The first thing that I remember of this journey to Egypt is that I wassitting in the warm morning sunshine on the deck of our little tradingvessel, that went by the name of the heathen goddess, Diana. We werein the port of Alexandria. Martina, who now went by the name of Hilda,stood by my side describing to me the great city that lay before us.
She told me of the famous Pharos still rising from its rock, although init the warning light no longer burned, for since the Moslems took Egyptthey had let it die, as some said because they feared lest it shouldguide a Christian fleet to attack them. She described also the splendidpalaces that the Greeks had built, many of them now empty or burnedout, the Christian churches, the mosques, the broad streets and thegrass-grown quays.
As we were thus engaged, she talking and I listening and askingquestions, she said,
"The boat is coming with the Saracen officers of the port, who mustinspect and pass the ship before she is allowed to discharge her cargo.Now, Olaf, remember that henceforth you are called Hodur." (I had takenthis name after that of the blind god of the northern peoples.) "Playyour part well, and, above all, be humble. If you are reviled, or evenstruck, show no anger, and be sure to keep that red sword of yours closehidden beneath your robe. If you do these things we shall be safe, for Itell you that we are well disguised."
The boat came alongside and I heard men climbing the ship's ladder. Thensomeone kicked me. It was our captain, Menas, who also had his part toplay.
"Out of the road, you blind beggar," he said. "The noble officers of theCaliph board our ship, and you block their path."
"Touch not one whom God has afflicted," said a grave voice, speakingin bad Greek. "It is easy for us to walk round the man. But who is he,captain, and why does he come to Egypt? By their looks he and the womanwith him might well have seen happier days."
"I know not, lord," answered the captain, "who, after they paid theirpassage money, took no more note of them. Still they play and sing well,and served to keep the sailors in good humour when we were becalmed."
"Sir," I broke in, "I am a Northman named Hodur, and this woman is myniece. I was a trader in amber, but thieves robbed me and my companionsof all we had as we journeyed to Byzantium. Me, who was the leader ofour band, they held to ransom, blinding me lest I should be able toswear to them again, but the others they killed. This is the only childof my sister, who married a Greek, and now we get our living by ourskill in music."
"Truly you Christians love each other well," said the officer. "Acceptthe Koran and you will not be treated thus. But why do you come toEgypt?"
"Sir, we heard that it is a rich land where the people love music, andhave come hoping to earn some money here that we may put by to live on.Send us not away, sir; we have a little offering to make. Niece Hilda,where is the gold piece I gave you? Offer it to this lord."
"Nay, nay," said the officer. "Shall I take bread out of the mouth ofthe poor? Clerk," he added in Arabic to a man who was with him, "makeout a writing giving leave to these two to land and to ply theirbusiness anywhere in Egypt without question or hindrance, and bring itto me to seal. Farewell, musicians. I fear you will find money scarce inEgypt, for the land has been stricken with a famine. Yet go and prosperin the name of God, and may He turn your hearts to the true faith."
Thus it came about that through the good mind of this Moslem, whosename, as I learned when we met again, was Yusuf, our feet were liftedover many stumbling-blocks. Thus it seems that by virtue of his officehe had power to prevent the entry into the land of such folk as weseemed to be, which power, if they were Christians, was almost alwaysput in force. Yet because he had seen the captain appear to illtreat me,or because, being a soldier himself, he guessed that I was of the sametrade, whatever tale it might please me to tell, this rule was notenforced. Moreover, the writing which he gave me enabled me to go wherewe wished in Egypt without let or hindrance. Whenever we were stoppedor threatened, which happened to us several times, it was enough if wepresented it to the nearest person in authority who could read, afterwhich we were allowed to pass upon our way unhindered.
Before we left the ship I had a last conversation with the captain,Menas, telling him that he was to lie in the harbour, always pretendingthat he waited for some cargo not yet forthcoming, such as unharvestedcorn, or whatever was convenient, until we appeared again. If after acertain while we did not appear, then he was to make a trading journeyto neighbouring ports and return to Alexandria. These artifices he mustcontinue to practise until orders to the contrary reached him under myown hand, or until he had sure evidence that we were dead. All this theman promised that he would do.
"Yes," said Martina, who was with me, "you promise, Captain, and webelieve you, but the question is, can you answer for the others? Forinstance, for the sailor Cosmas there, who, I see, is already drunkenand talking loudly about many things."
"Henceforth, lady, Cosmas shall drink water only. When not in his cupshe is an honest fellow, and I do answer for him."
Yet, alas! as the end showed, Cosmas was not to be answered for byanyone.
The Wanderer's Necklace Page 45