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Survivors Page 12

by Alex Isaacs

  Sunday morning after breakfast, the three of us get our schoolwork out of the way for the week. Ann and Mandy ask me if we need to work on the program for the asteroid, I say we can do nothing more until we get the information from the PSV. We have the afternoon free; Mandy says she wants to do some of her training, asking if we want to join in. Ann lets her parents know, the three of us head off to the base to work on our training. We run into Kelly and Jason at the base; they are in doing some extra training. Jason says there are the three love birds; I see the two girls looking away in disgust. They think he is a jerk as well. I ask him if he is married, and I am about to say to Kelly, but she gives me a cold stare. I quickly ask him where his wife is, I hear the two girls giggle. Kelly now smiles at me, adding she is home waiting for him. I find out that Jason is not married; he has a couple of girlfriends.

  We start in on our training with Mandy, Kelly coming over to watch us. I see her watching me; then she tells me to adjust what I am doing; it will help me out. She turns to the two girls, telling them the same, then Kelly shows the three us what she means. Jason comes over to watch Kelly telling him to go about his business, or she will tell his girlfriends what he is up to now. I hear the two girls giggle again. I thank Kelly for helping; she says it is great to see us doing some training, especially if we are going to continue in the program. Kelly says a fit body and mind are the best weapons a person can have.

  After our training, we shower, and I wait for the two girls to come out to go back to the house. Kelly is with them, talking as they walk over to me. Kelly asks if one of the three of us could help her on the PSV and the computers, she knows a little but would like more information to help her out. Kelly then asks which afternoon we have free; I say Friday afternoon we are all free before coming here for training. Mandy says, do I not have Thursday afternoon open as well, while they are in their other course. I am hoping to keep that open for working on the program, Kelly says Thursday afternoon, she is also free, she will call me later to set up a time to meet on the PSV. I start to think about it; it might be better to see it running on the PSV. I say okay, it is up to you.

  The three of us head home, Mandy is letting me know that Kelly likes me. I say she does not; she thinks I am a computer nerd. Ann says she saw Kelly looking at me when I was doing the training. I know she told me what I was doing wrong. The two girls look and smile at each other; I try to change the topic, asking them to help Kelly with the computers then. We get home, going in to have our dinner. Rose tells me my parents called when I was out. I guess they are wondering about the asteroid as everyone else is around the world. I thank Rose, going to call home.

  I call home, my mom answering, she asks if I am okay, then asks about the asteroid. I tell my mom not to worry about it; I hear what they hear on the news. I tell her that if anything bad is going to happen, I would be at home, not here. That seemed to calm my mom down a bit. My mom puts my dad on the phone; I ask how things are going in the valley. I find out that more buildings are open for the others, all the rock is down around the outside of the valley. Metal bridges are crossing the east and west entrances. My mom has the use of three new greenhouses next to the house. Everything is up and running for Simon; the valley is nearly all self-sufficient. My dad tells me he cannot wait until I get some time off to come to see everything. After a couple of minutes, my dad says that Maire would like to talk with Mandy. I say to hold on; I get Rose to get Mandy, Marie wants to talk with her now.

  I hand the phone over to Mandy; she is happy to hear her sister's voice. They talk for about half an hour before getting me back on the phone. I tell my dad I would let them know when the two of us can come to the valley. I hang up, Mandy hugs me, thanking my parents and me for looking after the two of them. After we eat, I get to talk with Joe outside alone. I let him know that I can get onto the PSV’s to help Kelly learn more about the computers. Joe tells me to watch out for Kelly; she might be after something more than help with the computers. Joe then tells me that Simon has given him five new laptops, we can load them up with the program for trying to divert the asteroid if everything else does not work out. I can take one laptop in to hook it up to make sure the program works with the on-board computer. Once we know it will work on all vehicles, we can have them ready if we need them.

  I head off to bed early, I have had a long day. I want to be fresh for my classes this week. Monday is back to normal; most people are not thinking of the asteroid; the news is still the same. After our training in the afternoon, we head over to see how things are at the lab. The PSV is ready to go on this mission; the other three sit, ready to go in case there is a problem with the one going to the asteroid. I find out they are training a few more pilots for the PSV’s, which is a good idea.

  The plan is to send the PSV off this week; it should take five days to get there, probably one day to get all the data about the asteroid; then, less than five days for it to return to us here on earth. Simon has not told the other groups about the samples coming back, just the information on the composition of the asteroid. They can determine how to destroy the asteroid with that information.

  The next two days go slow for me, I am interested in following the reports of the PSV on its trip. After our training, we head over to the lab again. The three of us find out that they sent the PSV out early this morning. It is a big secret; I remember they do not want the other groups to know about our other vehicles. Joe tells us that the PSV is now visible to the other groups; they are tracking its movements. I look at the calendar; today is Wednesday, it should arrive on Sunday, getting all the information, samples for us all to use. It should head back on Monday, meaning it would be here on Saturday. I make a note of it; I want to be here when it arrives. I see the video footage the PSV now looks small, but we can tell it is the PSV as its engines are burning for the voyage. I see Kelly and Jason; Kelly is coming over to me to confirm our meeting tomorrow afternoon. I say yes, I will bring a couple of laptops to make a copy of any glitches in the program or suggestions that you might have. Jason asks if he can come as well, I say yes if it is okay with Kelly. I see that Kelly does not want him around, but she says yes, it is okay; we should be there around two in the afternoon.

  I ask Kelly if she was up with the second PSV to top up the fuel before the other one set out on its voyage. Kelly says the two of them were up there. I ask what time; Kelly says just after dawn. I now think the PSV should be back early on Saturday. After Jason wanders away from the two of us; Kelly says we would be training on Thursday afternoon, I said yes, as usual. Kelly tells me they will meet me at one at the PSV so I would not be late for the training. I think nothing more about it, going home to have dinner with everyone else. I let Joe know I will be in for two laptops after my class in the morning, one to put any suggestions from Kelly or Jason, the other for our test.

  I get my school work done; then I get ready for my next class. Joe looks in on me, asking if I said Jason would be there as well? I said yes, I think it is better this way, Jason wanted to have Mandy help him. Joe said good thinking, Jason is a womanizer. I went to bed, looking over my notes on the PSV. My mind started going, thinking about destroying the asteroid. I sat back up, turning the light on, writing down some thoughts about trying to destroy the asteroid. Where would the debris go? How much debris would there be? How would it affect the earth? I wrote the questions on another slip of paper; I would give it to Joe in the morning on the ride into school.

  In the morning, I gave Joe the note with my questions on it. The three of us went to class, having a surprise test given to everyone. It got the three of us out early, so we went to see how the PSV was doing on its trip. Nothing has changed; it is on course. Before going to get something to eat, Joe got me aside, telling me that the other group was already thinking about the same questions. That is why Simon wants the plan to divert the asteroid. I went to eat with the girls; then, as they went to their class, I went back to get the laptops to meet the other two at the PSV. When I got there, K
elly was waiting for me. The two of us went inside; I set up the two laptops. As Kelly began to go through her procedures in the cockpit chair, I set the one to follow her actions; the other I began to run the program to see how it would work. I was amazed at how it worked while Kelly was doing her procedures.

  As she finished up, I finished my tests. Kelly came back, getting close to me, looking over my shoulder, rubbing her body against my shoulder. Kelly asked me to check my program out. She was moving in closer, pointing at something, asking if that is supposed to be like that. I said yes, it works perfectly. Kelly moved in again, rubbing against me, asking another couple of questions. Her mouth was now beside my ear; I began to feel uncomfortable. There was a noise from behind; Kelly quickly stood up. It was Jason; Kelly told him we started without him. I showed Jason the laptop, he asking if Kelly found any problems. I said it is all working smoothly. Jason then asked how quickly can information be added to the main computer to help out in difficult situations. Kelly said she was going to start to ask those questions. I showed the two of them how it would work, knowing now from my trial run earlier. Jason said he is satisfied; then he looked at Kelly. Kelly asked is there going to be improvements on the backup systems. I said yes, we are working on them all the time.

  Kelly said she is satisfied, turning to Jason, letting him know she would shut everything down. After Jason left, Kelly came over to me, sitting down beside me. Kelly looked at me; then asked me if she could ask a couple of personal questions. I said sure, go ahead. Kelly looked at me, asking which girl I was going out with, Mandy or Ann. I looked at her, saying I am not going out with either of them. Kelly said it does not look that way. Kelly then leaned forward, catching me off-guard, kissing me. I sat there shocked, Kelly looking at me. Kelly then asked me if I have ever kissed a woman before. I started to blush; she laughed, saying what a waste. Kelly stood up, then said maybe the two of us could go out sometime. I did not know what to say to her. I finally said I would think about it, Kelly smiling leaned in, kissing me on the cheek.

  I got up, putting my stuff away; then I headed out to take the information to Joe. Joe saw me coming, directed me into his office. He said Kelly made a pass at me. I said yes, Joe told me to stay here for a while until I got straightened out. After fifteen minutes, I was settling down, relaxing. Joe asked me about the program. I showed him the data and how the two computers worked together right off. Joe said for me to go to my training now, plus I was not to mention anything about Kelly to the girls. Joe said he would talk with me later.

  I get to our training, getting right into it. Kelly was not around, so I did not feel uncomfortable. The two girls did look at me; I guess I was still shaken a bit from Kelly. I took a long shower afterward, finding the two waiting for me. They asked why I took so long, I said I felt a twinge, so I stayed in the shower, getting rid of it. We got home; I could see Rose looking at me. Joe whispered to Rose, and after dinner, Joe took me out on the patio, bringing us both a beer. Joe closed the door, making sure we were alone. He asked me if Kelly kissed me, I blushed. Joe smiled, saying she will not be the only one making passes at you. Joe asked if I had ever been out with a girl on a date. I said no. Joe said I should go out on a date, see what it is like being around a woman. I asked should I go out with Kelly. Joe said that might be a bit too much, but if she is the only one around, I might as well find out now. We sat there drinking the beer; I did not know what to say or ask. I would find out on my own now.

  I went in to do my school work, getting ready for my class tomorrow. As I tried to sleep, I thought about Kelly kissing me, I have never had a girl kiss me like that before. I fell asleep, waking up a little later than usual. The three of us went to class, coming out to go to lunch I ran into Zoey. Zoey said I looked different, the other girls looking at me as well now. Zoey said there is a party tonight, it is a day late, but they could not party during the week. She asked if I would like to go with her. I need to get a costume for the party. Zoey turned to Ann and Mandy, saying if they could find dates, they were welcome to come to the party as well. Zoey said she would come and pick me up for the party before leaving the three of us. Ann and Mandy looked at each other, saying dates, then they said they are not going. Ann said her mother would flip out about us going to another party. I said I had better ask your mom if I could go.

  We went to the lab, finding Joe and Rose going over some information. I asked Rose if it is okay for me to go out on a date to a dress-up party tonight. Rose looked at Joe; he shook his head, yes, then Rose asked me about it. I told her Zoey from my psychology class asked me out; she will pick me up before the party. Rose then looked at the two girls, they said Zoey invited them, but they have to have dates, Mandy quickly saying that they will not be going. Rose told the two girls to help me get a nice costume before our training this afternoon. The three of us went to find me a costume. I think the two of them enjoyed themselves, getting me to try on different costumes. They could not decide; they turned to the clerk, asking her which costume I would look good in for a party tonight. The girl looked at me, then picked out a pirate costume. I put the costume on, coming out to see the three girls staring at me. The clerk is saying, yes, that will be the costume she would want me in. I could see the two girls eyeing me from head to toe. The clerk said, she will ring it through for me, I had better change out of it.

  We went to our training; I worked hard at everything. I was enthusiastic about going out to a party on a date. We got back to the lab, then off to the house for dinner. At dinner, Rose asked if I had a nice costume for the party. Ann and Mandy began giggling, saying I look dreamy. Ann said the clerk at the store; she picked out a nice costume for Alex. My phone rang, it was Zoey, she said she would be there in a few minutes, her parents were driving us to and from the party. I finished my dinner, letting Rose and Joe know about Zoey’s parents driving me both ways. I went in to get my costume on. I looked in the mirror again; I did look good in the costume. I walked out to the kitchen, Rose seeing me, she dropped the glass that was in her hand. As Rose stared at me, Ann and Mandy said, does he not look dreamy. Joe came out; he stopped looking at me. He said Zoey would love my costume. He got me to stand near the wall, getting my picture. Joe said I might want my parents to see me having fun, going out to a costume party.

  The doorbell rang, the two girls running to answer it, yelling at me that Zoey is here. Rose and Joe followed me out to meet Zoey. Zoey was in a princess outfit. Joe asked her in; he needed pictures for me to have to show my family. Zoey was staring at me in my costume; then, when Joe said smile, she quickly turned to smile at the camera. Zoey cleared her throat, saying we would not be that late. We headed to the party; it was at the university. There were a lot of people there; we had our names taken down, they asked if we wanted in on the contest for the best costumes. Zoey asked me; I said if she would like us in it, I was alright with going in with her. We got directed over to have our pictures taken.

  I had a lot of fun; I was now able to dance a lot better. Maybe the video game helped me a bit. Some friends of Zoey kept asking her where she was hiding me. Zoey did not say a word; she looked pleased she had this much attention. During one slow dance, Zoey looked me in the eye, moving in closer towards me. I think she wanted to kiss me; then, when she closed her eyes, I noticed her puckering up. I did the same, remembering how Kelly kissed me. I guess I did it the right way, Zoey sighed after our first kiss. I did not notice all the cameras going off, taking our picture.

  The contest was now starting; they called up the names of the contestants in the top ten for the best costumes. I was shocked to hear our names called. We had our picture retaken in the group and separately. We did not win, but Zoey turned to kiss me in front of everyone. They took more pictures of us. After the contest, they asked everyone if we wanted a copy of all the pictures of us. Zoey said, please, so I agreed. It was about fifty dollars, but we each got a set of pictures. At the end of the night, Zoey’s parents were there to pick us up and take me home. At the do
or to the Urbina’s house, Zoey thanked me for such a great night. Zoey leaned in to kiss me once more. I did not feel uneasy about kissing her, so I kissed her again as if we were on the dance floor. After our kiss, we could hear Rose yelling to get away from the door, give them some privacy. Zoey blushed a little; I walked her back to the car, saying goodnight. I then went into the house, Ann and Mandy standing there bugging me. Rose sent them off to their room.

  Joe and Rose got me into the kitchen, Joe handing me a beer. They asked how it went, did I have fun. We could hear the two girls laughing away upstairs. They came running down with their laptop. The school had posted all the pictures already, it showing us in the costume contest. There were a lot of pictures. Ann and Mandy found every one of them; they said we could see them after they had them all. Mandy said, look, Alex was dancing. Then the two said, oh my god. Rose asked to see them, Ann saying there is still more of Alex and Zoey. After ten more minutes, Ann said she is almost ready; she is putting them into a slide show now. Ann then got up saying we should all see them on the television screen. Ann and Mandy ran in, hooking the laptop up to the television.

  We all went in to watch the television with my pictures on it with Zoey. There were a lot of pictures. The two girls were laughing and giggling at all of them, making some comments; then, as the pictures of me kissing Zoey started, the two girls settled down, getting quiet. I saw Rose looking at the two girls; she could see something that I did not notice. After seeing all the pictures, I thanked them for doing that; I did not know there were that many pictures. I asked if I could copy the file for Zoey, she might like to see them all. The girls said nothing; then they got up going to bed. I grabbed a memory stick, copying the file twice on it, making sure I had it all. Rose and Joe said goodnight. I went to my room, taking off my costume, putting it away before getting into bed. I fell fast asleep that night, I had a great night of dancing, and I had my first kiss.


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