The Lesser Evil

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The Lesser Evil Page 20

by Jim Magwood

  “I have a thought of something we might do to make things a little more inflammatory—how we might use the events perhaps even more.”

  “Ah, such thoughts are good, aren’t they?’ the other man chuckled.

  “I was thinking that we might help the group go beyond their stated goals of stopping crime and the ‘evil,’ as they say.

  Perhaps direct them into some humanitarian efforts that might then rebound in their faces. Then, use that confusion to mask more of our own efforts.”

  “Can you be sure we won’t be seen in the confusion?”

  “I believe so. People will always see what they want to see. It’s their nature. So, whether things go for them or against them, if someone is directing their thoughts one way or the other, that is what they will see. They won’t look for the actuality behind events, just how the events effect them. Tell them enough times that this or that is good or not good, and that’s the direction their minds will take them. If they see enough reasons showing them that immigrants are bad for business, or that someone is taking advantage of them and getting what rightly belongs to them, they will turn either for or against those things.”

  “Do you have the means to broadcast what you want them to see?”

  “Oh, definitely! There are always more than enough people ready to make a dollar telling people what to think. How many exposés and prophecies do we see every year? Newspapers? Television? Books? They’re constantly looking for the next thrilling story to keep their audiences close—and the money coming in. All we need is to find more of the good looking, silver-tongued, charismatic leaders who love full bank accounts, and the story is as good as told.”

  “You’re saying the same things I’ve said for years. Find newly elected leaders for them to listen to. People will believe almost anything if they hear it from their leaders enough.

  Every politician who votes with us; every religious leader who sedates the population instead of rousing them, they might as well just sign a contract agreeing to support our efforts. Someone with a good political background, or perhaps religious; someone people will look up to and respect; photogenic; well educated; charismatic. And, yes, the story is all but told. Do you have any specific ideas yet?”

  “Yes, at least one major one to start with, but let me sketch them out a bit more before sharing them. A few more days and I’ll have something definite for you.”

  “Of course. There’s no hurry. Time is on our side, so just look at everything carefully. We can use the actions of this vigilante group just like we’ve used the others, and we know how we will benefit. So, just keep on. You’re doing well.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to make a few more calls now. A little stirring the pot, if you will, so I’ll call you again in a few days.”

  “That will be good. If you need anything, just ring. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, sir.”


  On September 6, 2007, Israel wiped out a Syrian nuclear facility that had been built with the help of North Korea. The strike was confirmed to Britain’s The Spectator by a very senior British source, who said: If people had known how close we came to world war three that day there'd have been mass panic. Never mind the floods or foot-and-mouth… (We) really would have been dealing with the bloody Book of Revelation and Armageddon.

  The CIA eventually confirmed that the Syrian installation destroyed by Israel was a nuclear reactor. Israeli intelligence had tracked a North Korean ship carrying a cargo of material labeled ‘cement,’ and when the ship docked at the Syrian port of Tartous, the Israelis followed the cargo to the small town of Dayr as Zawr in northeastern Syria. The city had already been the subject of intense surveillance by an Israeli Ofek spy satellite, and within hours, Israeli commandos had secretly crossed into Syria and taken soil samples for testing in Israel.

  The samples showed the materials were nuclear.

  Three days after the North Korean materials arrived, Operation Orchard was finalized. Israeli F151 jets were scrambled and, minutes later, the installation and its newly arrived contents were destroyed. The attack on the reactor project was very much a reminder of an Israeli raid in 1981 when Israel destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq shortly before it was to have begun operating. The Los Angeles Times reported that the installation was meant to produce plutonium, and was partially funded by North Korea. Israel bombed the reactor before it attained its planned capacity to manufacture plutonium for nuclear weapons, the CIA said.

  At a presentation to Congress, which was repeated after-ward to reporters, the intelligence officials showed video images showing Korean faces among the workers at the Syrian plant. Other pictures showed what appeared to be the construction of a reactor vessel inside the building. Shortly after the Israeli attack, Syria bulldozed the area and constructed a new building there, which it had not allowed foreign visitors to enter. Israel, the U.S. and Syria had never divulged details about the attack, and the presentation was a major departure from this policy.

  In October following the 2007 attack, the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, met his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and warned the U.S. to not stage an attack on Iran.

  The United States President at the time, George Bush, warned the world that the Iranian President had stated he had the goal of destroying Israel, and that if the world was interested in avoiding World War III, they should ensure that Iran did not gain nuclear capability. In a speech in Tehran, Ahmadinejad had made it clear that he called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. What was missed in all the attention on his statements about wiping out Israel was that he also called for the eradication of the United States.

  The world, unfortunately, had not listened, and the worst was close to becoming a reality. Several rogue countries around the world were on the verge of becoming fully nuclear states, with the ability to deliver their weapons almost anywhere in the world. North Korea’s agreement to tear down her nuclear plants in exchange for aid and oil from several other countries had been quietly dumped; they had simply gone underground. Iran appeared likely to be days away from having nuclear weapons and a delivery system that could reach Israel and beyond, and their rhetoric against the Zionist devils and their lackeys had continued. They had displayed and launched a number of test missiles (although usually proven to be dummied photos) in the face of a fearful world to prove they had the capability of reaching Israel and other ‘enemies’.

  Syria had risen as a major terrorist partner with Iran, at first working as a funnel for both terrorists and money and running training camps, then beginning to threaten Israel and her allies directly. Countries who didn’t yet have missile capability had suitcase-size weapons that could be carried anywhere.

  A declassified U.S. intelligence report judged that the Iranians had put a nuclear weapons program on hold in 2003. But Israel and others contended Iran's continued advances in the crucial centrifuge work would eventually give it a capability to quickly build a bomb. The UN nuclear watchdog agency said that Iran had defied UN Security Council bans on uranium enrichment. A report obtained by The Associated Press said Iran

  “has not suspended its enrichment-related activities,” despite two sets of UN Security Council sanctions. Instead, said the report, Iran started the development of new-generation centrifuges. “They're increasing their capabilities,” the U.S. Ambassador said. “Not only have the number of centrifuges increased, but they're working on a second-generation, if you like, a more capable centrifuge. Things are getting worse in terms of the enrichment part.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  (WASHINGTON, D.C., September 6) --



  Using some of his most apocalyptic rhetoric yet, Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is vowing that the United States and Israel will soon be “annihilated,” even as he refuses to abandon Iran's nuclear program. Marking the 19th anniver-sary of the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, Ahmadinejad sai

  “Today, the time for the fall of the satanic power of the United States has come and the countdown to the annihilation of the emperor of power and wealth has started.” He also insisted that “the Zionist regime (Israel), with a 60-year record of genocide, plunder, invasion and betrayal is about to die and will soon be erased from the geographical scene.”

  The acknowledged Supreme Leader of Iran, the Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hossanyi Khamenei, officially pro-claimed a state of war with the United States more than thirty years ago and has apparently continued his plans to eliminate anyone standing in his way of making the Muslim faith the ultimate, and only, controlling force in the world.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The Prime Minister of Israel had been heard to say quietly that the Iranian sand would become a sea of glass within minutes of Iran firing a missile at Israel. The destructive missions in 1981 and 2007, although only conventional weaponry had been used, were a frightening omen to his words that Israel would never again let herself be threatened with destruction.

  With the mounting pressure of attack from around the world, Israel had its air force and missile systems on constant alert and those with cooler heads in many countries were almost paralyzed with the fear of what the next minutes held. Some of the rogue leaders from those earlier years had passed on, but the new leaders were just as insanely promoting war, destruction and the possibility of nuclear holocaust. The cooler heads were still paralyzed— and still doing nothing.

  “An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks ‘unavoid-able’ given the apparent failure of Western sanctions to deny Tehran technology with bomb-making potential,” Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz said, according to a Reuters report. “If Iran continues with its program for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it. The sanctions are ineffective,” said Mofaz. It was the most explicit threat yet against Iran from a member of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's government, which, like the Bush administration, had preferred to hint at force as a last resort should U. N. sanctions fail to achieve the desired abandonment of nuclear development by Tehran. Iran, which denied seeking nuclear weapons, had defied Western pressure to abandon its uranium enrichment projects. The leadership in Tehran had also threatened to re-taliate against Israel—believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal—and U.S. targets in the Gulf for any attack on Iranian turf. Mofaz also said in the interview that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who had called for Israel to be wiped off the map, ‘would disappear before Israel does.’”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  As Israeli Prime Minister Eli Yatom sat in his office on a beautiful morning, his private phone rang and a voice said,

  “Prime Minister, my name for this call and in case we need to talk again, is Randall Johns. You do not know me and cannot trace this call. This is in no way a threat to you and I only ask that you listen for a moment.”

  Eli had already pushed the button on the phone set that would cause the call to be recorded and traced, and simply said, “Go ahead.”

  “Sir, I speak for a group of citizens of the world that know of the threat against your country, and the world, from certain nuclear bases east of you such as Esfahan, Qom and Natanz. We intend to destroy those bases and only have a simple request of you. It will not bring any danger to you and will, in fact, keep you out of danger.”

  The Prime Minister sat in shock at such a statement. He didn’t know whether to call his security forces, and was trying to come to a decision when the voice broke back in. “Sir, I know you will have begun recording this call and ask that you just listen to me before you do anything else.”

  Eli thought for just a second, then, with his hands shaking, said, “All right. I will listen.”

  “Thank you, Prime Minister. I know this is a shock to you, but again, I stress this is in no way a threat to you.

  “Sir, as we speak, there are several missiles being prepared for launching within approximately three months. That cannot be allowed to happen. The missiles have the capability of easily reaching your country, of course, and at least one will be targeting Tel Aviv. Others, we believe, will be targeting more of your cities, perhaps Jerusalem and Haifa. The missiles will be carrying nuclear warheads. Again, Prime Minister, I am not telling you this to have you take action on your own.

  We will remove the threat of this installation well before the time they are ready. All we ask is for you to ensure that none of your forces are in positions such that the world might claim that the destruction was caused by your forces.”

  Prime Minister Yatom quietly replied, “This seems like an impossible phone call, and an equally impossible statement you are making. I know, of course, you have called on my private line, so that alone tells me something, and, I know you know the truth of the threats against my country. But, I also know you cannot be serious about what you are saying. No one could have the capability of destroying military bases deep inside another country except another major country, and you have not identified yourself as such. You also apparently ask that we bring our defensive forces to a stand-down situation, and we could not possibly take an irresponsible action such as that. Can you tell me who you are, or who you represent?”

  “No, sir, I cannot, and I understand your concerns. I assure you we do have the ability to bring about this event and that it is already planned. What I propose, sir, although at first glance a serious security risk, will in the end provide you with more security than you can understand at this point. With proof for the world that you did not participate in this event, and with a major threat against you and the world being removed in a dramatic fashion, your country will be able to get some relief you have not known before.”

  “Suppose I decide to believe you. How can you prove to me that you can and will do as you say? And how can I believe my country can be secure if I decide to do as you say?

  You cannot be serious when you ask that we close down our military forces and go home for a lovely weekend. For all I know, you are the very people you are suggesting you will destroy.” Knowing that the call was automatically being traced, Eli was trying to keep the man on the line long enough to have him identified and, equally as important, to see if he could determine what this man was really talking about, what he was really suggesting he and his group could do.

  “Prime Minister, we are not suggesting you close your military down for even a moment. We will simply ask that on a certain date in the future, a date you will know of in advance, you have all your forces completely out of harms way.

  No planes moving toward Iranian borders; no troops moving; no other specific actions taking place on that day. We would ask that there be some kind of news announcement showing that, on that date, Israel was specifically not taking any action anywhere. This so-called ‘buffer date’ would not interfere with any action Israel needed to take someplace to protect itself against specific attacks from others or actions you were already involved in. We simply want the world to see that on this certain date and time, Israel was not in a position to be a part of this certain event.”

  Eli Yatom couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He certainly couldn’t trust what he was hearing, but the man was not asking Israel to disarm, or to give up protecting themselves.

  He appeared to be saying just stay out of the way. Stay out of the action. To the world, appear to be completely clear of the event.

  He was also concerned, though, with the report he was hearing that the missiles were closer to being ready than he had learned from his own security services. Israel was prepared to stop the final development of the missiles, if it came to that, but he knew his country would come under tremendous world condemnation for taking that action, even from their friends. However, no one was stepping forward to force any of the world’s terrorist nations to cease their actions; there was only rhetoric. Speeches. Blustering. And demands that Israel not move forward with any unilateral actions to protect themselves. Demands that were now coming attached to denials of well-established eco
nomic aid packages, or with veiled warnings of consequences if Israel did anything to shatter the fragile peace plans—demands from countries claiming to be friends.

  Trying to keep the conversation going, Eli asked simply,

  “Why would you do this?”

  “Sir, we believe no country has the right to threaten the existence of any other country, especially if it appears the rest of the world is simply going to allow that threat to become a reality. If the world, as in the world wars, was prepared to ultimately stand up in the face of certain tyrants and deny them the path of terror they were following, we would not have to become involved. But, when the world is doing nothing to prevent the actions of the tyrants, we must take action ourselves. As I said, we do have the ability to take this action, and we will do so. Israel has had more than their share of chaos and war over the years, but if this threat was against any other nation that was unable to completely protect themselves, we would do the same thing. These kinds of threats and actions simply cannot be allowed to continue.”

  Eli sat for several moments trying to digest what he had heard. Finally, he clicked off his recording device and quietly said, “If, by some unimaginable means, you were able to do as you have suggested, and we agreed to keep ourselves clear of any perceived participation, how would you suggest this might all take place?”


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