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Survivors Page 3

by Alex Isaacs

  As I stopped to make notes, I saw Ann stopping to look at me. She came over, asking me what I was doing. I showed her the notes I was making, showing marks for any questions I might have if it is not explained fully in class. I saw her look at her mom before she sat down to do some more of her reading. After a little while, I switched the book I was reading for my second class, setting up my next notebook. When I was halfway through, Rose said she was going to make dinner; it will be ready in about thirty minutes. I was happy to be nearly prepared for two of my eight classes.

  It was a nice dinner that Rose made for us; then, after I ate, I got up, taking my plates to the sink. I started to do the dishes, just like I was at home. Rose was happy with my help; Joe laughed a little, saying he better start to help out; he does not want to look bad. Ann came over, putting her dishes in the sink. She stood there looking at my work; Rose told her to go on to do something else, too many people are here at the sink already. Rose sat down, letting Joe dry the dishes, but got back up to put them away, telling Joe to go on, he was in the way. Rose helped finish drying the dishes, then putting them away. I watched to see where some of the items went; I was not used to her kitchen. Rose thanked me for helping with the dishes; she never had help before, she said the other two just got in the way. I finished helping then I went back to my books, it was still early.

  I took a small break, looking in the refrigerator, I did not see that much for breakfast as I grabbed a bottle of water. I noticed there was not much left of the water as well. I looked at the time, then remembering there was a grocery store down the road, I told Rose I was going out for a walk, saying I might as well get used to the area. I headed out in the direction of the grocery store. It was colling down from the hot day; the store was busy; a lot of people went shopping after work. I grabbed a cart then started to move around the store looking for the items I had in mind. I found the bacon and eggs; then, I began to look at the different foods. I could see a lot of easy to make foods. I probably should have gone shopping with my mother a little more. I picked up some more food; then I found the bottled water. I took my load up to the cashier, paying for; then, thinking of the distance I had to walk back with all these groceries, I decided to put them back into the cart. I would bring it back after I unloaded it at the house.

  People stared at me as I walked up the street, pushing the cart. I got the cart unloaded, putting everything away, then headed back out to return the cart. When I got back to the house, I found the others in the back yard relaxing. They asked if I had a good walk. I said yes, then announced that I was going to bed, saying goodnight to them all. It took me a little while to fall asleep; I guess the exciting day caused that.

  I woke up just after five in the morning; I hopped out of bed thinking about doing my chores, then remembered where I was. I decided to have my shower; then, I got dressed. No one was awake yet, so I decided to make my self some breakfast. I sat down to eat, hearing some movement from the bedrooms. I finished eating, then got up to make everyone breakfast for the morning. Rose and Joe came into the kitchen, Rose asking what I was doing, I said, making breakfast as I put two plates down on the table for them. Joe said bacon and eggs, sitting right down to eat. Rose asked me when did I get the food; I smiled saying last night on my walk. Ann showed up, looking at the food, then said yuck powdered eggs. Joe said they are real eggs between bites. I looked at Rose; she said that they use powdered eggs, plus other foods that are easy to prepare.

  Ann sat down, saying maybe she will have cereal, Rose, cleared her throat, giving Ann a cold stare. Ann said maybe she would try the bacon and eggs. I put a plate down on the table in front of her, then saw that Joe cleaned his plate, so I asked if he wanted some more. He handed me the plate smiling; I saw Rose looking at him in amazement. I made up another breakfast for Joe, then saw Ann slowly eating her breakfast. After a few bites of the eggs, she began to eat a little quicker. I was happy to see that. I began to clean the dishes up, putting them in the sink as the three finished eating. Ann got up, saying loudly to everyone that she was going to have a shower now, looking directly at me. I said I do not need to use the bathroom; it is all hers. Rose and Joe looked at me, then asked me what time I was up. I said just after five, I usually wake up about four-thirty to start my chores back home. Rose came over, saying she will clean up, I have done more than enough this morning. Joe then thanked me for the great breakfast, adding it has been a long time since he had real bacon and eggs. I asked what we were going to be doing today. Rose said nothing; it is our holiday today. I remembered it was the fourth of July, their holiday. I went to my room, grabbing a couple of books and notebooks, heading out to the patio to do some reading.

  Ann showed up a little later with her books, she is like me, liking to get ahead in the classes. Near lunchtime, Rose came out to the patio, telling the two of us to put our books away. Rose then asked Ann to take me around to show me the area, maybe the two of us could have some fun on this holiday. Ann complained, saying she did not like to drive when the roads are busy. I said I would drive; she can direct me where to go. Rose got the keys to the car, handing them to me. Rose told Ann not to come back for a couple of hours, have some fun. Ann is like me, not into having fun. I could not have that much fun living on the farm; I kept busy doing chores when not studying.

  I grabbed a bottle of water for the two of us as we headed out to the car. Ann asked me what I liked to do for fun, as we got into the car. I said I never really did many fun things; I worked on the farm mostly. We sat in the driveway as Ann tried to think of what we could do. Rose finally came out asking Ann is this what she does for fun. Ann said she does not know where to go, adding that I have no idea of what to do. Rose shook her head, then suggested we go to the beach for a swim. Ann said she needed to get her bathing suit. I went in to get on a pair of shorts; then Rose gave me some towels as I came back to the front door.

  Ann directed me to the beach; we parked the car, got out to go for a swim. Ann took her t-shirt and shorts off; she was in a bikini. I had to stop looking at her; then I wondered if she had a boyfriend. We went for a swim; the water was full of people. We were lucky to find a spot to stretch out on the towels to dry and get some sun. After a while, Ann asked what I wanted to do now. I asked what she and her boyfriend like doing, she laughed, saying she does not have a boyfriend. They do not like her because she is so smart. I suggested that we go to the grocery store again, I said we need to pick up some more eggs, the way her dad was eating them this morning, we will not have enough for tomorrows breakfast. Ann sat up, asking me why I knew how to cook. I told her we learn to do everything on the farm, then I asked Ann if she liked to cook. Ann tells me she knows how to cook, but her mom is always doing that. I asked Ann if she liked the breakfast this morning, she smiled saying yes, she hates the powdered foods her mom makes.

  I said, let us go to the grocery store then. We got up, Ann putting her t-shirt and shorts on, then we got to the car. Ann directed me to the grocery store, where we parked to go shopping. It was not that busy, most of the people we busy having fun on the day off. I looked at the time; then I asked Ann when her mother began to make dinner. Ann looked at the clock, saying she will start that in about an hour. I asked Ann what she would like for dinner tonight. We can go back to the house; we can make dinner for everyone. I saw a little smile on her face; I wonder what she was thinking. Ann got us the ingredients for making a nice salad; then she asked if I knew how to cook steaks, I smiled, then headed towards the meat department. We came across the aisle that has wine and beer in it; I stopped asking Ann what type of wine she and her mother like to drink. Ann stared at me; she then said they never drink that much. I asked a lady what would go better with the steak; she pointed out the type, I picked up the bottle, putting it in the cart. I noticed another person putting a wine bottle in a barrel-like container. I asked what that did, she stared at me, then told me it cools the bottle down quickly, that way you do not have to wait for it to cool down at home.

  I put the bottle in to cool down; then I asked Ann if her dad liked to have a beer. Ann said she did not know, I saw a couple of guys grabbing some beer, so I picked up a case of beer to take with us. I paid for the groceries, loaded up the car, then drove back to the house. Ann told me to wait before I brought everything in; she did not want her mom seeing what we bought. I think Ann was having some fun with our plans for making dinner. Ann came back out, giving me a wave to bring everything into the house. We got the wine in the fridge, I put some beer in as well, before putting the case in the closet. We began to get the food, ready to cook and eat. Ann said she would see about the barbecue on the patio, see if it works. I followed her out; her parents were sitting relaxing. Rose asked if we had some fun today, Ann said yes; then asked if the barbecue was working, saying that I bought us some food to cook tonight. I saw Joe sit up, saying the container needs fuel. He got right up, saying he will fill it for us right now.

  It did not take Joe that long to get back with the container for the barbecue. He hooked it up then asked what we were having for dinner. Ann smiling said we would have steak, potatoes, and a tossed salad. I saw a smile on Joe’s face; Rose stared at Ann, who was still smiling. We went back into the kitchen to continue getting dinner ready; Ann was in a good mood as she helped to make the salad. I asked Ann if she should ask her parents if they would like a drink before dinner. Ann’s face lit up, she went into the cupboard, getting out a wine glass and a regular glass for her dad’s beer. Ann filled the glasses up, then headed towards the patio. I had to see what she was up to, so I followed her out. Ann said Happy fourth of July, handing her mom the wine, then her dad the glass of beer. Joe was happy to see the beer; Rose was in shock, Ann giving her a glass of wine. Ann’s parents are like my parents.

  I went back in to get the steaks to begin to barbecue them. Rose told Joe not to tell anyone about the two cooks we have here at the house. I saw Rose take a sip of the wine; she is like my mom. A little later, Joe asked Ann if there is any more beer. I saw Rose look over at Joe as Ann said yes. Joe said, well, I might have one with my dinner. Ann went in to set the table as I was nearly done cooking the steaks. Joe asked during dinner if my family always ate this way. I said we do have a variety, but most of our food comes from the farm and our garden. Rose said that they are getting used to eating powdered foods; there will not be any fresh food like this in space. Joe stopped eating, asking Rose not to say anything more.

  I looked at Rose, then at Joe. I knew we were working on trying to do space travel, but this did not sound like they were that far away from traveling in space. Ann looked a little shocked, but I think she knows more than I do. Joe took a deep breath, then told Ann and me not to repeat anything that we are talking about today to anyone. I set down my knife and fork. I now wondered what is going on with what we are doing with Simon. Rose said sorry, then Joe took a drink of his beer, looking at the two of us.

  Joe began to tell us this is a big secret, then proceeded to fill us in on what is going on.

  Chapter 2: The Secret Revealed

  Joe says that the secret is that Simon and the group are farther ahead and closer to going into space right now. We have a couple of space vehicles, both unmanned, that we will be sending into space soon. We have another two that we are working on as well. Now the vehicles can be operated by humans, but we want to iron out the bugs first. That is why the scholarships have started now; we will be getting you to learn and help build the computer technology for these and the next set of space vehicles.

  Rose said sorry to Joe, saying she should not have had the wine. Joe smiled at her, saying it would have come out anyway for Ann, now it is the two that know now. I said I guess my moving in did not help to keep it a secret. Joe said now; I will be living here until it comes out. I do not think Ann liked to hear that. Ann asked if we could know more now that the secret is out for the two of us. Joe looked at Rose; then, he said that they had better not tell us anything more for the time being. Adding, so please do not ask us or let anyone else know, we all could be in big trouble and probably put in a secure area. I now had another big secret to keep from my family.

  We finished our dinner; I helped to clean up. After, when I was alone with Ann, I apologized for what happened. Ann said it is okay, by the sounds of it, she would have known the secret and would not be able to talk with anyone other than her parents. At least we can communicate with each other as well. Ann then asked if we should even talk about any of this right now, just the two of us. I said no, we better not, we do not need to get her parents in any trouble. At this point, I think Ann and I bonded in a way regarding our work. Both of us having this secret to keep will help us as we work together. I said I was going to get my books to do some more reading; I would see her later.

  I got my books, going into the living room to read, soon, Ann joined me, she was also going to do some reading up on up classes that will start on Monday. We did our reading for a couple of hours, Rose and Joe came out thanking the two of us for the lovely dinner. They said good night, I looked at the time, then gathered my books up to go to bed as well. I said goodnight to Ann; she thanked me for the fun day. I thanked her as I headed up to my room for the night.

  I woke up around five o'clock again, going to have a shower and get ready for the day. I went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I had my food cooking, knowing the others would not be up for about for a little while, but got surprised when Rose came into the kitchen. She came over, telling me that I am going to spoil them all, making breakfast like this every day. Rose suggested that I should try to eat some of the powdered food; it takes a while to get used to, and I would need to learn that. I smiled, saying maybe we can make a computer to make food that tastes almost real. Rose let out a little laugh, saying she knows Ann would love that. I asked Rose if it is alright for me to know if all the things that Simon is working on are dealing with the space secret. Rose stood there, thinking as I put some more food in for her breakfast.

  We sat down to eat and talk some more about my question. Rose told me she knows he is doing a lot of different things, that is why he is so rich. Rose said she does not honestly know if it all is for the space project. As we finished eating, we heard some stirring up from the bedrooms. I got up to put some more breakfast on, Rose getting up to help me out. Rose told me not to say anything about what we just talked about right yet; she will ask Joe what else we can talk about later when they are alone. Joe came down quickly, looking to see the two of us making breakfast. He sat down at the table, waiting for his meal. Ann was a couple of minutes later, seeing the food, asked if it was real or the powdered stuff, Joe said it is real, you can smell the difference. Ann came over to smell the food, saying, oh yes. As Joe ate, he said we need to go in to see Simon; he needs to know about the change in the situation. Joe said that Simon is still looking for a place for Alex. They finished their breakfast, Joe calling to see Simon, we would meet him at the farm. Joe said that Simon wants me to see the farm. I might like it out there.

  We got dressed, got in the car, heading out to the farm. I guess Simon has found a place for me to stay. I hope that this farm is like my parents; it will make things easy for me to stay here. We got to the farm; it was large, but having more buildings on it. As we were about to take the tour of the facility, Joe and Rose took Simon aside. I could see the look on his face; he was not happy with Ann and me knowing the truth already. Simon took us into an office, closing the door once all five of us were inside. Simon said that he did not like us knowing about the space part; he is hoping to keep it a secret. Simon turned to me, saying that Rose and Joe have offered to keep you at their house. He knows secrets are hard to keep. Simon said he was happy it came out at the Urbina’s; he then said he is amazed no one knew out earlier. I cleared my throat, saying I figured after the first meeting that you were already going into space. Simon looked at the Urbina’s, then back at me. I said that having the military there, along with everything being a secret, you had to be going int
o space already. Simon then looked at Ann, asking if she thought that at the meeting. Ann looked at her parents, then at Simon, saying she knew a while ago when her parents were getting us to try the powdered food, then when she was helping her mom with some of her work that might be related to the space program.

  Simon stood there in shock, along with Ann’s parents. Simon asked if the other candidates know, I spoke up saying they might, plus they know they can not talk about it, so they will not say anything. Simon sat down; then, after a few minutes, he told the Urbina’s that they should get the other four separated from the general student population. Rose said that might be the wrong thing to do; it will start rumors. You can put them all in the same dorm room, which will give us some more security on the matter. Simon picked up the phone, making the arrangments for the other four to be together. After getting off the phone, Simon said we would talk with them after they settle in, but will not tell the General. We will have to make adjustments for the next set of people that we start to bring in; we can not have it leak out.

  Simon then stood up, saying we might as well let you see the farm since you are here. We left the room, looking at the labs. Some of the machines that they were using were awesome to see. I saw a couple putting containers into a freezer; they must be freezing things to test in space. We got out to the farm section, they had bulls, cows, horses, pigs, and chickens, just like our farm. The animals looked skittish with all the things around the farm. The animals looked okay, but my dad would have something to say about their conditions. We looked in the hen house, Simon saying the hens were laying two or three eggs each, which is great. Simon saw me shaking my head, then asked me what was wrong. I said our chickens lay more eggs than that every day. Simon looked at Joe, then asked me what they could do to make it better here at the farm. I said my dad could tell you more, but I think the other buildings and all the other noises are affecting the animals.


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