Take Me (Take Me Series Book 1)

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Take Me (Take Me Series Book 1) Page 5

by Calista Fox

  Jude’s tongue coiled with hers. Playfully. Skillfully. Perfectly. He subtly coaxed her into an endless stream of hot, sensual, exploratory kisses and Kate gave herself over to the thrill of it all, to the scintillating sensations consuming her.

  He expertly led her and Kate was certain she’d never been so lost in someone.

  When Jude eventually broke their kiss, she actually whimpered in protest.

  He chuckled, low and deep and with such an intimate edge, it sent a titillating shiver along her spine.

  His lips trailed down her neck, leaving feathery kisses in his wake as he whispered, “You smell as good as you taste, Kate.”

  He kissed the crook of her neck, then his warm lips grazed her flesh as he moved upward again to that sensitive spot she’d thought of last night. His hand covered her breast and he squeezed. Gently at first. Then massaged with more pressure, his thumb sweeping over her nipple and pebbling it tight behind the built-in bra.

  “Jude,” she gasped.

  Perhaps she hadn’t fully, mentally prepared herself for this moment with him.

  Because her inner thighs were quivering and her pulse was racing and her body was begging for his touch…everywhere.

  “Set aside your drink,” he quietly instructed.

  She placed her glass in the holder carved into the armrest.

  “Take my jacket off.”

  She stared into his dark eyes, the color such a deep gray with a midnight tinge, they were hypnotizing.

  “Kate,” he quietly urged.

  The need fringing his voice sent an erotic bolt straight to her core.

  She unbuttoned his jacket and shoved the material off his broad shoulders. He tossed the garment onto the seat opposite them.

  Then he moved in for the kill.

  One hand tangled in her curls as the other slid up the side of her thigh, under the hem of her skirt.

  Kate’s heartrate spiked. Her breaths came in shorter, heavier pulls as he still stared so deeply into her eyes.

  He said, “I’ve wanted you for so long, Kate. I’ve waited so long for—”

  His jaw clenched. His eyes turned stormy.

  “For what, Jude?” she asked on a fractured breath, his intensity holding her spellbound.

  “For you to look at me like a man who can satisfy you, Kate. Not just a man you feel compelled to fix.”

  “Heal, Jude,” she muttered as her fingers glided along his set jaw. “I’ve only ever wanted to heal you.”

  “You’re coming damn close, Kate.”

  His lips twisted and toyed with hers, the tips of their tongues barely touching. Until Kate was thoroughly captivated, wholly enthralled.

  He sensed the exact moment he’d hooked her and his mouth closed over hers, his tongue curling with hers.

  Kate’s fingers fisted the material of his shirt at his shoulders. Then at his biceps. Tugging him closer to her.

  As their chests pressed together, she eased one hand around to his back, the other up his arm to his shoulder—reveling in the way his muscles bunched under her touch. Her fingers skimmed the side of his throat before she buried them in his thick onyx hair.

  Kate let the firestorm burn through her without questioning it. She surrendered to Jude’s kiss, to the feel of his hard body against hers, to the desire and need that rode the blood in her veins.

  It didn’t matter how she’d previously fought to succumb to his advances. All that mattered to Kate was the hunger they had for each other and the incessant pulsating between her legs, sparked by this man. Which could only be sated by this man.

  Dragging her mouth from his, she said on a wisp of air, “Do something, Jude.” The need lacing her voice was unmistakable. “Please.”

  He gazed at her with a searing look that likely matched her own.

  He slowly unraveled from her, though his fingers hooked the underside of one thigh so he could uncross her legs. He shifted slightly, easing onto his knees.

  Kate’s pulse jumped.

  His hands slipped under the hem of her skirt. His fingers twined around the thin strands of her thong and he gently tugged. Kate lifted an inch or so off the seat.

  His gaze remained locked with hers as he slowly dragged her panties along her thighs, over her knees, down her calves. He availed her completely of the thong and stuffed the satiny material into his pocket as Kate’s heart pounded erratically.

  Jude spread her legs wide…and pulled her slightly forward, so she was perched on the edge of the seat.

  He draped one of her thighs over his shoulder. His palm slid along the outer side of that thigh. His other palm flattened against the inner portion of the opposite leg, keeping her opened to him.

  He finally broke the eye contact as his head lowered. Anticipation swelled within Kate. His soft breaths teased her exposed flesh. Her fingers curved around his nape. While the other hand pressed to the cushion alongside her for support.

  “Jude.” She gasped, the desperate plea filling the otherwise quiet cabin of the limo. “I am so close to coming and you haven’t even touched me there.”

  “Yet,” he said with a devilish grin.

  The sexy look he gave her, combined with the faint stream of his steady breaths and the sheer anticipation of his mouth on her, had a frenzy of butterflies taking to flight in her stomach. Her nipples tightened to an almost unbearable degree. Her clit tingled.

  All such imploring, beseeching sensations, that the very second Jude’s tongue glided along her slick folds, she cried out.

  He kissed her inner thighs, as though giving her the chance to assimilate, to stabilize herself, to breathe…

  Then his mouth was on her again and Kate experienced such a rush of ecstasy, her head fell back against the top of the seat and her eyelids squeezed shut.

  Jude’s tongue languidly, leisurely licked her in long, full strokes.

  Kate’s body jolted.

  Jude continued his ministrations as every inch of her went up in flames.

  “Oh, my God,” she said on a quavering breath. And felt the tremors ripple through her arms and legs. “That feels so good.”

  The tip of his tongue flitted against her clit, an ardent stroking with more pressure.

  “Yes,” she muttered. “Like that, Jude…”

  Kate couldn’t catch her breath.

  She writhed on the seat, pressing herself more firmly against his mouth. He alternated between the fluttering of his tongue and the long licks, until she was pleading for more.

  His mouth covered her and he suckled her clit. Deep.

  “Jude!” Every sensation inside her instantly collided and erupted—taking Kate by surprise.

  He didn’t let up. Was wickedly relentless.

  “Oh, my God!” Heat flashed through her. The vibrations multiplied.

  Kate shattered completely, crying once more, “Jude!”

  She whimpered and quaked. Gasped for a breath.

  Never feeling anything so sensational.

  Knowing Jude was only warming up...


  Kate wasn’t sure how much time passed while her breaths still came in heavy pants and her body trembled from the powerful release.

  Jude detangled himself from her, moved her skirt back into place and sat opposite her. He reached for a napkin and dabbed his lips. Then handed one to Kate. He retrieved the bottle of champagne and refreshed his glass. When she thrust hers toward him, he grinned and provided her a refill.

  “You’re entirely too pleased with yourself,” she drawled in a tone that sounded seductive to her own ears.

  She took a long drink from her glass. The effervescence was nowhere near as brilliant as the bursts of vibrant energy she still felt in her core. Proving a casual fling with Jude McMillan would be anything but casual.

  Tread lightly.

  That cautionary tale warred with the incessant thrumming through her veins. A demanding cadence, urging her to throw all caution to the wind, say to hell with the engagement party and tell Jude to hav
e the driver return them to her apartment. So she could rip apart the buttons on his shirt and put her hands and mouth all over him.

  Kate groaned. She’d become obsessed in zero seconds flat?

  So not good.

  Jude broke into her errant and slightly distressing thoughts, asking, “Are you all right?”

  She smirked at him. “Do I look all right?”

  “You look spectacular. Your eyes have an evocative shimmer to them. There’s a rosy tint to your skin. And your nipples—”


  He gave her a cocky grin. “I’m allowed to gloat. I’ve waited years to make you come.”

  A wicked thrill ran through her. She found it surreal Jude would be equally obsessed—with her.

  Of course, his fixation would dim considerably once he’d had her. And that was fine. Scratching an itch was safe and containable. Anything more would be too disruptive for Kate.

  Which, overall, made her a bit less amped up about bringing him into the family fold, no matter how temporary. It wasn’t as though she were seeking their approval of a new boyfriend. This was a one-time occurrence. They wouldn’t see Jude again. Her parents would be disappointed by that inevitability, but not the least bit surprised. Kate had never been conventional and had no intention of starting now.

  She was still teeming with sexual vivacity when they arrived at the hotel. Though she was notably less tense, thanks to Jude—who still eyed her triumphantly. Yet also with a glint of his own internal fire. He was likely plotting his next move on her. And that thought kept Kate intrigued and supercharged.

  A valet opened the door. Jude slipped into his jacket, spritzed breath spray into his mouth, straightened his tie, then slipped from the backseat first, so he could assist Kate out of the limo. Her knees were weak and she suffered another moment of concern over how thoroughly Jude affected her; how the exhilaration he incited didn’t diminish just because he wasn’t touching her.

  Well, he was touching her. He placed his hand at the small of her back. A gesture that felt intimate and territorial coming from someone of his prominent stature. Both professionally and physically. Even with her four-inch heels, he still towered over her. Kate noticed the female heads that whipped in their direction, the women openly admiring Jude in his impeccably tailored suit.

  Kate couldn’t blame the ladies for gawking. She had trouble herself retaining focus on her reason for having him in tow this evening, her purpose for being here—it wasn’t to book a room and let Jude have his way with her. Tempting though that was!

  Kate composed herself. She was losing sight of the big picture. Luckily, the champagne had provided a bit of fortification, and the orgasm had taken the edge off her. Having Jude beside her did both as well.

  She hitched her chin as they strolled through the lobby, Kate directing him to the event room.

  His head bent to hers and he murmured, “It is damn-near impossible for me to think of anything other than the fact you’re not wearing any panties.”

  “You’re downright indecent for keeping them, Jude,” she flirted.

  “Isn’t that the best way to get through these ostentatious affairs?”

  “I will confess, having a bold and daring date this evening will make this party much more tolerable. If you feel the need to leave some tongues wagging, please start with Mirabeth Presley. She could use a little applecart toppling in her overly organized and meticulously structured world.”

  “Why is that name familiar?”

  “You’ve likely seen it in the society pages of the Times. Her daddy is Griffith Presley, III.”

  “Global communications mogul.” Jude gave a low whistle.

  “Yes. And my brother is marrying the daughter of a billionaire real estate tycoon. But again, Charlotte is a saint. So try not to directly scandalize her, please.”

  He chuckled. “You’re the only woman I wish to scandalize this evening. You have the temperament for it. In fact, I think you secretly enjoy some adventure in your life.”

  “Perhaps not so secretly,” she said, smiling up at him.

  “Hmm. Aren’t you one surprise after another?”

  “I like spicy food, the occasional tequila shooter and classic rock.”

  His jaw clenched briefly.

  “What?” she asked. “It’s not like I just told you I collect butterflies so I can pull their wings off.”

  With a snicker, he said, “Kate has a dark-humor side.”

  “Kate does.”

  “Nice. Tell me more.”

  She opened her mouth to do just that, but then quickly shut it as they approached the party venue. And her gaze landed on a tall, broad-shouldered man with neatly trimmed blond hair and ice-blue eyes. Looking as stuffy as she knew him to be.

  “That’s my ex,” Kate whispered.

  “The Ken-doll look-alike?” Jude scoffed. “I don’t see you with that type at all.”

  “A match made in heaven…or so our parents thought. His name is Andrew Lexington. Dr. Lexington, to be precise. Renowned plastic surgeon and head of the department at Mount Sinai.”

  “Please don’t tell me he had visions of how to surgically enhance you. That is one killer body you possess, Kate. And I am anxious as hell to see it naked.” His head dipped once more as he conspiratorially said, “I bet every inch of you tastes as good as your pussy does.”

  Kate nearly tripped. Heat flared in her belly. Not that she expected Jude to be tame. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

  Her voice was faint as she told him, “Try to behave a tiny bit in front of Andrew. He did my nose job—necessary following a car accident.”

  “Unfortunately, I have to concede he does excellent work.”

  “Indeed. And is supremely aware of it. I’ve known him my whole life. Our parents paired us together when we were five. By the time we were twelve, our mothers were picking out our china pattern. Our fathers proudly snapped photos of us before the prom—my dress looking as though I belonged on top of a wedding cake. At that point, it was a foregone conclusion in their minds we’d be married right after college and I’d be a doctor’s wife.”

  Jude’s brow crooked. “Not a doctor yourself?”

  “Oh, Lord, no. That most definitely was not in their grand plan.”

  Kate didn’t elaborate. She greeted Andrew, who gave her a kiss on the cheek. Regardless of it being a chaste one, Jude’s left arm snaked around Kate’s waist and he tugged her a bit closer to him, so that she was tucked against his hunky body.

  A curious warmth ribboned through her. But rather than dwell on Jude’s sexy power play, she said, “Lovely to see you, Andrew.”

  “And you. Wow… That is one red dress.” His short laugh held no humor. Were Kate on his arm this evening, they never would have made it to the limo without Kate having to change into something infinitely more demure. Understated. Sedate. Though Andrew’s term would be respectable.

  “Jude,” she said, “meet Dr. Lexington. Andrew, this is Jude McMillan. He’s an industrial risk attorney.”

  “I saw your name in the paper recently,” Andrew commented as they shook hands. “The Higgins & Dobbs explosion, correct?”

  “I represent the insurer.”

  “Right, of course. That’s a substantial case.”

  “It’s tragic, is what it is,” Jude said, tension suddenly radiating from him. Kate felt his muscles tighten, every inch of him going rigid.

  Her extensive psychiatric training kicked into gear. But she couldn’t grill Jude at the moment, so instead, she tamped down the multitude of questions that instantly popped into her head.

  Admittedly, she was fiercely protective of Jude’s mental health, the way he reacted so rapidly and vehemently to something that put him on-edge, even if he did exert a hell of a lot of effort into smoothing his ragged emotions. But she knew in instances such as this, she had to let him ebb and flow… Not create additional strife for him by slipping on her therapist’s hat—in public, no less.

ew solemnly replied, “There were a few survivors who ended up at my hospital, all requiring burn treatments from my staff. But that poor girl—”

  “Yes, well…”

  Kate caught the residual barbed-wire undertone in Jude’s voice, and it tugged at her. She held her ground beside him, though, gazing up at him—a silent acceptance on her part that he was agitated by the subject matter, and an offering of stability, should he need it.

  Kate knew he’d innately grasp her intentions.

  He chose to move on, and that was likely wise.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Lexington,” Jude graciously said.

  “Andrew, I insist. And nice to meet you, as well, Jude.” Andrew turned his megawatt smile on Kate. Who had to tear her gaze from Jude, she was so transfixed by him, on every level.

  Andrew said, “Katie, it’s been much too long. You must come for Sunday brunch in the Hamptons this summer. Mother would be ecstatic. She misses seeing your pretty face. We all do.”

  “I’ll check my schedule and call her,” Kate absently said, her thoughts lingering on Jude, though she attempted to give Andrew her attention. She found it impossible, with Jude brooding beside her. His tension held a firm grip on her, but for a different reason than how it besieged him. Kate loathed any prickle along Jude’s spine—and could practically feel this one, despite not knowing the true source or extent.

  To Andrew, she added, “Give your parents my regards if they’re not here for the party.”

  “Oh, they are. And they’ll be so happy you came out for the occasion.” To Jude, he said, “She works too much.” He winked. Kate fought the glower.

  “Champagne, Kate?” Jude conveniently suggested—apparently recognizing Kate’s discomfort as much as she did his.


  “If you’ll excuse us…” Jude expeditiously whisked her away. As he accepted a glass for her from a tuxedo-clad waiter, he mused, “Your ex seems like a friendly guy.”

  Kate paused while Jude collected his own flute. They clinked rims and then she said, “Image can be deceiving. Andrew’s only interest is in Andrew. He could never fathom why I wanted to go to college and have a career of my own. Why I wouldn’t be thrilled to be the little Mrs., planning high-tea for his colleagues’ wives and hosting his dinner parties. Being an integral part of his high-brow circle.”


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