Dominion: A Shifter of Consequence Tale (Shifters of Consequence Book 4)

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Dominion: A Shifter of Consequence Tale (Shifters of Consequence Book 4) Page 1

by Mazzy J March

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  A Shifter of Consequence Tale

  Copyright 2020 by Mazzy J. March

  ISBN: 978-1-68361-442-5

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden

  without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing LLC

  Table of Contents

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  A Sneak Peek at the next Shifter of Consequence Tale

  An Excerpt from Survivor

  No one can save me. I have to save myself.

  My mates can’t find me. My wolf doesn’t sense them anywhere near. Rattlecreek finally got what they wanted, the healer right in their hands. And they aren’t planning to let me go alive. If they can’t have me, nobody can. They’ve already robbed me of the ability to walk—again.

  Not for long

  They’ve underestimated me, though, and soon they will know by how much.

  Because my mates, my house, my great-grandmother, and my life are all waiting for me outside. A future. With or without the ability to run. And I won’t let them or myself down. I am more than my legs. More than my gift even, but I owe the use of that gift to my pack. It, and I, will not be held for long.

  Two of my mates have yet to mate and mark me. I will not be denied the life that is my destiny.

  Now if I could just wake up.

  Dominion is the 4th book in a paranormal reverse harem shifter series featuring a badly injured female wolf shifter, her healing, and the four male wolf shifters who all want to be her fated mate. It is a why choose werewolf romance with a slow burn buildup sure to make your toes curl. Relationships develop over the course of this supernatural series and, of course, Mazzy guarantees an HEA.

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  Shifters of Consequence







  A Shifter of Consequence Tale


  Mazzy J. March

  Chapter One

  Tingling pulsed through my toes and up to my ankles like tiny needles using my feet as a pincushion, but I knew better than to move. Moving meant they’d shoot me full of more medicine. They had the audacity to call it medicine. Poison was more like it—then again I’d been poisoned most of my life.

  I’d lost track of the days as I slept more than I was awake and there was absolutely no light inside this place. It was perpetually night. I hadn’t been fed or given any water.

  So, how was it I had to pee?

  I spent my time listening and observing, trying like hell to find some hole in their plot and also for my mates. I knew they must be driving themselves mad with blame for this happening to me. In this moment, I would give anything for Moss’s hand on my back, Escher’s growl, Cash’s sweet smile, or one of Brandon’s jokes.

  One second with them would fuel me, I was sure of it.

  All the while, I blamed myself. How stupid could I be? I let my guard down. I’d backtracked my steps from that day about a million times in my head, pinpointing the mistakes, vowing never to make them again.

  If I ever got out of this place.

  “Stop trying to pretend you’re asleep…Healer,” the one named Cole snarled at me, kicking at my legs. I only knew because the rest of my body felt the jolt. If he wanted my attention, he should’ve kicked something else. I mean, he was the one who kept shooting me up with the stuff to paralyze me.

  Kind of tipped me off to their level of intelligence.

  “What?” I snapped, opening my eyes and adjusting to the oil lamp someone had lit.

  “The tone of this bitch,” he hissed, marching around me, scanning me from head to toe. His gaze slithered over my skin like a vat of slime, dripping from my arms and legs, and I was sure, even with a scalding hot shower, it would be a long time before I got it off.

  “That’s Midnight Alder for you.” The other man sat cross-legged near the cave wall then moved back as he’d sat right under a drip. “They always think they’re better than anyone else. I bet they’re not thinking the same way anymore.” I hadn’t caught this one’s name.

  Cole chuckled, and I swore some of his spittle landed on the back of my neck. A gag rose in my throat, but I pushed it down. I needed to get on the right side of these jerks, so that when I figured out a way to get away, they would never see it coming.

  “They always thought they were the best, and yet, where are they?” The other one looked around the cave. “Right. They can’t find you. Even with their tracker, Cashel, they can’t find you.”

  The sound of Cash’s name on his lips made me thrash around and caused them to laugh at me. They wouldn’t be laughing for long, I vowed as I sat there, listening to their trash.

  Cole was a time bomb. He continued to grumble while he circled me. The ticking could practically be heard coming from his body and his posture. “Midnight Alder. They always take and take and take. They take women who are meant for us. They take our pack members who run away from our stringent rules. They take our lands.”

  The other one grunted.

  I’d never known Midnight Alder, as a pack or individually, to ever take. In fact, in my experience, those people had only given to me. Given me a place to belong. Given me my mates. Given me a home.

  My heart twisted and clenched every time I thought about my mates.
They must’ve been in anguish.

  “All they do is take,” he screamed into my ear, bending to make the most effect. “But this time, we took what was theirs. Because you don’t belong to them. You belong to all wolves. You belong to the race of shifters.”

  “I belong to myself. No one can take that.”

  Take. Take. Take. Cole had repeated the word over and over until it began to play like a warped record in my head.

  I shuddered as the word bored into my senses and began to fester. Mirella had said my powers were about taking. I was a taker more than a healer, but healer was a nice way of putting it so I wasn’t seen as an enemy. Inside me was a taker, a robber of sorts.

  She had also said there was a dark side to me. A blanket of blackness I could easily step into and allow it to seduce me and take over.

  They took me, but I could take back.

  “I have to pee,” I bit out.

  “So? Pee.” Cole continued to pace in front of me, rubbing his chin as though he was mulling over what to do with me next. I could tell these two hadn’t thought this whole thing through. They probably weren’t capable of so much thought.

  “I’m not peeing on myself. Come on. My legs don’t work. What am I gonna do, run?”

  They looked at each other, and the other one shrugged. “Fine.”

  In seconds, I was untied and my arms were slung over each of their shoulders. Every muscle in my body ached from sitting too long as the beginning of atrophy took effect. I knew the sensation well. It had been my friend most of my life. My dead weight made them grunt as they took me to another part of the cave, a hole tucked away, while they slumped me to the ground. Cole stood at the opening, turning and crossing his arms over his chest. “Let’s see how you manage this,” He mocked, laughing to himself as the other one made his way out.

  Take. Take. Take. What could I take from them?

  Something big. Something to cripple them, but not their legs, like me. No matter how vile they were, I couldn’t manage it.

  Then it came to me.

  I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, determined to make this work, though it was my first time trying it. My desperation would be enough to make it work. I had to believe. My eyes popped open, and I saw the blue glow for the first time as it reached out, closing the distance between me and Cole.

  The glow meandered like it was on a curvy road, awaiting my command.

  Take their vision and their wolf, I demanded of it, and heat filled my chest, weaving around my ribs and settling between my sternum and my heart.

  I was sure it was the beginning of the darkness Mirella had told me about, but I had to do it—had to get out of here.

  Had to live.

  Chapter Two


  So, far I’d used my gift to give, but there was no giving without taking, no light without darkness, and if these assholes thought they’d kidnapped Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, they’d kidnapped the wrong wolf. Mirella had tried to tell me about this, but so far, I’d only had the need to use my gift for healing.

  And she warned me using my power for anything on the less-positive side would backlash on me. But the rage encompassing my senses left no room for caring about that. I’d take whatever happened when it happened, but staying here, a sitting duck waiting for them to make use of me? Not happening.

  Having relieved myself in an utterly humiliating fashion, and straightened my clothes as best I could, I called for my captors to help me get away from the “bathroom” area. “Hey, if you’re done enjoying the show, Cole, or whatever your name is, I’d appreciate a little assistance.”

  The bastard had watched the whole time. Sure, I was in a shadowy corner, and I’d tried to be as discreet as possible, but that type of voyeurism was nasty. I didn’t care what any consenting adults chose to do in their private life, but these bastards had no place in my life, private or otherwise.

  Smirking, he sauntered over and lifted me under my arms then dragged me to my original location. “There you go. Once you’re in compliance with our demands, you can have better accommodations.” He dropped me like a sack of potatoes. “Until then, this is home sweet home. And it’s not going to smell good after a while.”

  Considering they weren’t even feeding me, I wasn’t sure what they thought would be passing through my system. I remembered reading a person could live for weeks without food but only a few days without water. And even with a shifter’s system, I couldn’t go on forever without sustenance. “Can I get a drink of water?”

  “Will you agree to do what we tell you?”

  “Not in the slightest. But what good am I to you dead?” I hoped they would see logic. Weakness in their plans. An unwilling healer was anything but an asset. Especially a dead unwilling healer, and I’d gladly leave my mortal body before I did a single thing these criminals asked of me.

  “Oh we won’t let you die.” Cole snickered and called out the doorway, “Tano, come hear a funny story.”

  “What’s that?” The other guy came in, zipping up his jeans. Apparently, he had to go as well, but wasn’t forced to soil the place he “lived” as I was. “I always like a good joke.”

  “The healer thinks we’re going to let her die if she doesn’t agree to work with us to help the pack.” Cole swaggered over to me and rubbed his knuckles over my cheekbone. “Isn’t it adorable?”

  “Uh, yeah. A person would think we don’t know how to take care of our stuff.”

  “Good way to put it.” He stroked my lower lip with his thumb, pulling back as I snapped my teeth at it. His mean smile was replaced with a snarl. “One more move like that and I’ll slap the sass right out of you. Got it?” He grabbed a handful of my hair and gave a sharp jerk.

  I gasped, but didn’t reply. Fucker could do anything he wanted. Torture me, murder me…but I wasn’t going to say yes to any question he asked.

  “I asked if you got it.” A sharp jerk snapped some hairs, and a few came out by the roots. Cole held them up to his buddy. “Look, she doesn’t color her hair. Same brown all the way to the root.”

  “Huh. My girlfriend says it’s hard for shifters to dye their hair. It doesn’t always hold when they go back and forth in forms.” Amazing he had a girlfriend. I’d kill myself first—no, I’d kill him before I let him lie with me.

  “Interesting.” Cole let the strands fall to the floor in front of me. “I wonder what happens if you yank it all out. Would it grow back, or would you be a bald wolf?” He grabbed a few more and pulled them tight. “Oh, wait, you can’t shift anyway, can you? Pathetic loser. You’re lucky we want you as our healer.” Bending close, he stared into my face. “In fact, I think you should say thank you.”

  I spat at him, amazing considering my mouth was so dry. I almost regretted the loss of moisture but considered it well worth the investment as I watched him swipe away the droplets. No, I was the one smiling, but my grin fell away when he backhanded me, snapping my head back on my neck.

  My eyes filled with tears, but I shook them away. Any reservations I’d had about using my gift to free myself while causing harm to my captors also fled. Gathering the blue light, I focused on Cole who still crouched close to me. “I gave you my bodily fluid, and in exchange I demand your sight.”

  He reared back, a laugh starting and dying in his throat. “I-I…you bitch! What have you done? Tano, help. The Midnight Alder cunt has done something to me.” He fell to the floor, clawing at his eyes and howling.

  “What do you mean?” Tano raced to his side then grabbed me, shaking me hard. “What did you do? How could you make him bleed without even touching him?”

  I glanced past him. Sure enough, twin streams of blood ran down Cole’s cheeks and mingled with the dust on the hard floor. Huh. “Interesting.” I turned to meet Tano’s outraged stare. “Untie me. Now.”

  “Why the hell would…?” But he was already undoing the knots and freeing my limbs. Not that it was enough to get me moving. I was still incapacitated, but I thought as soon
as their drug was out of my system, things might improve. Hopefully. Unlike in the past when I’d been on the meds, I could feel my wolf in there, but she was bound in some way, and shifting was not going to happen today at least. “There.” He stepped back.

  “Now. I’m going to give you something. Advice.” I moved my arms and rubbed my legs, preparing to leave as best I could. Nothing guaranteed I’d get away. If others were nearby, they might find me and I wasn’t sure how often I could take action of this kind. But I had to give it my best shot. Sure, I’d die before I used my gift to help them, but I really preferred life. Especially in the last few months, it had become pretty awesome to be me and live my life.

  Cole still writhed on the floor, but Tano was laser-focused on me.

  “The next time you try to appropriate something, or someone, who is not yours, the punishment will be much worse. So, I suggest you consider the ramifications carefully.” Kneeling up, I brushed the dust off my clothes, or at least as much as I could reach. “Now that I’ve given, in return I will take your eyesight as well.”

  His screech was sure to be heard somewhere by someone, but with both of them on the floor wailing and shuddering, I couldn’t resist one last comment. “You never would have been able to get me to do what you wanted, you know. How could you think it possible?” I shrugged and was crawling on hands out the door when Cole’s sobbing voice slowed me down.

  “There’s a drug for that. We just didn’t want to use it right away.”

  Oh hell no.

  Not another drug.

  I didn’t turn around and kill them, and the blindness might be temporary—I wasn’t sure—so I wanted credit for restraint. But the forest floor was rough to crawl on, so I didn’t waste a whole lot of time worrying about it. I made sure to remember their names, Cole and Tano, and tried to map my route so I could tell the alpha what had happened.


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