On a certain day in early summer--it was the anniversary of my marriagein Egypt--Heliodore and I had dined with but two guests. Those guestswere Jodd, the great Northman, my lieutenant, and his wife, Martina, forwithin a year of our return to Lesbos Jodd and Martina had married. Itcomes back to me that there was trouble about the business, but thatwhen Jodd gave out that either she must marry him or that he would sailback to his northern land, bidding good-bye to us all for ever, Martinagave way. I think that Heliodore managed the matter in some fashion ofher own after the birth of our first-born son; how, I held it best neverto inquire. At least, it was managed, and the marriage turned out wellenough in the end, although at first Martina was moody at times andsomewhat sharp of tongue with Jodd. Then they had a baby which died, andthis dead child drew them closer together than it might have done had itlived. At any rate, from that time forward Martina grew more gentle withJodd, and when other children were born they seemed happy together.
Well, we four had dined, and it comes to me that our talk turned uponthe Caliph Harun and his wonderful goodness to us, whom as Christians hewas bound to despise and hate. Heliodore told me then for the first timehow she was glad he had made it clear so soon that what she drank fromthe gold cup which now stood upon our table was no more than rose water.
So strong is the working of the mind that already she had begun to feelas though poison were numbing her heart and clouding her brain, andwas sure that soon she would have fallen into the sleep which Harun hadwarned her would end in death.
"Had he been a true physician, he would have known that this might beso, and that such grim jests are very dangerous," I said. Then I added,for I did not wish to dwell longer upon a scene the memory of which wasdreadful to me, although it had ended well,
"Tell us, Martina, is it true that those rich possessions of yours inAlexandria which the Caliph gave you are sold?"
"Yes, Olaf," she answered, "to a company of Greek merchants, and notso ill. The contract was signed but yesterday. It was my wish that weshould leave Lesbos and go to live in this place, as we might have donewith safety under Harun's signed _firman_, but Jodd here refused."
"Aye," said Jodd in his big voice. "Am I one to dwell among Moslemsand make money out of trade and gardens in however fine a house? Why, Ishould have been fighting with these prophet-worshippers within a month,and had my throat cut. Moreover, how could I bear to be separated frommy general, and whatever she may think, how could Martina bear to losesight of her god-son? Why, Olaf, I tell you that, although you aremarried and she is married, she still thinks twice as much of you as shedoes of me. Oh! blind man's dog once, blind man's dog always! Looknot so angry, Martina. Why, I wonder, does the truth always make womenangry?" and he burst into one of his great laughs.
At this moment Heliodore rose from the table and walked to the openwindow-place to speak to our children and Martina's, a merry company whowere playing together in the garden. Here she stood a while studying thebeautiful view of the bay beneath; then of a sudden called out,
"A ship! A ship sailing into the harbour, and it flies the Imperialstandard."
"Then pray God she brings no bad news," I said, who feared that Imperialstandard and felt that we had all been somewhat too happy of late.Moreover, I knew that no royal ship was looked for from Byzantium atthis time, and dreaded lest this one should bear letters from the newEmperor dismissing me from my office, or even worse tidings.
"What bad news should she bring?" growled Jodd. "Oh! I know what is inyour mind, General, but if this upstart Nicephorus is wise, he'll leaveyou alone, since Lesbos does not want another governor, and will tellhim so if there be need. Yes, it will take more than one ship of war,aye, and more than three, to set up another governor in Lesbos. Nay,rebuke me not, General, for I at least have sworn no oath of homage tothis Nicephorus, nor have the other Northmen or the men of Lesbos."
"You are like a watchdog, Jodd, barking at you know not what, justbecause it is strange. Go now, I pray you, to the quay, and bring backto us news of this ship."
So he went, and for the next two hours or more I sat in my private roomdictating letters to Heliodore on matters connected with the duties ofmy office. The work came to an end at last, and I was preparing to takemy evening ride on a led mule when Martina entered the room.
"Do you ride with us to-night, Martina?" I asked, recognising her step.
"No, Olaf," she said quickly, "nor I think can you. Here are letters foryou from Byzantium. Jodd has brought them from the ship."
"Where is Jodd?" I said.
"Without, in the company of the captain of the ship, some guards, and aprisoner."
"What prisoner?"
"Perchance the letters will tell you," she replied evasively. "Have Iyour command to open and read? They are marked 'Most Secret.'"
I nodded, since Martina often acted as my secretary in high matters,being from her training skilled in such things. So she broke the sealsand read to myself and to Heliodore, who also was present in the room,as follows:
"'To the Excellent Michael, a General of our armies and Governor of theIsle of Lesbos, Greetings from Nicephorus, by the will of God Emperor.
"'Know, O Michael, that we, the Emperor, reposing especial faith inyou our trusted servant, with these letters deliver into your keeping acertain prisoner of State. This prisoner is none other than Irene, whoaforetime was Empress.
"'Because of her many wickednesses in the sight of God and man we bythe decree of the People, of the Army, of the Senate and of the highOfficers of State amidst general rejoicing deposed the said Irene,widow of the Emperor Leo and mother of the late Emperor Constantine, andplaced ourselves upon the throne. The said Irene, at her own request,we consigned to the place called the Island of Princes, setting herin charge of certain holy monks. Whilst there, abusing our mercy andconfidence, she set on foot plots to murder our Person and repossessherself of the throne.
"'Now our Councillors with one voice urged that she should be put todeath in punishment of her crimes, but we, being mindful of the teachingof our Lord and Saviour and of His saying that we should turn the othercheek to those who smite us, out of our gentle pity have taken anothercounsel.
"'Learn now, most excellent Michael the Blind, who once were known asOlaf Red-Sword, that we hand over to your keeping the person of Irene,aforetime Empress, charging you to deal with her as she dealt with youand as she dealt also with the late Emperor Constantine, the son of herbody, for thus shall her evil plottings be brought to naught.'"
"By God's Name, he means that I must blind her!" I exclaimed.
Making no answer, Martina went on with the letter----
"'Should the said Irene survive her just punishment, we command youto make sufficient provision for her daily wants, but no more, and tocharge the same against the sum due Us from the revenues of Lesbos.Should she die at once, or at any future time, give to her decentprivate burial, and report to Us the circumstances of her death dulyattested.
"'Keep these Presents secret and do not act upon them until the shipwhich brings them and the prisoner to you has sailed for Byzantium,which it is ordered to do as soon as it has been revictualled. On yourhead be it to carry out these our commands, for which you shall answerwith your life and those of your wife and children. This signed andsealed at our Court of Byzantium on the twelfth day of the sixth monthof the first year of our reign, and countersigned by the high officerswhose names appear beneath.'"
The Wanderer's Necklace Page 53