The Enchanted Land

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The Enchanted Land Page 14

by Jude Deveraux

  Morgan slowly recalled her abandonment of the moments before. She was embarrassed, and turned her head away from Seth. She had acted like an animal.

  “What’s this? Morgan, what’s wrong?” He looked into her tear-filled eyes. “Tears, from my little wildcat?”

  She began to cry more. “I’m not a wildcat. I’m a woman,” she sobbed.

  He laughed. “So that’s it. It’s that damned mother of yours. Sometimes I wish I could have met her. But I’d probably regret what I would say to her.” He kissed Morgan’s damp cheeks. “Your mother had some wrong ideas about what makes a lady. I love you, and you love me. What we do between us isn’t wrong.” His eyes twinkled. “Didn’t you enjoy this morning?”


  “Then that’s all that matters.” He stood up, took her hand, and pulled her up to him. “Come on.”


  “We’re taking a bath. I’ve smelled buffalo more pleasant than the two of us.”

  She looked at his hair and noticed it was wet with sweat, as was her own. Seth was right. She had enjoyed their lovemaking … more than enjoyed it. She needed it. And she wasn’t going to let anyone interfere.

  “Race you,” she called as she ran to the pool.

  Chapter Nine

  THEY spent four days in the canyon of the ancient ruins. Seth introduced Morgan to the joys of lovemaking, and after her initial fears were over, she learned to return his love with an abandonment that surprised them both.

  “Morgan, sweet, it’s time to go.” Seth’s voice was a whisper in the early-morning stillness.

  “Go where?” She snuggled closer to him, still groggy with sleep.

  “Today we have to start for home. We’ve been here long enough. I want to take my little bride back to my ranch.”

  It was a minute before Morgan reacted, and then she sat up, throwing the blanket from her body. The sight of her golden skin with the full curves of her breasts and hips always made Seth’s body react. He reached out one large hand to caress her and pull her back to him, but with lightning quickness, she was already standing out of his reach.

  “Hey,” he called softly, “why don’t you come back to me for a little while?”

  She ran to him, pulling his head to her chest. “I want to go. I want to see your ranch, and I want to meet Lupita, and I want to be your wife.”

  “My wife? That’s just what I want you to be right now.” His hand reached inside her cotton shirt.

  She laughed and pulled away from him. “Oh, no, Seth Colter, I know you. We’ll make love, and then we’ll sleep, and then we’ll make love, and before long the day will be gone. You’ll never take me home until I’m old and ugly and you don’t want me anymore.”

  Her reasoning made sense to him. “You’re probably right. So why don’t we just stay here for a few more years?” He made a grab for her. “I promise to take you home when I’m tired of you.” At the look in her eye he said, “All right. I’m getting up.” As he put his clothes on, Morgan heard him muttering something about being henpecked so soon.

  The journey east and north to Seth’s ranch took over three weeks. They stopped often to rest the horse, which was overburdened with the weight of two people. There had been places where they could have purchased a horse, but Morgan had protested. This was her honeymoon, and she liked the feeling of being so near Seth.

  Seth had said that they would reach his home within the next two days. She twisted in the saddle and unbuttoned Seth’s shirt to kiss the bronzed skin of his chest.

  “Can’t keep your hands off me, can you, wench?”

  Morgan giggled and then sighed, her chest against his cool skin. “Seth, do you think I’ll fit in? Do you think the people on your ranch will like me?”

  He kissed the top of her head, warm from the sun. “As long as I like you, then that’s all that matters. Besides there aren’t many others. You know Jake, and Lupita will adore you. For years, she’s been trying to marry me off to every female relative of hers from fourteen to fifty. Paul runs the place while I’m gone.”

  “You’ve never mentioned Paul.”

  “He’s been with me about two years. Between Jake, Paul and me, we keep the place going. In the spring we hire a few men, but then they leave again in the fall. I hope you’re not disappointed, sweet, but you are not married to a wealthy man.”

  “Seth,” she leaned against him, enjoying the feel of his muscles against her back, “What will happen to your father’s plantation? Wasn’t he angry when you came out here to live, rather than run the plantation? You’re his only son.”

  “He was at first, but then I think he envied me my freedom. He married and then I was born, when he was still very young. He had to support his family, and couldn’t go off to new territory to start a life that offered no security. The plantation will go to my sisters and their husbands.”

  “It seems strange for a rich man’s son to give up everything and start all over again, poor.”

  “But my ranch in New Mexico is mine, not handed to me. My son will be able to choose where he wants to live, too.”

  “Son!” Morgan murmured, and felt her belly. She would be glad to get home, to a home in this enchanted land for her, Seth, and their children.

  It was late afternoon of the following day, when they saw the house. Even from a distance, it looked enormous to Morgan. “Well, when a house is built of adobe, I guess you can afford a big one.”

  It was low and sprawling, with fences and low walls surrounding areas off the rooms. In back were four other buildings, houses for Lupita, Jake, and Paul, and a sort of barn for horses and Lupita’s dairy cow. There were several cottonwoods around the houses, and here and there chickens scratched in the dirt.

  Other than the chickens, Morgan saw no signs of life. When they were about a hundred yards from the house, Seth dismounted, emitted three low whistles, and suddenly he was surrounded by dogs. They were glad to see their master, and leaped to greet him.

  Smiling up at Morgan, still on the horse, Seth told her, “They’re the worst watchdogs in the world, but I couldn’t possibly get rid of them.”

  “Señor Colter! You are home!” A short, plump woman ran to Seth and threw her arms around his waist. Seth picked her up, swung her around, and kissed her heartily on the cheek.

  “You’re so skinny!” she laughed, wiping away tears. “They have no frijoles in that place, no tortillas?” She stopped when she saw Morgan.

  “This is my wife, Lupita,” Seth announced proudly, as he lifted Morgan from the horse and held her in his arms like a child.

  “Put me down,” she whispered to him, embarrassed.

  Lupita laughed happily. “Jake has been telling me about you. I am so happy to meet you. I have been telling this buffalo a long time it is no good to live alone.”

  “Well, Lupita, she’s only second best.” Seth could feel Morgan’s eyes on him. “I wanted Lupita, but she wouldn’t have me.”

  Seth ignored Morgan’s struggles and pulled her closer. “I seem to remember an ancient Roman custom, where the husband carries his bride into the house.”

  Lupita glowed as she saw the obvious love between the two. She had not expected this, not after what Jake had told her about the constant bickering during the journey. She loved Seth as the son she never had, and she knew this tiny bit of a woman that he so easily held was going to be her daughter. Maybe soon there’d be lots of babies for her to take care of. She laughed aloud.

  “See, Lupita approves of my carrying you.” Morgan relaxed against her husband as he started walking toward the house.

  “Seth!” Morgan turned her head to see Jake running toward them. “What the hell took you so long? Frank’s been over twice to see if you were back yet.” He grinned his toothless smile and took Seth’s outstretched hand in both of his.

  “Well, I see you got the little girl back.”

  Seth pulled her close and said, “I would have been back sooner, but this little wildcat kept me holed up
in a canyon for a week. Wouldn’t let me go.”

  “Seth!” Morgan hid her reddened face in Seth’s shoulder. Through clenched teeth she issued threats against his life, but he happily continued carrying her and ignored her protests.

  When he reached the house, he paused at the threshold and sought her lips. He kissed her as he carried her into the house.

  Sensing their need for privacy, Jake and Lupita walked around the house, leaving the newlyweds alone.

  Seth enjoyed showing Morgan his house, and she immediately fell in love with it. There were few rooms in the house, but each one was enormous. The kitchen was in the center, with an open porch on one side and a long, narrow room with many windows on the other side. The living area was L-shaped, and she saw that Jake had already set up the furniture Nora had given them.

  The only other room was a huge bedroom with big double doors leading onto a little walled-in courtyard. The bed was set against one wall, and was encased in a crudely but ornately carved bedstead. There were several rugs on the floor, of boldly patterned designs in bright colors. Every room except the kitchen had an open fireplace shaped like a beehive.

  Morgan sat on the bed. “I love it! It’s a beautiful house—not at all like what you described.”

  “Well, I didn’t want you to be disappointed. It’s not exactly like Trahern House.” He looked at Morgan sideways, watching her reaction.

  She didn’t turn, but replied nonchalantly, “Trahern House? I don’t believe I’ve heard of that place.” She turned to him and smiled invitingly. She tested the bed with her hands. “Nice bed,” she murmured.

  Seth embraced her. “I want this to be your home. I want you to be happy here.”

  “I could never be any happier than I am right now. I love you so much.”

  Seth tangled his hands in her hair and pulled her back with him on the bed. “You know, I’ve never made love to you on a bed before!” He kissed her lips and her throat as she moved her thigh between his legs.

  The following week was blissful. Seth was gone during the day, and she was content to stay in their house and perform the many chores there. At noon she often rode out to Seth and took him a lunch. More often than not, they made love under the piñon trees.

  Lupita had loaned Morgan some embroidered blouses and full, bright-colored skirts. These fit her as poorly as the clothes from Kentucky. Lupita had said she should go into Santa Fe and get clothes to fit her, but Morgan didn’t want to leave the ranch even for a day.

  But Lena changed things.

  She came one morning, riding a beautiful black stallion. Morgan was outside feeding the chickens, dressed in a particularly drab dress, with one of Lupita’s old aprons tied around her waist. She held the apron in front of her, filled with chicken feed.

  The sight of Lena astonished Morgan. Never had she seen anyone so beautiful. Lena’s riding suit was entirely black, with a small patch of white lace at the throat. Her legs were encased in tall boots of soft black leather. Lena’s blue-black hair was intricately arranged in soft, lustrous curls on top of her head and gently flowing down her back to her waist. Cocked over one eye was a tiny little hat with a slim red feather curling around the brim.

  “Señorita Montoya!” It was Lupita’s happy voice behind her as Morgan stood as still as a statue. “Long time since you come. How have you been? Come and meet Señor Colter’s wife. You will like one another.”

  Lena smiled down at Lupita and slowly, gracefully, dismounted. Lena kissed the older woman’s plump cheek, and Morgan saw that Lena was small, like herself.

  “Yes, I have heard about this little beauty of Seth’s. Where is she?” At the question, Lena looked around and saw Morgan a few feet from them. She stared for a moment, and then confidently walked to Morgan and around her.

  “Oh, yes … I can see what Joaquín meant. Yes. You do hide your beauty very well.” She turned quickly to Lupita. “What do you mean, allowing the lady of the house to work like a péon?”

  Lupita threw up her hands. “She does what she wants, and that husband of hers lets her. She cooks, she even scrubs floors, and no matter what I say, she does it. Maybe you can talk to her.”

  “Yes, I think I’ll have to.” She turned back to Morgan and possessively put her arm around Morgan’s shoulders. “Now, drop that,” she sneered at the chicken feed Morgan still held in her apron, “and let’s go inside. By the way, I’m Lena.”

  Lena had always been spoiled, and she grew up believing she was the center of the world. She had never had any reason to suppose differently.

  Morgan was shy around the beautiful woman who seemed so at home, so confident. Lena asked questions about their return trip to the ranch. Morgan briefly told the story of Cat Man.

  “I think you were very brave and very smart to keep quiet and wait for Seth. Me—I would have killed the man myself.”

  Morgan shivered as she remembered Cat Man’s eyes.

  Lena, sensing her reluctance to talk further of the horrible episode, dropped the subject. “Well, Morgan, we have a lot to do to get ready.”


  “Yes. Didn’t I mention that the reason I came was to invite Seth and you to a party at the Montoya ranch in three days? No, I guess not. Joaquín said that there was some mixup in your clothing, that for some reason you had none of your own and had to take things from Seth’s sisters.”

  “Yes, it was a…”

  Lena watched Morgan carefully. “No matter. You and I will leave now for Santa Fe, and in two days Mrs. Sanchez can make you several dresses.”

  “Leave? Lena, I can’t leave now. I still have too many things to do. The cow needs milking this evening, and I have bread that has to be kneaded and…” She couldn’t bear the idea of being away from Seth for three whole days.

  “Qué tontería! Bread and cows!”

  “Seth. I don’t want to leave Seth.” Morgan’s voice was quieter.

  Lena’s laughter rang out. “Ah! Now that I can understand. And Seth—such a beautiful man! I would not want to leave him either, if he were mine.”

  Morgan felt her jaw clench, and she shot Lena a look of fire.

  “Morgan, let us be friends. Let us be honest with one another. I have been somewhat in love with that good-looking husband of yours for years, but he has turned me down.” Lena did not mention that he had turned down her hints at a permanent relationship, but not her offers of lovemaking.

  “Don’t worry,” Lena continued. “You and I will be friends. But tell me, honestly, would you like to go to my party in that dress?”

  Morgan compared her own dress to Lena’s elegant riding habit.

  “I thought not. Now, I will ride out to tell Seth Colter myself. It will do him good not to see his little bride for a few days.” She looked at Morgan critically. “When I get through with you, he will be even more in love with you than he is now.”

  Instantly, she was gone, and when Morgan heard the sound of the stallion’s hooves, she collapsed in a chair. Lupita’s laugh rang behind her. “That one! So full of fire. Do not worry, Señora Colter, she always gets her way. When Lena wants something, she lets nothing stand in her way.”

  “What about Seth? She wanted Seth. She’s so beautiful, Lupita. What will Seth say when he sees the two of us together?”

  “He will not even notice there is anyone else in the room except his wife. You had better pack some clothes, because if I know Señorita Montoya, you will be leaving very soon for Santa Fe.”

  Morgan knew she was right and went to the bedroom to get ready. For some reason, she was frightened at the idea of leaving the ranch. She looked around the room at the fireplace, the rugs, the big bed she and Seth had shared for so few nights.

  “This is silly,” she said aloud. “I’ll be back in just a few days, and then Seth will be happy to see me and…” She shivered again. On impulse, she pulled a trunk from the corner of the room and dug deep into the bottom of it until she found the red dress. She held it up to the light and marveled a
gain at its texture and the beautiful handmade lace across the bodice. She had never shown the dress to Seth because she had wanted to save it for a very special occasion. When she saw him again, after having been away from him for days, she’d wear the dress. Her eyes misted as she quickly packed the silky fabric beneath her other plain dresses.

  “Morgan!” A thrill of joy ran through her. She ran to him and clung to him. It seemed much longer than three hours since she had last seen him.

  “I missed you, too, little one.” He kissed her hair, caressed her back and held her close. “What’s this about your leaving me?”

  “I don’t want to go, Seth. I don’t need any new clothes.” Why did she feel such fright at leaving him?

  Seth held her at arm’s length and looked at her. “Lena convinced me. In fact, she’s made me realize how selfish I’ve been, keeping you here all to myself.” He smiled at her, and Morgan ached with love for him. “Don’t look like that, it’s only for a few days. In three days I’ll come to the party, and then I’ll take you home. I couldn’t live without you longer than that.”

  Lena watched the two of them together. Such a fuss over being separated for three days! Then she looked at Seth’s enormous back and shoulders and she remembered how he felt, close to her, her arms around him. For that one, perhaps I, too, would cry over three days’ separation.

  “All packed?” Seth asked as he saw the little case on the bedroom floor.

  Morgan nodded.

  “You won’t forget me?” Seth teased.

  Morgan looked at him pleadingly. “I love you, Seth. I love you more than life itself.”

  He held her close to him. “I love you, too. More than I thought possible.” He kissed her, and she returned his kiss urgently.

  “If we don’t leave now, Lena may have a two-hour wait.”

  Quickly, he ushered Morgan outside, and Jake led her horse next to Lena’s beautiful black stallion.


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