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Survivors Page 17

by Alex Isaacs

  At dinner that night, I tell my mom about going down to Florida, maybe before the March break, to set up the computers with Joe. My mom said it would be nice to go to Florida, away from the snow. Rose suggests that my parents come with us; there is room in the house for them. I see Ann and Mandy smiling; they want to go as well. My dad says he can not go; the farms need tending. Rose suggests that just my mom come down then for the week. Joe says it will be more than a week. My dad tells my mom to go, have some fun, he and the boys will be okay here. My mom asks about Marie; Rose says she can come along on the trip.

  The next day after my chores and my classes, I meet up with Joe in the lab. Joe says this should work out; Rose can take care of the girls and my mom, giving us the time to do our work and training. We get some more work done on the computer programs for the new PSV’s. We have the plans drawn up for the main vehicles, so now we have to get down to get them in and give the plans to Simon. Joe lets Simon know of the changes in times. We let Jenny know; she lets the General know, then everything is confirmed. We will leave the week before the March break. If we cannot sit in on the classes, we can still take them online.

  On Friday, the pig farm is going crazy; the mothers have given birth. Marie is over with Jenny to help with the new arrivals. Poor David needs to start over with his routine with the pigs. I hope he can handle them while I am gone. My dad and I sit down after lunch to discuss the planting of the fields; we need to make sure we have enough feed growing in the valley for all the animals and the people. We can get the hay from the fields outside the north gate if we are lucky, we can get in three loads over the summer if we get an early spring.

  The next couple of days are quiet for all of us; the piglets are settling in, David has his routine now set again. It looks like we might have an early spring, so my dad and I, in our free time, start to get things ready for all the farms. My mom is happy; she will have a large garden to grow vegetables in. Rose is amazed at what my mom can grow. The greenhouses for the upper levels have arrived, the work battalion clearing out the area, putting down the cement pads that they will sit on. With the precious metals from the asteroid, Simon can get us more animals. The workers are riding horses when they can. Peter and David have the wagon made up; they closed it in, so the different people using it are out of the elements.

  Joe tells my dad that Simon is also working on getting electric vehicles for the farm and outer space. I think this is great, with the two farms in the primary vehicles, it will make life easier for everyone. My dad tells Joe that the electric golf carts will do in the summer. I write that down for the space vehicles to have.

  The next five weeks go by quickly; we are all busy in the valley. The girls are helping with the new greenhouses after our classes and training. Rose is happy; my dad is taking some of her seeds to plant in the fields. My dad tells Rose, he will replace the seeds at harvest time. Peter asks for a small greenhouse and honey bees. My dad says he will pick them up in the spring; Rose asks if Simon should get them for us. My dad says the bees up here are better suited for this climate, saying he appreciates the help.

  We are into a great routine, even with the tests that we have to take. We are now in the first week of March; the temperature is warming up; the snow is melting. We get ready to head down south; there are eight of us going down for just over two weeks. Rose has set out things for them to do; Joe and I are happy; we can do our training. I tell Jenny that I would like to see her when we get down to the base; I have not let her know that she will be going up in the PSV with Joe or me. I help David prepare for being on his own, my dad will be around, but this is a test for David. If he can handle being on his own, my parents will not mind him doing it a lot more.

  It is Friday; we do our chores, then our online class. I have my books ready to go along with the computers and plans. Joe has his computers ready; we have to hide them in our luggage, so the ladies do not see them all. We get on the plane arriving in the afternoon. I put my things away then head into the astronomy lab. I am lucky there are not many people in the lab; I can get some work done, gaining some experience for my course. I see that I need to book a time if I want to use the equipment during the week. That will have to wait until I see when my training is. I get back to the house; the girls are waiting for me to go to our military training. Rose, Marie, and my mom go shopping for groceries. Joe goes to the lab with us; he is going to see Simon.

  After our training session, we head to the lab. Joe is back; he tells me Simon is happy with our plans. The new PSV’s are ready; they are already in service. Joe tells me that now the PSV’s can take off on there own. He then tells me our training starts tomorrow morning; we are going up to the asteroid with a load, then we will bring back some ore. When we get back to the house for dinner, Joe tells everyone that the two of us are going on the PSV in the morning. We need to test out the computers on the new systems. The two girls ask if they can come along, Joe tells them maybe on another trip, there is only room for the two of us tomorrow. Rose says she has her plans already set; the girls can have some fun instead of working. I leave a message for Jenny; she might as well try to go with us tomorrow.

  The next morning, Joe and I head into the lab, then to the base. Jason and Kelly are waiting for us. Jason says he will take me up for training; I ask if there is room for a passenger, Jason says yes. I get Jenny, telling her to get ready. She is not to tell anyone what is going on with Joe and me today. As we get into the PSV, Jenny is shocked to see me climbing into one of the pilot's seats. I smile, reminding her not to say anything. Jason goes over the controls with me. I remember a little from the last time he let me fly. Jason gets me to move the PSV into position; then, he tells me what to do. I begin to follow his instructions; the takeoff is a bit rocky; Jason is telling me that my takeoffs will improve over time. As we get into space, I look over, Jason is sitting there with his arms crossed. Jason let me take off by myself. We go towards the asteroid, Jason giving me instructions on where to land.

  There is a building already up; it can take in two PSV’s at a time. Two PSV pull out; they take off with there load to the base. Jason tells me to watch as they take off; they use thrusters to lift off; then, at a certain height, the engines are engaged. Jason tells me this helps not to push the asteroid. The other PSV lands, they pull us in, closing the doors. We get in our suits, then unload the materials, taking them down into the asteroid. The chamber is large; the machinery is running on electricity supplied by the solar panels. Joe says the plans are to get the inside large enough to put together the first main vehicle. Right now, we are building two more PSV’s. These will fly to the asteroid belt to retrieve the asteroids we want. We get our load of ore to take back, placing it on the PSV. We move out of the building, Jason giving me instructions. I use the thrusters to lift off, then engage the engines. I notice that this PSV does move faster than the last one I was in, cutting down on the traveling time. As we come back to the base, Jason has his hands near the controls. Jason tells me that these PSV’s land differently than the last one I landed here. I feel it moving; the lessor weight is easier to be moved around by the winds.

  We taxi back to the hanger to unload. Jason said I did very well, soon I can fly it on my own, with no one else on board. We leave the PSV, meeting up with Joe. Joe is happy he got to fly between the earth and the asteroid. Jenny asks if this was our first training mission. Joe says yes; he sees Jenny going white. Joe asks her what is wrong. Jenny tells Joe that I flew the whole mission on my own; Jason just sat there watching. Joe is in shock, hearing this. He tells the two of us not to mention any of this to anyone. We run into Simon; he comes over, shaking my hand. He tells me that Jason gave in his report on my flying the whole mission. Simon says this is great to hear; he will schedule me more trips for me to get used to the PSV. I ask for the days I will be flying, explaining that I need to use the astronomy lab for my course. Simon tells me he will get me special times in that lab in the evenings when no one is around. Simon then asks J
enny how she liked going into space; she still looks to be in shock. She tells Simon it is great. I ask Jenny if she would like to come up with me some more to get the real feel of being in space. She looks at Simon; he says he will have it set up for her to ride with me anytime.

  We get changed, then cleaned up to go back to the house. Jenny says, thank you. I tell her I will call her when my next trip is. We get back to the house; dinner is ready for us, the girls asking how the flight went, did the computers work out. Joe says there are a couple of glitches that we need to work out. We will have to go on a couple of more flights to get them fixed. Joe tells Rose that we will go up on the flights when they are busy.

  Sunday, Joe and I go to the lab to find out when our next flight will be. Simon has set up times for me to use the astronomy lab. I head back to the house, getting my books, I have some time this afternoon. Joe and I will be going up four times this week, Wednesday the PSV will have maintenance performed on them. I will do my courses online on those four days; I will go to the classes on Wednesday.

  The flight up to the asteroid is more comfortable for me; now, I need to get used to flying the PSV. Jason is letting me fly all the time; he gives me pointers on what to watch. Jenny comes along for the ride; she is now watching me, seeing how I am reacting to this new responsibility. The inside of the asteroid is getting close to being done. They are building a platform for the vehicles to move out to make it easier to take off. Two more PSV’s are almost ready to go. These will be going to the asteroid belt. These two days are great; I feel confident flying.

  Tuesday afternoon, after the flight, I meet the girls for training. I get home, finding the online course is another short one, with an assignment that is due after the break. I go into the university to the astronomy lab. It is nice to do work in here on my own. There is an assistant her to help me with any problems. My flights into space are helping me with my course; I use the information to help when I am flying. Wednesday morning, the three of us go into class together; it is another short class, we get an assignment, which is due after the break. We work on it in class, getting it done, handing it in to the assistant, letting her know that we usually take the course online. She marks down that information for us on her paperwork.

  My afternoon psychology class has an unexpected test. There is no work over the break. I run into Zoey; she asks where I have been. I cannot tell her the whole truth, so I tell her I have to do the course online, I need to be at home. Zoey asks what I am doing here now then. I tell her that I was able to come down to get lab time in the astronomy lab. I need it for my marks. I will be here until the end of March break. She asks me if I heard of the asteroid, I smile saying I was able to follow what was going on back home. Zoey tells me the media was going crazy, trying to find the four people responsible for saving the planet. I say four people; I did not hear that back home. I ask Zoey if they found them. Zoey says yes, the rumor is they are now out in California someplace. We say goodbye; I head to meet the girls for our training. After our training session, we go to the lab; I let Joe know what Zoey told me about the four people. Joe says that is one of the rumors. The media is still looking for them, watching Simon, seeing who he meets. That night I go to the astronomy lab again. I am getting caught up on what I need to do in the course in the lab.

  Thursday and Friday, the flights to the asteroid are now routine to me, Jason telling me next week I will fly alone, he will bring up a third PSV for materials. Saturday and Sunday, other pilots take their turn going back and forth. Joe is happy; he can now take off and land on earth, next he will be doing it on the asteroid. I did not tell him I will be flying solo yet, plus I made Jenny swear not to say anything. She says as long as she can ride with me every trip, she will not say a word. I think she is enjoying going into space more now.

  Friday afternoon, after getting back, I go to the university after our training with the girls to get our next set of textbooks for the next term. We run into Zoey; she asks what we are doing tonight, a party and dance are going on, starting at eight o’clock. I get the details, telling Zoey we have to find out what is going on first. She says she hopes to see us there. We get back to the house, finding out there are plans, but they do not sound that exciting to the three of us. I ask if we can go, my mother says yes, go, have some fun. You do not need to be around us all the time. I see the look on Rose's face; she remembers the last party we went to a while ago. She did not tell my mother about it, or my mother would not let me go to it. Ann also sees the look on her mother’s face; she goes over telling her we will be alright; we will not do anything silly.

  We get changed, heading out to the party, taking the bus to it. As we arrive at this party, it seems like the last we were at, only at a different spot. By the looks of things, people have been drinking since just before dinner. We go to the backyard, finding people skinny-dipping already. I suggest the girls have a light beer to drink instead of the liqueur. We stay inside the huge house, dancing and talking with different people. Some have been asking where we have been; I tell the story I told Zoey, then, I get the girls away to let them know what to say. Ann says she can see them believing about Mandy, but not her being up there with my family. I tell Ann to tell them that your mom is my mom’s sister, that should end any more questions. We go back out to dance, a few more people asking the same question.

  Not long afterward the questions stop being asked, Zoey comes up to me asking to dance. I get on the dance floor with her; she asks if Ann is my cousin and that Mandy is like a sister to me. I say yes quickly, not wanting to hesitate. A slow dance begins, Zoey throws her arms around me, keeping me up on the dance floor. After the song stops, Zoey kisses me, thanking me for the dance. I return to the girls, they looking at me because of the kiss. I tell them that I think Zoey likes me, especially since I am available. Ann asks me how I am available; I am here with them. I tell them what Zoey said about the two of them, the two girls look upset with what has happened now.

  We decide to head home; the party is getting crazy; more people are jumping into the pool. We catch the bus, then walk the rest of the way home in silence. When we get home, my mom asks why we are early. I tell her about the people getting crazy, jumping into the pool. My mom asks, with their clothes on, Mandy stops her by saying they are all naked. The two girls say goodnight to my mom and Rose, then head off to bed. Rose asks me what is wrong with the two of them. I tell them about all the questions, then the story I came up with to get them to stop asking. I tell them that Zoey thinks that Ann is my cousin, and Mandy is like a sister to me. I see my mom and Rose looking at each other. My mom tells me I should have come up with a better story than that. Rose and my mom say they had better see to the two girls. I go to my room to do some school work; I have time in the astronomy lab in the morning. I want to get as much work as I can do in it.

  In the morning after breakfast, I get my things to head to the university. I put in a lot of time in the lab, the assistant telling me I am ahead of the class at the point I am in my online classes. The assistant gives me the keys saying I do not need supervision on these machines, but I am not allowed to touch these others for now. I head out to get some more notebooks, running into Zoey. She asks how I am doing in my psychology course. I say okay, it is hard to do things on my own. Zoey offers to help; I can email her, or we can talk online if I want. I get her information, thanking her. Zoey asks what I am doing for the rest of the afternoon. I think about it; I have my school work done, I do not have my training with the girls until later in the afternoon. I say nothing, so Zoey asks if I want to go swimming. I tell her I do not have anything to wear; she laughs, saying she might have some shorts in her car. She looks in the trunk, finding a bag of clothes. She pulls out some shorts, putting them up against my waist. Zoey says these might fit, go try them on. I look around; we are in the parking lot. She says to change in the back seat of the car. I catch her watching me ask I pull the shorts up.

  We drive to a beach that does not have many people on
it. As we park, she begins to take her top off. I tell her to hold on as I get out of the car, she laughs again saying she is wearing her bikini. We go for a swim, and as we are about to come out, Zoey grabs her leg. I ask what is wrong; she says she has a cramp and can hardly move. I ask Zoey if she wants me to carry her in, she says if I do not mind. I pick her up, she put her arms around me, hugging me. I get her to the blanket, setting her down. She begins to rub her leg, then asks if I can rub it for her. After a couple of minutes, she tells me that it feels a lot better. She gets me to sit down beside her. Zoey then moves over, putting her arms around me, kissing me. Zoey thanks me for helping her. As we come apart, Zoey asks me what I am doing tonight; I tell her I do not know yet. She asks if I want to go to another party with her tonight. I ask if it is like the party we were at last night, adding I do not like those parties. Zoey then asks if I want to come to her house to do some school work and maybe watch a movie instead. I think about it; I could use the help in the class we both have. I say okay, Zoey smiling at my answer. As we get up to leave the beach, Zoey tells me I can wear the shorts home. She asks where I live, driving me there. As we pull in the driveway, I get her address, saying I will phone her to let her know that I would be able to go over to do the school work.

  I find out that nothing is going on tonight. I let my mom know that I am going to do some of my psychology class work at my friend’s house. I leave early, catching the bus to Zoey’s house. I get to the house early, her mother answering the door. I introduce myself, her mother telling Zoey to get dressed, her classmate is here early. I see Zoey running up the stairs in another bikini, her mother saying she is always running around the house in her underwear. I stop in my tracks, so I do not see any more of her. Her mother says I can come in now; she is in her bedroom. We sit down at the kitchen table; I open my books up to where I am having some problems. About an hour into our studying, Zoey’s mother comes in saying they are going out to a party. We are alone in the house; I look at Zoey, she says her mother trusts me, or they would not have gone out to the party.


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