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Your Love Is Mine

Page 15

by Bella Andre

  “Mine.” She’d never thought she was a possessive person—until tonight, when she couldn’t deny the truth. She lifted her gaze to his. “You’re mine.”


  He hadn’t echoed her words of love. Hadn’t come anywhere close to that specific, traditional sentiment. Yet with one word—yours—he’d not only stripped her heart bare, he’d also given her his heart, whether he was ready to admit it to himself or not.

  “I am yours,” she whispered. “Tonight and always.”

  With her heart laid completely on the line, she decided it would be wisest to steal any potential protests by lowering her lips to his skin and kissing her way across his chest.

  She closed her eyes to drink in every sensation of their lovemaking—the scent of arousal, the heat they generated, the feel of his slightly rough hands over her sensitive skin, the taste of him on her tongue.

  More. She wanted so much more.

  While he ran his extremely talented hands over her breasts, she knew her fingers wouldn’t obey her brain for much longer under his sensual onslaught. She undid his belt, then popped open the button of his jeans, unzipped him, and stripped the rest of his clothes away.

  Again, when she looked down his body, she lost her breath.

  As a candymaker, Cassie had never been renowned for her self-control when it came to enjoying her creations. But it wasn’t until tonight with Flynn that she realized that her lack of control extended to lovemaking.

  Greedy, she reached down to cover his hard, thick length. On a lusty sigh of pleasure, she curled her fingers around him and slowly stroked. His hips seemed to lift into her hand of their own volition, and her lips found their way to his shaft in the same way. Unable to deny the desire ripping through her, head to toe, one soft kiss became another and another, until she couldn’t wait to take every last gorgeous inch into her mouth.

  She was so lost in pleasure that she was stunned to find herself sitting astride Flynn a moment later. “No fair,” she protested. “I wanted—”

  This time, he was the one swallowing her words with his kiss. “I love the way you touch me.” She saw the truth of it in his eyes. “But I can’t wait another second for you, Cassie. For all of you.”

  The fierce need in his voice—threaded with the same desperation she felt for him—was nearly enough to take her over the edge of pleasure again. Helped along, of course, by the sinful slide of his erection against her bare sex.

  She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as she rocked over him, both of them soon slick with her arousal. Then he threaded his hands into her hair and drew her mouth back down to his.

  Their kiss was wild, irresistible, reckless. So reckless that she was lifting her hips to take him inside without any thought for the consequences, when he stilled her with firm hands on her hips.

  “Cassie.” He nipped at her lips. “We need protection.”

  For a long moment, she couldn’t process his words. Finally, they sank in. “I have some. In my bedroom. I mean, your bedroom.”

  But oh, how she hated to leave this perfection behind, even for long enough to run out of the room to grab a condom.

  As though he didn’t want to be separated either, he stood and carried her into the bedroom. “Don’t let go,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Never,” she whispered back, wrapping her arms and legs tighter around him.

  He grabbed the monitor, the baby still softly snoring in her crib, then headed down the hall into the bedroom. Flynn laid her on the bed, then climbed over her, the muscles in his arms, his abs, his thighs and glutes rippling.

  “Please tell me protection is nearby.” He spoke the words around the kisses he was raining up her bare legs, then her stomach and breasts, and finally her mouth. “Because I’m not going to have the self-control to stop us again.”

  “In the bedside table.” At least, she hoped a condom was in there. Certain that there weren’t going to be any men in her near future, she’d done a cleanout a while back. She wasn’t the world’s best cleaner, however, so if luck was on their side—

  He held one up, triumphant as he tore it open and put it on. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he slid his hands beneath her hips. His eyes held hers, and though she’d already told him in a dozen different ways how much she wanted to be with him, she knew instinctively he needed to hear it one more time.

  “Love me, Flynn.”

  The words had barely left her lips when he moved into her, perfect pleasure taking her over as her body welcomed his heat, his strength, his innate sweetness. The smile she gave him came from the very center of her heart, the deepest part of her soul.

  “My beautiful Cassie.”

  Oh yes, she was his in every possible way as he moved his hands from her hips to thread his fingers with hers and hold them tightly beside her head.

  Together, they began to move. Slow and sweet, then fast and just the right side of rough.

  If she could have, she would have held on to the precious moment forever. But pleasure this strong, this meant to be, couldn’t be denied.

  Higher and higher she went, flying freer than she’d ever known she could, all because Flynn was soaring with her. Higher and higher until pleasure exploded inside her, a euphoria unlike anything she’d ever known.

  And as Flynn followed her into bliss, she knew no moment had ever been as right as this one in the arms of the man she loved.


  Cassie woke to the sound of Ruby playing in her crib. Flynn was holding her tightly against his chest as though even in sleep he’d been afraid she might leave him alone.

  She pressed a kiss to his chest, which she had been using as a pillow, then slowly slid out from beneath his arm. When he began to stir, she whispered in his ear, “Sleep. I’m going to get Ruby.”

  From the way his eyes closed at her reassurance, it was obvious that he needed the rest. And just as she had been thrilled to be a part of Ruby’s bedtime ritual, she was excited about getting to see the baby first thing this morning.

  Cassie put on the flannel shirt hanging on the back of the chair in the corner, then walked across the hall into Ruby’s room. “Good morning, little miss!”

  Ruby pulled herself to standing in the crib and gave Cassie a huge smile. Of course, Cassie had to give the baby kisses galore as she lifted her out of the crib, making both of them giggle.

  “Let’s get you into a new diaper and outfit, then we’ll make up a yummy breakfast bottle and join your very handsome daddy.”

  Fifteen minutes later, with Ruby happily guzzling her first bottle of the day, they headed back into the master bedroom. Cassie climbed into bed with the baby in her lap, propping pillows behind her back so that they could sit together comfortably.

  She’d only just gotten settled when Flynn opened his eyes. She smiled at him. “Good morning, sunshine.”

  He blinked at her and Ruby, obviously trying to make sense of what he was seeing while still in the fog of sleep. A short while later, he came fully awake and moved to sit beside them, his chest bare, the sheet and comforter around his waist.

  “I didn’t hear her wake up.” He was clearly berating himself for it as he gently caressed Ruby’s cheek with the back of his hand.

  “She was singing in her crib. I let you know that I had her so that you could go back to sleep.”

  Cassie had to work to push away the hurt that he hadn’t reached out to her yet. She’d known this was likely how he would behave in the morning, hadn’t she? As though she were now off-limits again, even though they’d been so intimate the night before.

  She vowed not to give up, no matter how difficult it might be to convince Flynn that he was everything she’d ever dreamed of in a partner.

  “I thought it would be nice to bring Ruby into bed with us.”

  “It is nice,” he agreed, his deep voice still a little hoarse from sleep. Or maybe it was that she hadn’t fully buttoned his shirt when she put it on, and his gaze had
dropped to the curve of her breast revealed in the open placket.

  Last night, when they’d made love, it had been obvious that he thought it was one night only. Not because he didn’t want more time with her, but because he thought he didn’t deserve more. She wouldn’t shy away from dealing with it, even if the sparks that were certain to fly meant the end of their relaxing morning together in bed.

  “Do you want to talk about last night and where we go from here?” she asked. “Or do you need coffee before we dive into it?”

  He ran a hand over the stubble on his jaw. “You don’t hide from anything, do you? Even just to sweep things under the rug for a couple of hours?”

  Ruby finished her bottle, and as she shifted the baby to burp her, Cassie said, “I figure after everything we shared, there isn’t any point in hiding things. So how about we start with the easy stuff? Like how great last night was.” When he didn’t say anything—or make any move to touch her—she reached for his hand. “But it was about more than just phenomenal sex. I feel so close to you, Flynn. Closer than I’ve ever felt to anyone else. And I love every second of being in your arms.”

  He was silent for a long moment, but when he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, that one small hint of emotion sent relief moving through her.

  “Last night with you…” He looked into her eyes. “It wasn’t just sex for me either. Every moment with you is one I will cherish forever. No one but you has ever accepted me for who I really am. But—”

  Ah, here was the part she had known was coming.

  “I’m still not good enough for you.”

  She hated having to raise her voice. But he was really starting to piss her off, especially after she’d already made it clear what she thought of his negative self-talk. “You don’t respect my judgment when I say I think you’re a good man? When I make it perfectly obvious that I want to be with you and Ruby? When I tell you I love you?”

  “Of course I respect your judgment. But what if your judgment is clouded when it comes to me?”

  “Why would it be clouded? Do you think I’m deluded by how much I like looking at you? By how much I like kissing you? By how much I like what you do to me in bed?” She let one loaded question after another fall, before gentling her voice. “Or do you think I’m making excuses for you because I feel sorry for what you’ve been through?” When he didn’t reply, she growled, “Because if that’s what you’re thinking, then you’ve never been more wrong.”

  With that, she kissed Ruby, then handed the baby to him. As always, he scanned Ruby’s face to make sure she was happy, then cradled her close. The little girl let out a contented sigh as she snuggled against the chest of the person she loved most in the world.

  “I wish you had known love as a child, Flynn,” Cassie told him, her heart laid as bare as her body. “The same love you’re giving to Ruby right now. The same love I knew when I was growing up. But even without it, your heart is so big, so strong, so true, that I’m constantly astounded by you.”

  “Can’t you see that I’m just trying to do the right thing for once in my life?” he replied. “I don’t want to tell you any more lies, which is exactly what I would be doing if I said I thought this could work out between us, when what I really need to do is get the hell out of your life so that you can be with someone who is worthy of you.”

  “The right thing? Worthy?” She really was fuming now. “I’m very happy to hear that you’re not going to lie to me anymore. Because, no matter what, I would never lie to you. And I’m no longer going to hold back either. Which is why I’m going to tell you that you’re being a stubborn jerk.” She let the words land. “If you would open up your eyes, you’d see what I see in you. But you’re so busy beating yourself up all the time, so busy replaying the story of the life that you wrote for yourself in Los Angeles, that you’re not giving the real you—or us—a chance.”

  Her words were fierce enough that even Ruby’s eyes popped open.

  “Sorry, sweet girl,” Cassie said as she stroked the baby’s hair back from her face. “I don’t normally yell, I promise.” She turned back to Flynn and, in a more reasonably pitched voice, said, “In case you think my yelling means I’m not in love with you anymore, think again. I’m still head over heels for you. And I’m not going anywhere—even if you try your darnedest to push me away.”

  She put her hands on either side of his face and kissed him. Then she did the same with the baby, before gently placing Ruby back in Flynn’s arms and heading out of the bedroom to get her clothes out of the dryer. On the threshold, she realized she needed to say one more thing.

  “I’m going to head in to work now, but don’t you dare take this discussion, and my obvious frustration, as an excuse to disappear on me. Even if you don’t think you can trust yourself not to hurt me, I’m telling you right now that I trust you not to do the only thing that truly would hurt me. Because now that I’ve finally found the two people I’m convinced I’m supposed to be with for the rest of my life, I’m not going to lose you both. And no matter what it takes, I’m going to convince you too.”

  * * *

  No one had ever fought for Flynn. He’d always had to face difficult situations entirely on his own. Or worse, pretend everything was fine, no matter the pain, the fear.

  But Cassie wasn’t afraid of anything. She hadn’t held back from confronting him and telling him exactly what she felt and needed.

  One day, he hoped Ruby would be like her. Strong. Unafraid. And so full of love it would constantly amaze him.

  He had so much to learn from Cassie. And now that he knew what it was like to bask in her love, he only craved it, craved her, more. And yet…

  There still was no denying that she deserved better.

  He could hear Cassie opening and closing the dryer and got up off the bed with Ruby to go beg her for forgiveness. Not only for being a stubborn jerk, but for being too selfish to stop himself from taking her to bed. He wanted her to understand that it would kill him to walk away from her—but how could he do anything else when he’d never forgive himself if any part of his past, present, or future hurt her?

  Unfortunately, Ruby was suddenly badly in need of a diaper change. And by the time he had cleaned her up, Cassie was gone.

  The cabin felt empty without her. Even Ruby looked sad.

  “You’re not the only one in love with her.” He couldn’t say the words to Cassie, not when it would only make it harder to let her go, but he couldn’t hold them in another second. “I love her too, Ruby. More than she’ll ever know.”

  Obviously able to sense how much he needed comfort, Ruby held up Ellie the elephant and rubbed the stuffed animal against his cheek.

  “Thank you, sweetheart. You know just how to cheer me up, don’t you?”

  She confirmed it by giving him a kiss.

  Of everything he’d done in his life, he wasn’t sure how any of it could have been good enough to deserve not only Ruby, but these life-changing days in Maine with a woman who had revived the heart he had thought was forever dead.


  Cassie hadn’t looked at her phone since yesterday’s hike. When she got into her car and finally thought to pull it out of her bag and check it, she found a half-dozen texts from her sisters. First, asking if she wanted to meet for a drink after work. Then, when she didn’t answer, asking if she was with Flynn. And this morning, another round of texts insisting that she tell them everything and that they’d be waiting to have breakfast together in Lola’s studio.

  She sent a quick text saying she would be there in half an hour, then put her phone back into her bag and got on her way.

  She didn’t blame her sisters for wanting the details. If she were in their shoes, she would expect the same. The three of them had had their arguments over the years, but they also had each other’s backs, no matter what. There was nothing Cassie couldn’t say to her sisters.

  It was what she wanted from Flynn—for him to know that he could trust
her with absolutely everything.

  Was that too much to ask?

  All she knew was that after spending a night in his arms—and after experiencing such sweet pleasure that she was still reeling—she wanted to feel that close to him always.

  But how could they ever get there if he couldn’t trust her?

  And, more important, trust himself.

  In her apartment, she took a quick shower, then threw on jeans and a tank top. Bang on thirty minutes, she walked into Lola’s studio, where she could hear her sisters chatting.

  “Your coffee delivery is here.” She handed Lola and Ashley the to-go cups, then walked over to admire the new fabric designs her sister had pinned up around the room. “These are gorgeous. This magenta one is practically glowing.”

  “That’s your glow you’re seeing reflecting back at you.” Lola scanned Cassie from head to toe. “Well, well, well. I haven’t seen you look this satisfied in…pretty much ever.”

  Ashley was also regarding her with a laser focus. “Did you stay the night with Flynn?”

  Cassie couldn’t hold back her smile. For all that her relationship with Flynn was nowhere near settled, she was still incredibly happy.

  “I did.”


  She hadn’t held back with Flynn this morning, and she wasn’t going to hold back with her sisters either. “I’m in love with him. And Ruby too.”

  Lola and Ashley shared a look.

  “Go ahead,” Cassie said. “Whatever the two of you are thinking, spit it out.”

  “First,” Ashley said, “I think it’s great that you and Flynn had a hot night together. After all these sex-free years I’ve been having, I can definitely see the upside of a night with a guy who knows what he’s doing. Which, from your glow, he clearly does. But…” She looked at Lola again, who nodded for her to continue. “We also want to make sure that you’re not so busy swooping in with your Superwoman cape to take care of Flynn and Ruby that you forget to take care of yourself.”


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