Glorious Sinner (Lawless Kings, #4.5)

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Glorious Sinner (Lawless Kings, #4.5) Page 6

by Sherilee Gray

  I’d been on the phone with my head of security this morning. Ryan was lying low—not surprising after seeing who Stephanie was with. He might be a fucking twisted asshole but he wasn’t stupid. He knew firsthand what I was capable of. The fucker was missing two fingers after our last encounter. Just a little something to remember me by. I’d told him then that I’d end him if he came anywhere near her again, and coming at her now like he had, the stupid prick had just signed his own death warrant.

  I couldn’t believe he was still eluding my men. If I didn’t find him soon I’d have to get some help—not something I liked doing. The men at The King Agency were the most obvious choice, but I was holding off for now. Most of them had families, and lately they’d been trying to keep their noses relatively clean. I didn’t want to fuck that up for any of them, despite what they thought.

  I couldn’t really blame them for their opinion of me, though. I’d grown up with most of them, run the same streets, but when they’d come together, forming an unbreakable bond, I’d pulled away.

  I’d struggled with those kinds of connections. As a child I believed—had been convinced—I was evil and the cause of everything that went wrong around me. I’d grown so used to keeping myself apart, it became second nature. I didn’t know how to form those kinds of friendships.

  Instead, I’d pushed everyone away, gone after what I’d wanted, desperate to prove something, no matter who I stepped on to get it. Yeah, I had regrets. There were things I wished I could take back in my life. But it was too late for that now.

  I put my glass down and stared out the window.

  Despite our differences, we’d come from the same place. Most of us had been through some messed-up shit growing up, and that meant we’d formed bonds. We were family. I snorted to myself. They were brothers and I was the fucked-up uncle everyone tried to avoid, but yeah, still family.

  Did they notice the difference in me? I sure as hell wasn’t the same man as I was a year ago. A year ago I hadn’t given a fuck about anyone or anything—that’s what I told myself anyway. I’d abused friendships to get what I wanted, twisted situations to my advantage, knocked down anyone who got in my way.

  I was lucky I had anyone left.

  Then I’d gotten that call from Stephanie and everything, everything, had changed.

  The sound of the swinging kitchen door had me turning around. My fucking breath caught in my throat when she walked in, when she pulled to a stop and blinked up at me.

  My gaze moved over her hungrily, like a starving animal sizing up his next meal. She was wearing a pale blue robe. It was shiny and silky looking…

  And it had little pink flying pigs all over it.

  I smiled, trying to keep things light, trying not to let my hunger for her show on my face as I took her in. But the thing hugged every one of her lush curves. “Nice robe.”

  She glanced down and when she looked up again she was grinning back at me. “What? I like pigs.”

  Christ, that smile lit up her whole face. Stunning. “I see that.”

  Her gaze moved over me from head to toe. I was wearing running shorts, sneakers, and nothing else, and I felt her gaze blaze over me like her hands were gliding over my bare skin. She liked the ink—this wasn’t the first time I’d caught her looking—but when her green eyes skimmed over my abs, and lower, there was no controlling my reaction or what was going on in my shorts.

  Fuck it. I didn’t even try and hide it. Stephanie knew I wanted her. I didn’t think her seeing the proof of just how much would come as any great surprise, and even if it did, I’d made up my mind not to hide how I felt for her. That included the way my body responded to hers.

  Her eyes shot up to mine when she got an eyeful of my tented shorts.

  I pretended like nothing out of the ordinary was happening, like she woke up in my house all the time, like both of us weren’t standing in my kitchen half dressed, me with an obvious hard-on and her with nipples so hard and tight I could see them through that fucking silky robe.

  I crossed my arms and leaned a hip on the counter. “What do you feel like for breakfast?”

  She swallowed, her slender throat working, “Umm…”

  “Toast? Eggs? Oatmeal? Whatever you want just ask Arthur and he’ll make it for you.” I glanced at the clock. “He’ll be down shortly.”

  I watched as she pulled herself together, as she straightened her shoulders and proceeded to look at anything but me.

  “It’s fine,” she said to a spot over my shoulder. “I can make my own breakfast. I don’t want to put anyone out.”

  “Steph…” Her gaze slid back to me then dipped to the front of my shorts again, and I silently groaned. I cleared my throat. “It’s his job, and he gets paid and paid well to do it.”

  She chewed her lip. “It wouldn’t feel right.”

  Get used to it, Angel. I’ll give you the world if you’ll let me.

  I wanted to insist, get her used to the way I lived, but I shrugged instead. “Up to you. What do you have planned for today?”

  “It’s my day off.” That green gaze did another dip then slid to my bicep. “So…yeah, I’m not sure.”

  “Why don’t you take the day to settle in? Unpack your stuff, check out the house properly. There’s a gym downstairs, a games room. I want you to feel comfortable.” At home. I waited until I had her eyes back on mine. “No doors are barred or locked to you. My home is yours,” I said.

  I waited for her to resist in some way, to ask when she could leave, anything, but instead she nodded, biting the side of her lip again.

  I wanted to lick away the sting so bad I was sure I could taste her. I pushed away from the counter and moved toward the door and her. “I need to hit the shower. But if you need me for anything later, I’ll be in my office.” I leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead, because after the night before, I sure as fuck didn’t want to take a backward step. Then I reluctantly walked out, leaving her to her breakfast.


  The place was huge—large open rooms, five floors all his. And gorgeous.

  I’d spent most of the afternoon looking around, not because Tomas told me to, but because I was extremely curious. He liked the finer things, antiques and fine art, but the living room we’d hung out in the night before had been cozier, decorated for comfort with a big couch and chairs, and a huge TV.

  Both worked for him. He was like this Jekyll and Hyde character. Two different people. The ruthless businessman, the crime boss who ran this city, who did things that should scare me, bother me…but for some reason didn’t. Because I knew the other side to him: the boy who had worked construction, the protector, the gentle, patient, intense man who would do anything to protect me.

  One side of him made me feel incredibly safe.

  The other made me feel human again.

  I pulled my phone—my new phone—from my pocket to check the time. I’d found it outside my bedroom door this morning with a simple note stuck to it that said: To replace your old one.

  I had no idea what he’d done with it, but everything had been transferred to this one, all my photos and contacts, everything important, but with a new phone number. Some would think it was heavy handed, maybe even an invasion of privacy, but I knew it was just another way Tomas was trying to protect me from Ryan. I couldn’t be mad at him for that.

  I hit the top of the stairs on the third floor and knew where I was instantly. This was Tomas’s domain. This was where his bedroom was—where he slept.

  The main clue was the lingering scent of the soap he used. I should have kept going up to the next floor, walked away, but that curiosity of mine wouldn’t let up and I pushed open the first door. It was another office, smaller, more compact. I imagined him coming in here late at night, everything he needed close at hand when he had to do business.

  I didn’t walk in, even though he said no rooms were barred to me. It didn’t feel right. I shouldn’t be going into any of his private rooms, but I carried on t
o the next door. A bathroom. The next was empty. At the end of the hall I pushed open the door, my heart racing faster.

  The room was huge.

  There was a big bed against the far wall, with a massive window behind it. The duvet and pillows were navy and there were dark wood bedside tables either side and a dresser opposite. There was also another tall cupboard with double doors. I moved deeper into the room. His scent was stronger in here, and I breathed in deeply before I realized what I was doing.

  The charcoal carpet was soft under my feet as I moved closer to the bed. How many women had he had in this room? How many had shared this bed with him?

  I didn’t like the way that made me feel. Hated it, in fact.

  His bathroom was manly white with the exception of black and white tiles on the floor. A towel lay on the ground, and the shorts he’d been wearing in the kitchen this morning beside it. Tiny zaps shot through my belly, along with a rush of warmth.

  God, he’d looked so beautiful standing there, bare, glistening with sweat from his workout. When he went to leave, I’d been desperate for him to touch me. I thought he was going to keep on walking, but then he’d pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  I looked in his shower, picked up his shower gel, flicking it open. Yep, that was it, the scent that I was breathing in last night when I was pressed up against him. So good. I didn’t care how desperate it made me, but I memorized the brand and type. I’d forever associate that scent with Tomas, with the way he made me feel.

  When this was all over, would that be it? Would he let me go?

  The thought sent panic through me, so I shoved it aside, chose not to think about it.

  What the hell are you doing?

  I needed to get out of there. What if he found me in here sniffing his goddamn shower gel like some sad, desperate weirdo? I quickly rushed from the room and took the stairs down to the ground floor.

  Maybe I’d hide in the TV room for a while. I wasn’t ready to see Tomas, not yet, not with my emotions all over the place like they were. I didn’t trust myself or what might come out of my mouth.

  I was heading across the foyer when Arthur walked out carrying a cup of coffee, heading to Tomas’s downstairs office. The doorbell went just as he got to the office door and he muttered under his breath, then spotted me.

  “You wouldn’t mind taking this in, would you?” The guy looked frazzled.

  I had no choice. “Yeah…sure.” I took the cup from him, and he rushed off to answer the door. Shit. I took a couple of deep breaths to try and release the tension thrumming through me and knocked.

  “Yeah,” he called.

  I pushed the door open.

  Tomas was on the phone and his brows rose when he saw it was me. I walked over, thankful he was busy on the phone and I could make my escape without having to say anything. I walked around and put the drink on the only clear space right beside him and turned to leave…

  His fingers curled around my wrist, gently holding me, stopping me from going.

  I turned back and his eyes met mine as he talked. He didn’t let me go while he finished his call, and every so often he brushed his thumb over the inside of my wrist. By the time he finished, the skin there was tingling and I had goose bumps.

  “Where’s Arthur?” he said as soon as he put down his phone.

  “He was busy. Someone was at the door,” I said lamely.

  Tomas didn’t look happy. “You don’t wait on me. You don’t wait on anyone,” he said, low and pissed off but also sexy. Yep, somehow he made pissed off sexy as well.

  My world was topsy-turvy. At this point I had no idea which way was up, but my axis had somehow become Tomas. This was a frightening thought, but I realized it was the truth. I just didn’t know what it meant. What any of this meant.

  “It’s fine. I didn’t mind,” I said, forcing my thoughts back to the conversation. I didn’t want Arthur getting in trouble.

  Tomas didn’t look convinced, but thankfully dropped it. “I’m glad you’re here, actually. I was going to come look for you,” he said, gently tugging me closer.

  The little zaps shot up my arm from where he touched me. He pulled me in closer still, so I was facing him. Tomas was leaning back in his chair, and I was right beside him, my butt resting on his desk facing him.

  I had to squeeze my thighs together when the warmth there turned to a slow steady pulse that had my face heating.

  His gaze moved over me and his lids lowered in a way that was unnerving, and yeah, extremely hot. I was turned on, I realized. Beyond turned on.

  Being this close, having him touch me. God, the memory of him standing in the kitchen this morning, hard…everywhere. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d truly felt like this, since I’d felt sexual, excited.

  I didn’t know what to do with it, how to hide it, and the longer those dark eyes stayed on me the hotter I got.

  I started fidgeting. “You wanted to talk to me?”

  He stared at me for several long seconds. “I thought we could go out for a meal tonight.” Another swipe of his thumb over my wrist. “I promise you’ll be completely safe with me. I’ll have men watching us, watching the restaurant, making sure we’re not tailed.”

  I stared. That wasn’t what I’d expected him to say. He wanted to go out? Like…God, like a date? “Umm…”

  “You don’t have to, if you’re not comfortable leaving the house.” Another swipe of his roughened skin, this time against my palm. “We can stay in again, watch another movie if you’d rather do that.”

  The pulse between my thighs was even more intense and I was finding it hard to breathe evenly. “No…I mean, yes.” I swallowed, my mouth bone dry. “I’d like to go out.” Another evening snuggled up on the couch, having those small touches of his sending me into a sex-starved frenzy, wasn’t something I was ready for. “That’ll be nice. Thank you.”

  He smiled, a wolfish smile that was so sexy I had to squeeze my thighs together even tighter.

  “We’ll go in about an hour,” he said, voice deeper, rougher.

  I felt that slight growl in his voice between my clenched thighs. My heart was pounding so hard he had to see the pulse at my neck fluttering like crazy. “Sounds good.”

  “See you in an hour,” he said.

  “Yep,” I said, backing away. “An hour.”

  Then I rushed from the room.



  I stood in front of the full-length mirror by the bed in my robe, my makeup done, and worked at taming my hair. Not too much, though. I’d left it down and kept my mass of red waves a little wild. I knew Tomas liked it—well, I thought he did. More than once when I’d danced for him I’d felt him press his face closer, had heard him breathe in deeply.

  What are you doing, Steph?

  What do you want?

  I didn’t know. I didn’t think I could want someone, want to be with someone ever again, until Tomas. I never thought he wanted me, that he could want me. I didn’t doubt it now, and after today in his office…

  I shook my head. I was still hot and achy. I’d thought about getting myself off in the shower, but when it came down to it, I couldn’t do it. I’d heard Ryan’s voice in my head instantly, his hissed vicious words, like he was right there with me.

  How could I even think about being with a man like Tomas, a man who didn’t seem to have any hang-ups, who was sexy and confident, when I couldn’t even work up the courage to touch myself?

  I wanted Ryan out of my life and out of my head. Just when I thought I’d made some progress, I’d hear his voice, his insults and hate-filled words, and I’d be back there. And every time I let him get to me, let him stop me from moving forward with my life.

  I didn’t want to give him that power anymore.

  Forcing Ryan from my mind, I slid my hand down my belly, letting my fingers catch on the loosely tied belt of my robe. The fabric fell open. I was wearing a bra and panties. They were pink and sheer. The scars on my body had faded q
uite a bit, but without the makeup I used when I danced they were more prominent.

  I tried not to focus on them, tried to see myself as Tomas saw me, as I hoped he saw me. Cupping one of my breasts, I imagined it was his hand, while I trailed the other down my stomach and to the top of my underwear.

  My heart beat faster as I pushed my fingers under the elastic, cupping myself for a moment before I pressed in one finger, grazing my clit. I sucked in a little breath. I wasn’t overly wet, not now, but it still felt good when I applied pressure, rubbing gently. I thought about how Tomas looked this morning in the kitchen, hard body glistening with sweat, the way he’d looked at me this afternoon in his office, and it didn’t take long before my fingers were slick, making it easier.

  It felt good, so I kept it up, just that, knowing I used to be able to make myself come this way. My breath started coming quicker. I was close. Gripping the headboard beside me, I moved my fingers faster, gasping when I felt it building. So close. I was hovering right there, right on the verge…

  Ryan’s face flashed through my mind, the sound of his voice sharp and angry, and I flinched, yanking my hand away, and stumbled back. A sob tore from my throat. “Shit.” I doubled over. “Get out of my goddamn head.”


  My gut clenched, my fingers curling into a tight fist. I’d come up to see if Stephanie was ready, and Christ, I’d seen her through the gap in her door. I should have walked away, but I hadn’t been able to turn from the beauty of her pleasuring herself. After the way she’d been earlier—turned the fuck on and doing a shit job of hiding it—I couldn’t say that it hadn’t pleased the fuck out of me.

  But now…now she was standing in the middle of her room fucking sobbing. She hadn’t come, and from the hesitant way she’d touched herself, I got the feeling she hadn’t let herself feel pleasure in a long time.

  What did that fucker do to you, Angel?

  I watched as she wiped her eyes and straightened her shoulders, shoving it down, pushing the pain away, and headed to the closet.


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