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Survivors Page 15

by Alex Isaacs

  We head up to the upper levels; there are buildings up to house some of the soldiers where the water comes in from the two streams on the east and west ridges. The engineers diverted half the water to come into the valley on the east ridge. They run under the buildings, which act as part of the walls to keep everyone out. The walls run to where the cliffs take over. The work battalion did not take long to get the cliffs done. The other three entrances have gates in them, guards in each one, all closed so no one can enter. There are metal bridges over the east and west gates for easy movement. There are more solar panels, along with wind turbines producing more power. Hidden in the southwest trees is a communication building. The building has dishes amongst the solar panels for transmitting in and out of the valley. There is a sewage pump station at the west gate, running underground pipes out to the sewage ponds. They have portable buildings storing the premade cement walls and floors, along with other building supplies near the village center. They can produce more of them when required inside heated storage areas.

  The main south gate has the building up for the tractor rental business; behind it is a building housing more troops, but they only stop people that are not allowed into the valley. It has a gas station with its tanker to bring in fuel for everyone in the valley, along with garages to fix vehicles. The soldiers have duties to help out in the valley, clearing the roads of snow, running the sewage from the buildings, working the shops, and doing guard duty as well. We find out there are not that many in the work battalion here in the valley; they are working on another military contract. We have enough to start the building of the pig farm on David’s farm. They got word from the General. My dad and I go with them to set out the area of the building. They will rebuild the other farmhouse later to put in the labs.

  They clear the ground out where they want to build; then, bring in a portable shelter to put up over the area to put in the cement base, putting in electric heaters to help dry the foundation. The regular soldiers come over to help, my dad and I also add to the workforce. They make the cement in the portable cement plant, my dad telling me the stockpile of sand and stone is running low. The sand bar in the roads work ran out, but some of the drivers say that there is another pocket of sand in an area just north of where they are now. I ask about our old farm, my dad says they use it for storage right now, the building will begin in the spring. With the work on hold, waiting for the cement foundation to dry and cure, the crew heads out to do other work. My dad has given the plans for the layout of the building for the pigs.

  My dad takes to see one more thing, the road from the north gate into the center of the valley is wide, made of cement, with the hydro poles away from the side of the road surface. My dad asks me what I think of this being the only road done like this. It is odd to see the road like this, but I will have to ask Simon why?

  We get back to the house, the girls sitting on their computers getting ready for their courses. I grab my computer, setting it up. We have to wait until the courses begin; then, we can begin to study once more. My mom tells me that Joe phoned, the three would be up in two days, after lunch on Monday. They have to get the rest of the girl's things together for their stay in the valley.

  For the rest of the afternoon, I take the girls into town to pick up some more warm clothes. I begin to think about New Year’s Eve, what should I get to help my mom out. I think about leaving some things until that day; I will try to help Peter bring his girl into the valley. I see a store that I will use as an excuse to come into town that night. We go to the grocery store, picking up some more food that my mom might need. I think about wine and beer, then decide to leave that for my mom to decide on for everyone. We get back to the farm before dinner, bringing the groceries in for my mom. She thanks me saying I should look at her pantry next time, the greenhouses are supplying us with fresh vegetables, along with some fruits. I go with the girls to look at the inside of the greenhouses; they are packed with plants, mostly growing by hydroponics. I think that Rose helped with the plans of these greenhouses. When we come back into the house, my dad says that there are plans for a few more greenhouses up on the upper level to help feed the other people in the valley.

  After dinner, I look at the layout of our new farm; the milk barn is huge, there is enough milk for everyone in the valley, for the processing lab making powdered milk; with my dad selling the excess to the local dairy in town. Our new chicken coop has enough egg layers for the people staying on this farm, and eggs for hatching to replace the chickens that we are eating. I know Peter’s farm feeds the rest of the people in the valley, along with setting eggs aside for the labs. The herd of cattle is increasing in size; we have a few more bulls, along with more beef and milking cows. My dad wants the number of horses to increase in the valley; he wants everyone to ride around the valley instead of driving, cutting down on the use of fuel. Simon will go for that; it will be fun watching the soldiers learning to ride.

  Before heading back to Peter’s for the night, Jenny came over to me, asking what it is like being in space. I told her it is fantastic; it would be nice if everyone could get a chance to see all the stars. I see Jenny looking down; I guess she might not get a chance to go up in space with her assignment here with young Marie. I tell Jenny, maybe there is a way to get you up in space with us on a trip. I could see her eyes light up. Jenny hugged me, saying goodnight, heading back into the house. We get to Peter’s, putting the horses away for the night. I tell Peter to begin to work on a wagon to carry the eggs around the valley; dad wants to cut down on the vehicles running around the valley. I tell Peter, he can use it as another job here at his farm. David asks what he can do to stay on his farm; I smiled, saying we would work on that after the pig barn is up and running.

  We get to bed; we have a lot of work to do around the valley now. In the morning, we get up doing the chores here, getting the eggs ready for the soldiers; then, we ride over to help our dad with the chores around the main farm. After breakfast, I ask the girls if they would like to go riding. Jenny looks at me; I ask if she is coming with us as well. Jenny smiles, then goes to get dressed. I tell Peter and David to take Marie a little ahead of us while I talk with the other three girls. Peter asks if I am going to share his secret, I say no, this is something else. We head out riding, with Peter, David, and Marie going ahead away from the four of us.

  I get the girls to slow down, telling them that Jenny would like to experience going out in space but might not get the chance to while staying up here. Mandy says, why does she not ask to go up. I look at Jenny; Jenny tells the other two that she has no skills that would warrant her going up into space. After Jenny stops talking, I look at the three of them, saying there might be a way to get Jenny up into space. Jenny looks at me, asking me how I get her up there. I ask Jenny if she has a psychology background, is that why she is here, watching to see how Marie copes with her loss. Jenny says yes, but her work back at the base deals with the troops coming back from their tours of duty. Well, I ask if the soldier's tours of duty can vary, can they not. Jenny says, yes, depending on the stress levels. Well, you can go to see how the stress of being in space affects those that have gone into space. Jenny stops riding, looking at me. I tell her she has three prime candidates of people being in space, four when Joe arrives. Jenny asks me how I know about the psychological aspects. I tell her I am taking a psychology course at school. We begin to ride again, Jenny saying we can work together to come up with a better plan using the psychological idea. We catch up to the other three, Jenny feeling a bit better after our talk.

  We get back to the farm, putting the horses away, the other three go off to do some things for my mom in the greenhouse, while the four of us get our books out to set up for our online courses. I look at Ann, telling her we need to go back to the university to get our next terms books. We go online, finding our courses, making a list of the books we need for next term. Ann gets her phone out to call her mother, asking if she could go to the bookstore to pick up the books we r
equire for next term. Rose tells Ann to send her an email with the list of the books; she will try to get them tomorrow before they fly up to the valley. Jenny sends an email back to her unit, asking for some of her books, along with a few other things that she would need. Then she sends a message to the General, asking him to get Simon to bring them up on Monday when they fly up to the valley. Jenny gets her two messages back; her things are ready at the unit. The General says Simon will bring them up, make sure they are at the airport with his and your name on the package. Jenny sends the details to her unit; they respond with it would be there tonight before dinner. I make up the email for Rose, adding in my psychology and astronomy books.

  The four of us sit down, going over what our plan is for Jenny to get into space with one of us. I suggest that we use Mandy as her main concern, but Jenny suggests that she use me as her main concern, I am learning to fly one of the PSV’s, plus I have been up in space more, which means I might be going up faster than the other two. Jenny says we will leave it for now; she would like to look at a couple of her books first. My dad asks me if I want to look at the building at David’s farm. I say yes, we decided to ride over; my dad wants the others to see that he wants everyone to ride.

  We get to David’s; the remaining engineers have begun to move the cement walls over to go up on the foundation. They ask my dad if he wants a second floor on the building, my dad says yes, we can use it for storage for feed for them and other animals. The building will have room for a lot of pigs. I tell my dad that I hope David likes to work with the pigs. My dad laughed, saying David wants the job; he will get used to it. I tell my dad that David would have to stay here all the time to keep up with the work. My dad says yes, and his mother will get used to him being here. The foundation is almost dry; the engineers say they would put the walls up in the morning, along with the second floor. They will see what materials they have for the roof. My dad says he will be over to see what they need if we can get the roof on quickly; it would make things easier for all of us. One engineer told my dad he contacted the General about the pig farm. The General would get Simon to get some pigs shipped up soon. My dad says thanks to the engineer; then, we ride back to the house. My dad says David and your mother are going to be in for a surprise in the new year; let's keep it a secret for now from the two of them.

  As we get into the house, Jenny calls me over to talk with me. Jenny asks if it alright for her to use one of my empty notebooks for our psychology note-taking. I say I can get more in town tomorrow. Jenny sets out some papers; she has written down some questions, all ready for her to ask the three of us. Jenny says she might as well start with me right now; she would pick up more notebooks with me tomorrow. We get done her questions in time for supper, Jenny asking me if I had any questions that she should ask me and the others about being in space. I look at her questions, saying no, I do not know what else she could ask. Jenny says she might come up with some later as she goes on with her study. We go to eat; then I go with my brothers back to Peter’s for the night. I let David know how the pig barn is coming along, saying it would be up and running soon. He thinks nothing of it, then the three of us go to bed for the night. I know I will have a long day tomorrow. I would have to help to pick the others up at the airport.

  After we complete all the chores at both farms, my dad and I head over to David’s farm. The engineers have the first-floor walls up, are working on the base of the second floor. When it is secure, they will put up the second-floor walls. The engineer tells my dad he will put cement floors above the second floor, adding a little more space for storage in the roof area. He has a list of supplies that he needs to do the roof, marking off what he has in stock here in the valley. My dad and I head into town to get the supplies to do the roof, hoping the yard has enough for us. We have to go to the second lumber yard to get the full amount of supplies. Both are shipping them out after lunch to the valley. We give them the directions to David’s farm; then, we head back to let the men at the south gate know what is coming in after lunch.

  We get back to the farm, finding the second-floor walls are up. The cement floor pads are going on top, closing the two floors in, except for the openings. The engineer tells my dad that he will put up solar panels and wind turbines to light and heat the building. He will try to get the rest of the roof up as soon as possible. We now head to the airport to pick up Simon, Joe, and Rose. On the drive back, my dad suggests that the soldiers have a party for all the work they have accomplished in the valley. Simon says okay, he would find out the total number of people still here in the valley, and with my dad's help, they would get the party supplies.

  We get our books for this term, Rose asking why I have astronomy books in my order. Simon and Joe come over to hear why I have them. I tell them I have started an online course in astronomy if I am going to fly one of the PSV’s, I would like to know more about where I am. Jenny, who is standing nearby, sees a chance, coming over to ask me how I feel about doing all this extra work. I say it is great. Jenny then looks at Joe, asking if he was up in space as well as the three of us. Joe replies, yes. Jenny then asks if she can ask Joe some questions; she is starting to do a study on us being up in space. Simon looks at me; then, he looks at Jenny. I think Simon knows we are up to something. Simon asks Jenny how many soldiers are up here in the valley, Jenny thinks for a minute; then, gives Simon an answer. Jenny might also be keeping an eye on the soldiers up in the valley to report back to the General.

  Simon asks my dad to drive him into the town to start picking up some supplies for New Year’s Eve; I offer to come and help the two of them. As we drive into town, Simon asks me what the two of us are up to; he told me he saw the way we were talking and looking at each other about the study. I tell Simon that the study is genuine, but the Lieutenant would like to go into space to see the effects it has on people. Simon says that is understandable; the Lieutenant can go with me on my next trip into space. My dad asks what Simon wants to do with going into space. Simon tells my dad not to say anything, but things could go wrong here. Simon says he can see it coming, plus the people in the army are preparing with him. Now I know why the General is deeply involved in the group. I ask Simon why not that many people know. Simon says that the cost of the operation would shut it down before it starts, that is why he is involved. Simon then tells the two of us that we will be at the meeting tomorrow in the lab.

  We get into town picking up liqueur, wine, beer, and some food for the troops. On the trip back to the valley, my dad tells Simon that the pig barn is nearly ready to go into use. Simon says that is great; he has a load of pigs on there way up to the valley. I laugh, saying David is going to be surprised when he finds this out. We get back, putting the party supplies into the lab by my parent's house, then head over to dinner. My dad tells Simon he would be available after the chores in the morning for his meeting. I head back with the boys for the night, deciding not to mention that the pigs are on there way.

  In the morning, we get the chores done; then, my dad and I head to the meeting. Simon, Joe, and Rose are waiting for us to come into the meeting. Simon begins the meeting, telling my dad what his plans are for the livestock, adding things may change as time goes on. Joe explains some of the procedures they want to follow on the animals. Rose now takes her turn about the plants, wanting to get the best seeds for the trip. My dad suggests that Joe looks into taking bees as well; they would help with the plants wherever they are going. Simon asks my dad if he and his family would be interested in coming with them into space, Alex already wants to go. My dad laughs, saying he will have to think about it, but Jean might not want to leave the farm. As the meeting is over, my dad leaves, Simon asks me to hold back. The door is closed, leaving the four of us to talk some more. Simon says it is great that I am taking the new course, but he does not want me to overdo it with my studies.

  Simon now goes on to say that the group needs to make additional plans about going into space. The asteroid coming into our laps with all those
minerals is going to speed up our progress. Joe says the new metal we can make, is stronger, and lighter. The saving in fuel costs along will help out. I ask Joe about his thought of gathering the requirements for making the fuel from the nebulas. Joe says he wants me to help him write up a computer program to help collect the different gases from the nebulas. Simon says it all depends on the number of minerals in the asteroid, adding if we do not have to travel to the asteroid belt, we will save time and money. I ask how many space vehicles are in the plans. Simon tells me that he would like ten PSV’s, with two of them collecting gases, there will be the one main-ship for carrying everything. I think that main-ship is going to have to be very large to carry everything he wants. I ask how many people would be going. Simon looks at Joe, then says we hope to have a thousand or more going with us. I then ask why they want my whole family to come into space. Joe tells me that the experience my family has in running this farm is invaluable, it is already self-sufficient, feeding all the people in the valley, plus my dad is making a profit on the side.

  I tell them that my dad would also like the vehicle traffic reduced in the valley, saving on fuel costs. He would like people to ride horses. Simon asks if my dad would like the vehicles to be electric. I think about it for a second, remembering all the tools are electric in the space vehicles. If you can make everything electric in the valley, you can solve problems about where you want to go. Simon says he has people working on that now, maybe expanding the tools to farm vehicles would be an idea. I switch topics, asking Simon how he expects to go back and forth to the asteroid to get all the materials. Joe laughs saying we should thank Jason for what he said. Simon says we are now going to set up an international space platform on the asteroid. For now, they will know it will have no people on it, except to set up the telescopes and the solar panels to run it all. I ask Simon why he okayed the Lieutenant going up into space so quickly. Simon says the more people get up into space, the better, plus with her experience and education; it would help us out. He wants the mining to begin soon, so now Simon says he wants me to work with Joe some more about the vehicles.


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