Collateral Damage

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Collateral Damage Page 15

by Susan Harris

  A shiver crawled up her spine, and she shuddered against it. Her Deryck rose to his feet and advanced toward her. She twirled a blonde curl between her fingers, trying to rein in the quickening of her heart.

  “What is such a beautiful woman doing sitting on her own? It seems a crime to leave you all alone.”

  “Perhaps it is time for quiet reflection I seek,” she replied, thankful that her voice did not shake as she spoke.

  “My lady, forgive me, but you do not seem like quiet reflection is what pumps the blood in your veins. Quiet reflection no more excites you than it excites me. I feel we are kindred spirits, you and I.”

  He eased the chair beside her out a smidge, sitting down so close to her that his knee brushed against hers.

  “And what makes you think you know me well enough to presume I do not simply wait for my husband to whisk me away to our home, where I will wait on him hand and foot?”

  Her champion leaned in so close that she could feel his breath on her skin. “The knife in your boot that nobody but myself would notice. The way you sit in the corner of the room, your back to the wall, in perfect view of all entrance and exit routes. The way those beautiful blue eyes have assessed everybody in this establishment for threats. And, my lovely, the way your fist is clenching by your side because I speak only the truth. Like recognizes like.”

  “And how do you think we are alike? I know nothing at all about you and find myself not wanting to, either.”

  His grin deepened, his eyes sparkling. “I think you protest too much.”

  “You make quite a lot of presumptions for an assassin for hire. Should you not study your mark more intently before you try and launch a charm offensive? If this is how you lure cheating spouses to their demise, then I’m surprised you make any money at all.”

  He chuckled then, a deliberate, sexy sound that curled her toes. “How you make anyone believe you are a quiet, reserved housewife, I have no idea.”

  “I don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult.”

  His grin turned into a smirk. “Let me take you home, and I’ll shower you with as many compliments as you wish.”

  It was her turn to snort out a laugh. “My good man, one drink of bourbon does not mean I will up and leave with you. What kind of woman do you take me for?”

  She was enjoying herself far too much. She loved this side to her champion; it was part of what had made her fall for him back on the shores of Valhalla.

  “In my defense, it was top-shelf bourbon. And to answer your question, I think you are the kind of woman who craves adventure, who takes to life as if it were her last second on earth, and who radiates such an aura that I abandoned my mark to seek her out.”

  Her breath hitched. “And you know all this without knowing my name?”

  “I do not need your name to know that I want you more than I want my next breath. But as the lady wishes to share a name with me, so be it. My name is Derrick.”

  As it always was.

  She extended her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Derrick. I’m Ever.”

  He took her hand, raising it to his lips, lingering on her skin for a moment, but keeping his eyes locked on hers. “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Tell me, Ever, could you be my forever?”

  Echoes of the words he spoke in every lifetime caused her heart to skip a beat with sadness and longing for the days before she had been cursed to be reborn, for Deryck to die and be reborn, for their souls to seek each other out only to be slayed by Odin and his henchmen. She could not answer him because the answer was too raw, too hard for her to speak.

  Under the table, his fingers brazenly grazed her thigh, and she chewed on her bottom lip to stop from reacting.

  Ever cracked the muscles in her neck as she spied Erika sauntering into the bar. Erika grinned a wicked grin at her, simply shrugging her shoulders when Ever arched her eyebrows in response. Guess she was in this alone.

  Dividing her focus between her second and her champion, Ever noticed Erika whisper something to the saxophone player and nod in their general direction. The tempo slowed to a hypnotic piano and sax melody, and the couples on the dance floor came together and swayed in time with the music.

  She peered out at him from under her lashes as he stood and extended his hand to her, and when she slipped her hand into the warmth of his grasp, he led her to the dance floor. Turning toward his partner, he swept her in close, and she had no option but to rest her head on his chest.

  For a precious few minutes, they did nothing but sway slowly to the music. It would, she guessed, become one of her fondest memories, for the simple reason they had found each other early, with time to enjoy each other’s company before her past came back to haunt them.

  “Do you believe in soulmates?” he murmured into her ear. “Because I felt my soul cry out the moment I laid eyes on you. I feel as if I know you. That I should know you. As if I was born to hold you in my arms.”

  “I believe we are reborn, and our soul seeks out those who are ours,” she replied.

  “Do you count me as yours?”

  Ever slid her hand up his chest to brush her fingers against the stubble on his chin. She wanted him to remember, to feel the weight of her quest and stand with her, but she had precious little time to enjoy this moment. Odin would be upon them soon, and either she would die or he would.

  Pulling his chin down so his gaze tangled with hers, Ever said the words she had always wanted to say to her Deryck, but time had not allowed. “I have died many times, my darling, and I’ve always found myself back with you—a different version of you, maybe, but you all the same.”

  His mouth captured hers in that moment, and she sank into him as the tempo quickened and revelers cheered them on. But Ever didn’t hear them one bit. All she heard was the beat of her own heart in sync with the man she was destined to love.

  Ever blinked her eyes open as the sun streaked through the curtains. Stretching, she froze as her legs brushed up against a warm mass of muscle. She had forgotten that Derek was sleeping beside her. That dream had shaken her because like all the others, it had felt so damn real. Her dream-self had spoken of reincarnation—could that be what was happening to her? Had she been reincarnated in order to be reunited with Derek?

  Oh please! Derek is only part of the puzzle. You’ll believe you were reincarnated, but not that you are a Valkyrie queen? Wake up, Ever!

  Ever rubbed her temples. She tried to ease out of bed, but a strong arm tightened around her waist and a muscular leg slung over hers. She couldn’t help but grin as Derek trailed kisses down her neck.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he muttered.

  “I was thinking of making some breakfast. Thought you might be hungry.”

  He pressed up against her, and her thoughts jumbled.

  “And if I’m not hungry for food?”

  She laughed as he rolled them so she was on top of him, her legs on either side of his, her core pressed against his. Ever placed her palms on his chest and bent down to kiss him.

  He turned his head away. “You wouldn’t dare kiss me with morning breath, would you?”

  She slapped him gently. “Fine, no kisses for you, although I’m happy to see Mr. Broody Wolf has gone away.”

  He sat up and claimed her mouth as his. When she was dizzy from his kisses, he lay back down and sighed. “He may rear his head from time to time. Think you can handle that?”

  Ever thought back to her dream and decided to do as her dream-self had wanted, live in the moment. Grinning, she lowered her head and pressed her lips against his chest, his growl sending shivers dancing along her spine. “I’ll get used to it. Now, where were we before we got interrupted last night?”

  Derek’s fingers slipped into her hair. “I think you were trying to steal my virtue.”

  “Then let me try again.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  His grip on her hair tightened as she claimed his mouth this time, her body moving aga
inst his while he growled, lifting his head and shoulders off the bed so they both sat up in the bed.

  A loud banging sounded from the living room, and then Ever’s door flew open.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake! I can never unsee that!”

  “Get out, Erika,” Derek barked.

  “I would, but there is a very drunk vampire covered in blood slumped in your front room, Ever, and that muthafucker is not easy to move.”

  Ever scrambled off Derek’s lap as Derek slid from the bed and strolled out the door, barefoot and bare chested. Ever hurried after him, Erika falling in step with her as they rounded the corner into the living room.

  Donnie was huddled in the corner, shrouded in as much darkness as he could find, but Ever could see the glazed-over look on his face as well as the blood staining his clothes. Derek motioned for Ever to keep her distance as he cautiously moved closer to Donnie. The vampire stirred and slowly opened his eyes, which were bloodshot and blown.

  “Sooo… sorry. Had nowhere to go,” he slurred.

  Derek plonked down on the ground next to him. “S’okay, mate. Want to tell me what happened?”

  “Do I have to?”

  Tapping his foot, Derek replied, “Well, since you’re the second person who’s burst in on me at an inappropriate time in twenty-four hours, I think you owe me an explanation.”

  “Whoops… soz bro.” Donnie hiccupped, then giggled.

  “Erika, any chance we can get Donnie a coffee, please? And Ever, would you mind pulling across those curtains, darling?”

  Erika slipped from the room and was back with a coffee by the time Ever had drawn the curtains.

  “Already had it made when he burst into the room. I thought your wards stopped intruders?”

  “Donnie’s been here before.”

  Donnie groaned. “I really wish I could hurl right now.”

  “Sucks not having a working stomach. How’d you get drunk anyways, mate?”

  “Think I’m a little stoned as well, Derek. Don’t tell Cait.” He flashed Ever a lopsided smile before gulping down the coffee Erika handed him.

  “This have anything to do with Chester’s party?”

  Donnie scrubbed his hand down his face. “Did you not hear about the shooting?”

  When they collectively shook their heads, Donnie set the mug on the table in front of him. “Caitlyn got shot trying to stop an assassination attempt on Arthur de Valera. She coulda fucking died for that mutt… no offense.”

  “That why you got rip-roaring drunk?” Derek asked gently.

  Donnie ducked his head sheepishly. “Nah… well, maybe. I kinda made a right gobshite of myself. Told her to make up her mind or I’d go. And then I walked out the door. Fuck, I’m a jackass.”

  Something told Ever that Caitlyn was not one for ultimatums.

  “How does a vampire get drunk, anyway?” she broached.

  Again, Donnie ducked his head. “Went to Chester’s club, drank from the vein… haven’t done that in forever. Didn’t realize the girl was on anything. Hit me like a goddam freight train. Last time I was this drunk, it got me killed. My head’s banging.”

  Derek got to his feet, and with one arm under Donnie’s shoulder, said, “C’mon big man, let’s get ya up.”

  Donnie pushed off the ground as Derek pulled him up. He lurched forward, but Derek caught him before he face-planted onto Ever’s wooden floor.

  “Ah, shite, I’ve the spinners.”

  Donnie made it only a few steps before he lurched forward again, landing face-first on the couch. He groaned for all of two minutes before he started snoring and mumbling in his sleep.

  “Best to leave him sleep it off. I’ll call Caitlyn and let her know he’s okay.”

  He walked into the kitchen to make his call as Ever and Erika left Donnie to rest in the living room.

  Erika nudged her shoulder. “Never a dull moment, right?”

  Ever shoved her away, laughing, and hightailed it into her room to quickly dress. She splashed some water over her face to wake herself up and was sitting on the bed when Derek strolled back in, phone to his ear.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, Caitlyn. You think you’re up to heading to the station to regroup? Thank God I have that bloody ankle monitor, or else I’d be the one accused of shooting at you.”

  His eyes roamed over her while he listened to whatever Caitlyn was saying. When he sat down on the edge of the bed, she scooted over and wrapped her arms around him from behind. He inhaled, then exhaled slowly.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. He’s fine, Caitlyn. A little banged up, but I think his feelings are more hurt than anything. He’s a big boy—Donnie will deal.”

  Another brief pause, then Derek chortled and said, “Sure Caitlyn, see you soon.”

  Derek hung up, shaking his head, and tossed then phone down next to him on the bed. He placed his hands over hers, and while his heart beat against her hand, they sat in silence, neither of them daring to speak for fear of interrupting the peace.

  “Will Caitlyn and Donnie be okay?”

  “Don’t worry about them. Donnie’s waited twenty years; he can wait a little bit more.”

  She kissed his back. “This coming from Mr. Mated After a Few Days.”

  “Extenuating circumstance. Suppose I should get dressed… even though I quite enjoyed seeing you in my tee.”

  “I think that ol’ thing will be my new nightwear.”

  He leaned back against her. “Damn, woman. You’ll be the death of me.”

  He lay on the ground, blood seeping from multiple stab wounds. Her clothes were covered in his blood as she clutched him to her, tears streaming down her face.

  “Hey, Ever, where’d you go?”

  While Ever had been being tormented in her mind, Derek had slipped free of her grasp and pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m sorry. I’m okay.”

  “You sure?”

  She hated lying to him, but getting his name cleared was the most important thing right now. She could wait.

  She gave him her biggest smile and slipped from his embrace. He slipped on his zippy jacket, not bothering with a tee.

  “Heard the strangest thing on the radio. Seems like a massive sink hole appeared in some South African town, and thousands have gone missing. Calling it a natural disaster. Seems like a lot of that going around.”

  The blood in her veins went ice cold. Something pricked at her subconscious, but Ever still couldn’t figure out why the news made her heart clench in fear.

  He waited in the glum alley, impatiently tapping his boots against the concrete. She was late. He hated people not showing up when he demanded them to. The gales had picked up, and there came a soft rumble of thunder in the distance. The weather had been all over the place lately, but he was too focused on ruining the perfect life that Derek Doyle had built for himself, and he would not stop until that life lay at Derek’s feet, tattered and broken.

  Car lights illuminated the laneway, and he eased back into the shadows to prevent himself from being seen. The car, a sleek black sedan with tinted windows, paused before rolling down the window. It never ceased to amaze him exactly how fascinating the once-mystical creature that peered out was. If he weren’t so consumed with his revenge, his vengeance, then maybe he could stop to admire this birdlike woman. But, his priorities came first.

  Pulling the door open, he slid inside and relaxed into the leather upholstery. The interior was dark, but he didn’t mind; the griffin’s eyes gave off all the light they needed.

  “Have you done as I’ve asked?” he queried.

  She shook her head. “I’ve done as much as I possibly can. How am I supposed to alter data that confirms Derek Doyle was nowhere near Chester Birmingham’s party? I detect truth or lies; I’m no computer tech.”

  With a slight smirk he reached into his pocket, delighting a bit in how she tensed up as he did. Did she expect him to strike out at her? Good. Fear made people compliant, and he needed her to do as he asked.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do,” he said as he handed her the flash drive from his pocket. “Insert this into the main server in the station, and it will do exactly what it’s supposed to. Melanie Newton will get the blame for aiding Doyle. Your talons will still be clean.”

  Her cheek twitched. Obviously, she was more used to clawing her way out of threats than being a victim, and he enjoyed the feeling of power in his veins.

  “Before I do this,” she began, “before I put the final nail in the coffin that was my career, I want to know they’re safe. I won’t do it unless I know my babies are safe.”

  He could be cruel; he could torment the poor griffin and order her to do it. It would be so easy to slowly crush her eggs underneath his boot. But he wouldn’t. Not yet, anyway.

  He handed her his phone, and her eyes welled up at the live stream of her two eggs.

  “They are kept at a warm temperature with enough light so they still feel like they are in the nest. For now, they are quite safe. Do this, and I’ll return them unharmed to you.”

  She let out a sigh of relief and shoved the flash drive into her bag. “Once I have my kids back, once this is over… if I ever so much as spot you in a crowd, I’ll enjoy plucking your eyes from your head while you’re still alive and feeding them to my kids.”

  He snorted. “If things go according to plan, you’ll never lay eyes on me again.”

  “Good. Now get the fuck out of my car.”

  He couldn’t rein in his laughter as he exited the car and watched the griffin speed off into the dead of night. He glanced up at the moon, felt her call, and allowed himself a few brief moments before making his way out of the alley.


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