Falcon Down

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Falcon Down Page 7

by Mark Spaid

  “I see and what happened to them?” Little Wolf looked at Justin and he nodded for Little Wolf to tell her. Belinda had a childlike naiveté and violence wasn’t something she liked or understood. Yes, she had faced death with her friends and had seen people killed but the specter of political slaughter by the hundreds and thousands was something she couldn’t understand.

  “A year and half later in July of 1918 they were all shot.”

  “The children too?”



  “To show there was no going back to the old ways.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “Yes, but people would argue that under the Tsars millions starved to death and were shot by the Tsars’ police and that was terrible.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Belinda said and looked out the window for a moment. Little Wolf looked at Julieta thinking that Belinda might have had her curiosity peeked and he could rest. “Okay, now, did this Stalin guy have anything to do with killing them?” Justin chuckled and Little Wolf sighed.

  “No, he was sort of out of the way at the time.”

  “When did he become important?”

  “Well, after the tsar was overthrown there was another man who led Russia, named Kerensky.”

  “Was he good?”

  “I guess so but he wanted to continue Russia’s involvement in World War I and the people did not want that.”

  “So, he didn’t last.”

  “That’s right, Miss Belinda, you’re picking things up fast.” Belinda smiled and wiggled like a school girl.

  “Who took over for that Keren…guy?”

  “Lenin took over and the first Communist nation was born.”

  “Where was Stalin?”

  “He was there and kind of waiting in the wings.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Well, Stalin knew that Lenin’s health was fragile. So, Stalin just waited and did whatever he could to ingratiate himself to Lenin.”

  “What does ingratiate mean?”

  “It means you kind of suck up and brown nose.”

  “Ah, I see. So, what happened next?”

  “In 1924 Lenin had a stroke and died.”

  “Did Stalin take over?”

  “Not right away it took about four years.”


  “Stalin had a rival in Trotsky and they battled for power. Finally, Trotsky fled the country to save his skin and Stalin took over in 1928.”

  “How long did he rule Russia?”

  “Until he died in 1953.”

  “What did he do that has people liking him today?”

  “He expanded Russia’s borders by taking over countries and after World War II he took over all of Eastern Europe.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know that. Was it still called Russia?”

  “No, it became known as the Soviet Union.”

  “Was Stalin bad?”

  “Yes, very bad.”


  “He was a paranoid psychopath.”

  “Stanley Burnham was a psychopath, wasn’t he?”


  “And Stalin was like him?”

  “Yes, but on a much larger scale.”

  “What does paranoid mean?”

  “People who are paranoid think someone or everyone is out to get them.”

  “What did Stalin do that was so bad?”

  “He thought people were trying to assassinate him so he conducted purges.”

  “What’s that?”

  “He would have his secret police arrest people by the thousands all over the Soviet Union and have them executed.”

  “How many?”

  “It’s hard to know for certain but estimates are as high as sixty million.”

  “What? How is that possible?”

  “It’s possible.”

  “All those people murdered so, he was a bad man?

  “Very bad.”

  “Then why would he be liked by people today?”

  “That’s a great question, Miss Belinda and I can only answer it by saying that Russia is different than the United States.”

  “Because we’re good and they’re bad?”

  “No, it has to do with their history and ours.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “In America we fought the British for our independence and the British invaded the East coast in 1812 but other than that no country has ever attacked the United States, at least the continental United States.”

  “What does the continental thing mean?”

  “There are forty-eight states that make up what is called The Continental United States. Alaska and Hawaii are states but Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean and Alaska is way up northwest of Canada.”

  “So, does that mean that Alaska or Hawaii were invaded after 1812?”

  “Yes, during World War II, Japan attacked Hawaii on December 7, 1941 and they attacked Alaska on June 4, 1942.”

  “Is that all?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Okay, go on about Russia.” Little Wolf looked over at Julieta who grinned that meant go on Brave, your student is clamoring for more. Little Wolf took a deep breath and continued the crash course in Russian history.

  “So, the U.S. has a few instances of being invaded. Russia on the other hand has a long history of being invaded by other countries and thousands of civilians were killed. Cities were burned, churches, schools destroyed and whole towns were devastated. On occasion the violence came from within Russia and the Tsars had to restore order. The Tsars used extreme violence to keep the peace. The people liked that because there was order and they didn’t have to be afraid anymore. It was said that the Russian people longed to feel the whip. They wanted the government to take charge no matter how they did it. After the Tsars, the Communists did the same thing especially Stalin. After the Communists lost power in 1991 the old Soviet Union broke apart and places like The Ukraine achieved their independence. Many Russians want to get that territory back and they long for someone like Stalin to do that.”

  “I see, I think I understand it better now. Thanks, Little Wolf.”

  “You’re welcome, Miss Belinda.

  * * *

  “Nice of you to see me, Madam President,” Brian Lexington said as he sat on the couch in the Oval Office.

  “I’ve been busy with pressing matters.”

  “More important than your family…I get it.”

  “No, you don’t get it and that’s the problem.”

  “I know, you’re the President and have enormous responsibilities, I should stay in the wings and be a model son so you can worry about the things that really matter. I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you, Mommy.”

  “You can stop the wise remarks.”

  “What will you do throw me in a military prison, put me on the no-fly list?”

  “Why are you doing this, Brian?”

  “Doing what?”

  “Whatever you can to make my life miserable.”

  “Because that’s what you’ve done to me and Shelly though she won’t say anything.”

  “What exactly, have I done to you?”

  “You made us both prisoners. We have guys crawling all over us wherever we go. We can’t have a normal life and have friends. I can’t go to the movies or a concert.”

  “Sure, you can.”

  “Yeah, with fifteen people all around me.”

  “Would you like to be unprotected?”

  “Yes, I would,” Brian snapped defiantly.

  “Well, that’s not an option. The secret service won’t allow it.”

  “Like I said, we’re prisoners.”

  “I wish it were otherwise.”

  “It could’ve been if you’d refused the ticket with Amos Clark.”

  “The party needed me.”

  “Your family needed you, what about us. Why couldn’t you just be satisfied with being governor of Maine?”

  “I wanted more so I
went for it. Sorry if that inconveniences you.”

  “No, you’re not.” Ellen sat back and drew a breath then picked up the paper sent by the academy.

  “The principal, Mr. Miles says you called your English teacher a bitch and threw your notebook at her.”

  “That’s right.”

  “I assume you have a reason.”

  “Not a good one.”

  “A bad one then.”

  “She gave us an assignment and I didn’t like the idea of writing a paper.”

  “So, you called her a name and tried to hit her with your notebook?”

  “That’s right, Mommy.”

  “Well, you’re kicked out for ten days.”

  “Good, I hate being there anyway.”

  “You have to make up all your homework.”

  “I’d rather go back to Maine for ten days.”

  “No, you’re staying here.”


  “Because you’re acting like a jerk.”

  “It’s not my fault, you put me in this situation.”

  “Tough, get over it and stop feeling sorry for yourself.”

  “I’ll go to the movies and the mall while you’re gone.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  “All I have to do is tell the secret service and they’ll run a detail with me.”

  “Not this time.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I left strict orders that you’re not to leave the premises under any circumstances.”

  “That’s not fair. Can Shelly go places?”

  “She can.”

  “Why are you so arbitrary?”

  “I’m not being arbitrary at all. She was good and you were bad. She gets privileges and you don’t.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I can do anything I want, I’m the President. You can go to your room now.” Brian left in a hurry mumbling under his breath and Ellen went back to her desk.

  “Ma’am, it’s the First Gentleman,” Bonnie said as she peeked in the door way.

  “Send him in, Bonnie.”

  “Hi, I heard an earful from Brian, he’s full of anger,” Don said as he sat down on the couch.

  “He’s full of it alright,” Ellen said and Don chuckled.

  “Yeah, that’s for sure. He’s so bitter these days.”

  “I don’t know what to do,” she said as she walked over and sat next to her husband.

  “You knew that high office would bring on family complications.”

  “Yeah, I knew…wait are you upset too?”

  “No, I expected it. The first gentleman job is easy but taxing at the same time.”

  “Do you feel emasculated?”

  “I always felt that way with you.”



  “Do you get grief at the firm?”

  “No, they understand. They’re all cold-hearted, cynical, heartless psychopaths. You know, lawyers.” Ellen laughed and she needed that. It was hard to juggle leading the most powerful nation in the world with family.

  “You’re not going to let Brian sneak out while I’m gone, are you?”

  “Of course not, I’ll let him invite his friends over and they can have an orgy in the blue room.”


  “The green room?”

  “Don, I’m serious.” He chuckled.

  “I know and so am I. I’ll keep him here. He won’t like it but he’ll survive.”


  “When I get back, we need a vacation back to Maine and the cabin on the ocean. The Falcon needs to fly on her own. Falcon was the code name the Secret Service gave to the President. Don was the Hawk; Shelly was Robin and Brian Sparrow. It wasn’t a well-guarded secret or anything like that, it was simply a method of referral between members of the security team.

  “Sounds good.”

  “But you don’t think it’ll happen.”

  “No, I don’t. Something will come up to derail it. There’s always something.”

  “I know,” she said and leaned her head back staring at the ceiling.

  “Are you ready for your ten new friends?” Don asked.

  “Why not?”

  “You invited them to be with you for this trip. I hope you can stand them.”

  “Things will be fine, Don,” Ellen said and got up and went back to her desk. Don got the message.

  “I’m going to retire to my bedroom and read. Tell me when you’re leaving so I can say good-bye.”

  “Okay,” Ellen said not looking up. She sat back for a moment. “What have I gotten myself into? Brian was right, I should’ve stayed governor of Maine. No, that would be a cop out, an easy trail with no comparable responsibility. I am President and that’s where I belong. I’m not sure I even convinced myself on that one but it’ll have to do. They’ll be arriving, we’ll board Air Force One and head for Kerch so, I need to get ready. Bonnie.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Is everything ready to go?”

  “Yes, Ma’am except for any personal items you may want.”

  “Sounds good, let’s get ready to leave on the chopper. The folks from Indiana should be at the airport in a few minutes.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” and they both gathered things and headed for the back door to get on the Presidential Helicopter.


  “This way,” a man in a gray suit said as the group landed at Joint Base Andrews in Washington D.C. It wasn’t really in D.C. but it was close. It was a base named after Frank Maxwell Andrews. He was commander of all Allied Forces in Europe during World War II until his plane crashed on an inspection tour in May of 1943. Dwight Eisenhower replaced him and made history as Supreme Commander of all Allied Forces in the European Theater of Operations during the War which could be the ultimate example of being in the right place at the right time.

  “Let’s go,” Justin said and they followed him off the plane and into a van that would take them to Air Force One. The President always rode on Air Force One. They were ushered onto the plane and to their seating area. They passed through the most sophisticated metal detectors available and an X-ray machine. They were clean of course and sat down.

  “I’m nervous,” Belinda said.

  “Don’t be, Lind, I’m sure she’ll be taken with your beauty like everyone else,” Jozette said and Tatiana smiled.

  “Very funny, Jo,” Belinda said with a smirk at her friend.

  “What do you say to the President?” Andy asked.

  “Hello, I’m Andy, glad to meet you,” Justin said and there was laughter.

  “Wow, you and my wife are really funny today,” Andy said shaking his head.

  “Sorry, Andy, look I don’t know what to say or how to act. I guess we should let her make the first move.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “Is the President on board?” Belinda asked.

  “No, the place would be crawling with secret service if she was,” Dave said.

  “That’s right, you used to travel with the President. You were an advisor when we met you,” Jozette said.

  “Yes, I was,” Dave said.

  “Where does the President stay?” Belinda asked.

  “There’s a suite in the back. She’ll be back there and you can’t get there so forget it. There are bathrooms for you guys up here.”

  “Will she come to us or do we go back to her?” Belinda asked.

  “It depends on what she wants and how they do things. Each President is different I’m sure,” Dave answered.

  “I see flashing lights and a string of cars,” Ariel said.

  “Then I’d say the President has arrived,” Warren said. They all went to the windows to peak out but saw very little as the limousines pulled right up to the plane and the President boarded in the rear. They sat down as the cars pulled away. They could hear the door being sealed and they sat in their seats almost at attention. A natural reaction I guess as they we
re all nervous even though Belinda was the only one who admitted it.

  “I’m Agent Rodriguez and I’ll be in charge of all of you during this trip, on and off the plane.”

  “Hello, Agent,” Justin said and offered a handshake.”

  “We don’t shake…policy…sorry, no hard feelings.”

  “Certainly not.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, please fasten your seat belts, we’ll be taking off in a moment.” Captain Ezra Smithhalen had been the pilot for three Presidents and he knew the routine. Get the plane ready for takeoff then check with the President. The Captain was in charge in the air but they didn’t take off until the Chief Executive said so.

  “We’re taking off now, folks,” Agent Rodriguez said from behind them as he sat down and fastened his seat belt. There was a rule at Joint Base Andrews. No planes take off or land until Air Force One is airborne and on its way. The plane started down the runway and Belinda held onto Justin. He hated flying and though he had less fear than he used to have it was still an ordeal for him. The runway wasn’t bad but the initial climb was. He clenched up, closed his eyes and he breathed like an expectant mother in Lamaze class. Belinda wiped his brow and held on tight to get him through it. Jozette leaned over and patted his knee and he nodded appreciation.

  “We’re leveling off,” Andy said as the plane started horizontal flight. Justin relaxed and opened his eyes.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain again, you can unfasten your seatbelts and move around the cabin. Be aware that on Air Force One there are restricted areas. Read the signs and follow the directions carefully. Thank you.”

  “I have to go to the bathroom,” Belinda said and left quickly. It was a given that wherever they were as a group Belinda always went to the bathroom first. Was that catering to the princess and her whims? Probably and was she a vainglorious twit sometimes? Yes, and should they have stood up to her and told her they would no longer let her get away with her egomaniacal shenanigans? Yes, of course and in any other social setting the members would’ve put their foot down. But never forget that Belinda was loved, even cherished and she had a deep affection for everyone in return and they all knew that. Was she high maintenance? Very high maintenance and then some but she was one of a kind if anything like that ever existed and they were all glad to be in her orbit. So, yes, she had special privileges that no one else had and they were all fine with that. After Belinda strutted back to her seat the rest followed in twos then returned to their seats as beverages were served. Water, iced tea, club soda and other sodas were the fare.


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