Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1) Page 9

by Raven K. Asher

  “It’s not pretty,” Nix answers before continuing. “It could kill him, but if he were to survive, he would become a hybrid. He would be both vampire and wolf. It would also make him very dangerous and powerful.”

  “Are there other’s like that?” I question next.

  Nix nods. “Yes, most of the guys at the Academy are hybrids.”

  “Are you…” I whisper.

  “No. I’m a purely a cat, a panther to be precise,” Nix replies.

  “If you bit me would it kill me?” I push.

  He shakes his head. “Only a wolf bite can kill you.”

  “And if I bit you?” I press.

  “You wouldn’t hurt me much. I can’t be changed without blood being exchanged.” He explains.

  “Why is it so much easier to turn a wolf?” I inquire.

  “Some say that wolves are the only natural hunters of vampires. Others say that vampires cursed wolves to do their dirty work.” Nix replies before he grins. “I say it’s because dogs are weak.”

  I snort and shake my head. “You are just as cocky as he is.”

  “Sometimes, but I’m nothing like Kane.” Nix insists.

  After a moment he nods towards the door. “I should go. I promised the guys that I’d meet them at the club for a few drinks.”

  “Could you wait a few seconds? We could walk together.” I try.

  He nods. “I can do that.”

  Without hesitating, I move over to my dresser. I pull out a skirt and a black halter top before rushing into the bathroom to change.

  Once I’m dressed I braid my hair to the side before making my way back out into the room.

  As soon as Nix lifts his head to look at me, his eyes turn emerald green.

  He curses under his breath before closing his eyes.

  I grin and then grab a pair of knee high boots to wear.

  After I get them on, I move over to Nix. I lift my hand to touch his cheek, and he sucks in a sharp breath as he reopens his eyes.

  “Are you alright?” I ask.

  He nods for a moment before shaking his head. “I am far from being alright.”

  I search his eyes for a moment. “Talk to me, Nix.”

  “I can’t.” He bites out a bit harshly as he suddenly takes a step back.

  Without saying another word, he rushes to the door before leaving without me. I sigh and then grab my phone beside the bed before moving towards the door.

  I walk out into the hall and sigh again.

  Nix was nowhere to be seen.

  Moving on, I walk slowly down the hallways and then down the sidewalk until I reach the club. I stop and stare at the door before I take a step forward.

  I walk inside and make my way to the bar.

  I find a seat and sit down.

  An unfamiliar bartender greets me with a friendly grin. “What will you have, Darling?”

  “I’d like a large glass of blood with two shots of vodka added and six shots of jack on the side,” I answer him.

  He nods and then walks away.

  “Rough night…?” The guy beside me asks with a hint of amusement.

  “You have no idea.” I breathe out.

  “I might. I’m trying to escape my harem for the night. They have been relentlessly trying to find me another girl.” He replies.

  A grin spreads across his lips as he scans me. “You wouldn’t be interested, would you?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “I don’t share.”

  He nods. “It was worth a try. I’m Sebastian, by the way, but you can call me Bash.”

  “I’m Ava,” I reply before the bartender returns with my drinks.

  Before I can pay, Bash holds up his hand stopping me. “The drinks are on me.”

  “Thanks,” I reply gratefully.

  He grins. “You’re welcome.”

  I take a few sips from my glass before turning my attention towards the different groups gathered around the club. I spot Tinsley on the dance floor before I find Nix at the pool table with a few guys.

  Our eyes lock for a moment before Nix gives me a disgusted look.

  I turn away and then drink down the three shots of whiskey before drinking a long sip from my glass of blood.

  “Are you single?” Bash questions abruptly.

  “I guess you could say that I am,” I answer honestly.

  He nods. “I could introduce you to a few friends if you’d like. I’m sure one of them would be more than willing to help you make your night a little better.”

  “They’re not Academy guys, are they?” I press.

  “No. They're regular vampires like you and me.” He replies.

  “Good,” I reply.

  He stands and then grabs his drink while I do the same. Bash then motions for me to follow him through the club to where a large group was gathered around a table.

  The scent of fresh blood fills my nose as we move closer.

  When we reach the table, my heart nearly stops. Lying on the table was a girl. Every inch of her skin was covered with bites. Some were fresh bites while others were scars.

  “Dominick, I have someone for you to meet.” Bash shouts to be heard over the music.

  A dark-haired guy looks up with blood flowing down his chin.

  His red eyes pin Bash with a glare. “Are you seriously interrupting my meal, Bash?”

  “I thought it would be worth it. You know I wouldn’t interrupt you otherwise.” Bash replies as he nods his head towards me. “This is Ava.”

  Dominic glares at Bash for a few more moments before he turns his attention towards me.

  “Ava, this is Dominick. Dominick this is Ava.” Bash introduces.

  “Would you like a drink, Ava?” Dominick asks as he motions towards the girl.

  I lift the glass in my hand. “I’ve already got one, but thanks.”

  “I wasn’t really asking,” Dominick replies with a low growl.

  I raise my brow as I look at Bash in question. I had no idea what I had just gotten myself involved in, but it certainly didn’t feel right.

  Without warning, Dominick grabs me before he yanks me towards the girl. He snatches my drink from my hand before handing it to someone else.

  “Drink…” Dominick commands as he holds up the girl’s wrist.

  I shake my head. “I’m not hungry.”

  “Bull…Vampires are always hungry.” He argues.

  When I make no move to bite the girl he shrugs and then pulls her into his lap before sinking his fangs deep into her neck.

  The girl moans softly as he stares up at me.

  I can’t help but lick my lips as a little bit of blood trickles down her shoulder.

  I take a step forward, but a set of strong arms wrap around my waist, stopping me. Seconds later I’m pulled away from Dominick and his group.

  The bartender spins me around a second later. “That's a crowd that you definitely don’t want to be a part of, Sweetheart.”

  He then tugs on my arm. “Come on; I’ll give you a few drinks to take the edge off.”

  I nod and then follow him to the bar where I find the seat I had been sitting in before. I sit and watch as he hops over the bar to the other side.

  After a few seconds, he places three glasses of blood in front of me. “Drink…These are as fresh as I can get.”

  I nod once more and then grab the first glass before placing it to my lips.

  The blood hits my tongue, and I groan softly as I drink it down quickly.

  Once the glass is empty, I move on to the next.

  Tinsley sits down next to me with Nick.

  She raises her brow in question. “What’s going on?”

  “Bash tricked her into meeting Dom.” The bartender answers. “I should have known better than to let him sit at the bar.”

  “I’m going to kick that little weasel’s ass.” Nick bites out.

  “No, you’re not,” Tinsley replies sternly. “You wouldn’t be able to take on Dominick or his group if you did.”
r />   “Thanks for saving her, Adam.” Tinsley then states gratefully.

  “Keep your eyes on her. I have a feeling Dom will be coming after her again.” Adam stresses.

  Tinsley nods and then watches me while Adam walks away.

  Instead of saying a word I finish my glass of blood before moving onto the last one that Adam had placed in front of me.

  “Shit. He’s coming over here himself.” Nick curses.

  “Ava, Hunnie, I think we should go.” Tinsley tries.

  I shake my head while pulling the glass away from my lips. “I can handle him.”

  “Are you sure?” She questions.

  “Yes. Now go, enjoy your night with Nick. If I need you, I’ll yell, okay.” I insist.

  Tinsley hesitates for a moment before nodding. “Fine, but I swear to god if he tries anything I will stake him.”

  With that promise, she reluctantly walks away with Nick.

  I turn my attention back to my glass as Dominick sits down beside me.

  Adam stops and gives us a look, but I shake my head in response. Now that I had more than enough fresh blood in my system I felt more in control of myself.

  “Do you always do what others want?” Dominick questions abruptly.

  I glance at him before I tip my glass back.

  The blood flows down my throat, and I sigh happily. Once I’m done I pull the glass away.

  Before I can do anything, Dominick wipes his thumb across my bottom lip before placing it into his mouth.

  He grins. “That was good blood.”

  I give him my best glare. “It was.”

  “How is it that I haven’t seen you around here until now?” He asks.

  “I’ve only been in town for a little while,” I answer without giving away too much information. “I’ve come here a few times though.”

  He leans in close before taking in a deep breath. “You’ve been with Loki.”

  I raise my brow.

  “I can smell his blood in your veins.” He answers my unspoken question.

  His answer only causes me to have more questions. There was still so much that Loki hadn’t taught me about being a vampire.

  “You’re new to this, aren’t you?” Dominick questions me.

  I open my mouth to answer, but he speaks instead. “You are. I should have known, but you’re stronger than I would expect.”

  “Loki taught me well,” I reply.

  “Yes, he did.” He agrees. “Where is Loki? Are you his?”

  “He’s gone, and no I’m not his. We’re just friends.” I answer before cursing myself for being too honest.

  “So, you’re single?” He presses.

  I shrug in response. “I guess so.”

  “You don’t have to be.” He states with a cocky smirk.

  “I’d rather be single than be with you.” I snort.

  His cocky smirk disappears instantly. “You’ll change your mind.”

  “I doubt that,” I reply seriously.

  Dominick laughs lightly as he grabs my empty glass from the bar. He bites into his wrist abruptly before holding his arm over the glass.

  Blood pours into it until it’s filled.

  I watch as Dominick licks his wound causing it to heal instantly. He then holds the glass towards me.

  “Drink it.” He pushes.

  “No,” I reply simply.

  “It’s better than that stuff Adam is feeding you and ten times better than alcohol.” Dominic insists as he stands from his seat.

  I shake my head again, but he places the glass in front of me on the bar.

  Without another word, he walks away.

  I watch as he disappears into the crowd before I turn my attention towards the glass in front of me.

  Leaning closer to it I take in a deep breath while closing my eyes.

  The blood smelled like strawberries.

  I lick my lips as I reopen my eyes.

  I grab the glass and glance around quickly before placing it to my lips. The second it hits my tongue I moan softly.

  Dominick had been right. It was unlike anything I had drunk so far. Even Loki’s blood didn’t compare to this.

  Within seconds I empty the glass.

  “All finished?” Adam asks as he steps in front of me.

  I nod and allow him to take the glass away.

  “Do you want anything else?” He asks.

  I shake my head. “No. I’m good now, thanks.”

  He nods and then walks away.

  A few minutes later Tinsley joins me before grabbing my hand. “Come dance with me.”

  I grin and follow her without hesitating like I usually would have. The mix of blood, alcohol, and Dominick’s blood had me on cloud nine.

  Tinsley begins dancing once we reach the dance floor and I quickly join her.

  We sway to the music.

  Nick dances behind Tinsley while I remain alone.

  From the corner of my eye I spot Nix watching me, but once again he gets a look of disgust on his face before he directs his attention elsewhere.

  I couldn’t help but feel rejected by him.

  He had been a ball of mixed emotions, but I couldn’t deny that I was attracted to him.

  Sighing softly, I close my eyes and raise my hands in the air as I allow the music to fill me. I allow it to carry me away as the beat pounds in tune with my heart.

  A set of strong arms circle me, but I keep my eyes closed. I sway against the body holding me.

  I only open my eyes when the hands touching me glide down to the bottom of my skirt before brushing against my bare skin.

  I grab the hands and stop them before I turn to see who was holding me.

  Kane smiles down at me as I look up at him. “You look amazing tonight.”

  “How are you here?” I ask.

  “I had a little help from a friend. I can’t stay with you tonight though.” He replies.

  “Oh…that stinks.” I laugh as I lay my head against his chest.

  “Are you drunk again?” He snorts.

  I nod and then close my eyes as I listen to his heart beating within the confines of his chest. After a moment my fangs descend.

  My eyes open wide before I push myself away from Kane.

  The fear of hurting him consumes me as I take a step back.

  “I can’t do this, Kane,” I whisper before I run away from him.

  I push my way through the crowd until I hit a hard, unmoving body. I look up into Dominick’s red eyes as he looks down at me.

  He studies my eyes for a few moments before frowning. “Are you alright?”

  I shake my head. “I need to go home.”

  “I’ll take you.” He insists.

  Without another word, he guides me through the building before leading me outside. He doesn’t hesitate to tug me down the sidewalk until we reach the school.

  He pulls me inside before stopping. “Where’s your room?”

  “It’s upstairs.” I answer before I begin leading the way.

  Three flights of stairs later I stop in front of my door. I turn to look at Dominick before looking down at my feet.

  “Do you want me to go?” He asks gently while lifting my chin with his hand.

  “No…” I breathe out.

  “What do you want from me?” He questions.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper. “I don’t want to share, so if that’s what you want, it isn’t going to happen. I don’t want to be some girl in a harem. I want my own.”

  A grin spreads across his lips. “You’re in luck. I like to share, but I don’t exactly like following orders from someone else.”

  “Right now I think you need someone to satisfy your needs.” He then states.

  I nod in agreement before I reach for the doorknob. I push the door open before I pull Dominick into the room with me.

  He shuts the door with his foot while he pulls me into his arms.

  I close my eyes as he leans in to trail his lips down my neck. A soft moan falls
from my lips as his fangs scrape across my skin.

  “What do you want me to do to you?” Dominick breathes out.

  “Bite me.” I plead.

  His lips form a smile against my neck right before his fangs pierce my skin.


  I wake up in a fog as someone knocks on the door to my room. It takes me a few moments, but I end up on my feet with a blanket wrapped around my bare body.

  Slowly, I make my way through the darkness to reach the door.

  Before I open it, Dominick pushes me back.

  “Who is it?” He shouts.

  No one answers.

  “Were you expecting anyone?” He then asks me.

  “No. Tinsley would have just walked in, and Loki is gone,” I reply.

  “Turn on the light,” Dominick instructs.

  I quickly find the switch and bath us in light before moving back behind Dominick.

  He glances back at me before swinging the door open wide. We are greeted by nothing but darkness on the other side.

  Dom sniffs the air before letting out a breath. “There was another vampire here.”

  “Who…?” I whisper.

  “I honestly don’t know.” He replies.

  He shuts the door and then turns to face me. “Is there someone that might be after you? Are you in danger?”

  “I don’t think so.” I breathe out.

  “You should probably contact your maker to protect you.” Dominick sighs.

  “I don’t know who he is.” I whimper. “I was attacked and turned against my will.”

  He curses. “Then it’s probably your maker coming after you.”

  “Why would he leave?” I question in confusion.

  Dominick shrugs in response. “There could be many reasons that he left, but I have a feeling that he’ll be back for you. If I were your maker, I wouldn’t let you go.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” I groan softly.

  “I’ll stay with you if you want me to. I can keep you safe until Loki returns.” Dominick insists as he pulls me close.

  “You’re a lot sweeter than I expected.” I snort as I look up at him.

  He grins. “Don’t tell anyone. I have an image to uphold.”

  I laugh for a moment before sighing. “I would like it if you stayed with me for a little while. I really hate being alone.”

  “Then it’s settled, I’ll stay.” He replies before pushing me towards the bed. “Now, let’s get back to sleep. You wore me out, and I need my beauty sleep.”


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