The Mafia Manipulation: A Ryker Group Book

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The Mafia Manipulation: A Ryker Group Book Page 6

by S. M. Dapelo

  His eyes roamed over my body and he gave his head a little shake. “That’s something you should always say,” he put his hand on the small of my back and led me into the living room.

  “Hardy har,” I said sarcastically.

  “You missed my brother. He tried to say hi, but you were absorbed in whatever you were working on. We’ll meet him in the morning. Marc was looking at some of your recent pictures,” he sat and turned the tv on. “When did you switch your style?”

  “I always switch every couple of months; however, I’ve been focused on black and white for now.”

  “Since your brother died?” he looked at me through his lashes.

  I thought for a moment, then nodded, “I guess. Color’s just not speaking to me at the moment.”

  “I’ll make sure wherever you are we get an artist area set up for you,” he said.

  “You’re convinced my father’s going to let me stay with you?” I laughed, “You don’t know Cosmo Amato and his control issues.”

  He raised a single brow. “You don’t know mine.”

  “Good luck with that,” I muttered. Luc only smiled in response.

  While we watched whatever show was on, something about a psychic detective, Luc took my hand and started massaging it. “Tomorrow’s going to be rough,” he said.

  “I know.” I sighed, “I should have been here for the funeral. Dad and Elena have to be pissed about the fact I wasn’t.”

  “More like relieved.” He leaned forward and nuzzled my neck, causing my heartbeat to tick up, “You would have been a target.”

  “Like today?” I pulled away and turned to him, “You were attacked shortly after Dom’s funeral.”

  “I’ll make sure you’re safe here. Your family needs you.” He gave me a soft kiss, “And you need sleep. You don’t need me keeping you up.”

  “I do? I don’t?” Fucking tease.

  He sighed and gave a pained look, “Thanks to my brother, there’s always plenty of… protection at the cabin. I don’t have…”

  I nodded, “Got it. Luc, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “You’re on the pill?” he asked.

  “No,” I answered, rolling my eyes.

  He chuckled and drew me into a hug. “Let’s see how everything goes tomorrow. A lot of things are going to be thrown at you.”

  “You know something,” I narrowed my eyes.

  “I know lots of things,” he sighed. “But they’re not mine to tell. I’m sleeping in the other room tonight. You’re safe here.”

  “Oh,” I said disappointedly.

  “Come on,” he walked me to the room, “Get some sleep. We’ll deal with tomorrow as it comes.”


  I woke to sunlight streaming into a window, and an arm slung around me. I started up, and the arm wrapped tighter, “Relax,” I heard Luc, “You were crying in your sleep. I came in to calm you and fell asleep after you settled.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I forced myself up. “I didn’t realize…”

  “It’s understandable,” he said as he sat up. He glanced at his phone that sat on the nightstand. “We’re leaving in an hour. Why don’t you get ready? I’ll use the other room.” He got off the bed, and I noticed he was only in bottoms with no shirt as usual. The man was built. I realized I’d been staring as he left the room and shook my head. I’d analyze my feeling later.

  I quickly showered and grabbed the clothing that had been left in the closet. A black knee-length sheath with an asymmetrical neckline and three-quarter length sleeves waited for me along with another pair of three-inch heels. I quickly did my makeup and walked out. Luca was standing in the living room, adjusting his cuffs. He looked up, and his eyes looked me over, starting with my shoes, traveling up until he reached my eyes. He smiled. “You look beautiful.” He walked over and handed me a prescription bottle.

  “I won’t need that,” I shook my head.

  He stared into my eyes, “Please. Marc and I have buried our parents, I can guarantee today is going to be difficult. Let’s keep your therapy going for a bit longer.”

  I nodded and took a pill out and then quickly downed it with the orange juice Luc handed me. He gave a slight smile and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Marc’s here. We’re going in his limo with my men following.” He put his hand on the small of my back again and led me toward the door. He opened it, and a man stood there. I recognized him from our conversations on the computer. “Marco, this is Alessandra. Alessandra, my brother Marco.”

  “Buongiorno, Bella,” Marco took my hand and squeezed it. Then he looked at his brother and rattled something off in Italian so quickly I couldn’t make it out. Marc looked over at me.

  “She doesn’t speak much Italian,” Luc explained.

  “I speak it slowly,” I shrugged. “I had a couple of semesters in College but could never keep up. When we visited, everyone over there wanted to show off their mastery of English.”

  Marco burst out laughing, “Sei fortunato, ma possiamo sempre parlare irlandese,” he said to Luca.

  “Smaoineamh maith,” answered Luc.

  “Why’s he saying you’re lucky and you can speak in Irish? And what did you say?” I asked.

  “Never mind. As with older brothers, he likes to pick on his younger sibling when given a chance,” he smirked, keeping his hand on my back as we walked into the elevator. They kept up the rapid Italian down the elevator and along the car ride. I caught some but ignored most of it.

  “If you feel anything is off, let myself or Luca know,” Marco said to me in perfect, unaccented English. “Always remember to trust your gut.”

  “You don’t trust my father to keep me safe?” I asked.

  “I do. However, your father’s in mourning and might miss something. Right now, the only other person I trust completely beside myself is Luca,” Marco looked over at me. “Your father’s doing better day by day, but this morning is going to be rough.”

  “I know,” I said. Luc reached over and grabbed my hand with a squeeze.

  “Now about that painting of Mackinac Island,” Marco started.

  “No,” Luca glared over at his brother, “You only want to give it to one of your floozies.”

  “Floozies? Are we in the roaring twenties?” Marco laughed.

  “ESL,” shrugged Luca.

  “Yeah, right,” he made a face at his brother. “Me too, and I don’t use that term. Call my girls what they are: hotties,” smiled Marco. I couldn’t believe two of the scariest mobsters in the area were having a fight over the semantics of the English language. The car pulled up to the church I’d been attending since I could remember. Both men stopped their bickering and put on serious faces.

  “Gut instinct,” Marc reminded me again as the town car door opened and he exited.

  I started to get out, but Luca stopped me. “I’ll go first. Our men are surrounding us, so you’ll be safe. They’ll be behind you as we go in.” He exited and then helped me out. I glanced around, noting many of my father’s lower-level men milling about together. Many of them were staring at Luc, Marc, and me. Luca grabbed my hand and led me inside, and I kept my eyes off everyone else.

  We walked up the aisle toward the front where my father, his wife, and my mother all stood together along with his brother and my uncle’s family. Mom had always looked like a smaller Stevie Nicks, but now her long hair was shoulder length, and she was thinner than ever before. She was still in her broomstick skirt and bohemian top, all in black. Dad’s wife, Elena, had her platinum died hair back in a severe bun. She was dressed all in black, with her pearl necklace standing out in stark contrast.

  My mother looked up as we were walking toward them, and her face broke into a smile. “Baby,” she cooed as she took a few steps to meet me and wrap me in her arms. Luca had released my hand just in time. I could feel her bones; she was so thin.

  “Mom, what’s going on?” I started as my father shook his head.

  “Not now, Alley. We�
��ll discuss family business when we’re at home,” his face remained impassive.

  “Alessandra, I’m glad you’re safe,” Elena blinked her eyes rapidly as she faced me. She turned to my father, “We need to handle this with care.”

  “Cos, I’m not sure…” started Uncle Enzo.

  “There’s not time for slowly,” he shook his head. He glanced at Luca and Marco, “The two of you kept your promise, I’ll keep mine.” He indicated the pew and Luca grabbed my hand again and had me follow him in, with Mom behind me, Elena next to her, and lastly Dad. Marco went in the pew behind us, behind Luca, with his men following him in. My uncle and his family were openly frowning at this situation.

  Mom grabbed my hand. “Honey, you’re so thin. I’m worried about you,” she whispered.

  I stared at her, “You’re worried about me?” She nodded as the service started, canceling any conversation we might have had. The ceremony was beautiful, though very Catholic. I was happy Missy had remembered to make the mascara waterproof. I tried to stay stoic like Dad. Mom was busy comforting Elena when I lost the battle. An arm went around me, and Luca pressed me into his chest, rubbing circles on my back until I could compose myself. Then he handed me a handkerchief. When I glanced at my parents, Dad was studying us. Then he turned to pay attention to the priest again.

  After the ceremony I had assumed I’d ride with my parents, but Dad said something to Luca in rapid Italian and walked away. “He’ll meet us back at his place,” Luca explained. “You’re riding with Marc and me.” I bit my lip and nodded. “It’s nothing against you, Alley,” he said, reading my mind. “He just wants to give Elena a few moments to collect herself.”

  “With my mother helping,” I noted. “Elena’s hated my mother since before I was born. What the hell is going on?”

  “Grief can change people,” Marco noted. “Sometimes you realize the person you hated all your life was never your enemy, but the loyal friend you always needed.”

  “Is that what’s going on with you and my father?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he nodded as he led us to the limo.

  “Alessandra,” a sharp voice rang out. “You are to come with us.”

  “Dad said I’m going with Luca and Marco,” I sighed as I looked at Uncle Enzo. He was still shorter like Dad, but where Dad was pure muscle, Uncle Enzo had the look of a few too many hamburgers along with his fake tan that made him a specific shade of orange. Of course, there was also the fact that he dyed his hair a brassy blond because that was natural. “He literally just told me to.”

  “Your father is grieving, or he’d never allow it,” Enzo seethed. I always hated Uncle Enzo. Because of him, I learned what the word ‘bastarda’ meant. The man always made sure I knew I wasn’t enough. Guess I just had to take comfort because I beat the shit out of his daughter who thought she was a cast member of Jersey Shore, but with none of the niceness.

  “You’d be surprised at what her father would allow,” Luca growled. “In fact, you’re about to learn. I suggest you back off.”

  “Or what?” sneered Uncle Enzo. “My men are here, where are yours?”

  Luca gave a chilling smile, “There, there, and oh yeah, there.” He pointed at three buildings. “All three will protect us by any means necessary.” A red dot appeared on one of Uncle Enzo’s men.

  “We’ll let Cosmo know of your concern,” smiled Marc. Luca led me to the limo with a hand on my lower back, Marc entering first. I followed him in, with Luca entering last, never taking his eyes off the men behind us. “When our parents passed in that car accident, your father was the first to offer his condolences. He could have walked in and taken over. I’m sure a lot of his men expected him to, but he helped me learn. Helped me pick up the reins to lead like I needed to. He watched our backs as we mourned. Now we’re here to watch his.” Marc said.

  “If he hasn’t said it, thank you. And thank you for keeping me away from my uncle. I hate him,” I whispered.

  “We’ll see how you feel in a bit,” Marco leaned back as the car pulled into the vast compound just outside of the heart of the city. It was only minutes from downtown but had a completely different feel to it. The air even smelled fresher. The guard waved us in and Marco started speaking rapid Italian again with Luca. They stopped as we pulled up to the front entrance, and the door opened. Luca exited first this time, helping me out. His brother was taking up the rear.

  My father owned a compound of about twenty acres ten-minutes from downtown. It was a smaller community that was known for being a speed-trap, but anyone who was associated with Dad never got a ticket. The house was more like a castle, with six bedrooms, each with their own luxurious bathroom and theme. It had three offices, a kitchen that would make any chef salivate over, a full library, and a ballroom. Yes, my family had its own freaking ballroom. The artwork looked like it should be in a museum, and I could guarantee that many of the Old Master’s works that hung on the walls were real.

  My father waited at the entrance door, “Come into the office. We’ll go over a few things before the luncheon,” he waved the three of us in. We followed to his substantial dark wooded den, and he indicated the plush chairs and a sofa. “Sit, we have a lot to discuss.”

  “Be aware that Enzo has concerns,” Marc told Dad.

  “I’m aware,” Dad made a face like he smelled something bad. “It’s being dealt with.”

  “Daddy,” I started wringing my hands.

  “Alley,” he put his hand up. “I know Dom had you run. He told me the day before they killed him. He also told me he convinced you to leave the earrings I gave you for graduation behind because he knew I had tracking devices installed in them.”

  “You did?” my brows went up.

  “Of course,” he shrugged. Elena and mom walked in. “You don’t have to apologize.”

  “Okay,” I nodded, feeling even more confused. Luca got me onto the sofa as the others took the overstuffed chairs.

  “So, what did you tell her?” Cosmo looked at Luca.

  Luca shook his head, “Nothing. Only that I was sent to pick her up. That it wasn’t a kidnapping. Well, I actually told someone right in front of her what was going on, but she didn’t believe me.”

  “Of course not,” Dad shook his head, then looked at me. “There have been developments. Because of these developments, things I would have let progress on their own I have to force.”

  “I don’t understand,” I frowned.

  “Cosmo,” Elena gave a warning.

  “No. Alley’s an adult. She can handle this,” Dad said forcefully. “Your mother’s sick.”

  “What?” I jumped from the chair.

  “I have cancer,” Mom gave a sad smile. “It was discovered a few months ago.” She shrugged, “Actually, they discovered it quite a while ago, I just tried a more naturalistic approach to fighting it.” She glanced over at my step-mother, “Elena convinced me to go to an oncologist and give up on the guru I was seeing. It was too late by then. It’s stage four, and my chances aren’t good.”

  “I’m sorry.” Elena looked at me with tears in her eyes, “By the time I could get past my grief and realized how much weight she was losing she was so sick.”

  “It’s gone into her bones and brain,” Dad continued. I felt like my heart was going to stop, and I couldn’t breathe as I dropped back onto the sofa.

  “Give her a minute,” Luca was next to me holding me up. “She’s hyperventilating.”

  “Take a breath.” My Dad was giving me his stern face, “Because we have to get through this. I have to make the announcement today.”

  I closed my eyes and breathed for a moment, “What announcement?”

  “Marco and I decided that to cement the peace between the two families, you and Luca will marry,” Dad sat back.

  The world started spinning, then went black.


  When I regained consciousness, the first thing I noticed was the setting. I wasn’t in my father’s office anymore. I was in the Su
nflower suite.

  As a child, I didn’t live with my father full-time, but I had given all the bedrooms of his house names. It was the only thing Elena seemed to like about me. The Sunflower Room was my favorite to stay in when I visited. The walls were a soft yellow, with white crown molding. There was a large window seat with white and yellow curtains framing it, and the bathroom was a dream come true with a sunken whirlpool tub and glassed-in shower. There was even a sitting room off to the side, completely surrounded by windows. The entire room screamed happy.

  The voices I currently heard were anything but. I slowly got up and opened the door. Marco and Luca were now growling at each other in Italian, hands flying. They turned slowly and looked at me when they realized I was there.

  Marco jerked his thumb toward his brother. “Tell him you’ll be fine.”

  “Tell him you need to rest,” Luca copied the movement at his brother.

  I frowned at them. “Dom and I had a different type of sibling relationship than you two,” I remarked.

  “Duh, you were ten years younger than him and a girl.” Marco rolled his eyes, “You weren’t eleven months younger and a pain in the ass.”

  “Go downstairs and tell her father she’s awake,” growled Luca. “You can also tell him we’ll be down when I feel she can handle it. The two of you wanted me to make her my top priority. Now she is, not his announcement.”

  “Fine,” Marc threw up his hands and started down the hallway. “FYI, the moms already called Missy. She’s sending over dresses for Alley to try on. They’ve already picked out your suit, and I’m your best man.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Luc yelled at his back. He ran a hand through his hair, then turned to me. His eyes softened as he searched my face. “You scared me. I’ve never seen anyone faint before.” He frowned, “At least not while just sitting there.”

  “Now I feel weak,” I said as I turned back into the bedroom suite. “Why am I in here?”

  “These are our rooms for now. We’re staying here as I retrain your dad’s men and add some of Marc’s guys into the mix,” he started. He gave a feral smile, “Your Uncle’s going to be pissed.”


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