Beast of the Bay

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Beast of the Bay Page 17

by Pride, Mia

  Slowly, he pushed in, giving her time to adjust but apparently Kat did not wish to wait. Flexing her hips, she lifted up so he filled her completely, groaning as he felt himself slide into her tight, slick heat.

  Kat moved against him slowly and he moved with her in tandem, looking down at her as she looked at him, eyes locked, bodies connected. A few white flowers came loose from her hair as she arched back to feel him more. He pushed in deeper and she groaned, biting her lower lip. Juan pushed in and out faster, reaching between her legs to rub circles over her sensitive nub. Kat groaned louder, wrapping her arms around him, tensing as her pleasure built.

  “I love you, Kat. Let it go.” Juan moved faster, feeling ready to release, but not wanting to give in to the ecstasy until she experienced her own. His other hand squeezed her breast, pinching her nipple between his fingers until she bucked and cried out his name and shuddered, tightening around him until he knew she was ready to release. Pulling out, he spilled his seed on her stomach, groaning as he finished. Kat panted beneath him, a shimmer of sweat slicking her brow.

  “Why did ye do that?” she asked, looking at her stomach.

  Juan leaned forward and kissed her softly. “We never discussed children. I did not want to assume…”

  “Do ye want one?” she asked carefully, looking nervous.

  Exhausted and satisfied, Juan collapsed beside Kat and grabbed a linen sheet from the bed, wiping her stomach before lying beside her, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and body heat pressed against his. “It is hard to say. I had a child once and I lost her. Nothing has or ever will hurt more than losing a child. No person should have to feel such grief. I do want a child, but I fear I will not survive another loss like that. Is it better never to risk it? I am not sure. I hope you are not angry at me for what I did. I did not know what else to do.”

  “Juan,” Kat said softly, tucking his loose hair behind his ear and propping herself up on one elbow. “Most men dinnae care what a woman wants, let alone consider it and ask. Ye are a rare man and I am blessed to have ye. I… dinnae ken if I want children or not, Juan. I have no experience with them and they are loud and dirty and require work. Katherine is always feeding her babe at her breast, complaining when he bites her. He shites himself many times a day. I… like my freedom. Does that make me a terrible woman? Is it not my responsibility to marry, bear children, and tend a home?”

  Juan chortled and kissed her forehead, tucking a few stray strands back into her braids and replacing some flowers. “Being able to admit what you want or do not want makes you a strong woman. I did not marry you because I expected you to bear my children and clean my house. I married you for who you are. You are a free spirit, and I will never tell you what to do. I already know that is a terrible idea,” he grunted.

  “Thank ye for loving me and treating me better than most men would ever consider treating a woman.”

  “I will leave it up to you, Catalina. I will not ask for children but if you ever decide you wish for one, I will do my best to give that to you. And if you decide you never want a child, I will respect that.”

  “I love ye, Juan.”

  Leaning down, he kissed her gently, stroking her cheek, feeling as if he may burst with love for the woman in his arms. “And I love you, Kat. No secrets between us ever again.”

  Pausing, he saw her eyes shift away as she audibly swallowed, and he knew she had something important to say to him. “What is it, Kat? You can tell me anything.”

  “I dinnae want to ruin our wedding day, but I do need to tell ye what happened the night ye were taken on that ship.”

  Sitting up, Juan took her with him, so they were facing each other and she was on his lap. “Did Niall touch you? Or, did you let him? You can tell me. I will not get mad.” He would be devastated and feel slightly betrayed, but he vowed to stay calm, taking deep breaths.

  Flinching, Kat cringed. “What? Nay! Ye think me a whore? That I just lay with any man courting me? Ye are the only man I have ever willingly laid with.”

  “I am sorry. I did not mean to—”

  “I killed the man who raped me.”

  “What?” Juan gripped her to him, shaking with emotion. She had seen the man and he had not been there to protect her? “What happened?”

  “I was dancing with Niall in the hall. Ye disappeared at some point.”

  “I am sorry, Kat.” Self-loathing consumed him. He had felt so sorry for himself that he did the one thing he vowed never to do and left her vulnerable.

  “It is not yer fault, love. Ye cannae control other people. I saw him. He was here in the castle. I panicked and asked Niall to walk me to my room. He did and was very respectful. He could tell I was frightened but I refused to tell him why, hoping the man had not seen me. After Niall left, Rose knocked on the door to help me get ready for bed. But when I opened the door, that man named Charles came through the door and threw Rose out, slamming the door. He attempted to force me once again and would have succeeded. He was verra large. But I had my knife and… and…”

  Her body began to quake as she spoke and he pulled her closer, kissing her forehead again. “Kat, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He was not hurt that she did not tell him but watching her feel so much pain alone gutted him.

  “Ye were healing. Niall broke down the door just as I stabbed the man. I asked him to take me to ye. Ye were all I wanted in my moment of need, Juan. I kenned I loved ye then. Foolish that I am, it took me being attacked to realize how I felt about ye, how badly I needed ye.”

  “And I was not there,” he growled, putting it all together.

  “It wasnae yer fault. It was obvious ye had been taken. That’s when we decided immediately to save ye. By chance, Tomas had just docked and was told ye were taken by a few other Spaniards seeking help. They didnae even ken who he was. I forgot all about my attack the moment I kenned ye were in trouble. And once we got ye in bed to rest, I didnae want ye to feel like it was yer fault… just as ye are doing now.”

  “You are the bravest woman I know with the kindest heart. I vow I will never let anything happen to you ever again.”

  “We should get downstairs before my brother comes looking for us.”

  “He will not. He knows what happens after a wedding,” Juan chuckled, and Kat made a disgusted face.

  “That doesnae help!” Jumping off the bed, Kat went to put her clothes back on, and Juan helped slip them over her head and tie up her laces before putting on his own clothes. Slipping on her worn boots instead of the fancy silk slippers she had worn, Kat slid her dagger inside and Juan shook his head.

  “Expecting another fight?”

  “Perhaps I am. And I will be ready.”

  Once they were dressed and Juan had done his best to fix Kat’s hair, he put his arms around her and pulled her close. “I have much more love for you later, Wife. So many more ways to please you.”

  “Oh? Is that so? Mayhap we should just stay here,” she murmured and leaned in to kiss him softly.

  “I agree, yet Niall put forth much effort for this feast. We should show up for a little while before sneaking off once more.” Smacking her backside, Juan laughed when she squealed and swatted his arm.

  Opening the door, Kat stepped out first and he walked behind her toward the staircase. A hand flew out from the dark and wrapped around Kat’s body, making her yelp and flail her legs.

  “Kat!” Juan ran toward her, heart beating wildly in his chest as his hand went immediately to the dagger he kept in his boot.

  “Do not come closer.” Ernesto stepped out of the shadows, that wild look in his eyes again. Juan narrowed his gaze at his brother.

  “Do not harm a hair on her or you will not live to take another breath.” Juan stayed still, refusing to provoke his brother further. Juan had thought fear was an emotion he no longer felt, yet now he had something of grave importance to lose, and nothing scared him more than the thought of losing Kat. Ernesto would do anything to destroy him.

ng, Ernesto pressed a blade to her throat and stepped out of the shadows even more. “I do not care if I live or die anymore, as long as I can hurt you before I go.” He pressed the blade deeper, and Kat yelped in pain, a trickle of blood dripping down her neck.

  “You fecking piece of shite! I never did anything to you! Leave her alone!”

  “You already lost one wife and child. I wish I had a hand in it or had been there to see your pain, but I missed out on that. Now is my chance. You just took a new wife and planted your seed. Perhaps now I can have my chance.”

  Juan’s mind reeled. He was not certain what he could say to stop the madness of a madman.

  “Put the dagger down, Son.” Alonso stepped out of the shadows, holding a flintlock gun and holding it up toward Ernesto. “I will shoot. I will kill you if I have to.”

  The cackle of an insane man came from Ernesto. “Of course, you will. You would do anything for Juan, even kill your real son.”

  “This is not what I want. Not what I ever wanted. But you have turned, Ernesto. You are demented. You would have killed an entire castle full of people to get to Juan and now you threaten his new wife who is innocent in all of this.”

  “Alonso… do not. You will never forgive yourself,” Juan said slowly, trying to remain calm while thinking of a plan to save Kat.

  “I will never forgive myself if he kills my daughter. My hija.”

  “She is your daughter now? Why do you not keep all the people in this castle as your children then? I was never enough for you.”

  Shaking his head, Alonso’s hand shook, and Juan knew he had to somehow kill Ernesto before Alonso did, or else the man would truly hate himself forever.

  Looking at Kat, he saw a calmness in her eyes, a determination, though he was not sure what she was thinking. Ernesto continued to argue with Alonso, and Juan decided to continue distracting him until he had a better plan.

  “Ernesto. It is not too late. You can change your life. Stay here and make something of it.”

  “I know what you are trying to do and it will not work.”

  “Oh? And what is that, Ernesto?”

  “You are trying to distra—” Kat pulled a long, sharp pin from her hair and lodged it in Ernesto’s neck, causing him to loosen the blade from her throat. Kicking her foot out, it collided with Ernesto’s shin and he tumbled down the stairs, landing with a thud even they could hear. A chorus of screams echoed all around from women and the sounds of feet running up the steps.

  Breathing hard, Kat looked at Juan and he ran to her, hugging her tightly and using his tunic to wipe away the blood. “You are too brave, Kat. What if he had killed you? You should not have risked it!” Juan shouted louder than he meant to.

  “Neither ye nor Alonso should have done it, but it needed t0 be done. Ye would never have forgiven yerselves. Nay. It had to be me. Besides, he had a knife to my neck. Why should I not risk it?”

  Alonso dropped to the floor, shaking and sobbing with his head down. “She is right. She is right,” he cried into his hands.

  Niall, Tomas, and Lawrence were the first up the stairs, staring at everyone wildly, obviously expecting answers that nobody was ready to give.

  “Kat!” Tomas yelled and ran to her. “Devil’s bollocks! Ye’re bleeding!”

  “What the feck happened here?” Niall asked calmly. “Ye got blood on my tunic, mate,” he added, pointing to Juan’s arm.

  Ignoring Niall, Juan looked at Kat, then held her again. “Ernesto is dead.”

  “So I saw,” Niall said definitively. “Let us go feast.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Standing on the deck, Kat held tightly to her favorite brimmed hat as the wind whipped around her, threatening to send it into the sea. Ships were packed up and the crews scrambled to get ready to set sail while Kat stared at the towering castle before her, ready to be on her way.

  The feast had been more than difficult to get through after having to kill two men in one sennight. Alonso was devastated, and Juan could not enjoy himself while his father grieved. Neither of them touched their food but forced pained smiles on their faces while everyone around them celebrated by enjoying either what appeared to be a very fine meal and much wine and ale. Apparently, Ernesto’s gruesome demise at the bottom of the stairs was not enough to deter a room filled to the brim with rowdy pirates away from food and ale. Once it was over, Kat and Juan retired to their chamber, too drained to do more than sleep.

  Back in her favorite breeches and tunic, Kat felt more like herself again and smiled as Juan walked off the gangway of his ship looking like the beast he was known as, large, powerful, and full of confidence. And he was her husband now.

  Alonso stood beside her anxiously shuffling his feet and Kat reached out and took his hands. “Everything will be all right,” she promised.

  “I know, hija. I just wish to be away from this place.” His eyes were red and swollen, making her heartache.

  Nodding, she squeezed his hands. “As do I. We are almost ready to board.”

  “We are ready now, actually.” Juan came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing Kat’s cheek. “I do not know how I will say goodbye to you, Padre. I wish you could come with us.”

  Kat turned in Juan’s arms and smiled up at him with excitement. “Actually. That is something I’ve been wanting to talk to ye about. I have a surprise for ye as a wedding gift…”

  Raising one brow, Juan looked between her and Alonso. “Oh?”

  “I asked Alonso to come back with us to Clew Bay and he accepted. He will be staying with us!”

  Alonso swallowed and lowered his head. “If you want me to, Son. If not, I can go back to Spain with the other ship. After what Ernesto has put you through, I—”

  “Ernesto’s decisions are not on you. He was a sick man, Padre. I want nothing more than to have you with us. I do not want to lose you again.”

  Juan hugged Alonso in a fierce grip and Kat’s heart soared. Making Juan happy was something she would enjoy for a lifetime.

  When Juan released Alonso, the older man cleared his throat and wrung his hands. “There is one request I have… if it is not too much trouble.” Turning to face the gates to the castle, Alonso gestured for someone to approach and Kat squinted into the distance, not able to see who he was looking at. Appearing from around a bricked wall, Rose walked toward them looking nervous and unsure.

  Surprised, Kat looked at Alonso and smiled, figuring out what was going on before Juan, who still looked confused as he scratched his beard.

  “Rose and I have grown fond of one another. At our ages, it is not easy to start over, but we would like to try. I was hoping Rose could join us at Clew Bay?”

  “Aye!” Kat jumped up and down before hugging the older woman in a strong embrace. “I could not be happier. Rose is used to pirates. She will be just fine at Clew Bay, right Juan?”

  Her husband nodded and slowly let a smile slide across his face. “Of course. I have lived without a family for so long. I cannot believe I will be going back as a married man with so many people to call family.”

  Taking Kat by the hand, Juan walked her over to the gangway. “And… I have a wedding gift for you, as well.”

  “Ye do?”

  “Si. I do. Wait here.” Juan took off at a run up the gangway until he was on the deck of his ship, and Kat felt excitement thrumming through her body, having no idea what he could possibly have for her.

  A brown linen sheet hung over the edge of the ship and Kat squinted, wondering why she had not noticed it earlier as the men loaded the ship.

  “Are you ready?” Juan said with his thick Spanish accent that always made her toes curl.

  “Aye!” she shouted back, folding her hands together excitedly, having no idea what he was up to.

  Swiftly removing the linen, Juan smiled and tossed it aside just as Kat saw what it said and shrieked with delight.

  “Catalina! Ye named yer ship after me?”

  Coming back down the ga
ngway slowly, Juan scooped her up in his arms and spun her around, making her grip on to his neck and laugh with glee. “Si. Could there ever be any doubt? You are everything a woman should be, and a ship should be named after the strongest of women.” When he kissed her, she sighed, feeling as if her body were melting into his.

  “Ye are the most loving beast I have ever met,” she giggled, kissing him again before she heard Niall calling from the dock.

  “How dare ye show me up in my own home. I would never have thought of such a thing.”

  Releasing her, Juan walked up to Niall and put out his arm. “My thanks for everything. The hospitality, the rescue, the wedding… words cannot express my gratitude.”

  “Believe it or not, ’twas my pleasure. Besides, I got a new Spanish galleon out of the deal, did I not? And I get to sail it back to Spain to let these fine Spaniards who didnae try to kill ye go home. Then, I shall have an entire sea to do as I wish with. Send Queen Elizabeth my regards. I am most certain she adores me.” With a wink, Niall took Juan’s outstretched hand and they clasped wrists.

  Tomas and Lawrence walked up carrying the rest of their belongings before boarding their separate ships. “Ye ken she hates ye, aye?” Tomas said with a chuckle.

  “Aye, what happened to sending a ship full of diseased men to her if she didnae pay ye?” Kat asked, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him, wondering if he was all bluster.

  Niall shrugged. “I have had a change of heart. I cannae understand why,” he said, sending her a wink. “I would prefer to be on good terms with the queen for the moment and, like most women, she only loves me when I have gold or jewels for her,” Niall replied with a grin. “Here.” Reaching around his neck, Niall unclasped the thick gold necklace with a grand emerald he wore and tossed it to Tomas. “Give her my regards and this bauble. She will like me for a few more days.”

  Shaking his head, Tomas tucked the necklace safely into the pouch he wore around his leather belt. “Ye have more wealth than ye ken what to do with.”


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