Beast of the Bay

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Beast of the Bay Page 13

by Pride, Mia

  He wanted to go back to Ireland, to sweep Kat up in his arms, pledge to love her for a lifetime, apologize for his gruff treatment of her and spend forever making it up to her. He wanted to look into her deep green eyes, tell her he loved her and wanted to make her his wife. He would face her brother and confess his love, risking everything if it meant he got to have a second chance at love in this life. His stubborn will to remain faithful to a wife long gone and stay in the shadows only caused more pain in the end. He was not even certain if Kat would have him, but if he died before being able to tell her how he felt, then he would die in vain.

  Consciousness faded in and out, the sore on his head surely to blame for his lack of wits and strength. Closing his eyes, he preferred to let the darkness sweep him away then to sit here as helpless as an infant. The stairs leading down to the steerage creaked, and Juan cracked open only one eye to see Ernesto walking toward him with a smug look of victory. The coward had other men fight his battle, yet he seemed pleased with himself, just the same.

  “How the mighty fall,” he snickered as he hovered above Juan before kicking him hard in the ribs.

  Pain seared through him like fire, and he roared. “It takes a brave man to have other men fight his battles, then kick a man when he is down,” Juan grumbled. He did not care if Ernesto killed him. He would make certain the man heard what a foul soul he was. “You live a life of jealousy for others when you could have had anything you wanted. You had love and a good family. You choose a petty existence. You can beat or kill me, or let my brother kill me, but it will never change who you are.”

  “Anything else you wish to say?” Ernesto said, crossing his arms. “Now is the time. You will be at the king’s mercy soon enough.”

  “If he is anything like the other Hapsburgs, then I am certain mercy is not in his nature.”

  “That is likely, si. Yet, you did not inherit their infamous chin,” Ernesto chuckled.

  “Small mercies,” Juan grumbled through the pain vibrating through his body. Indeed, the Hapsburgs were well known for their absurdly enlarged chins and underbites.

  “I wonder what your brother will do with you.”

  “I do not think you care.”

  “Oh, that is not true,” Ernesto said with a sincere tone in his voice. “I did not come all this way to retrieve you simply for him to let you live. I very much hope he eliminates you.”

  Juan decided not to respond. He was already injured and at Ernesto’s mercy. If the man wanted to goad him into a fit, he would be disappointed. It was not Juan’s style to fear pain or death or to get in verbal sparring matches with men well beneath his intelligence level.

  The ship jolted as it began to leave the port and Juan’s stomach flipped. He did not care if he died. He would never see Kat again or tell her he loved her. Alonso had just come back to him and now he was lost once more. Just as Juan had thought maybe he had a second chance at life, the one he was born into sunk its claws into his flesh and ripped him back into the royal shadows.

  Shouting on deck made his head pop up, just as Ernesto scowled and turned around. “We are under attack!” a voice in his native language shouted and Juan decided that was for the best. If he died here and now while being held prisoner, then his royal arse of a brother would never get the satisfaction of killing him, himself.

  A blinding beam of light filtered into the room as the hatch door flew open with a crack, allowing the sounds of swords clashing and men shouting to fill his ears. A large figure blocked the sunlight as it descended the stairs slowly, boots slamming down on the steps, causing the wood to creak and groan beneath the weight.

  Squinting into the light, Juan was unable t0 shield his eyes. All he saw was the blackened outline of a rather large man walking forward as he drew his sword. Juan swallowed and closed his eyes, hanging his head. This was his fate. To be killed while defenseless by a faceless enemy, and somehow, he was at peace with it.

  “I am sorry I never told you how much I love you, Katherine O’Malley,” he whispered lowly, wishing she could somehow feel his words and his love reaching out to her wherever she was.

  “Who are you?” Ernesto shouted at the stranger. “What is this? We were promised safe passage!”

  The man stepped forward until his face was no longer blurred by the sunlight, a familiar yet unexpected face. Impossible. Was Juan hallucinating? Perhaps he had been hit over the head even harder than he thought.

  “That was before ye made the mistake of taking the Beast of the Bay.” His sword rose slowly, hovering over Ernesto’s head, ready to strike and split the man in two.

  Juan was not at all certain if he was imagining things. It seemed likely, still, he had to do or say something to the figure of his imagination in case he was, in fact, real. “No! Tomas! Do not kill him. He is my brother.”

  “Brother?” Frowning, Tomas lowered his sword and looked at Ernesto with disgust. “That is even worse.” He spat at Ernesto’s feet and growled. “My uncle was killed by his brother. ’Tis a foul deed.”

  “It is truly you?” Juan shook his head, too afraid to hope. “Am I dead? I must be, yet if you are here, I am in heaven, which cannot be. I am certain to feel hell’s flames for eternity.”

  Flipping his sword around, Tomas crashed the hilt of it down upon Ernesto’s head, watching as the man crumpled to the floor. “There is a lot I dinnae ken about ye, Juan. But I do ken one thing. Ye willnae burn in hell, unlike yer brother. He isnae dead, but he will have a nasty headache when he awakens.”

  “Much less than he deserves.” Juan winced when he finally breathed in relief. It was possible Ernesto had broken his ribs, the pain intensifying with every movement. “How are you here?” he asked through the pain. “I still think I may be dead.”

  “Juan!” A female voice called frantically to him, jumping down every step all at once and landing with a graceful thud at the bottom. She wore tight breeches and a bloodstained tunic, her sword held securely in her hands as her red hair shone in the sun like orange blossoms on a spring day.

  “Kat?” Tomas looked at his sister with confusion, frowning at her sudden appearance.

  “Tomas? What the feck are ye doing here?”

  “What the feck are ye?” he asked in response.

  Juan looked at Kat and Tomas standing together and nodded in understanding. “Now I know for certain I am dead. And this must be heaven.”

  Kat took a deep, steadying breath, broken to see Juan tied up and looking injured, yet thrilled to see her brother. Never had two opposite emotions clashed together within her at the same time. “Thank God ye are here!” She ran to her brother and hugged him fiercely, feeling a tear threatening to fall, but she choked it back. “We need to get Juan out of here!”

  Running over to Juan, Kat got on her knees before him, gently lifting his face with her hands. He winced and she saw the dried blood on his scalp where he must have been knocked out by the candlestick. A strange man lay on the ground, suffering a similar fate as fresh blood crept out of a fresh head wound.

  “Juan. I am here. Ye are safe. We will get ye out of here.”

  “Kat…” he croaked and opened his dark eyes. “Am I dreaming? Am I dead?”

  Frowning, she shook her head and kissed his forehead. “Nay. I willnae allow that. Ye are alive and I am keeping ye that way.”

  “I love you, Kat. I do not know if I am speaking to you or to a memory of you, but I should have told you sooner. I love you.”

  “Oh, Juan.” Her heart nearly exploded from her chest. He was alive, and he loved her. “I love ye, too. I am sorry I have been a pain in the arse.”

  “What the bloody feck in the devil’s name is going on here?” Tomas asked, sheathing his sword before putting his hands on his hips. “Why are ye even here, Kat? And what is this between ye two?”

  “I will explain later! Help me get him out of here!” She tugged at the ropes and he winced some more.

  “My… ribs…” he whispered. “I believe they are broken
. And my wrists…”

  Tomas walked over, pulling a dagger out of his boot to cut through the binds. Once Juan’s hands fell free, Kat slowly picked them up and observed the harsh cuts all around his wrists. “We will take care of ye, Juan.” He groaned and Kat pressed her forehead against his.

  The sound of fighting ensued outside but slowed, and more men came down the steps. Turning to see, Kat allowed Juan to prop himself against her while she watched Lawrence, Niall, and Alonso enter the room.

  “Oh, my son!” Alonso cried and ran forward with a limp. He had been caught in the fight but was too weak to defend himself overmuch. Lawrence and Niall did well protecting him, but he must have sustained a mild injury.

  “I am sorry, Alonso. He is still alive, but we had to… knock him out,” Juan winced in pain and Kat frowned, looking down at the man on the ground. Alonso’s son was the one who captured Juan? There was so much that made no sense to her, and she would not ask questions but hoped he would one day feel like he could confide in her.

  “I referred to you, mijo.” Alonso said as he stepped closer and kneeled next to Kat, looking at Juan. “I love Ernesto and I always will, but he has made his choices in life, ones I cannot support. And this?” Alonso shook his head. “He was always jealous of you, Juan. I gave him so much love and attention, perhaps more than I showed you if only to ease his fears, but it was never enough. Thank you for not killing him. He will face his own ruining someday.”

  Lawrence walked up to Tomas and hugged him tightly. “My lad! Dinnae expect to see ye here! Were ye not in the north of Ireland?”

  “Aye, but war broke out despite our efforts and an English base was destroyed. I will have to report to the queen and explain what happened. I decided it would serve us all well to stop at Castle Dheomhan to see how the mission fared and get an update on the Spanish galleon before going to see Queen Elizabeth. I never expected to find out Juan had been taken hostage. A few Spanish men were against his capture and sought help the moment we dropped anchor. They are safe aboard my ship, and my crew came over to the galleon to fight. I also dinnae expect to find my wee sister here…” Tomas looked at her sternly, but she no longer cared what Tomas thought. She loved him fiercely, but he had a life and a family of his own. It was time she had one, as well.

  “’Tis a long story, Tomas. And Juan had nay idea. I stowed away on his ship. I didnae trust him. I thought he kept secrets and would betray ye. Turned out, he did have secrets, but he is more loyal to ye than ye can ever understand.”

  “Everything is handled on deck,” Lawrence said, walking over to Juan. “Niall has agreed to share the bounty of this ship with our crews, and he will keep the galleon.”

  “Ever the pirate,” Tomas said wryly, smacking his old friend on the back. Kat watched the men interact, understanding why Tomas had thought Niall was a good fit for her. But, her heart belonged to a king who was a pirate. That thought was more than she could process at the moment.

  “We need to move Juan. He is in great pain, may have broken ribs, and sustained a head injury,” Kat said as she stood up. “Ye men can catch up later.”

  “Si, my son needs help,” Alonso said. “Both of them. I do not know how to get Ernesto back to Spain now that his ship has been captured and most of his crew is dead.”

  “He can stay with the Devils of the Deep,” Niall said with a grin. “We will teach him hard work and humility down at the docks or the kitchens.”

  Alonso hesitated, then nodded. “I suppose that is the best outcome I can expect for him. Thank you for taking him on.”

  Niall nodded then walked over to help Juan up, along with Lawrence and Tomas. Juan groaned and Kat gripped his hand. “Ye will be all right, mi amor.”

  Tomas looked at her with a side glance and she stuck her tongue out at him, not really caring what he thought. He shook his head and flashed her a wee grin that made her feel a bit lighter. Mayhap her brother was not going to be as against her being with Juan as she had feared.

  “Speaking Spanish now, aye?” he asked.

  “That is the only part of this that you want to comment on?” she asked wearily.

  “Nay, I have many questions, wee sister. But now is not the time.”

  Nodding, she walked beside the men as they carried Juan, holding his hand the entire way down the dock and toward the castle. The outer bailey was swarming with more pirates and seamen than she had ever seen. Niall’s men were busy unloading the cargo beside Juan and Tomas’ men while many others milled about.

  Once inside the hall, Juan was carried very carefully up the stairs to a new room on the first floor where he was laid in a bed and Niall called in a healer to clean the blood off Juan and dress his wounds. A thorough exam by their best healer showed that he likely had severely bruised ribs, not broken, yet they were bound, as was his head, and he was ordered to rest for at least a sennight.

  Sitting next to Juan on the bed, Kat refused to leave his side. He needed rest and was fast asleep, yet she was determined to be there when he opened his eyes once more.

  As the men filed out, Tomas stopped and looked at his sister. “I assume a wedding must be planned.”

  Kat dropped her brows and shrugged. “We only just admitted our feelings an hour ago, Tomas. He has struggled with his feelings for me, believing he is betraying his wife.”

  “He… has a wife?” Tomas shouted and stepped closer to Kat. “I will kill him.”

  “Tomas! She is dead.”

  Scratching his bearded jaw, Tomas looked at Juan and frowned. “There is much I dinnae ken about him, isnae there?”

  “Aye. Lots.”

  “I assume that with ye both on a ship together… that ye shouldnae have ever been on, that things happened that will force me to plan a wedding or kill my best man.”

  “Then, ye assume wrong. Juan has hardly touched me.”

  “Hardly?” Tomas raised a brow.

  “If ye think I will tell ye more than that, ye are mad. But I tell ye that he has been a gentleman and has had a very hard time with his feelings, and how it would make ye feel.”

  “Me?” Tomas asked, pointing at himself.

  “Of course. Turns out Juan is far more loyal than either of us ever understood. He would suffer before disappointing ye.”

  “Yet, I would never ask such a thing of him. I want for his wellbeing. Honestly, few men are worthy of yer hand, Kat. But, he is.”

  Getting off the bed, Kat slowly walked over to Tomas and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thank ye for saying that.”

  “’Tis the truth, wee sister. I only came into yer life over a year ago, but I love ye verra much and have a lifetime of protection to give to ye. I would never push a match on ye, but I would also never deny it if I believed the man was worthy.”

  “And yet ye tried to match me with Niall,” she murmured against Tomas’ bare chest.

  “Niall MacDougall? The Pirate Lord of the Devils of the Deep?” Tomas scoffed, and she heard laughter rumbling in his chest. “I most certainly didnae.”

  “What?” Pulling away. Kat looked up at Tomas feeling confused. “But… he said…”

  “Did Niall attempt to court ye while ye were here?”

  “Aye. He said ye had discussed it with him and we could only stay at Castle Dheomhan if I allowed him the opportunity to court me.”

  Tomas laughed so loudly, Kat was afraid he would wake Juan. “Sounds like something Niall would do. He didnae attempt anything, did he?” Tomas scowled.

  Shaking her head, Kat cleared her throat. “Nay. Not at all. He was a perfect gentleman, as well. He was kind and respectful.”

  “Aye. Niall is all those things, as long as ye are not an enemy. In truth, he would make a fine husband, but not for my sister.”

  “So, it was all an act?” For some reason, Kat felt insulted. She had no interest in Niall, but to be lied to stung.

  “I am certain it was not. He has remarked on ye in the past. Said it would be a good match to join the Pirate Lord of Sco
tland to the Pirate Queen’s granddaughter. Yet, I only ever grunted. I didnae think he was serious.”

  “That is what he said to me, too,” Kat said, stepping back to be closer to Juan once more, running her fingers over his forehead.

  “I ken Niall well enough. He likes the lassies, but if he demanded ye court him in order to stay with the Devils, he truly wished to woo ye. He probably wanted to keep ye away from Juan in the process, either for his own purposes or yers. He is not easily trusting and the Spanish are enemies, ye ken.”

  “Well, nothing can keep me away from Juan. I tried not to love him. I tried to hate him, to mistrust him, to push him away. But I failed, as will anyone else who tries.”

  “I ken. I was the same way with Katherine. If ye wish to marry him, I will give my blessing.” Tomas stepped forward and kissed her on the head, making her breathe in relief. All her fears were for nothing. She should have known her brother would be calm and level-headed, as he was with most things. He was a pirate, aye, but he was also a knight and a governor. He knew how to keep his head straight.

  “He has not asked to marry me, Tomas. Dinnae get too ahead of yerself. He still battles with the loss of his family in Spain from the plague. Oh, and his father, Alonso, is here. We found him aboard a Dutch ship.”

  “Aye, Lawrence told me as much. It appears Juan had a secret that caught up with him. When he is well, I hope he will share the details. Either way, Juan, or Ferdinand, is welcome to stay at Clew Bay as my brother.” Tomas patted Kat on the shoulder and turned to leave the chamber. “Get some rest, Kat. Ye look like shite.”

  Shutting the door behind him, she heard him chuckling at his jest down the hall and all she could do was shake her head and smile. It was good to have her elder, pain in the arse brother here with them.


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