Biker Daddy (The Grimm Tales of Smoky Vale Book 1)

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Biker Daddy (The Grimm Tales of Smoky Vale Book 1) Page 7

by Gianni Holmes

  “Fuck, fuck,” he chanted, opening his eyes. I still had a mouth full of our cum.

  Before I could swallow, he swooped down and kissed me. His tongue swept into my mouth as he licked at the cum, collecting it into his mouth, then spitting it back into mine. Catching on, I returned the favor. The duel continued back and forth between us until he took it all.

  He didn’t swallow. Instead, he slowly released the mixture of saliva and cum all over my chest. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t protest. It was too sexy the way he did it, eyes locked with mine, the liquid flowing like a fountain and making a mess. A beautiful hot mess.

  Chapter Seven


  The next morning, when I woke up beside Grimm, I was the happiest I’d ever been all my life. Not to say I hadn’t been happy before my postcoital bliss with Grimm. Anyone who knew me would have agreed I was a jovial person by nature. However, every waking minute I had spent away from him, I had counted down the days for this moment—to be back in Smoky Vale, claiming what was rightfully mine.

  Beside me, Grimm lay on his stomach. He had kicked off the sheets during the night, mumbling about it being too warm. He’d stretched a hand out for me, pulled me into his side, kissed my head, and promptly fallen back asleep. I doubted he would remember doing any of that, but I did, and my heart warmed with affection for him.

  I managed to extricate myself from his arms and the bed without waking him. I searched for my clothes I had stripped off last night and thrown in every direction, but I ignored them when I found Grimm’s leather jacket with his patches at the foot of the bed.

  Perfect for what I had in mind.

  I shrugged on the jacket, leaving it open over my otherwise naked frame. After a quick visit to the bathroom, I skipped down the stairs to make him breakfast. I was surprised to find his kitchen lacking food. Usually, his fridge was stocked when Joel was home. I couldn’t find enough ingredients to make a decent meal.

  I was absolute shit at making coffee, but I tried. Like my dad, Grimm was a heavy coffee drinker. The first cup I made tasted horrible, and I poured it down the sink. I was on the third cup, convinced I now had the hang of it, when a pair of hands grabbed my naked ass. I’d been so focused on ensuring I used the correct amount of coffee grounds I hadn’t heard him approach.

  Smiling, I leaned back into Daddy’s arms.

  Only he felt wrong.

  “Well, fuck me. I’d have been here sooner had I known what was awaiting me right here in the kitchen.”

  The hands squeezed my ass again. I spun around and threw the hot coffee into his face. It was all reflex. I blamed—thanked—Grimm for teaching Joel and me how to defend ourselves. I was thoroughly offended at him making free with my person. My ass was naked, but it hardly had a “touch me” sign.

  “You fucking twat!” he howled, scrubbing at his face with the hem of his shirt. I had no idea who this guy was, and he was scary. I edged around the island, but I hadn’t taken two steps when he grabbed me around the waist and threw me against the counter.

  “You’re going to pay for that, you bitch!” A sharp slap connected with my cheek, the blow leaving me stunned. I’d never expected this level of violence in Grimm’s home.

  This was the kitchen where he’d taught Joel and me how to cook. A place where we had laughed. A safe haven from the rest of the compound where everything else went down.

  “You’re making a big mistake,” I threw at him, trying to push him back, but he had too much muscle on me.

  “The only mistake you made was throwing that hot coffee at me!” He pulled Grimm’s cut from my shoulders, leaving me naked, and forced my torso flat onto the counter. I flailed my arms to get him off as he pried at my ass, his ragged fingernails digging into my tender skin.

  “You’re going to be sorry,” I gasped as his fingers roughly pushed toward my hole. “When Daddy Grimm—”

  “Oh, sweetheart, that man shares every fresh meat that’s been to his bed. Ain’t a boy pussy that’s sacred around these parts. After I’ve fucked you, you can run back to Grimm’s bed. He won’t mind.”

  Terrified that this uncouth bastard was about to violate me after I’d spent so many years saving myself for one man, I screamed for Grimm.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing!”

  Someone yanked him off me, and I twirled around, huddling into myself, arms wrapped around my naked, shivering body as the familiar Booker, Grimm’s best friend, slammed a fist into the other man’s face.

  “I saw him first!” the strange guy argued, rubbing his jaw. “I get to fuck him before you do. That’s the rule.”

  “You fucking idiot, I ought to twist your goddamn neck!” Booker shouted at him, then turned to me, his eyes wide, nostrils flaring. “Jesus, kid, why the fuck are you down here without Grimm? And why the hell aren’t you dressed?”

  “I was making him breakfast.” My voice came out in a whisper, and shock settled in. Why were they in Daddy Grimm’s house? He never allowed his men up here. Booker occasionally but only when Daddy Grimm called for him.

  “Who the fuck is this kid?” the stranger bit out maliciously. He was still looking at me like he wanted to walk through Booker to fuck me. I clung at the counter behind me to support my weight and trembling legs.


  Grimm’s bellow cut through the air. A few seconds later, he barreled into the kitchen barefooted, wearing nothing but his jeans from last night. He hadn’t even zipped nor buttoned up, and tufts of his pubic hair were peeking out.

  His eyes searched wildly around the kitchen until they fell on me. He looked relieved for all of one second. Then his face turned red. He cut his gaze between Booker and the tall, gangly man, who looked slightly nervous. I would have been nervous too if I were in his shoes. Grimm easily outweighed him, and he had a murderous expression on his face that made even my heart flutter.

  “What the fuck’s going on?” he demanded.

  “Booker overreacted over your little side piece,” my assailant answered before we could. “I guess he wanted a piece of his ass first, but I called dibs. I found him first. His ass should be mine.”

  The last word came out as a squeak. Grimm had grabbed him by the front of his shirt and threw him back into the counter. “What the fuck did you say? You touched him?”

  “I, uh—” the guy stuttered. “No. No. Booker walked in before. I swear I didn’t know who he is. Who is he?”

  Grimm ignored him and pinned me with his stare. “Are you hurt? Did he touch you?”

  I wanted to say yes. I really did, but Grimm looked too furious, and I was afraid of what he might do if he found out just where his man’s fingers had been. If the guy was truthful, he was used to having Grimm’s leftovers. It wasn’t like he knew how important I was to Grimm when he’d tried to take what I didn’t want to give. He should have taken my no as an answer, but I couldn’t condemn him to Grimm’s boiling wrath.

  I shook my head. “I’m okay.”

  “You lying to me to protect him, boy?” he growled at me. “If he didn’t touch, why the fuck is your cheek swelling?”

  I touched my left cheek, where the guy had slapped me across the face. “I threw the coffee in his face,” I tried to explain.

  “Why?” he bit out at me.

  “Look, I’m sorry, Grimm,” the man he still had in a collar hold said, his voice cracking. “I didn’t know who he is. I still don’t, but I see he means something to you. I’m sorry if I crossed the line. I just didn’t know.”

  “You had him by the bare ass, grinding up on him, and he told you no!” Booker snapped, and I closed my eyes.

  This was the end.

  A thud sounded, followed by a shout of pain from my perpetrator. The chilling sound covered me in goosebumps. I willed myself not to look, but when he shrieked in agony, I just had to know. A knife stabbed through the guy’s hand on the counter. It was so deep the knife sliced right through and got stuck in the polished wood.

As much as I was a doctor in training, my stomach turned at how Grimm went about inflicting pain on him. It was bad enough the knife was through his hand, but Grimm aggravated it by twisting the knife. The man howled out in pain and looked ready to pass out. Blood oozed from the wound, spurting onto the counter.

  My stomach lurched, and I threw up in the sink. Soft fabric touched my skin. Booker wrapped the shirt he had been wearing around me, covering my bare ass. I gave him a weak smile of gratitude, then turned quickly and heaved some more while listening in on Grimm’s conversation.

  “I had my doubts about you, Slim, but I gave you a chance, and you violated something that belongs to me.”

  I should probably have felt offended that Grimm was referring to me like a piece of property, but I was just too glad he was owning me before his men. If the stench of my vomit wasn’t so gross, I would have danced. Instead, I turned on the faucet and washed away the sign of my weakness. Of why people like my father were right and I didn’t belong here.

  “You’ve got fifteen minutes to get the fuck off my property,” Grimm continued. “In fact, I’d suggest you leave town because the next time I see you, I can’t promise you I won’t put the knife right here.”

  The man whimpered. Grimm had pulled out the knife and was wiping off the blood on the man’s neck. Sweat was purling on my forehead. I prayed I didn’t have to witness Grimm killing anyone. Not after the beautiful night we’d just had. I didn’t want to see him killing anyone at all, but I knew the MC life that had chosen him came with tough decisions.

  For what it was worth, I didn’t think Grimm would kill someone without good reason, and this guy copping a feel of my ass wasn’t worth Grimm getting thrown into jail. I didn’t care how well his men were able to dispose of the body. If I had learned anything from my father, it was that all it took was one slipup, and the culprit could get caught.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when Grimm pulled back the knife, wiped the rest of the blood on Slim’s shirt, and in a sharp clipped voice told him to get out. I collapsed against the cupboard in relief, watching as he went over to the sink and washed the knife thoroughly before placing it back in the knife rack. I’d always thought that many knives were to make cooking easier, but now I had another theory.

  “Jesus, what a mess,” Booker muttered, scowling at me. “Welcome home, kid. I have a feeling you’re about to be even more trouble than you were in the past.”

  He strode out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with Grimm. Without a word, Grimm stalked over to me. I backed up, my heart pounding at the fury still in his eyes.

  “I didn’t invite his advances, I swear! Uff!”

  Grimm’s arm hit my stomach as he swept me off my feet, picked me up, and carried me out of the kitchen. I tried to push at his shoulders. I was afraid he thought I’d been flirting with Slim, and I refused to have him believe that.

  He took the stairs two at a time, and by the time we got to his bedroom and he dumped me onto the bed, I was queasy all over again. I pushed my curls out of my eyes, breathing hard as I stared at the man towering above me. If I hadn’t participated in the act myself, I wouldn’t have believed I’d fucked this man last night. Gone was the submission in him that he’d handed over to me in bed.

  “You lied to me!” he growled, and the hairs on my arms stood on end.

  “I didn’t lie to you,” I protested. “I swear I didn’t know anyone comes to the house. No one ever does. That was the rule.”

  “That was the rule to protect you and Joel!” he snapped. “But with both of you gone, there was no need to keep the men out.” He approached the bed, and I tried to scramble away, but I was always so damn slow. His hand clasped around my ankle, and he pulled me across the bed to him.

  “How would I know!”

  I sailed through the air, grasping at him out of fear I would fall, but he caught me easily as he sat on the edge of the bed. He upended me onto his lap, a position I remembered all too well.

  I squirmed. The last time he’d spanked me when he was this angry, I hadn’t been able to sit without discomfort for two whole days.

  “Daddy, please don’t!” I begged him, but he yanked Booker’s shirt from my waist, baring my ass.

  I might as well have not bothered. His palm crashed into my ass, and I howled. It hurt so bad. I’d always envisioned I’d love spanking, but he really made it feel like punishment, not spanking to titillate. Fucking punishment.







  “To Me.”




  There was no escaping the spanks, although I squirmed. He kept me firmly placed over his lap, the slaps ringing out in the bedroom alongside my howls. My ass fucking hurt. All over.

  Chapter Eight


  Jamie’s sobs were hard to bear, but I hardened my heart from the pitiful sound. He had to learn. If he wanted into this lifestyle because he wouldn’t leave me the hell alone, then by God, he was going to play by my rules. And the worst thing my boy could ever do was lie to me. I was still seething that he would lie about Slim touching him, even while I was staring at the evidence of the bastard’s handprint on his face.

  Waking up to find him gone from my bed had been a nightmare. I knew what my men were like. They were no saints. Since the troubles we’d been having of late, I’d had to take on more men to ensure we were properly protected. Because of the haste with which we recruited new prospects, however, some of the slimeballs had found their way in, but I was ready to pick them off one by one. If Slim had gone a step further with Jamie, I wouldn’t have hesitated to plunge the knife through his throat instead and have my men clean up the mess.

  I was fiercely protective of what was mine, and that was the reason I never wanted Joel and Jamie to be around. They distracted me. I worried too much when they were here in Smoky Vale, and I was afraid that when shit happened, they would get caught in the middle of it. They were my weaknesses, and I couldn’t afford to be weak in times like these.

  “I j-j-just wanted to m-make you breakfast,” Jamie said on a hiccup, his shoulders shaking.

  My anger dissolved at his words, and I tenderly set him upright to straddle my hips. I widened my legs to let his ass fall in the space between the V of my thighs to minimize the discomfort from me spanking him. Instead of hating me, my trusting boy buried his face into my neck and sobbed. And I felt like a tool for disciplining him.

  “You lied to me,” I said softly, rubbing his slender back. He was so small and delicate in my arms, and panic blossomed inside me that he was too vulnerable.

  He was not cut out for this life.

  “You told me he didn’t touch you,” I continued. “Even if you mean well, you can never lie to me, Jamie. How will I know to trust you?”

  He sniffed. “I just didn’t want you to-to…” He trailed off, unable to get the words out.

  I placed my hands on either side of his head and pulled him back so I could see his tear-streaked face. With a groan, I captured his lips with mine. His lips trembled slightly before he succumbed. I sighed as I released his mouth. Even now, with his ass hurting, he was not mad at me.

  “You are mine to protect, Jamie,” I told him fiercely. “For as long as you are here in Smoky Vale, you are under my protection. That means I’ll have to make tough decisions sometimes. I may have to be harsh with my men because if they don’t respect me as a leader, then they’ll want to overthrow everything my family has worked hard to build. I had to send a clear message today that wherever anyone sees you, they should respect you because you belong to me.”

  He sucked in his bottom lip between his teeth as he listened. “Does this mean our arrangement is changing from just one night, then?”

  “Fuck, boy, did you think I was going to give you up after last night?” I asked, turning with him in my arms and placing
him on the bed while I gazed at his beautiful face.

  His lips turned into a smile. “I was hopeful. I was going to make you breakfast and then convince you that my rightful place is here with you.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t believe that for a minute, but I do know that you’re too damn fine to be walking down the streets of Smoky Vale alone. I still wish you’d go back to Boston. Settle down. Find a nice guy and adopt a kid or two. Perhaps think about me every now and then. That’s the life I want for you.”

  “I’ve waited too long for this, Daddy. I’m not going to give up now.”

  “You’re a stubborn boy,” I told him, struggling to accept the sincerity with which he spoke. “I’m going to have to break some of that sass out of you.”

  “But you love my sass. I know you do.”

  “Yeah, you’re all right,” I answered before I gave him a serious look. “You understand there’re little grounds on which you can leave this club if you join us?”

  He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he nodded. “Do you know why I chose to go to med school?” he asked, tracing my collarbone with a finger. “I wanted to learn how to patch people up so if you come home sick or-or something, I would be able to take care of you. I want to be your club doctor.”

  I stared at him, stunned at his revelation. Jamie had always been a smarty-pants, although one could hardly tell sometimes with the crazy things he got himself into. I’d just assumed he went to med school because it was what the brightest kids did. “You were planning all along to be my savior if I needed you?”

  He nodded. “Yes, because I know what you do can be dangerous, and I want to be there in case you ever need me.”

  I turned, gathering him closely, reveling in the slender feel of him against my bulk. “You know this is going to drive your father nuts. He won’t approve.”

  “My father can’t decide for me who to love,” he responded with a snort. “Nobody can keep me away from you, Daddy Grimm. Nobody.”


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