Courtesans and Lovers (The Space Courtesans Saga Book 2)

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Courtesans and Lovers (The Space Courtesans Saga Book 2) Page 6

by Cheri Chaise

  I was enormously grateful for the warmth’s embrace, brushing my hands over the silken dress and straightening a few jewels that hung from my hair and become twisted in the blustering wind. Mere seconds in the freezing night air reminded me that perhaps Jace was correct that I needed to consider more appropriate footwear. And warmer clothing.

  But I needed to obtain credits in order to make purchases. The opportunity to do so greeted us as we made our way through tight security and into the brightly lit hall.

  The walls were covered in highly polished, native stone instead of a digitized faux image. The glistening surface revealed streaks of rich color variances that luminesced yet was smooth and cool to the touch when I brushed my fingers against it as we strolled through the columned archway.

  Highly unusual to waste such a valuable resource on its home planet when much more in credits was obtained in exports – especially for a world that had little means to sustain its population and depended heavily on imports.

  Evidenced by the sparse offerings on the buffet across the room.

  A soirée usually presented a wide assortment of delicacies. Fresh fruits. Cakes and tarts. If a proper chef attended the household, usually large candied and mocha-covered offerings were displayed.

  I saw little to nothing of such treats on Trina’s table, unheard of for such an important representative of the Galactic Empire. When she’d mentioned goods not making their final trek to these outer planets, I hadn’t realized the full extent of the problem.

  Several weeks ago, I’d considered the possibility of using my ship to transport luxury items between Port Flint and Lyandra. However, it appeared the most basic of goods was in much higher demand. If I could negotiate some sort of upfront fee through government channels, I might be able to bring in needed foodstuffs on my next flight from the starport.

  I’d find a tactful way to further broach the subject with Trina tonight, if I managed to coax her back to my sanctuary after this was all over. Otherwise, I’d have to set my sights on another possible client to warm my bed this evening – and restock my credit account.

  As we stood in the receiving line, I carefully scanned the arrivals mingling around the edges of the dance floor. Those unaccustomed to Rim living stood out like a warning beacon. Silky fabrics of bright colors blended with unsurrendered dark cloaks to warm those overcome by a draft or chill. Others kept warm as they sashayed and spun to the rich and dulcet tones from the stringed quartet, their lovely dresses and coattails floating like rolling clouds. Or perhaps snowflakes.

  How long had it been since I’d had the pleasure of live music? This was no digitized image with piped-in tones. They wouldn’t bother projecting dexterous hands with only the ends of their fingers showing out from the gloves. It must’ve run Trina some hefty credits to engage the group to travel all the way out to the Rim.

  “Checking out the room for prospects?” Jace’s whisper across my eardrum sent a chill of pleasure straight down my spine.

  I kept the welcoming smile on my face. “A space courtesan does what she must.” Particularly when her coffers were nearly empty.

  “I doubt you’ll have trouble filling your bed around here.”

  My knuckles bounced off of his tight pectorals as I surreptitiously swatted them with the back of my hand. “Shh.”

  Though I received nods of approval and interest from those nearby, it appeared my mech tech was the one sending the room abuzz. Ladies of all ages whispered to each other behind fluttering fans – ridiculous since their nipples protruding from thin fabric gave away their chilled – or perhaps aroused – state. They swished their hips and glanced over shoulders with a wink and a titter as they walked by. Some even had the audacity to outright gawk openly all the way from across the hall.

  “It appears, my dear officer,” I playfully murmured, “that you are the one causing a bit of a stir this evening.”

  He chuckled softly. “It’s the uniform. Women just love a man in uniform.”

  “Obviously. Though it might also have to do with the handsome, young man filling out said uniform.” We inched forward in the line. “Regardless of what you swapped for it.”

  He sighed. “You’re never going to believe me, are you?”

  “They don’t let just anybody into the Galactic Academy, you know.”

  “Maybe I’m not just anybody.” Jace released my arm to carefully remove his cap as the ambassador’s gaze alighted on me.

  “Dahlia, my dear friend.” With the carefully composed smile of a politician, Ambassador Dregas grasped both of my hands and chastely leaned in to peck both of my cheeks in turn. “I’m so pleased you were in the area and could make it to my little reception tonight.”

  “I was pleased to receive your invitation, Ambassador.” I touched the assortment of tiny jewels hanging from her ears, glistening a deep green. Maybe more purple. No, black. The color changed with each slight movement of her head. “What lovely earrings. So unusual.”

  “New stones quarried from one of Lyandra’s mines.”

  “Truly stunning,” I admired.

  “As are you.” She gave me a rather discreet head-to-toe sweep. “These earrings would go beautifully with the shimmering color of that dress.” Her gaze dipped to the plunging neckline of amethyst silk that revealed more than just the swells of my breasts and sent a noticeable heat into her eyes. But she covered it well with the skill of a highly trained politician. “The matching necklace would as well.”

  Her nipples protruded from the green satin she wore, though I imagine it was more from our close proximity than the room’s temperature when mine hardened in response. While it was common knowledge courtesans serviced both male and female clients, Trina had always tried to keep her interactions with me discreet. Like a good courtesan, I respected her wishes, which was one reason why I’d offered to attend tonight as a friend.

  Having Jace beside me didn’t hurt the appearance either, as Trina eyed my mech tech up and down. Her practiced smile tightened ever so slightly. “And who might this handsome young cadet be?”

  “Ambassador Dregas, may I present my escort for this evening…Mr. Jace Wylder.”

  Jace took the extended hand and touched his lips to it before straightening again with a deferential nod. “A pleasure, Ambassador. I appreciate the extension of your invitation to include me in tonight’s festivities…and your assistance with that other matter.”

  Oh, he was good. He’d probably spent the day practicing that line, though perhaps he put on a gentleman’s airs a little thick.

  “A mister, is it?” Trina asked with a raised brow, brushing aside the referenced assistance. “In such a uniform, I’d expect a lieutenant. Maybe even reaching for a captain’s chair…or perhaps an admiral?”

  “I haven’t yet earned any of those titles, Ambassador.”

  The tightness around Trina’s smile eased. “You’re awfully far away from the Academy then, Mr. Wylder.”

  “I am, ma’am,” Jace returned without further explanation.

  “Well, I’m glad you were in the area to attend my soirée.” Trina again turned her attentions to me with another touch of our cheeks. “I hope we might find time later this evening to catch up, Dahlia.”

  My shoulders relaxed as I understood perfectly what she meant. I could almost hear the sigh of relief from my nearly creditless account. “I look forward to it, Ambassador.”

  “In the meantime, feel free to enjoy yourselves. Dance…and sample the offerings from my table. I look forward to conversing with you more later.”

  The firming of her voice as she mentioned the food was not lost on me either. I dipped my head in submission then raised it in understanding of the deeper meaning beneath her words before Jace and I stepped aside.

  “Can you dance?” I muttered to my escort.

  “It’s been awhile,” he admitted.

  “Then do whatever you can and follow my lead…without looking like you’re following.”

  There was only a s
light hesitation in his step before he grasped my hand, swept us onto the floor, and then took me tightly in his arms. Our bodies melded together as one as his hand rested low against my spine just above the curve of my ass. The dance was not a complicated venture of intricate swirls and separations, but still I caught Jace moving his lips in silent counting as he stared unseeing over my head.

  “Relax,” I urged, running a hand along the slick fabric coating his stiff and bulging arm. “Breathe. Flow with the music. With my body…because I know you’re good at that.”

  His heated visage dipped to mine. Muscles relaxed. The counting immediately ceased as a seductive and confident smirk oozed across his face.

  “Got that right.” His gaze strayed again to take in the room, settling on the receiving line. “So…that’s the ambassador, huh?”

  I fought against the eye roll that threatened to come out for a second time already. “Yes, the ambassador.”

  His lips feathered my ear, and the whisper sent heat thundering through my veins. “What’s it like to fuck another woman?”

  “I’m not having this conversation with you, Jace,” I hissed. “Not here. Not when it could impact a dear friend of mine.”

  “Then later on the ship?”

  “Let me clarify…not ever.”

  From the look in his glittering, emerald eyes, his curiosity was anything but sated. “Makes me think of that one ex-girlfriend I told you about.”

  “Really, Jace…”

  “It makes me hard just imagining you tonguing each other.” He wriggled his cock against my hip without breaking from the dance. “Can you feel it? It wants to come out and play.”

  I sighed to hide the heat blooming in my belly and threatening to appear on my face. “And to think you sounded so dignified when I introduced you moments ago. Can that Jace come out to play for a few hours, please?”

  “Okay,” he agreed before dipping to touch his forehead to mine with a most wicked grin. “But I want to hear all about it later.”

  “The only way you’ll hear it then is in your most…erotic…dreams,” I countered, emphasizing each word with a wicked smile of my own.

  Jace pulled me firmly against him and whirled us in a circle to promenade with the other couples. We covered his tightening erection by holding our joined hands a bit lower than the dance called for. The draped sleeves of my dress hid him nicely, though the titter of watchers on the sidelines said there were some older ladies who’d noticed – and appeared to be pointing it out to others.

  Poor Jace. There was no way he’d escape the night unscathed now. For me to properly conduct business, we’d have to spend some time apart. No self-respecting lady or gentleman would dare attempt to schedule with me in front of another perceived client. And the more clients I got into my sanctuary, the sooner we could get off of this ice cube of a planet – or at least once we successfully cleared my mech tech’s name.

  I glanced again toward the sad refreshments table as we sailed by. “When this dance is over, why don’t you go get us some delicacies?”

  “Alright.” He glanced over that way to giggling titters from the ladies who watched him. “But it doesn’t look like there’s much to choose from.”

  “Anything will be fine.”

  I had no doubt the women would swarm him the moment we parted. He’d be occupied for some time, I was certain. Perhaps long enough for Trina and I to have a further word about what was obviously troubling her.

  Just a few weeks ago, I’d attended Governor Tarlington’s large gathering on Port Flint, where there’d been no shortage of food, drink, and various sundries that evening. Of course, the port was the only holdover distribution center along the Rim, where many ships stopped to trade or drop off necessary supplies for these lowly planets.

  Foodstuffs in particular passed through in abundance, since most planets this far out had little means of sustaining their small populations. I was convinced this was the primary topic Trina wished to discuss with me tonight. It appeared that this was a simple issue of goods going from point A, to point B, and not progressing any farther to reach their intended destinations. I hoped she’d be open to my proposed contribution.

  Though I still felt somewhat guilty that I might’ve been the recipient of said misplaced goods. What I’d seen at the time as a fortunate transaction for a large quantity of tea tree oil at an even more fortunate price, may have been intended for a destination other than the oil merchant on Port Flint. François had virtually admitted as much.

  But those concerns were pushed aside the moment the music stopped, and I caught a swatch of speckled dark hair atop the tall frame of a somewhat familiar and handsome face when he stepped through the entrance archway.

  The older man from the enforcement precinct. Come to rescue the young girl with pale, almost white hair.

  Discomfort heightened further as his dark stare connected with mine from across the room. Ignoring protocol by skipping the receiving line altogether, he made a beeline across the dance floor just as Jace returned to my side.

  And headed straight toward me.

  Chapter Eleven

  Shiny shoes clicked together in a formal military stance before the stranger bowed over the hand I offered. “We meet again, I see.”

  “From the precinct,” I acknowledged with a slight dip of my chin.

  “Sir Mittrand Kranst, at your service.” Dark eyes sparkled as he straightened. “But my friends and associates call me Mitt.”

  Of which I was neither. “A pleasure, Sir Kranst. I am Dahlia…of the Courtesan Court.”

  For a member of the gentry, Sir Kranst had not even the slightest comprehension of etiquette when it came to approaching a courtesan in a public gathering. Even with my emphasis. Or if he understood it, he chose to ignore the well-established standards.

  Jace’s heat pressed in from behind as his hand rested against my hip as if to claim me as his own – even if intended only for appearances. “Excuse me, but we were about to partake of some refreshment. Dahlia?”

  Again, where had this well-spoken, noble bearing in my mech tech come from?

  “I only need a moment of your time,” Sir Kranst said without even a glance at Jace in acknowledgement of his position.

  I gritted my teeth as I fought against the need to break with Courtesan House rules, but I’d already done a splendid job breaking others these last few cycles. What was one more?

  I placed my hand over the one gripping my hip and slowly turned in his arms until I faced Jace. “Would you please bring me a glass of whatever is available?”

  The corners of his eyes pinched ever so slightly, his lips set in a firm line until he brought my hand up to it. Instead of planting a quick kiss on the back of my hand, Jace carefully rotated it. With his gaze firmly connected with mine, he lightly brushed his lips over the most tender and sensitive pulse point of the inside of my wrist.

  Heat bloomed in my belly and crept into my chest and toward my face. My lips parted of their own accord as I fought to find breath.

  With a glint in his eye, Jace released my hand and spun on his heels toward the table to do my bidding as I continued to stare after him.

  “Occupational hazard?”

  The voice behind me broke the mortifying trance. “Beg pardon?”

  “Declarations. Claims,” Mr. Kranst said. “I imagine you get that a lot in your line of work.”

  Though not usually so public. I shook off the moment and focused again on Sir Kranst, who held out his arm. I offered up a smile as we strolled along the edges of the growing crowd to the dance floor.

  The complicated steps, bends, and twirls kept us too far apart for adequate conversation in those first moments, but it allowed me to better gauge my dance partner. He didn’t miss a beat, gliding like a well-trained cavalier as he touched the fingers of the other dancers in our set until again we faced one another.

  “It is not wise to come between a courtesan and her client, Sir Kranst,” I gently admonished. “Parti
cularly in a public setting. Duels have been fought over less.”

  “Then I shall make my request brief.” He flicked out a digi-card and, rather less than discreetly, handed it over as he took my hand for the promenade. “I wish to hire you for this evening.”

  With deft fingers, I slid the data into my sleeve to upload to my bracelet without releasing his hand. “As you see, I am otherwise engaged with entertainments this evening.”

  The nerve of the man. Trying to contract with me right out in the open. Of course, I didn’t bother to tell him that my mech tech wasn’t the intended client tonight. Or that Jace was my employee – of sorts. If I didn’t need the funds so badly, I would flat out refuse such a tactless courtier.

  When I spun and glanced Jace’s way, as suspected he was again surrounded by a gaggle of other ladies, both young and old. There was even a smartly-dressed young man in the mix, who appeared more than eager to give Jace a whirl between the sheets.

  I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips, which helped fix a more pleasant expression when I again engaged with the nobleman at my side. “But I am available tomorrow evening.”

  His grin didn’t quite reach those dark and flinty eyes. “Tomorrow evening it is then.”

  My stomach churned as we continued the dance, as if I’d just made a pact with a demon. Thoughts trailed back to the young girl he’d picked up from the precinct.

  “I must admit to a curiosity, Sir Kranst. What were you doing picking up that poor, young girl at the enforcement precinct the other morning?”

  His jaw set for a moment before he spoke. “She is my ward…a troublesome one at that.”

  “Unusual for the enforcers to take in one so young.”

  The muscles in his cheeks twitched in a clench. His grip around my waist as he twirled tightened. “I’m afraid it’s not unusual out here. There are few entertainments on this hunk of ice to keep our youth occupied and away from mischief.”

  “With such responsibilities, it’s a wonder you keep her so far from court.”


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