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Biker Daddy (The Grimm Tales of Smoky Vale Book 1)

Page 20

by Gianni Holmes

  “Does it matter?”

  “To me, it does. Would you have grabbed a random stranger and done the same thing? No, I don’t believe that for a second. That makes the difference to me. You do what you do to keep us all safe. You eliminate threats, and I can’t hate you for that. I can’t hate you period, Grimm.”

  “You know, I can’t decide if you’re a fool or brave for staying.”

  He laughed, the sound uneasy, but at least it broke the tension as he walked toward me. “That answer varies depending on who you ask. My dad would likely say I’m a fool. You may think I am brave, but all I know is desperation. I don’t care what it takes to be with you.”

  Jamie stopped before me and placed both hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes. I wanted to glance away, to look at anything but him, but the potency of his questioning gaze held me trapped in him.

  “I’m filthy,” I told him as he got even closer, intertwining his arms around my neck.

  “I’d rather be filthy with you than clean without you,” he replied. “It’s more important right now to find out if you’re okay. Are you?”

  I couldn’t remember a time after taking care of business that someone had asked me about my well-being.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  Goddammit, Grimm, what are you doing? We shouldn’t implicate him any further in this mess.

  “Well, you can spare me the gory details, but did you get the job done?”

  His question only served as a reminder that our venture had failed. The anger was mounting inside me again. Losing a little bit more of my humanity for nothing. Not one goddamn shit.

  “It was a waste,” I answered. “A fucking waste of time except for the twins having fun and games with the men we caught. They didn’t tell us anything, so I’m still pissed as hell I don’t know who’s after you.”

  A tremor went through him; bumps rose on his flesh. I cupped his face and rubbed a thumb over his bottom lip. “No, no, don’t be afraid. I won’t let them get to you. You’ll stay here, and you’ll go nowhere alone unless I’m with you.”

  “Grimm, that’s not possible. You’re forgetting the hospital. I need to be there.”

  “The only thing you need to be, Jamie, is safe, and I’m going to see to it that you are.”

  He stepped back away from my touch. “But this isn’t the way to do it. I can’t stay here all cooped up, waiting for one of you to be shot before I get to practice medicine. Grimm, I love working at the hospital, and there’s a sweet old lady there who’s in my care. I can’t abandon everyone.”

  “I just want to keep you safe, Half-Way. Can’t you understand that?”

  “I do but—”

  “I watched Booker take a shot that was meant for you, Jamie!” I insisted, my heart squeezing painfully at the very thought. “If you had gotten shot—”

  “You’re doing the same thing my dad’s doing,” he said softly. “Thinking you can protect me all the time and from everything. You can’t, and I can’t give you a remote control for you to pause my life when you think there’s a threat out there to me.”

  I reached for him again, snagging him by the shirt and reeling him into me hard. When he hit my body, he gasped, but I was just reassured by his presence and closeness. “If anything happens to you, Jamie mine—”

  “You’ll make them pay for it,” he finished, wrapping a hand behind my head and pulling me down toward his waiting mouth. Once his lips connected with mine, the rest was history. I groaned, folding him into my arms, basking in the fact that he was safe and well. Slender but with curves in the right places. I tore my lips from his.

  “I’m dirty,” I told him. “I should take a shower before I do this.”

  “I’ll scrub your back,” he volunteered.

  I shook my head. “No, that will only make my shower longer.”

  “Then what am I going to do while you’re in the bathroom?” His bottom lip shot out in a pout.

  I tipped his chin and waited until he was looking back at me. “You think about all the ways you’re going to fuck me to calm me down tonight.” Color rose into his cheeks, and his nostrils flared, but I continued. “I’m still worked up about what I had to do today, and I need you to take my mind off it all. I need to forget that the world has been pissed at me since the day I came into this world. I am even more pissed at the world that after giving me a source of joy, it’s trying to rip you out of my arms. Only when I’m with you, Jamie, I don’t feel like I have to take on this fucking world.”

  Jamie remained in the kitchen, standing at the counter while I washed my last knife. I was aware of his eyes on me, waiting for him to say something and let me know what was going through his mind. I’d never anticipated that when I was done, he would hold out his hand to me.

  “May I?”

  I hesitated a few seconds before I let him have it, careful to extend the knife toward him by the handle. He was cautious in taking it from me, holding it awkwardly out from his body as he inspected every inch of it. He placed his thumb over the sharp blade, testing it out.

  “Be careful,” I said. “They are sharpened to kill.”

  No sooner had I warned him than he gasped, and a crimson tide flowed from the open wound on his thumb onto the blade.

  “Shit, Jamie. I told you to be careful.”

  He put the knife down on the counter quickly and held his thumb, staring at the blood welling as though fascinated. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get the knife tainted again.”

  “Forget about the damn knife.” I took his hand and studied the wound, satisfied that it was only a small incision. “I’m more worried about you. A blade can be replaced. There’s nothing in this world that can replace you.”

  I popped his finger into my mouth and sucked at the blood, licking the wound.

  Jamie groaned. “That’s actually not very sanitary, you know. The human saliva contains a lot of bacteria that can infect a wound.”

  I released his thumb instantly. “Really?”

  “Yes, but I like it, especially what you do with your tongue.”

  I grinned at him, pleased his thumb was no longer bleeding. “I’ll show you what I can do with my tongue in a minute.”

  I put away the last knife, and Jamie and I climbed the stairs up to my bedroom. Once in the bedroom, he sat on the bed and watched me as I undressed. He didn’t say anything at all, and I was hyperaware of his hungry gaze on my body. When I was naked, I stood before him, allowing him to have his fill.

  “It seems like forever since I was inside you.”

  I dropped my gaze to his lap. He made no attempt to hide his cock sticking up the front of his jeans. “Just give me ten,” I replied, making the tough decision to head for the bathroom instead of him. “I have energy bars in the nightstand if you need ’em.”

  “Very funny,” he muttered behind my back.

  The shower took me more like twenty minutes, and I wasn’t just washing up for the blood that had managed to get on me during our interrogation. I prepped for Jamie, getting everything all nice and clean for him. My beard needed trimming too, and maybe Jamie would prefer sliding into a nice shaven asshole, but I didn’t have the time nor the patience to manscape that much.

  I reentered the bedroom to find my clothes to dispose of them, but they were no longer on the floor where I had left them. Jamie had turned down the lights and pulled the spread from the bed, but he was gone.

  I frowned, not liking him being out of my sight, especially now that I had no idea who wanted him dead. I was rummaging through my drawer when he reappeared.

  His eyes lit up. “Good, you’re out of the shower.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Grimm was butt naked and fresh from his shower with a huge bed to his left. Getting hard wasn’t an option. It was inevitable. Just watching the play of muscles in his big broad back, the tightness of his full round backside as he reached inside the drawer made me rock hard.

  “Where we
re you just now?” he asked, closing the drawer and turning around. I started to respond, but then I caught sight of what he held, and I choked on the words.


  At the amused prodding in his voice, I licked my lips and tore my eyes away from the cock ring. “I-uh-umm.” I blinked, shaking my head to clear the mental fog. “What was the question?”

  Grimm’s chuckle was low and all rumbly in his chest, which I found incredibly sexy. “I asked where you were.”

  “Oh, I-I put your clothes in the washing machine.” I swallowed when he moved toward the bedside table. He casually took out a bottle of lube like he was alone and about to prep for a solo masturbation session. Not that I would mind watching Grimm toy with himself, but right now, I preferred to join him.

  “You did?”

  He temporarily forgot about what he was doing. He clearly hadn’t expected me to do anything of the sort, but I needed him to know I understood exactly what I had gotten myself involved in. I was in just as deep as he was, and there was no turning back now. I’d handwashed the stains in his shirt that had seemed impossible to come out before I tossed them into the machine.

  “Yes.” I found it convenient to leave out the part about making a quick trip to the clubhouse to find Cass.

  For once, he had been fully clothed in his room, although Mort had been lounging on his bed, for all intent trying to get him naked. Our conversation was held in secret and would remain that, but for Grimm’s sake, I needed to know what he needed from me tonight.

  “I need to talk to you about something, but you can’t breathe a word of it to anyone,” I say after Mort takes the hint and clears out.

  “Sure, I can keep a secret,” Cass replies, patting the space on the bed beside him, but I opt to pace in front of him.

  “I can’t think of anyone more perfect to ask. You’ve slept with many of these guys.”

  He grins at me, taking that as a compliment. “Sure have. What’s up?”

  I pause in front of him, Grimm words of wanting me to pound him all night echoing in my ears. “What are they usually like after they’ve…you know?”

  “After what?”

  Damn, he can’t make it any easier for me by understanding without me having to spell it out for him. “You know sometimes they have to go out and take care of business. One where people might get hurt or worse. What are they usually like after?”

  “Oh, well, everyone’s a bit different,” he answers, his face scrunched up in thought. “I mean, Booker usually prefers to be alone, even more so than the usual. He’s really a mean-ass motherfucker, if you ask me. Mort always wants to fuck, so I’m not even sure if it’s the danger that makes him so horny afterward. The twins usually go off by themselves, and it’s everybody’s guess what they’re up to. And Grimm…” He trails off, glancing at me. “Sorry, I-I shouldn’t talk about Grimm.”

  Normally, I would be inclined to agree, but this time I want to know. “It’s okay this time since I’m asking. What’s he usually like?”

  “Umm, you promise not to hit or scratch me?”

  I frown at him, not sure if he is kidding. “Why would I do that?”

  “Well, they all say you’re a little crazy when it comes to Grimm. I’ve heard tales of what you were like when you were growing up.”

  I roll my eyes, exhausted with people spreading rumors and admittedly some truths about me. “I am not crazy, okay? I have a little restraint. Not a lot, but enough. Now tell me.”

  “Okay, Grimm, umm, he likes to rough me up a bit when he gets back from one of their ‘hunts,’ as they call them. Those are my favorite times with him, since he’s not usually so careful, and he’ll go all night.” At the dreamy look on his face, I scowl at him. He takes notice and draws up into himself, raising an arm as though I am going to smack him. “You said you weren’t going to get upset.”

  “No, I promised not to hit you,” I correct, moving away from him because I am sorely tempted. “I didn’t say anything about not getting mad. Now I’ll go before I break my promise to you. I don’t want to hate you, Cass, but you make it difficult sometimes.”

  “Jamie, come here.”

  I pushed the thought away at the sound of Grimm calling my name. He beckoned me over to where he was standing by the bed. He tipped a drop of lube onto his finger and lined the metallic ring.

  Feeling somewhat guilty about talking to Cass about Grimm, I approached him. He took my shoulders and pushed me to sit on the bed, passing the metallic ring to me.

  “You want me to put it on?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “On me,” he answered.

  I glanced at his flaccid cock. “I don’t know how to.”

  “I’ll show you. Come on. Do it before I get hard. I won’t be able to stop it from happening much longer.”

  I followed instructions and slipped one ball, then the other inside the metallic ring. I was nervous about tucking his dick inside, but I would not let him down. Inside the ring his cock went, and he tested the fit with a finger.

  “Good boy.” He tipped my head back and ground his lips against mine. His kiss tasted of fire and raw energy. My heart knocked against my ribs as Cass’s words of Grimm’s insatiable needs resurfaced.

  “Grimm, wait!” I pushed against his shoulders, and he raised his head. “You can fuck me if you want.” I rushed out the words in one breath before I lost the nerve.

  He frowned at me. “Where is this coming from? Thought you couldn’t wait to be inside me.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, but in case you wanted to flip tonight, you can pound me if you want.”

  He gave a bewildered sound. “Pound you? Are you fucking kidding me, boy? You’re a virgin. There will be no pounding of your virgin hole. When I finally take you it will be for no other purpose than to give you pleasure.”

  “But I don’t mind.”

  “Jamie, explain.”

  I dropped my eyes to his cock, which was semihard now. I licked my lips at the thought of going on my knees and sucking him off. I wanted to so much. I loved the way he allowed me to explore his body and the way it made me feel good to touch and make love to him.

  “I-I might have spoken to Cass about you and what you usually like when you get home from a bad night,” I blurted out and clamped my eyes shut.

  “You did what?”

  “I-I’ve never seen you so tense before,” I replied, gripping his wrist. “I wanted to be able to satisfy you, but I didn’t really know what you wanted. He told me how things used to be between you two. You fucking him through the night, and if that’s what you want, you can get it with me.”

  “I oughta smack that ass of yours,” he growled at me. “You ever talk about my sex life with anyone else, Jamie, and I will. If you need to know something, you ask me. That’s what Daddy’s here for. You ask me. So, go ahead.”

  I raised my head, giving him an apologetic half smile. “I’m so sorry. What do you want from me tonight, Daddy?”

  He cupped my chin. “Most of my life I’ve done what people expected from me. I’ve never trusted anyone the way I trust you. Do you know how much control I had to show tonight while I tried to get some answers? But with you, I can lose control. You know why? Because I see the trust in your eyes, boy, and you’ll never forget who’s your Daddy, even when I let you see me with my guard down. You know why?” He took my hand and brought it up to his chest to where his heart was. “Because I’m Daddy in here.” He removed his hand and touched my chest. “And you’re my boy in here where it counts. Whatever else happens between us, nothing changes that.”

  I nodded, more confident now than before. Grimm was right that I should have gone to him first. Our relationship was unlike any he’d been in. I couldn’t rely on outsiders to understand what we needed from each other. What we meant to each other.

  That thought fresh in mind, I slid down the bed and knelt on the floor before Grimm. I placed my hands on his hairy thighs and ran my hands upward, but I didn’t touch his dick. At lea
st not with my hands. I closed my lips around the plump head and deep throated him in one go.

  He groaned, hand resting on the top of my head. “You know exactly what to do, Jamie, and if in doubt, just ask me.”

  What more approval did I need than this? My head bobbed up and down as I sucked on his cock harder, bringing him to a completely aroused state. Grimm gripped the back of my head, his hips thrusting back and forth, the silky hardness of his cock dragging across my tongue and down my throat.

  “Fuck, yes, baby boy,” Grimm moaned, gripping my hair hard before releasing. “Lick on that tip, baby. Fuck, yeah, you like daddy’s cock, don’t you?”

  In response, I continued licking the soft flesh of his cock head, moving from tentative to broad sure strokes. I reached beneath his cock to grasp his nuts, squeezing them gently.

  Grimm cupped the back of my neck and helped me to my feet. Hands braced on either side of my hips, he lifted me while our lips fastened in a kiss full of tongue and crashing teeth. I wrapped my legs around his waist, arms around his neck and clinging to him as he bore me down into the mattress, his weight pressing me into the bed.

  I couldn’t get enough of Grimm, and from his own groans into my mouth, he couldn’t get enough of me either. His lips sought to find everywhere on my body that it could from my earlobes, neck, shoulders, fingers. I was wrecked by the time his lips latched onto one tight nipple while he played the other with his thumb.

  Before Grimm could reach my cock, I apprehended his hand to stall him. He glanced up at me, his eyes heated and full of questions.

  “No, don’t touch me that way,” I said on a gasp. “I want to last as long as possible, so I can please you, Daddy.”

  He cupped my faced, tracing his thumb over my bottom lip. “Even five minutes with you would please me, Jamie. You’re not like the others.”

  Those were the most beautiful words he could have ever said to me. I tried never to think about him with all those other men. Tried not to wonder if I was lacking in any shape or form. But the sincerity of his words, the passion on his face backed up his truth. And why was I even surprised? I always knew. I always did. Grimm and I were lovers long before we became physical.


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