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Survivors Page 5

by Alex Isaacs

  Outside Simon talked a little more with the gentleman, who then shook his hand, heading over to a car rental. My dad was waiting for us; I introduced him to Simon, Rose, and Ann, telling my dad that they ran a farm out of the university and were wanting to see how ours ran. As we got in the truck, starting to drive to the farm, Simon asked my dad if he could keep a secret. My dad said, of course, then Simon started to talk, stating that we were up here to see how much better our farm would be for running a unique program. Simon said it is related to the course that I am taking at the university. I was a little shocked to hear Simon telling some of the secrets, but he was in charge. Simon said that if our farm can produce the things that his group requires, his group will propose a deal to my dad and the rest of the family. Simon then asked about the valley, if it just north of the town we live near. My dad said yes, asking when he wanted to go to see it. Simon then asked my dad if the city was starting to bargain to buy our farm. My dad said no, plus Mr. Hamilton has not decided on selling his farm yet.

  We got into our farm, my mom coming out to meet us. I introduced her to Simon and the others, my mom telling my two brothers to go and move their stuff and mine out to the barn now that we were here. I saw my brothers staring at Ann; my mom turned to them, saying now, please. I saw Rose looking at my mom as she shook her head, saying the two boys are getting girl crazy. As we got settled in, Simon sat at the table with us, talking about the farm. My dad said he would get him some clothes to change into to come and see everything. I asked Ann and Rose if they wanted to come to see everything. Rose said she would stay to talk with my mom; I could take Ann to look things over. My mom looked at Ann, telling me to get some of my clothes to wear for her. My two brothers volunteered some of their clothes, but my mom said no, Ann is about my size.

  The four of us were about to start the tour of the farm, my mom standing with Rose on the porch told my two brothers to find something else to do, stop following the four of us. My brothers looked upset but did what my mother asked. Simon was impressed with the herds; he said I was right about the animals doing better in wide-open spaces. We showed him the crops we planted, then the garden of my mom’s. My mom and Rose were going through the garden as we approached it. Simon and Rose were impressed with how my parents did with the farm, telling them that.

  Simon then asked my dad if we could go to see the Hamilton farm, plus talk with him to see if he was going to want to sell it to my dad. I asked Ann if she wanted to come along with us. I wanted to see it again and say hello to Mr. Hamiltion. As we got to the entrance of the valley, I could see Simon looking around at everything. Simon asked my dad how much Mr. Hamiltion wanted for his farm; my dad told him the price he might be able to get. Simon asked my dad to pull the truck over for a second. Simon got in the back seat of the truck, getting Ann and me to move into the front seat. He told my dad he would not want Mr. Hamilton to see him; he might drive the price up for the farm. He told Ann to have a good look around for him with me. We pulled into the driveway, Simon ducking down in the back seat of the truck. He told my dad to let Mr. Hamilton know that the city is starting to talk about buying his farm.

  We got out as Mr. Hamilton came out to see us, I said hello, introducing Ann to him, then asked if we could have a little look around. He said yes, then he and my dad started to talk. I heard my dad start to ask if he still wanted to sell the farm. The two of us now were out of earshot, Ann saying this would be a beautiful farm to live on now. I smiled, saying it is nice, it has a lake and a bunch of other small farms. I said that they are all abandoned, my dad told me if we wanted to have a farm of our own, we could get one for the back-taxes on them. We looked around a little more before heading back to the truck. Mr. Hamilton told me if I wanted to show my girl some more of the farm, to go ahead. I saw my dad smile and wink, so I quickly turned to Ann winking, asking if she would like to see more. Ann smiled, saying yes, she would. My dad thanked Mr. Hamilton, telling him he would let him know about what the town is up to with our place, hopefully, we could agree to a price.

  As we got in the truck, my dad said thank you to Ann for going along with being Alex’s girl. Simon was asking if it did work about the two of them being together. My dad said yes, he added that Mr. Hamilton is interested in selling to us if the town is going to buy our farm. Simon took out his phone, telling the person on the other end to go ahead with their plan. I looked at Simon; he smiled, telling me he would explain later. We drove around the valley, looking it completely over. Simon said it is perfect; it looks better than the satellite pictures he had looked at earlier. Simon took pictures of everything as we stopped at each entrance. He asked about the railway lines; they did not look to be in use. My dad said the tracks were not needed, there is nothing out this way, plus the other lines would be shorter to reach the destinations. Simon asked my dad if he knew if the tracks could be put in use again. My dad said he could ask his friend in the railway yard in town.

  We got back to the house, my mom telling my dad that the town just called, they have an offer for our farm. My dad looked at Simon; he smiled. As we drove into town, Simon suggested that my dad take a certain amount for his farm, if he can get that amount he was to take it and run. My dad and I went into the town hall, while the other two sat outside to wait for us to come back out. We got into to see the town clerk; he had some papers drawn up, he said the town is wanting to buy our farm, telling us what they plan to build on it. The plans sounded great for what they want to do with the property; the clerk then asked if we were talking with anyone else who is interested in our property. My dad said a gentleman phoned earlier today asking about our farm, we are waiting for him to call back. The clerk, crossed out something on his papers then wrote something else down on them. He passed them over for my dad and me to see, he had increased the amount of the offer for our farm. The amount was nice, my dad remembering what Simon said agreed to the price the town offered. We agreed to the date for us to move out, it would be after the harvest, the clerk said they could not start work on the site until they could get a contractor from the bids.

  We walked out to see Simon and Ann, my dad showing the papers to Simon. Simon smiled, saying my dad got more than he expected. My dad said he lied a little, saying that someone is interested in the farm, but we had not talked with them yet. Simon smiled, saying he did think of it at first, but after seeing the valley, he wants us in the valley now. My dad filled Simon in on what else was said, Simon paused my dad, getting on the phone telling the person on the other end to draw up papers for doing the work on our farm that the town now has, telling him what the town was planning for it.

  We drove back out to our farm, Simon suggests that the three of us go back out to see Mr. Hamilton in the morning, letting him know the town is buying the farm. As we drove in, my mom and Rose came out to see us. My dad hugged my mom, saying the town is buying our farm. My dad was adding that we will move after the harvest. We went in to have dinner; my two brothers got caught staring at Ann again, my mom told them to eat on the porch. After dinner, my mom got my brothers out of the house, doing some more chores, Simon wanted to talk with us alone.

  Simon, Rose, and Ann sat down with the three of us, saying, he hopes we can get the farm in the valley. Simon told my parents that it sounds like he wants to sell, my dad says yes, he wants to make sure that it stays as a farm. Simon said that is good, that is what he and the group would like as well. I began to look at Simon, then Rose. She knew what Simon wanted to do, especially after seeing how our farm is doing. Simon started to tell my parents and me that he is impressed at how we are working on the farm. Our farm looks a lot better than the one at the university.

  My dad said maybe your farm needs to be run differently. Simon then looked at Rose, who shrugged. Simon asked my mom and dad if they would like to come down to see it for a day; he would fly them back and forth on his jet. I saw my mom and dad looking at each other, then they asked when. Simon asked if Sunday were okay, he would have them back that night. My mo
m and dad looked at me, asking if I would stay to help the other two for the day. I said sure; I could fly back after they got back here. Ann then asked if they were staying here while my parents went to see the farm. Rose, looking at my mom, said no, they would be helping my parents look at the farm at the university. I think there was more to that, mainly because of my brothers.

  Simon now turned to Ann, asking if she could do him a big favor for him with me. I looked at Simon; what does he want us to do now. Simon asked Ann if she could act as my girlfriend in front of Mr. Hamilton. I saw the look of shock on her face, then it sunk in, I would have to perform the same way. When Simon asked me if that was okay, I could hardly speak. I nodded my head in agreement. Ann, shaking a little, asked what she is supposed to do; I looked at Simon. He looked at Rose, who shrugged her head smiling. Simon said the two of us have to show interest together on the farm as if we want it for our new home. Ann said that would be okay, Simon then added maybe the two of us holding hands as we walk around would add a nice touch to it. Ann looked shocked at what Simon had just said; I was a little shocked as well. I thought about how we are supposed to hold hands to make us look like we are going out together. Simon looked at Ann, asking her if she had not held hands with any of her boyfriends? I could see Ann blushing, Rose, said she has never had a boyfriend. My mom said this would be interesting to see; Alex has no girlfriend. I now began to blush as everyone looked at me as well.

  My mom suggested that we go outside for a walk and try it out; we better look comfortable holding hands. Rose said yes, that is a good idea, saying we better go with them to make sure everything is okay. Suddenly, my mom and Rose began to laugh. I did not think that was funny; neither did Ann; she got up from the table, almost running to her room. Rose and my mom stopped laughing; I looked at my dad; he held his laughter in from us. I looked at Simon; he seemed surprised about what he had just heard. Rose then got up, saying she should go to see how Ann is doing. Simon continued saying that he hopes we get the farm, he will then find out how much the other farms are in price. Simon said he would bring us cash to purchase the rest of the farms in the valley, he wants them in our name, plus they will be ours to keep and run. Simon looked at my parents, saying once the deals on the farms are complete, he will give us an offer for work for his proposal.

  My dad asked what this was all about; Simon said that this part has to remain a secret until we bring everything on board. If any of it falls through, he can not have many people outside the group, knowing what is going on with them. I told my parents in front of Simon; everything is alright; nothing is illegal with what is going on with this group. My dad and mom looked at me, asking me if I am part of this group. I smiled, saying yes, I have to keep it a secret. My dad looked at my mom, then said if it is okay with Alex, it is okay with them. Simon looked happy at that.

  Rose came back down to the kitchen, saying that Ann might not feel comfortable doing any of this. I asked if it was okay for me to go to talk with her. Rose looked at Simon, then said yes, that might help out. I walked up to my bedroom, knocking on the door. I could hear Ann crying a little bit as I asked to come into the bedroom. Ann finally said I could go in; she was trying to hide the fact that she was crying. I said I would do what Ann wanted; if she did not want to go with their plans of us being together, I would not do it. Ann said thank you, she went on to say that she has not even thought of going out with a boy. I laughed, saying she was not alone; I am not like my brothers; my nose is always in a book or on the computer. I think that helped her; I heard a little giggle.

  I asked Ann if she liked to ride a horse, she looked at me, smiling, saying she would like to try it, but have not had the chance. I said to come with me; we can look at the horses right now, it will take our minds off the plans of the others. Ann seemed relieved to hear that. We got up, going downstairs, I told my mom we were going out to look at the horses, we would be back shortly. We got to the fenced-in field with the horse; I got Ann to come in with me. I got my favorite horse to come over to us. Ann loved this, I said in the morning, we can both go for a ride if she likes. Ann said, really; I said yes. I said when we go over to Mr. Hamilton’s, we can go to look over the farm away from them talking. We can let them say and think what they want as we talk about riding the horses on that farm. Ann said thank you again to me; she appreciates me being nice about this.

  We stayed with the horses a little while longer; Ann was enjoying being with them. I think she will enjoy riding the horses as well. I took Ann back inside; I needed to get to bed. I would be doing the chores once more, Sunday I would be doing it with just my brothers. I said goodnight, my mom telling me to make sure the other two got to bed, no fooling around. I left them, heading to the barn, telling my brothers what my mom said. They got into bed as I did; they did not want to be on the wrong side of mom.

  I woke up early to start the chores, my dad joining the three of us. When my dad was alone with me, he asked me if we should trust Simon and the others. I said yes when I could; I would tell them everything. We finished up most of the chores, taking the eggs in for breakfast. My mom told me to go and knock on the doors to wake our guests up, we have a busy day ahead of us, plus we have to get ready for tomorrow. I knocked on the doors as my mom asked. Rose and Ann were okay with it, Simon was still half asleep, wondering what was going on. As he smelled breakfast and coffee, he began to wake up to eat. Ann wanted to come out to help with the chores; my mom told her to change into the other clothes first. I waited for her as my mom got my brothers out the door, telling them to do their work and not to bug us.

  Ann came out as I began to clean out some of the stalls; she looked disgusted at the smell as she watched me work. I told her this is our fertilizer, and I should ask my dad if we should pile it up to move to the new farm if we can get it. I found my dad; he said that is a smart idea, who knows how much he has over at his farm. After we had done the chores, I brought Ann around to get a couple of saddles. I would put her on my horse; I would take one of the others that did not like strangers. Ann was a little shaky at first but settled into riding; she was enjoying herself. We rode for about an hour before going back to the house. My mother told me I should have let them know what we were doing, then told the two of us to get ready to go to the other farm. I unsaddled the horses, letting them run in the fenced-in field once more. We put the saddles away, then headed to the truck. Simon asked to get out as we drove into the valley, he said he would meet us in the deserted town afterward.

  We got to the house, Mr. Hamilton asking why we were back so soon. My dad said the town made us an offer on our farm that we could not refuse. My dad was saying we got a little more than what they offered the first time. It would be known soon anyway; the town has to reveal that information for what they want to do now. I asked if we could look around some more, Mr. Hamilton said yes. I heard him and my dad beginning to talk about this farm, Mr. Hamilton asking if the two of us were wanting to live here as well. My dad said he hoped so; farming is in our blood. Ann and I kept walking, Ann accidentally slipping. I was able to grab onto her before she fell. She smiled, then laughed at what happened. I looked back to see my dad and Mr. Hamiltion watching us. Ann put her hand on my shoulder as she straightened her boot on her foot. I smiled at her touch; I do not think she was thinking about what she was doing. I thought this was as good as us holding hands. We continued to walk; I said she would not have liked to fall in the muck; she would not like the smell of it on her clothes for the rest of the morning. She started to laugh, thanking me for catching her.

  We walked back to my dad and Mr. Hamilton. They finished talking, waiting for us to return. Mr. Hamilton said we looked like a nice couple. I saw Ann blush then bow her head down to cover her face. Mr. Hamilton said he would talk with his wife some more, then let us know one way or the other about their decision. We said goodbye, getting in the truck. We drove down to the deserted town, seeing Simon still looking at the buildings making notes, taking pictures of everything. Simon aske
d how things went; my dad said it was alright. Mr. Hamilton thought it was nice that a young couple wants to farm. I looked at Ann, she began to blush again, I do not know why we did not hold hands or do anything else like Simon, and the others wanted us to do.

  As we got back to our farm, Rose and my mom came out, asking how everything went. My dad said it went very well; Mr. Hamilton thinks they make a very nice couple. Rose said it was nice that you both held hands, see it did not hurt. My dad laughed, saying we did not hold hands. We watched them, Ann slipped in the muck, Alex caught her, it looked so natural. Ann began to blush again; I said yes, I caught her then I said she was lucky I did, she would not like the smell on her clothes for the rest of the morning. My dad said the laugh made it look like you are a couple after catching her from falling. I began to blush; then I walked away; I did not want to hear anything else.

  Simon said, for now, we wait to hear the decision. He asked my dad if we could see his friend at the train station. My dad said he would call George first to make sure he is there. George was in, so Simon, my dad, and I went in to see him. He was mad at the other yards when we got in there; they were dumping unusable railway cars in his yard. My dad introduced Simon to George; then, Simon asked if we can use the lines to the valley to the north. George said maybe if there is something in the valley taking railway cars. He would have to check it out, then clean it up first. Simon then asked about the unusable railway cars, George explained to Simon about them, Simon then said he would be back to talk if things go to plan.

  We went back to our farm again. Simon was happy with the way things are going. He called his man about the plane, saying they will be heading out early in the morning, returning to this airport then coming back to their home airport. Could he make all the plans and arrangements?


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