Beast of the Bay

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Beast of the Bay Page 15

by Pride, Mia

  “Ye truly are a rogue.”

  “So I have been told.” Picking up her hand, he kissed her knuckles, bowed, then looked her in the eyes. “There is one thing I would ask of ye if it isnae too much to ask. After all, I am a pirate and require payment for my good deeds.”

  “Oh?” Kat almost pulled away from him. Had she misjudged Niall? Was he about to ask for something she simply could not give?

  “I would ask that in one sennight, when Juan is healed and rested, ye allow me and Castle Dheomhan to host yer wedding.”

  “Oh.” That had not been at all what she had expected, but the idea of getting married inside this grand castle and being Juan’s wife before setting sail for home was rather intriguing, and her stomach fluttered at the thought of sharing a wedding night here with Juan. “That is a payment I am more than happy to pay, though it feels like a reward and an honor, not a fee.”

  “Well, then, we both win.” With a wink, Niall turned and walked down the corridor toward the kitchens, leaving Kat dumbstruck in the corridor, wondering how her life had come together in such a short amount of time. It had been less than a sennight ago that she had been playing card games with dangerous men at the alehouse on Clew Bay, earning Juan’s ire. Now, she was in love with the man and would be marrying him before returning home.

  Feeling a lightness in her steps that she had never known in her life, she walked down the opposite end of the corridor leading to the bailey, where a miraculous sunrise filled the sky with streaks of violet and coral as seagulls called from above and the smell of the ocean drifted on the wind like an old familiar friend.

  Spinning in circles, she felt the wind in her hair and the joy of life in her heart. It may have been foolish to stow away on Juan’s ship to discover his secrets, but it had been the best foolish thing she had ever done, and he accepted her for all her whims and bluster.

  Taking a deep breath of fresh air and taking a moment to look at the drifting opaque clouds overhead, Kat left the bailey through the hall and ran up the spiral stairs, filled with excitement to tell Juan that they would be married here at Castle Dheomhan, then get a few more hours of sleep beside the only man she would ever love.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sitting up slowly from his bed for the first time in a sennight, Juan groaned from the ache in his back. Yet, his head and ribs felt much better and standing on his feet, feeling the cold stone floors beneath him, was even more satisfying than he imagined.

  “How do ye feel?” Kat asked, standing beside him and holding his hand, with Tomas on the other side, propping him up.

  “Slightly weak and dizzy, but that will pass. Otherwise, I feel bloody grateful to be out of bed finally.”

  “I am grateful to have ye well,” Kat added, taking his hand and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Tomas took that as his clue to leave them alone and walked out of the room.

  “I have wanted to hold you for so long,” Juan murmured into her ear before kissing her lips tenderly. “How are the wedding preparations?”

  “Anxious to marry me, are ye?”

  “More than you know. I am also anxious to finally make love to you,” he whispered. Laying beside her all these days and being too weak to be with her had been pure torture. If there was a hell, it would be not being able to show Kat how much he loved her for an eternity.

  “As am I,” she said, blushing and looking up at him with her green eyes. “The plans are all set for tomorrow, as ye wanted.”

  “Good. I was not sure I would be healed but knew I needed to make you my wife and head back to Clew Bay. I cannot stand to be in this bed any longer.”

  “About Clew Bay…” Kat took a deep breath and looked away, clearly worried to tell him something. “We are not going back there… not right away.”

  “Where are we going?” Juan asked, not sure he wanted to truly know. Honestly, he was so weary of this place, he did not care if they sailed straight to the gates of hell, as long as Kat was his wife and he could eventually get back to Clew Bay with her by his side.

  “We should probably find Lawrence and Tomas so they can explain,” she said. “Are ye strong enough to make it down the stairs, or should I fetch them?”

  “Si, I can make it. I need to walk and move my body. I need to see anything aside from the inside of these four walls.”

  Helping him down the stairs, Kat appeared pleased to see the staff cleaning the hall and setting out fine linens for her wedding celebration tomorrow. She smiled and squeezed his hand and Juan did the same. He would do anything to make her smile that way every day.

  “I wish to go outside. I need fresh air.”

  “Are ye sure?”

  “Si, I am certain. Then I will bathe and rest more so I am strong for tomorrow.” Nodding, Kat helped Juan walk toward the front entrance and he winced at the pounding in his temples when she pushed the doors open, allowing sunlight to stream in.

  Stopping in mid-step, he grabbed his head and clenched his teeth, waiting for the pain to subside. “Are ye all right, Juan?” he heard Kat ask, but could not yet open his eyes.

  After a moment, he nodded and cracked one eye open slowly, then the other, finally seeing the sky and smiling. “Si. I have not seen the light of day in a while, but it is something I shall never take advantage of again.”

  As they stood in the inner bailey, Juan saw Lawrence, Niall, and Tomas walking toward them, apparently having a deep discussion, until they saw him and Kat standing before them.

  “Juan! So good to see ye up and about. Ye feeling well?” Lawrence asked.

  “He looks like shite,” Niall added with a grunt.

  “I feel like shite,” Juan responded, not taking offense to the man’s insult. “But I am feeling better than before and will be even better by tomorrow.”

  Lawrence looked at Kat and Juan and chuckled. “I saw this happening the moment ye found Kat aboard yer ship. Ye were never truly pretending, were ye?”

  Looking down at Kat, Juan shook his head and felt that flutter in his gut that seemed to grip him every time he saw her or even smelled her lingering floral scent. “No, I was never pretending. I was lying to myself, but never pretending.”

  Kat gripped his hand and smiled wryly. “I didnae like him. But… I like him well enough now,” she said with a wink.

  “Well, that is good to know, since I have prepared a lavish banquet for the two of ye on the morrow before ye sail off to England.”

  “England?” Juan asked, feeling his stomach tighten with dread. “We are going to see the queen?” Never having met the monarch, Juan was not certain he ever wanted to. After all, Spain was her enemy and he was not only Spanish but the heir of the country. What good could come of him meeting the queen?

  Tomas stepped forward and put a hand on Juan’s shoulder, looking at him with a seriousness he seldom saw in his friend. “Aye. We need to report to her about the Spanish galleon. That was the purpose of this journey, aye?”

  “You want me to look at the Queen of England and tell her the Spanish galleon was looking for me? What makes you think she will not send me back to Spain or worse, cut me down?” Juan shook his head and looked at Kat, before looking at everyone else, wondering if anyone else saw the madness in the plan. “Kat and I should travel back to Clew Bay, not toward my enemy. I have had enough fighting for one lifetime.”

  “Mijo, there are things about your life that you do not know. Even I do not. But, she knows.” Hearing Alonso’s voice from behind, Juan turned around.

  “I do not understand,” Juan responded. “Why would the queen know about me or my life?”

  “I am not certain. Only that your mother told me once that she had sent a missive to the queen explaining the circumstances and she was certain the queen would keep the secret and help you. This is why I suggested to Tomas that your ship and crew follow him to England. She knows your story, Juan, and may be the only person in the world who does.”

  Taking a deep breath, Juan shook his head and looked down a
t Kat, who shrugged and put an arm around his waist. “Ye will be all right, Juan. This is yer chance to learn who ye are and start yer life over… with me.”

  “None of this makes sense. I cannot understand why my mother, who was born Austrian and became Queen of Spain, had any connection to the Queen of England, much less one that would cause the queen to know my story. Philip was married to Mary, Queen of England and Elizabeth’s half-sister, before he married my mother. Other than that, I see no connection.”

  “Then I suggest ye come with us and find out,” Lawrence said, smacking Juan on the back a bit too hard, then turning back toward the docks where men were busy loading supplies and preparing for another journey.

  “Then I am going to my ship and helping my crew prepare for the journey.” Juan began to walk toward the docks with Lawrence, but Kat dragged him back.

  “Nay, ye need to rest and gain yer strength, Juan.”

  “I will gain my strength through physical work, not by resting. That has only made me grow soft. I am still captain of my ship and my crew needs me.”

  Understanding yet hesitant, Kat bit her lower lip and nodded, clearly struggling to keep her opinion to herself.

  “I shall be careful, mi amor. I vow it. You do not want a soft husband.”

  “I prefer a soft husband to an injured one.”

  Kissing her head, he took a deep breath, smelling her floral scent that always made him feel dizzy with need. “I will be all right.”

  Letting her go slowly, Juan walked to the docks with Lawrence, Niall, and Tomas following behind. The unique scents of the Atlantic wafted in the air, seaweed, brine, and freedom. The cool wind blew through his hair and caressed his skin, a familiar friend welcoming him back to where he belonged. Lying about in bed was a torture he never wished to face again.

  Stepping onto the gangway and walking up to his ship, he was surprised when all his men crowded around to greet him, cheering for their captain’s return and recovery.

  “We were worried about ye, Captain Beast!” one man said.

  “We would have all fought to save ye, had we kenned!” another man added.

  Looking around, he saw Irishmen mingling with the Spaniards he had saved, feeling relief and gratitude to see the men being welcomed among the crew and already appearing in better health and spirits.

  “I am thankful for your loyalty and to have you all as my crew. I am feeling well again and today we will prepare to sail to England. Tomorrow, I am to marry Kat here at Castle Dheomhan and I invite you all to join us in celebrating!” he shouted, feeling particularly satisfied when the men whooped and hollered for him, making bawdy comments all around. “She stowed away on our ship, pretending to be a lad, but she is welcome aboard anytime as my wife.”

  “Oi! Captain! Ye never did name yer ship! ’Tis bad luck to sail the seas in a nameless ship, it is!”

  “Aye!” many men said at once, looking at each other and nodding.

  Juan nodded and smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted to name his ship. “Catalina. We shall name it after my beautiful bride. Not only is Catalina the Spanish version of her name, but it also means pure. She is also far fiercer than any goddess or mythical creature I could name a ship after.”

  The men nodded and agreed, moving on to continue their duties about the Catalina, and Juan suddenly knew exactly how he would spend his afternoon. Kat’s wedding gift would be apparent as soon as she next boarded.

  The men all walked toward their ships, leaving Kat alone with Alonso in the bailey. Looking at the old man who raised Juan, Kat smiled and put her hand out to take his. He looked as if he had aged a few years in the span of a few days. Juan had been captured and injured and his other son had been the man who led the attack. That must have been a lot for him to take, and Kat wanted to do whatever she could to ease his pain.

  “Alonso. Care to walk with me?” she asked and was pleased when he nodded and slipped her hand through his arm, walking back toward the castle.

  “You will become my daughter tomorrow,” he said with a fond smile. “In Spanish, we say ‘hija’. That means daughter.”

  “Hija…” Kat responded and flashed him a proud grin. “I like that. May I call ye padre? Like Juan does?”

  Covering his heart, Alonso looked at her and touched her cheek with his other hand. “It would be an honor, hija. Do you have a father?”

  “I do. His name is John Burke. He was married to my mother Maeve, who is the daughter of the Sea Queen. Most people call her a Pirate Queen. I do not see him often, but my mother is at Clew Bay from time to time when she is not home at Burke Castle with my father.”

  “I see,” Alonso nodded. “You and Tomas share a mother, I hear?”

  “Aye. We have different fathers. I didnae ken Tomas until just over a year ago when he arrived from England. We have grown quite close.”

  “It sounds like Juan was a very fortunate man to have found you all in Clew Bay, then.”

  Stopping in her tracks, just before they re-entered the hall, Kat put a hand on Alonso’s chest and looked him in the eye. “We are fortunate he found us at Clew Bay. Which is something I wanted to discuss with ye before the wedding ceremony tomorrow.”

  “Oh? What is it, hija?”

  “What are yer plans after we leave here? After England?”

  Shrugging, Alonso sighed. “I suppose I will return to my home in Spain. Though I have not been there in almost two years and I am not certain it even stands… or if my family still lives after the plague… and with Ernesto not there…”

  Kat’s heart broke for the man. She could not imagine coming home to find that she had no home nor family left. “Stay with us in Clew Bay,” she blurted, knowing that Juan would want his father with him.

  “Me? Oh, no. I do not think so. That is Juan’s home now. He will be starting a life and family with you. I do not wish to interfere.”

  “Alonso. First, I am not certain why everyone thinks Juan and I will start a family. We have not discussed children. Childbirth is violent and children are awful. I dinnae care for any of that. Secondly, ye are his family and his home. Do ye not ken that?” Kat stepped into the hall with Alonso beside her and looked around at the cleanly swept floors with fresh rushes all around. By this time tomorrow, she would be married to Juan and that thought made her flush with happiness.

  He chuckled at her and shook his head. “You may change your mind about children one day. Juan loves children, but the pain of losing a child is never forgotten. It will be up to the two of you to discuss one day.”

  “But, ye will be there, aye? Ye will come with us to Clew Bay? I ken for certain that Juan would want that. I beg ye. I wish to give Juan the best wedding gift possible and for that, I need nay coins. If I can convince ye to stay, that will be the best gift of all.”

  Sighing and rolling his eyes dramatically, Alonso threw his arms up with exasperation. “All right, Catalina. You have convinced me.”

  “Catalina?” she asked, looking sideways at him. “Is that my name in Spanish?”

  “Si, and a very beautiful name it is.”

  “I like it,” she said with a nod before looking around the hall once more. “I suppose with the men out on the docks, I should make myself useful around the castle and visit Rose again.”

  “Oh. I have just visited Rose. She is d0ing very well and plans on attending your wedding tomorrow,” Alonso said.

  Kat looked at him, wondering if there was something going on with him and Rose. They appeared about the same age and Alonso had been visiting her more often than even Kat had. However, it was not her business, so she nodded her head and bit her lower lip to prevent from smiling.

  “I am glad to hear it.” Hugging Alonso tightly, Kat kissed his cheek and stepped away. “I am pleased ye will be staying with us, Padre,” Kat said with a wink. “Now I must go, although, with Juan out of bed, I am not sure what I am to do. Mayhap I shall wander until I find a task to help with.”

  “You are the bride, Catalina. Y
ou need to do nothing but rest.”

  Kat snorted and waved Alonso away. “Resting is not my style. Ye will learn that in time.” Waving to Alonso and walking toward the kitchens, Kat heard the booming voice of the cook shouting at someone just as she walked behind the screen.

  “Are ye mad or just daft? These are not bilberries! That is nightshade, is what that is! Ye tryin’ to poison the entire castle? I dinnae ken why ye were put in the kitchens, but I plan to be rid of ye as soon as possible before everyone is dead!” she wailed, tossing a bowl of berries into a trash bin.

  Kat gasped when the man she shouted at turned slightly and she could see his profile. He had already been knocked unconscious by her brother by the time she had arrived to save Juan, but she recognized Ernesto, his likeness to Alonso unmistakable.

  Cook grumbled under her breath, wiping her meaty hands on her soiled apron before walking toward the pantry, leaving her alone with Ernesto. Why was this man allowed to be in the kitchens already? He should be locked up. Ernesto was dangerous and unstable and should not be roaming the castle freely, even if he was Alonso’s son.

  Turning slowly, she tried to sneak out without being seen. Niall would need to know about this.

  “Well, if it isn’t my brother’s bride.” The cynicism in his voice made chills run up her spine and gooseflesh prickle her skin. He was evil; Kat felt it oozing off his soul.

  Turning to face him, Kat squared her shoulders and scowled at him, looking him up and down. “Aye. And ye’re his brother who tried to have him killed. Why are ye here in the kitchens so soon? Ye should be locked in a dungeon for what ye did to Juan!”

  “For what I did? What did I do? All I am is a man with orders from his king. I was sent here to find the heir, and I did. I did not kill him, nor did I attempt to. What is my crime? Being loyal to my king?”

  “Ye ken what ye did. Ye wanted Juan dead. He is yer brother!” Kat spat, feeling her anger rising as her face heated up and her fists clenched. She wanted to throttle him and beat him until he shite his breeches, but she had to concentrate on taking deep breaths.


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