Operation: Fallen Angel (Shepherd Security Book 4)

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Operation: Fallen Angel (Shepherd Security Book 4) Page 22

by Margaret Kay

  “I’d suggest you don’t let it go too long before you have that conversation.”

  “I know, something else I owe her. I honestly don’t even know how to begin all the conversations I need to have with her.”

  Lassiter nodded. He reached into his desk and pulled out a stack of what looked like playing cards. He handed them to Doc. “It’s a game, but I think it could help you, seeing your time with her is limited before this next mission.”

  Doc turned the cards over, so the underside was visible. He fingered through several, reading the text on each card. They were ‘get-to-know-you’ questions, favorite food, favorite color, most beloved childhood memories. “I don’t get it, scripted conversation?”

  Lassiter chuckled. “Prompts to learn things about each other. You can play several ways. Ask each other or guess what each other’s right answers could be. You could try to top each other with the most outlandish answers. That’s always worth a good laugh. You could even make it more interesting and play the game naked and in bed.”

  “Jesus, Joe,” Doc spat. He handed the cards back.

  “Keep them.” Lassiter reached into his desk and pulled out a second deck. “These are off-limits questions, for the most honest conversations.” He flipped the top card over and read the text. “What did you really think of me the first time you saw me? And if that changed, what made it?”

  “Oh, hell no,” Doc spat. “I see no reason to tell her I thought she looked like a damned teenager that needed to be grounded or turned over my knee, and not in a sexual way. Nor does she need to know that I still think she looks way too young for me.”

  “Broaden your thoughts beyond appearances. You saw her as a capable nurse at one point. That would be the focus on what changed and why. It won’t hurt to remind yourself what you liked about her by telling her,” Lassiter said. “And it might be just what she needs to hear. Challenge yourself to come up with truths that don’t focus on the physical or on age.”

  Doc nodded. Yes, he saw how this could be helpful. He took the second set of cards from Lassiter and slid them into the pocket of his flannel shirt with the first. “I’ll give it a shot. You’re right that we do need to get to know each other so things aren’t so fucking awkward.”

  “Conversation, lots of conversation,” Lassiter said.

  “Yeah,” Doc agreed.

  The moment Doc had been dreading followed shortly thereafter. He went to Angel’s desk to get Elizabeth. They returned to his office. Elizabeth picked up her coat and purse from the chair, assuming they were preparing to leave.

  Doc halted her. “Elizabeth, there is one more thing.” He knew she wouldn’t like the idea of it. “Remember when I told you that I have a tracker implanted in my shoulder so that my team would be able to find me at all times?”

  Elizabeth nodded.

  “It’s monitored in Ops. Everyone has one, Shepherd, Yvette, all the team members, even Angel and Sienna. I’d like to implant one in you too, so I know you will always be safe.”

  Elizabeth shook her head no, immediately. She didn’t even have to think about it. “Isn’t it enough they track my phone?” Now it made sense what Yvette had been talking about. It wasn’t the ID for the phone tracker she had been asking for.

  “No, if anything ever happens to you, a perp could separate you from your phone very easily. If you are ever in trouble, I don’t ever want to not know where you are. I can’t help you if I can’t find you.”

  “No, Alexander. I won’t agree to it.”

  Doc sat, took both her hands, and pulled her into his lap. “Elizabeth, please. I can’t do my job unless I know you are being watched out for. This is the only way I will know that you are safe.”

  “And Angel and Sienna are okay with this?”

  “They weren’t at first,” he admitted. “Sister Bernice John told you that Angel went through a lot, didn’t she?”

  Elizabeth nodded.

  “She could identify the man who was in charge during the bombing at the events center where she worked. We were getting ready to go after him and his group and Angel was put into the Witness Protection Program with the U.S. Marshals. Shepherd went along, to help protect her, because she and Jackson were already together at that point. It was a last-minute decision on Shepherd’s part. One of the Marshals sold her out and delivered her right to that man. It was only because of the trackers in them both that we knew something was wrong, the only way we found them, the only reason they are both still alive. We got there just in time to save Shepherd. He’d been shot.”

  Chills gripped Elizabeth. She didn’t know any of that had happened to Angel. She wasn’t sure Angel’s mother knew the extent of what had happened to her either. “Is that why Shepherd is in the wheelchair?”

  “Yes, the bullet fragmented and caused partial paralysis. But had it not been for the trackers, we never would have known they had been moved or to where. Neither of their phones were brought with them.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Will you want to put one of these trackers in our baby too?”

  “Yeah, I wish I could, but it’s not safe to do so in developing muscles. Not till he or she is an adult. We do have other tech, an ankle bracelet that Jackson and Angel’s baby wears at all times. We’ll have the same thing for our baby.”

  Elizabeth sat rigid on his lap. She shook her head no again. “I don’t like any of this.”

  “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I know this is a lot to take in. Most people are lucky enough to not know what dangers are out there. Unfortunately, my group knows all too well, and we have to do what we do to mitigate those dangers for ourselves and those we care about.”

  Elizabeth’s face took on an incredulous expression. “Are there any other surprises? Any other little bits of information that you’re going to drop on me? If so, let’s get them all out right now.”

  Doc shook his head. “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I know this has been a lot. Why do you think I separated myself from you after we were rescued? I know this isn’t your world.”

  “Fine, inject me with it,” she said bravely. “This is my world now and I need to deal with it. As I told you this morning, I can be okay with all of this, I just need time to get used to it.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I know you can. I’ll numb the spot with a topical numbing gel and then we’ll ice it when we get home.”

  She nodded.

  He took a picture of the serial number on the tracker with his phone to send to Ops after it was successfully installed. Elizabeth gasped out when he injected it into her shoulder. He saw tears in her eyes from the sudden, intense pain, but she bit them back. She handled it like a trooper, and he was proud of her. He’d seen Operators cry from it.

  “Roger, Doc,” Yvette said. “Receiving the signal.”

  “Great, thanks Yvette.” He discontinued the call. He picked up Elizabeth’s coat and held it up for her to slip her arms in. “Come on, let’s go home and ice that.”


  Elizabeth appeared in the bedroom doorway and smiled nervously at Doc. “What do you think? Is this outfit appropriate for pizza at your friend’s house?”

  Doc returned her smile. He hated that he had made her feel insecure about her wardrobe. He noticed that she wore the maternity leggings and the long blue sweater he’d bought her. “You look perfect. Are you warm and comfortable? That’s all that matters.”

  “Yes, I’m glad the salesperson talked me into the leggings. They are very comfortable, and this sweater is so soft and warm. Thank you for buying these for me, Alexander.”

  He patted the couch beside him. He took hold of her hands when she sat. “You look beautiful and no thanks are needed.” He kissed her lips briefly, but passionately. “I’m glad you’re here with me. I like you living with me. And I’m happy we’re going to go over to be with the team tonight. I know you will like Sienna. She’s been good for Garcia.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a genuine smile. “These last few days have been unexp
ectedly wonderful. I’m going to miss you while you’re gone.”

  “I’ll call as often as I can, and we can play some more of those cards.” He smiled. They had played for a few hours that afternoon, all the ways Lassiter had suggested. The naked in bed, off-limits questions after they made love led to honest and meaningful conversations. “It’ll only be for a couple of weeks.” He knew it would be a long few weeks for her and he would be worried about her the whole time he was gone. “Besides, you have your homework to keep you busy while I’m away.”

  She giggled. She had decided that morning on a college with an extension campus nearby to get her Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. While Alexander was away, she would fill out the application and have the transcripts sent from the community college she attended in Seattle. It was too late to start in the few short weeks before the Spring Semester began, but she could enroll at the local community college for the classes she still needed. They even had online courses in many subjects so she wouldn’t necessarily have to go to the campus.

  Elizabeth felt nervous on the drive to Angel and Jackson’s home. She knew it was foolish. They all knew she was pregnant, and Alexander promised her none of them would judge her. And so far, none of them had. Angel surely had not. She seemed genuinely happy for her and Alexander. She’d met everyone who’d be there, except Sienna. So, what was she anxious about? She wished she knew.

  She held Alexander’s hand as he led her up the sidewalk. It was cold out, but the new coat, hat, scarf, and gloves kept her warm. The front door was cracked open behind the storm door. She watched Alexander open it and push the door in without knocking. He stepped into the entry, pulling her in behind him.

  “Hi,” he greeted as he stepped into the house. Jackson and Garcia sat on the couch facing the lit, brick fireplace. Angel and Sienna were in the kitchen behind them. He held up the six pack of beer he’d brought. “As requested.”

  “Very good,” Jackson said, coming to his feet. He took the beer from him. “Thanks for stopping to get it. I thought I had enough, or I would have picked up more on my way home.” He pointed to the railing on the staircase that led to the second floor. “Just throw your coats there.”

  Doc took Elizabeth’s coat and dropped it and his over the railing. He took his boots off and stepped into the living room. Elizabeth did the same and followed. Angel and Sienna met them halfway. Sienna greeted her with a hug as did Angel.

  “We’re having wine,” Angel told Elizabeth, “but I have soda.”

  “Just a glass of water is fine,” Elizabeth said.

  Angel got a glass from the cabinet. “Ice?”

  “Yes, please,” Elizabeth replied. “That was something I really missed while I was in Africa, really cold water.” Baby Sammy was seated in his highchair. Elizabeth approached him. “Hello there little one.”

  “You can take him out of his highchair. He just finished eating. He should be ready to go down for the night after Madison and Cooper get here. They would be mad if I put him down before they arrived.”

  Elizabeth took the baby into her arms. She felt over Sammy’s ankles. Beneath one of his little blue socks she felt the bulge from the metal. She pulled the sock off and examined the beautiful, stainless steel ankle bracelet. The chain was a rugged serpentine pattern and there was a rounded plate with the inscription, ‘Mommy’s Angel’.

  “I wish the tracker could be below his skin, like ours are,” Angel said, much to Elizabeth’s surprise. “I have nightmares he gets taken, and the perps cut the anklet from him and we can’t find him.”

  “I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said, replacing the sock. “Alexander just told me about the trackers yesterday. I wanted to see what it looked like. I should have asked first.”

  Angel took Sammy from Elizabeth and pulled the sock back from his little foot, holding his leg out towards Elizabeth. “It’s unobtrusive, a cute design, and it keeps him safe. Michaela at the office adds links as it gets snug. There is no clasp so someone would have to cut it off. If anything ever happens to him, that would buy us some time to find him.”

  “Alexander told me our child will have the same tracker.”

  Angel nodded. “How does your shoulder feel? Yours got injected yesterday, didn’t it?”

  “It’s just a little sore.” Elizabeth’s eyes went between Angel and Sienna. “I still don’t like the idea of it, but Alexander insisted he’d do nothing but worry about me if I didn’t have it.”

  “Just like Angel, I thanked God they put it in me. I’m not sure I’d be here now, if I didn’t have it,” Sienna said.

  Garcia came up behind Sienna on his way to the refrigerator to get another beer. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his head against hers. “You’d be here with me no matter what, sweetheart.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek.

  “Trust us,” Angel said. “The tracker is a good thing. I hope the day never comes when you need them to find you, but if it does, you’re covered.”

  The front door opened, and Madison and Cooper came through. After they both hugged baby Sammy, Angel carried him upstairs to put him to bed. The others all settled on the couch and the chairs in the living room, beverages in hand.

  “What do you like on your pizza, Elizabeth?” Jackson asked, his cell phone in hand. “I know what everyone else likes. We’re ordering an extra-large veggie for the girls, a second all meat extra-large for the rest of us except Garcia who eats his with ham and pineapple.” He shook his head and pretended to stick his finger down his throat while making a barfy-face.

  “Hey, hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. You’ve never even had a bite of the very yummy Hawaiian Pizza,” Garcia said, pointing at Jackson.

  The others laughed.

  “There will be more than enough if anyone wants to try a piece,” Garcia offered. He was getting a large so he would have leftovers for lunch all weekend.

  “There is more than enough of all the pies we are ordering, but if you want anything special, let me know, Elizabeth,” Jackson said.

  “I think, if it is alright, that I’d like to try a little of each. I’ve only had cheese pizza before, but I like most foods.”

  Doc was sure that she’d only had cheese pizza because the cost of toppings was extra. “Perfect,” he said nodding at Jackson to speed this along. He didn’t want her to feel self-conscious that she’d never had pizza with toppings.

  Jackson ordered the pizzas. Delivery would be in forty minutes. Angel rejoined them as all the men opened their wallets and handed bills over to Jackson to cover the cost of the pizzas. She had the baby monitor in her hand. She sat it on the fireplace mantel.

  “Shepherd approved Elizabeth training to help cover the public reception desk,” Cooper said.

  “Fantastic!” Angel said.

  “Shepherd authorized up to thirty hours each week for the next three weeks,” Cooper added.

  “We’ll come up with a training schedule,” Angel said, her eyes on Elizabeth.

  “I’ll have to check the bus schedule to see what times work.”

  “The bus schedule?” Angel asked. “Doc, you’ll leave your car for her, won’t you?”

  “I don’t drive,” Elizabeth said.

  “You don’t have a driver’s license?” Sienna asked, surprised.

  “No, but I know there is a city bus. There is a stop only a block away from the condo. I can figure out transfers. I know there is a stop near the office. I’ll be fine.”

  Garcia, Cooper and Jackson’s heads snapped to view Doc. They all knew him well enough to know that she would not be taking the city bus. When he said nothing, the three men exchanged surprised glances. Each of them wanted to say something, but knew it was not their place. Cooper though, planned to talk with Doc about it privately. She absolutely should not be taking the city bus. She had to get her driver’s license.

  “Why don’t you stay with me in our guest room while they are away on the mission?” Sienna asked. “Angel and I spend a lot of time together in
the evening when they’re gone. You can hang out with us.”

  “Thank you, but that’s not necessary,” Elizabeth said.

  “No, that’s a great idea,” Angel jumped in. “It’ll be easier. Since you’ll be working at the office, you can just ride in with me.”

  “And in the evenings, you can help me grade papers. I’ve always taught kindergarten, prior to this year. There is a lot of prep work in kindergarten, but not much evening grading. This year I’m teaching fourth grade, and let me tell you, the amount of homework I have every night is astounding. I could really use your help.”

  “Unless you’d rather be at the condo to get settled in,” Angel offered.

  Elizabeth’s eyes flickered to Alexander. She felt she should have approval before she answered.


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