me as if it were trying to hold me in place. I pulled out and leaned over her back, kissing every inch of her soft skin and wrapping my arms around her from behind, taking in two full handfuls of her amazing breasts. Gwen and Dahlia moved to their knees and took turns taking my length into their mouths, slurping greedily, their soft tongues dancing over every inch of my hardened manhood. I spun Isobel to face me, kissing her more passionately than I’d ever kissed anyone in my life.

  Gwen took all of me inside her mouth, letting her warm tongue roll off the tip of my member. She pulled back and gripped me in her hand, pushing me backwards until I took a seat on a stair leading into the pool.

  Dahlia led Isobel back over to me while Gwen kept her hand locked in place around my girth. Isobel straddled me while Gwen directed my member between the wolf-girl’s legs. Isobel lowered down onto me and let out a small growl as she tried to accept my entire length. “You’re so fucking huge,” she said, clenching her jaw. Her eyes rolled back and she let out a small yelp as she forced as much of me inside of her as she could. She moved slowly at first, but soon picked up her pace. She bounced up and down, her breasts bouncing wildly in front of my face. I had a firm grip on each of her hips and pulled her down hard each time she dropped, wanting nothing more than to sink my hot seed deep inside of her.

  She moaned in my ear. “Now, I want it all. Give it to me.” She moved faster and screamed in delight as Gwen and Dahlia kissed and bit her nipples. The pressure inside of me had reached an all-time high, and I felt strands of spirit flowing from me into all three girls. Isobel rocked her hips faster, and I let go, shooting my hot seed deep inside of her, and was assailed by the familiar blinding light. I held her in place until I was sure I’d left every drop behind.

  She fell into me, her long hair covering half of her face with beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. I kissed her again and she stared into my eyes, as if a predator had just captured its prey. I lifted her off slowly and all three girls caressed and gently kissed my throbbing manhood as I sank back against the stairs.

  I let out a long breath and savored feeling better than I’d ever had in my entire life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  We took our time in the bath, taking turns washing each other and relaxing from the day’s events. As we finished, I stepped out of the water and stood naked in front of Amos’s dragon girl. She looked down at my still half-mast length and licked her lips. She lifted her eyes slowly and handed me a set of clothes. “Hopefully they fit, it’s all we have. I suppose if they don’t though, you’ll have to sleep naked. Pity.” She shrugged and walked seductively over to the other girls, handing them all silky nightgowns for the evening, which actually looked more like lingerie than a nightgown. Not that I was complaining.

  “Thank you, I appreciate it...uh, I’m sorry I don’t think I got your name.” I said as I pulled a shirt on over my head.

  “Nymona. You all can call me Mona though.” She pulled on my shirt collar as she walked back toward the main area. “Come, food’s ready.”

  I followed her into the main hall with my now three bonded girls close behind. I took a second to check my skills to see what skill I may have picked up from Isobel. I scanned my current abilities and their current ranks:

  Current Skills

  * * *

  Sight–Rank 7: King

  Nature Manipulation–Rank 3: Specialist

  Endurance–Rank 5: Grand Master

  Tracking–Rank 3: Specialist

  Aim-Rank 3: Specialist

  Hunting-Rank 3: Specialist

  Intercourse-Rank 5: Grand Master

  Resiliency-Rank 3: Specialist

  Constitution-Rank 3: Specialist

  Luck-Rank 2: Practitioner

  Charisma-Rank 5: Grand Master

  Intelligence-Rank 3: Specialist

  Charge-Rank 2: Practitioner

  Instinctive Reflex-Rank 2: Practitioner

  * * *

  Hmm, Instinctive Reflex, that could be interesting. I glanced over to Isobel as we walked. She wore an even more determined look on her face. “Isobel, what’s the skill, instinctive reflex?”

  She furrowed her brow and looked at me curiously. “It’s a skill wolf-kin have known for as long as time. Why do you ask?”

  “Because it looks like I just learned it.”

  She stopped in her tracks and stared at me in disbelief. “How can that be? Did it happen when we bonded?”

  “That’s exactly when it happened. What does it do exactly?”

  She thought for a moment before responding. “I am not sure what it does in a human. You may be the first one, ever, to learn that skill. At low ranks it can help with dodging and parrying, at top ranks it can make you nearly invincible.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Good to know.”

  We entered the main hall and Amos waved us over to a large table set for six people. “Come over here, please don’t be shy, I’m sure all of you are famished.”

  I walked over to the table and rested my hands on the back of a chair before I sat down. “Thanks Amos, I still don’t know why you’re suddenly being so kind. Did you take a hit to the head that we didn’t see? Are you sure you’re not under one of those influence potions, like everyone else seems to be?”

  “Appearances my good sir. Appearances.” He held his hands out and motioned for us to take a seat before he continued. “I’m the king’s brother. I have to at least play the part. Everyone knows that I’ve been wildly successful in the tournament the past few years. I may have had a little help though, you see.”

  “So you cheated your way to your victories.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call it cheating.”

  “What would you call it then?” I said, furrowing my brow.

  “Maximizing creativity for monetary benefit.” He smiled widely, but it faded quickly. “Okay, yes, fine, I cheated. I had little choice, though. My brother gave me an ultimatum. I’ve lost two
years in a row and was warned if I made it a third, I’d be the one he’d enter into the next tournament.”

  “Your brother is that concerned about how you reflect on his kingdom? Forgive me if this is blunt, but why the hell hasn’t he just killed you and moved on?”

  Amos shrugged and shook his head. “Your guess is as good as mine. He already disowned me in front of the entire kingdom.” He cut his steak with a little more intensity. “He forced me to come live in one of the Whitehall’s old castles, not that I mind per se, it’s much quieter out here.” Bringing a piece of steak up to his mouth, he shrugged. “Perhaps his hate runs so deep for monsters he lets me live, in hopes one day maybe I’ll bring more humans into this world.”

  “And do you see that happening?”

  The man let out a long laugh and slapped the table. “Me? Oh, heavens no. I fear I’d not make much of a father. I’m just trying to enjoy the last time that I have before my brother decides he’s finally had enough of me.”

  “Well, good luck with that.” I said and sat down next to Gwen. “So, your brother expects you to bring a champion to the tournament each year. What did you do to give you the upper hand in years past?”

  Amos fished around in his pocket for a second and pulled out a small cylindrical bottle. “This.” He lifted it up in front of his face and shook it. “This magic little potion has gotten me out of plenty a jam, but mainly helped me control the most dangerous monsters in Aurilon. At least for long enough where they would kill anything I instructed them to kill, instead of me.”

  I met Dahlia’s eyes before shifting back to Amos. “I’ve seen vials like that before. How did you get past champions to drink it though?”

  “Mona, mainly. Her and her sisters have always been very persuasive. It’s amazing what a dragon woman can get others to do, isn’t that right Mona?”

  “We definitely have our ways.” She gave me a sad smile, and I could tell she was thinking about her sisters.

  Amos pulled out a small bib and tied it around his neck. It had an embroidered “A” in the center and made him look like a man-child. He picked the potion up and gave it a quick shake. “Yes, a truly amazing potion, but my supplier sold me out, and started running his mouth. Before I knew it, every human in Aurilon was a sponsor and bringing some major competition with them.”

  “How long ago did your supplier sell you out?” I pushed the plate in front of me toward the middle of the table. I never enjoyed using plates that looked like they would break as soon as I used a knife to slice off a piece of meat. When I was younger, my dad would lose his shit if either my brother or I would come close to breaking anything. Especially the china that he spent way too much on.

  “Two tournaments ago. It’s really not surprising, I should’ve expected it I suppose.”

  Gwen took a long swig from her wine glass and set it down hard on the table. “How many of us have you killed along the way?”

  “Listen sweetheart, it was them or me, and well, I enjoy living... most days, so I don’t know what to tell you. I’m sure most others would do the same.”

  Gwen shook her head and was about to speak again, but restrained herself.

  Isobel glared at Amos and finally spoke. “You’ve hunted down my family for years. I saw you myself several years ago when my brother was captured.”

  Amos took a sip from his wine and kept his attention focused on her for several seconds. He set his glass down and waved a finger toward her. “Yes, yes, I remember now.” He let out a small nervous laugh. “I believe I remember him now that you mention it. The resemblance is uncanny, well except for your nice rack.”

  Isobel looked as if she were about to pounce. After bonding with her, I didn’t realize how fiercely protective I’d become. I shot out of my seat and had Amos by the throat in a split second. “Cut the shit and don’t ever think you can speak to any of my bonded that way again. Show some goddamn respect. Now, quit fucking dancing, Amos. What happened with her brother?”

  Amos stared at me wide-eyed and nodded while still in my grip. I released him with a small shove and pushed him back as I returned to my seat. He rubbed his neck and cleared his throat before speaking. “Tank was it? Well, he won the tournament.” He paused and took a long drink of wine. “Wolf-kin make exquisite arena champions, have for years. He has since moved along to Apex Isle.” Amos wiped his mouth with a napkin and lifted the silver cover off an enormous platter of food. “Please, eat up.”

  Isobel ignored the food and continued pressing. “Where is Apex Isle?”

  A red hue took over Amos’s face, which could’ve been from the wine hitting him, but was more likely because he was trying to avoid the conversation. “I promise, I can answer all of your questions first thing in the morning. For now, we all need to eat, it’s been an extremely long day.”

  The tension hung thick in the air as we passed food around. There was an awkward silence that filled the room. I jammed a fork into a heaping pile of ham and piled it onto my plate. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was.

  After several minutes, Amos finally cleared his throat and broke the silence. “So, Logan, how did you learn how to cultivate? Very rare skill, especially for humans.”

  “I’ve had some excellent teachers since I arrived.” I gave both Gwen and Dahlia a nod. “Also, back at our manor we constructed a temple. There’s a centaur there who’s taught me how to build upon what I’ve learned from others.” My thoughts shifted to Master Teng. I was sure he’d be interested to hear about my ride upon the Spirit Express straight to my core. “Do you recall the last human to have a core cleansed enough to cultivate?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Before you? Hmm, no, I can’t say I do. What I wouldn’t give for that ability.”

  I grabbed a dinner roll and glanced at the women. “It definitely has its advantages.”

  Amos rubbed his chin absently for a few seconds before speaking. “When the sun rises, there’s something I’d like to show you, and perhaps get your thoughts on.”

  “Okay, that’s a bit vague, any other information you can give me?”

  “No, not really. It’s something I need to show you, not something that can really be explained.”

  “Fair enough, I’ll meet you down here first thing, after we get a bit of rest.” I took another bite of ham and met the eyes of all three of my bonded, who wore curious expressions on their faces.

  We finished our meal, and Mona took us upstairs to a large room. “Unfortunately, this is the only other free bed in the castle.” She paused and inspected the women at my side. “If it’s too crowded, any of you are welcome to join Amos and me for the night.”

  Without skipping a beat, all three girls responded simultaneously. “We’re good.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  I climbed into bed with Gwen and Dahlia on either side of me. Isobel grabbed one of the decorative pillows off of the bed and headed toward the corner of the room.

  I watched her curiously for a moment. “What are you doing way over there?”

  Isobel spun around and eyed me curiously. “Making a spot to sleep for the night. Why?”

  “Well, we’re bonded now. I want you to join me in bed. There’s plenty of room for all of us.”

  Gwen pulled off her clothes and threw them to the side. “Come on, it will be much more comfortable sleeping here than on the ground, I won’t bite, I promise. Dahlia might though.”

  Dahlia gasped and playfully swung a pillow at Gwen’s head. “Not true! It’s safe, I promise.”

  I watched as Isobel approached slowly and stopped at the foot of the bed. “Okay, I suppose I can try it. I apologize, it’s been a long time since I’ve slept in the same bed as another, much less three others.”

  Dahlia smiled and held out her hand. “No better time than now. You can even have my spot for the night.” She scooted her body toward the edge of the bed and patted the open space in-between us.

  Isobel climbed up slowly and settled in. Her wild scent made my skin tingle
with excitement. Her body was warm and felt perfect next to mine. Between Gwen, Dahlia, Chloe, and now Isobel, one thing became apparent as I stared at the ceiling. I’m going to need a bigger bed.

  I awoke early and slipped out of the heavy comforter without a sound. The girls moved closer together, but remained asleep. I slipped my pants on and threw my shirt over my shoulder as I walked out to the great hall of the small castle. I glanced around at all of the crests that adorned the walls. They looked pretty old, and if this castle was taken over only fifty years ago by Corlinius, then there was a good chance that the dragon curved around the sword was the coat of arms for the Whitehalls. I took in a deep breath and nearly tumbled over as the smell of fresh coffee filled my nose.

  “Morning Logan,” Amos said with a small smile. He sat at the table with a leg pulled up and crossed over his right knee. He lifted a steaming mug of brown liquid and took a sip. “Care for a cup of coffee?”

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?”

  Amos glanced at me curiously and nodded. “A simple yes or no would suffice.” He poured a second mug from a large carafe and pushed it toward me.

  I lifted the cup and inhaled the glorious fumes. Amos could’ve slipped all the poison he wanted to in that mug, but I knew it wouldn’t have stopped me from taking a drink. I’d have to check my obsession with coffee one of these days. But today was not that day. I took a sip and set the mug down. “That’s very good. Thank you. I have to tell you, It feels that time has been flying by since I’ve arrived in Aurilon. It’s getting hard to keep track.”


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